Ada Briceño, recently retired head of the Democrat Party in Orange County is going to run in 2026 to replace Sharon Quirk in the State Assembly. At least that’s the story she told Voice of OC publisher Norberto Santana. He mentioned it in a story about the new Chairpersons the OC Dems and Repuglicans.

Ada’s back ground is one to give pause. Her day job is activist and agitator for Unite Here 11, a hotel worker’s union. Her activities are mostly centered around the horrors perpetrated by the Anaheim Resort hotels. This requires a lot of theater, of course, like getting arrested protesting Disney – that sort of thing.

She was the mastermind of the recent and idiotic attempted recall of City Councilwoman Natalie Rubalcava in Anaheim last spring. Merit of the charges aside, it was bad politics and a huge waste of her member’s dues. Even if the recall had succeeded (it didn’t) the Council there would have replaced her with somebody just as bad for Briceño’s members. Hundreds of thousands of dollars flushed down the drain. I presume it was an ego thing, mostly.
Less than a year before, Briceño’s union sponsored Anaheim’s Measure A, a $25 per hour minimum for hotel and event employees. The measure went down in flames by a 2-1 margin in October 2023. More hundreds of thousands wasted on the campaign, and the taxpayers picked up the tab for the special election.
Here in Fullerton her folk turned up to protest the boutique hotel/monster apartment, not because it’s a terrible project whose front men are scam artists. No, it’s because the project doesn’t include enough subsidized units for her members to live in.

If you’ve been following FFFF recently you’ll also know that Briceño must have known about the scam candidacy of Tony Castro in 2022 that deprived 5th District voters of a home-grown Latino representative. What her role may have been in the 2024 creation of the Scott Markowitz campaign fraud and the perjury therein remains to be seen, but her henchman and former OCDem Executive Director, Ajay Mohan, was involved in both.

Whether Ada knew about Markowitz or not she was all in for the deplorable Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo, granting an early party endorsement without talking to the eventual winner, Democrat Jamie Valencia. There’s another black mark.
I can’t imagine what Briceño thinks her base would be. Quirk has been a fairly moderate Democrat, suitable for this district. She’s cozied up to the cops and established interests. That’s not Ada. And Briceño has zero name recognition in the district outside of central Anaheim where her reputation is not favorable. She’s made a lot of enemies in Anaheim. Enemies with a lot of money. She would have to rely on huge infusions of cash from the more “progressive” unions and from friends in Sacramento. Of course her tactic would be to frighten all other Dems away and waltz into office.
I don’t even know if she currently lives in the district.
Well, maybe this aside in a Voice of OC article is nothing more than a trial balloon. The 2026 primary is still a year away.