So What Did Jennifer Muir and Harry Sidhu Talk About Over Breakfast?

I'll have one Grand Slam, please!

I had it on pretty good authority that OC Register reporter Jennifer Muir was spotted brekfasting with Harry Sidhu this morning at the Denny’s at State College and Katella.

What on earth could they have been talking about? Carpetbaggery? Perjury? Jobs, jobs, jobs? Clown make-up? C’mon Jen, spill it!

Well, whether she does or not I’ll probably have something for you. As soon as I heard the news I immediately dispatched the FFFF surveillance crew in the non-discript white van that has been spotted all over Anaheim, recently. The boys were still a little groggy from the denatured alcohol/grapefruit party last night, but I think they got there in time.

Harry promises jobs. Well, he's sure provided employment for the guys in the van.

We’ll be reporting back what we have learned.

12 Replies to “So What Did Jennifer Muir and Harry Sidhu Talk About Over Breakfast?”

  1. Denny’s? Put Harry on your list for being a cheapskate too. And one who patronizes establishments who hire illegals.

  2. I spotted Harry Sidhu at CSUF two weekends ago for the Donate Life 1K/5K run.

    He showed up for photographs only. The arrogant bastard planted himself smack dab in the center of a crowd of people for the photographers. He spoke to a couple folks afterwards, then poof, he was gone!

  3. Maybe they talked about how much Harry opposes people accused of crimes having legal representation.

  4. Defense attorneys provide valuable services to those facing criminal charges and carpetbagging’s not a crime.

  5. Rest assured, Muir will be concocting one of her inane stories that paints poor Harish as the one who has beeen maligned by FFF and Nelson.

    Wiskcol and Muir cannot be trusted. Given the opprtunity and a loaded gun they would shoot their own feet off.

  6. Ok..can someone clarify this for me please.. Tim Clark said that carpetbagging is not a crime..but is it not against election therefore it is not a crime?

    1. Technically carpetbagging is a crime in the state of California, but it is one that will never be prosecuted because the anti-carpetbagging law itself is unconstitutional.

      Crime or not, carpetbagging is still an assclownish thing to do.

  7. Hummm..thanks.. I am just wondering too..when Harry looses the race..will he be running again in his own district when that election time comes?
    I would say..there otta be a law but ..geesh..there is..

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