Double Losers

Double your pleasure...

We thought you might get a kick out of the list of repuglican losers who decided that backing the despicable carpetbagging scampaign of Linda Ackerwoman in 2009 was just not enough; they decided to double down on the comical carpetbagging perjuror, Hide and Seek Sidhu in 2010. The common denominator? Hard to tell – personal ambition, fear, stupidity, and complete lack of ethical compass all seem to be motivators for these people:

Fullerton Councilman Dick Jones

County Supervisor Bill Campbell

County Supervisor Janet Nguyen

Assemblyman Jim Silva

Congressman Dana Rohrbacher

Anaheim mayor Curt Pringle

Placentia Councilman Jeremy Yamaguchi

Former County Supervisor Cynthia Coad

Brea Councilman Roy Moore

Yes, it’s a pretty exclusive crew, if a bit motley around the edges. It’s not easy to find a collection of folks whose ambition is only outweighed by stupidity or cupidity, so you’ve got to give them some credit of a sort.

There may also be other members of this club. If you can think of any be sure to let us know.

Jobs Jobs Jobs!

That was Hide and Seek Sidhu’s campaign mantra. And it seems as if his pals at the OCEA are serious about creating jobs, too. Here is an entry from craigslist a helpful Friend forwarded:

Communications Coordinator

Date: 2010-06-23,  9:07AM

The Orange County Employees Association was established in 1937 and represents many employees of the County of Orange and numerous cities and districts in Orange County.  We are looking for a person with creative and organized thinking, excellent multi-tasking skills, outgoing personality and a desire for a career in a people-oriented field.  This position requires an enthusiastic individual, self-motivated, who strives to get the job done right, exercises good judgment, pays attention to detail, and is always willing to learn something new.  We are located in Santa Ana and would prefer that the successful candidate live within 20 miles of our office.

Job Expectations:

Under limited supervision, provide a wide variety of moderately complex communication services, including but not limited to developing a quarterly magazine, updating website content, writing articles, and administering election campaigns. Required to have an in-depth knowledge of journalism principles and practices and English composition.

•    Must have some journalistic experience and be able to demonstrate the ability to write in a clear, concise, creative and expeditious manner.

•    In a very fast paced environment, have the ability to be well organized, creative, remember complex tasks and follow through daily, weekly, monthly, and annually.

•    Supervise and work closely with Communications Coordinator (Graphic Designer).

•    Serve as Senior Editor of the quarterly magazine; plan and produce each issue from beginning to end, including identifying articles, writing articles, and developing and working with others regarding ideas for magazine layout.  Work closely with printing company and post office.

•    Manage website content. Create content to be posted daily or weekly, ensure that the website is up-to-date. Recommend major changes to website design, direction and content to ensure it accurately represents and communicates information.

•    Must be able to work on multiple assignments simultaneously, use common sense and experience to prioritize work and budget time according to the importance of the project and the time available.  Assignments must often be completed under tight deadlines.

•    Develop and produce presentations, determine focus and format of presentations, research and develop editorial and graphic content, compile necessary materials.

•    Be highly skilled in the use of computers and the internet, with quick working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook.  Website experience highly desired.

•    Establish schedules, strategies and communications methods for providing effective communications and marketing programs that promote OCEA’s goals.

•    Consistently follow through assignments to completion, honor deadlines, be detail-oriented and punctual at all times.  When needed, work afterhours to get the job done without being asked.

•    Be willing to assist others, and commit to placing team and organizational goals ahead of personal ambition.

•    Must be dependable and at work each day.

•    Must have a positive attitude.

•    Work directly with staff, when needed, to proof or write necessary written materials.

•    Responsible for the gathering, preparation and control of records for the Communications Division.

•    Take photographs of a wide variety of onsite and offsite meetings, activities and events.

•    May serve as member of a team on communications-related projects.

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, please email your resume with a cover letter that includes salary history, and samples of your writing to  We offer competitive salary with excellent benefits.  No phone calls please.

Compensation: Competitive salary, paid medical, 12 holidays, sick time, comp time, 401k matching, pension
Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

Hmm. I got to thinking about this, and a natural candidate came to mind. Aw, come on. You were thinking the same thing, right? Go ahead, admit it:

I can do that...

Of course they will not be paying anybody 200 simoleons an hour, but hey, in this downturn a job’s a job, right?

The Voice of OCEA Provides Forum For – OCEA

Bloggers of the world arise...

If you needed any more evidence of the evident symbiosis between the The Voice of OC and it’s paymaster, Nick “Bullhorn” Berardino of the OCEA union you need look no farther this blog post by Norberto Santa. Please notice that 30 of the 31 comments are just pro-union/OCEA propaganda. 30 of 31.

Aw, c'mon Norberto, nobody's buying that...

Could Berardino be instructing his troops to frequent the union-sponsored blog just to keep the traffic up? Why not? It’s all one big, happy family, and The Voice never claimed to be objective – just non-profit.

Will Sidhu Drop Out Of The Race For The 4th?

Those peacocks are not going to feed themselves...

