The wife and I were having a discussion over dinner about the pros and cons of Proposition 30, and its claim to save education from a devastating blow of the budgetary axe. Then I remembered this post I’d uploaded some time ago in 2011 about the NOCCCD’s “School of Continuing Education”, and decided to re-post it. So if you happen to be sitting on the fence with this one, well, I won’t tell you how to vote, but it might help to keep in mind how tax dollars have been spent in this particular scenario. Enjoy!
The North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) is the proud parent of Fullerton College and its younger sibling, Cypress College. But apparently the nest wasn’t quite complete, as NOCCCD decided years ago that it wanted yet another baby, and popped out the abundantly productive School of Continuing Education (SCE) on Wilshire Blvd., across the street from Fullerton College. Amazingly, SCE has no academic courses, but has new buildings, deans and even its own Senate like a regular university!

And what does this seemingly well-greased, finely-tuned bureaucracy manage to provide for the taxpayers? A substantially rich offering of classes, such as (read this carefully):
- How to Sell on eBay
- Digital Scrapbooking
- Blogging for Beginners
- Toddler Fitness
- Raising Caring Kids
- Bartending Workshops
- Latin Cardio Blast
- Journey Back into Time for Older Adults
- Needlecrafts, Knitting, Crochet for Older Adults
- History of Comedy and Humor for Older Adults
- Beginning Drama for Older Adults
- Draw and Paint Animals (ages 5+)
- Making Yummy Snacks (ages 6-10)
- Sing and Learn Chinese for Parent and Child (ages 0-6)
- Cheerleading (ages 4-7)
- Public Speaking for Children (ages 8-12)
- Career Exploration (ages 9-12)
- Please Pass the Manners (ages 5-7)
- Teen Etiquette (ages 13-17)
- Puppetry and Storytelling (ages 3-6)
- Readiness for Kindergarten (ages 4-5)
- How to Be a Best Friend (ages 5-8)

Okay, just in case this list hasn’t left you completely baffled, keep in mind that the SCE’s course offerings are funded by the North Orange County Community COLLEGE District! Do these classes have ANYTHING to do with college? Don’t offerings like these really belong in the domain of something like parks and recreation?

Despite the inappropriateness of these course offerings, the Chancellor of the NOCCCD, Dr. Ned Doffoney (one can only imagine what kind of salary the title of “Doctor” delivers) continues to cradle the SCE as a fresh newborn, giving it his support and blessing as only a chancellor can do.
Meanwhile, administrators at the colleges are suggesting the cancellation of 46% of the courses that were offered this year, a move that is likely to prevent significant numbers of students from graduating and moving on to university because they need classes in chemistry, calculus and business. Well, at least we can all take comfort in knowing that senior citizens will fully comprehend the History Of Comedy, or that toddlers will know how to make Yummy Snacks!