A few weeks back, the febrile publisher of the yellowing and brittle Fullerton Observer wrote a story about your “rights.” Those rights, specifically being not to have to look at campaign signs on public property. She even went so far as to explain how to get City employees to get rid of them, a backhanded way of saying, perhaps, that those employees didn’t already have enough to do.

Of course the target of Ms. Saskia Kennedy was Fred Jung and his protégé, 4th District candidate Jamie Valencia, who had the temerity to run against the Dem Central Anointed One, Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo. Jaramillo, of course, wasn’t mentioned.

One of our best Friends just sent in these photos of Jaramillo signs, nailed to Southern California Edison power poles – and act that ist sehr verboten. Everybody in the political campaign business – Team Jaramillo included – knows this.
Plus, that’s a real bad look for a former “Neighborhood Preservation Officer.”
Nailing your sign to a power pole is the biggest sign of desperation. And you’re right. A real bad look for a code enforcement snoop.
No, no. Fullerton Observer has sanctioned this sign. Kennedy Sisters say all is well!!
Mr. Jaramillo, take down that sign!
Sad to see that Kitty even has her sign at the Catholic Church on the corner of Valencia and Gilbert. I guess the separation of church and state is beneath her.
A lot is beneath her.
What do you mean?
She covers a lot of real estate.
Tools for sale! Priceless.
Competing preeminence with a yard sale sign.
These Shitty signs are all over up and down Orangethorpe, Valencia (by DMV), Commonwealth. The bottom one you have pictured is on Basque. I saw it yesterday. Hard to believe The Fullerton Observer failed to report on these.
The Kennedy sisters are continuing their newly discovered jihad against selected candidates whose signs (allegedly) are on public property and have cost the City 4 grand to take down.
Of course they don’t mention THEIR chosen candidates who are doing the same thing.
The funniest part is they trying to blame their political opponents of costing the City that money, when it was they, and the nasty Kitty Jaramillo who instigated the removals that would have occurred on November 6th and cost the City NOTHING.