Contrary what Harry Sidhu told Register heart throb Jennifer Muir the other day, speculation is mounting that Hide and Seek Harry Sidhu is not going to spend another dime on the 4th District Supervisor’s race, and neither are the unions – at least not on Sidhu. So where does all this leave us? What happens if ol’ #2 re-registers at his true home, the Elegant Yorba Estate, thus disqualifying himself for the November election? Will the race for third place suddenly become meaningful despite our attempts to make fun of it? Will the third place finisher Lorri Galloway be thrown back in the November election? She seems to have finished up about 50 votes ahead of Buena Park’s Art Brown.

Maybe Galloway better hold off on her own re-registration back at her real home.

OMG, you mean I gotta fake it for another five months?

So will Hairball Sidhu back out thus keeping Lorri’s fortune cookie dream alive and causing the unions to rethink their fall plans ? Fun stuff! Stay tuned!

The Voice of OCEA Welcomes Federal Political Crimes Unit

Knows which side his bread is buttered on...

In a post today (or was it yesterday? Aw, who the hell cares?) the Voice of the County Public Employee Union passed along a story they got from the LA Times (no link thanks, you punks).

Of course they are doing it for the wrong reason. Their story is all about how their paymaster Nick Berardino was made to look like a chimpanzee for publicly attacking Webster Guillory and getting dressed down by the County CEO. The implication is clear enough: Rackaukas won’t investigate criminal wrongdoing by politicians. True enough. But why haven’t we heard a single word from the Voice of OCEA about Democrat Tom Daly hiring friends and the relatives of campaign contributors; about County staff withholding critical information from the BOS regarding the purchase of a derelict building on Civic Center Drive; about the Children and Families Commission hiring political hacks for bloated PR and lobbying contracts; about a political operative getting $48,000 to “study” a sports hall of fame; about a candidate for supervisor who committed voter fraud by perjuring himself twice on official documents?

Well, you get the point.

Bill Campbell Weeps For Human Relations

Self-styled conservative 3rd District Supervisor Bill Campbell, who supported Harry Sidhu and who sits atop the Children and Families Commission – where he directs public largess to his pals and cronies, supports the OC Human Relations Commission.

Does he ever.

Here’s a clip of Big Bill actually choking up over the possibility that the Board of Supervisors might actually do the right thing and pull the taxpayer plug on this nonsense.

Notice that his focus is not on “measuring” anything, but is anecdotal and really is just about “showing” that the County has concerns for everyone. Typical.

Oh, and way to be in touch with your feelings, big guy.

Matthew Cunningham, Big Government Leech, Lauds “Rising Star” of GOP

I am not an annelid.

I couldn’t help but notice that Red County’s resident hypocrite, Matthew J. Cunningham, who makes his living off of Rob Reiner’s massive income redistribution scheme called Prop 10 did a post today on Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio who delivered the big speech at last night’s GOP Flag Day party.

Sweet Lord. Did Rubio praise Republicans who make their living sucking at the teat of the Welfare State? Maybe he did. I wasn’t there.

Here’s a Cunningham tribute:

“I think Marco Rubio is a true heir to Reagan conservatism: a rock-ribbed dedication to a smaller, restrained federal government,”

Well that’s great for Rubio, but where does Mr. C. from Suite C. fit into this vision of a smaller, restained government?

It’s amazing that this creep who makes his living from a huge, liberal tax and income redistribution project that defines “whole village child rearing” would have the gall to even go to the diner, let alone opine about it.  I heard his candidate Harry Sidhu was there, too, so maybe they let anyone in.

What a complete and utter disgrace.

Lorri Galloway in 4th in the 4th

Thanks for the phony address.

A way back, when her carpetbagging candidacy actually seemed plausible in some circles, Anaheim Hills’ Precious Princess unleashed a video campaign that portended  all sorts of unintended hilarity.

It was called “Lorri in 4th Gear” and was supposed to feature the Precious One in meaningful dialog with her would-be constituents. The first video was so comical and so amateurish that there were no more.

Now, Galloway’s efforts have given new meaning to the phrase “Lorri in 4th Gear” as she has now slipped under the vote count tallied by Buena Park’s Art Brown – who barely campaigned at all and is now in third place. Here are the latest numbers posted by the ROV:

SHAWN NELSON 15,269 30.4%
HARRY SIDHU 9,201 18.3%
ART BROWN 8,125 16.2%
LORRI GALLOWAY 8,101 16.1%
RICHARD FAHER 3,240 6.5%

As you can see, things aren’t looking too good for Lorri’s Legacy. Of course her dollar to vote count isn’t nearly as embarrassing as Hide and Seek Harry Sidhu and his union pals, so there’s always that perspective to fall back on.

Just Like We Thought

Uh, Harry, I've got some bad news...

Now that the rodents are leaping off the sinking SS Sidhu, word is starting to leak out from former crew members that the non-paid “volunteer” John Lewis, was neck deep in the Sidhu scampaign for county supervisor in a district in which he doesn’t live.

In fact, that way we hear it, The Lewis Group, which consists of John Lewis and his partner Matt Holder, basically took over the campaign. Of course they won’t be bragging about it after what happened.

This news explains a lot. Such as why Matthew Cunningham was doing his level best to promote the hapless and helpless Sidhu while pretending to be objective – as usual.

No, I tell you. I have never even met the man.

But this situation also raises other questions. Such as: will Sidhu be reporting the Lewis Group’s unpaid professional services on his behalf as an in-kind campaign contribution? Hmm.

We’ll be checking up on that.