They’re Baaaack!

Yup. Those bad boys in the white van were spotted in the Linbrook Bowl Lanes parking lot yesterday. The mescaline and the revolving bowling pin may have provoked some transcendental moments, but apparently the fellas got down to work because they forwarded an audio file. There is a lot of interference on it that sounds like the crashing of bowling pins, so we have had to deploy our expert audio forensic team create a transcript. And here it is:
(sound of phone ringing)
Scott Taylor: Hello?
Harry Sidhu: Uh, Scott. This is Harry.
ST: Where the hell are you?
HS: Well, I am here at the Calabria. I think I was being followed so I came over here. Just to be safe, you know.
ST: Followed? Aw, Hell. Tim Clark is with me. I’ll put you on speaker.
HS: Oh! Hello Tim! How are things going in my campaign.
Tim Clark: Well, we’re trying. I’ll be honest Harry. There’s still a lot of stink on you from that ass-kicking Mimi laid down on you in 08. Geez she won every precinct in Anaheim. Then running so soon after your re-election to the Council – our polls say that people think you’re just desperate for a higher political job.
HS: Yes, jobs.
TC: Huh?
HS: I am a job creator.
TC: Ah, gee Harry. People in our poll weren’t impressed by minimum wage job creation. They didn’t seem impressed no matter how hard we pushed.
HS: Jobs.
ST: Um, focus, Harry.
HS: Jobs. Enterprise zone. Small business.
ST: Yeah. Okay. Okay. This carpetbagging thing is tough. Carol Rudat took it on the chops over this and it just killed Linda Ackerman and they’re gonna keep hammering that one. No way around it. For chrissakes just don’t get caught going home at night, Harry. Jesus, we’ll end up with Dave Lopez at the gate!
HS: Well, you know, those peacocks don’t feed themselves. Somebody has to do it.
TC: Okay focus, guys.
ST: What are we gonna pitch? Harry do you know anything about the County government?
HS: Jobs? I went to Norby’s office all the time. I will tell them I am just like Norby, only richer.
ST: Um, better not do that. We need something, you know, specific. Anything, really.
(prolonged silence)
Well, don’t worry, I guess we can cook up something.
HS: Well my friends that is why I have hired you. Oh! Now look at that would you. What a filthy disgrace! A dirty white van behind the wall spewing fumes.
Ah! And look at the time! I must be going, um, well, you know – home.
(at this point the telecommunication was terminated)

If you can’t FAIL upwards, what’s the alternative?
I have a feeling that the white van is going to be rolling around pretty often this year.
God forbid someone who has ever created a job tries to run. I mean seriously. The notion that minimum wage jobs don’t matter is so elitist and condescending. During the debate the other night, Nelson called bus riders “economically challenged.” I don’t care who moves into my district. Just stop talking down to us because some of us have to ride the bus and work for minimum wage. At least Sidhu shows some respect to those who aren’t as fortunate as he.
Yeah Harry shows us so much respect by insulting our intelligence by trying to get us to believe he’s living in a run-down apartment block behind the bowling alley.
Condescending? Much?
I think this is just pretty low…
Yes! very low. First Harry carpetbags. Then he lies about where he lives. Then his flunkies come to this blog to spam nonsense about all the burger flippers he’s employed (who would be flipping burgers somewhere else but for Harry).
Low, low, low.
The people who posted this are pathetic beyond words. Harry came from a very humble background and worked for everything he had without anyone’s help. Now he’s trying to give something back to his community and this is how you repay him? The ineptitude is just shocking. Has anyone ever thought that Harry emphasises jobs because… that’s what’s gonna get us out of the economic crisis? Why are so many people suffering in California and the whole US at the moment. Hmm… let me think… they lost their job for goodness sake! Harry is the only candidate that will do what is best for Orange County and get us out of this black hole we’re in. And this carpetbagging thing just has to stop. Harry’s represented nearly 40% of the 4th district for 5 years. That’s more than all the other candidates who aren’t being accused of this. He’s a prominent businessmen who made a tough buck the hard way. I absolutely agree with Mad Max in saying Shawn Nelson’s arrogance in calling bus-riders ‘economically challenged’ was very ignorant. People accusing Harry should really take a look at how the election works, and the fact that he’s represented more of the 4th district than any other candidate. I just encourage the use of logic and rational thinking here. Once you start doing that, then come back and let’s see what you have to say.
What’s pathetic beyond words is an overly ambitious politican who’s setting out on his third election in two years. A man who is starting it out with a damned lie.
Harry’s a carpetbagger. No gettting around it. He’s also lying about living in an apartment next to a poll hall. THAT’S PATHETIC!
“People accusing Harry should really take a look at how the election works, and the fact that he’s represented more of the 4th district than any other candidate. I just encourage the use of logic and rational thinking here. Once you start doing that, then come back and let’s see what you have to say.”
Okay I did. Harry may represent 40% of the district but he doesn’t live in the district. Too bad. The line had to be drawn soemwhere and good old harry’s on the wrong side of it. That makes him a carpetbagger – if he actually lives in that apartment building. If he doesn’t actually live there then he’s lying to all 100% of the district.
So tell us. Is Harry really living at that apartment?
I think this is hilarious. I have read this blog for a while and I’m telling you there is no chance some of these comments are coming from regular citizens. The comments from these people defending a guy who is openly lying about living in a district (and probably about to break some election law) could only come from his campaign staff. Is there some way to trace IP addresses or something like that? I’m calling Bullsh*t on these people.
Keep up the good work and don’t loose your sense of humor.
Note to white van drivers: Lorri Galloway’s new home incorporates ample parking, open to the public …
My only question is if you feel so strongly about supporting Harry, why don’t you just support him for supervisor in the third district where he lives?
First, I agree, it appears Geere #9 is on to you.
The district lines are what they are. You can say the other guys/gals in the race are bums etc. but what does that have to do with not living in the district. The election rules dont have an exception for the guy that doesnt live in the district but represents a large part of it in another office.
If Harry wanted to move a year ago as the state constitution requires, he could have an you dont dispute that. Harry didnt move because he doesn’t want to live in the 4th district. Harry is proud of where he lives which is why he invited us all to his HOME in the third district last month for his holiday party.
You dont need to keep reminding us of Harry’s redeeming qualities because that is not relevant to where he lives. You think the rules should be changed but until they are Harry has a problem not us.
ok I just have an honest question then…if someone, who is qualified to run for office lives somewhere where an established politician in his/her party would prevent his/her advancement, does that mean that the individual should never be able to run? Both political parties are machines that decide which of their cronies gets the money and support anyway. In that instance what should a decent person do? Walk away and find another field? It just seems a little unfair. I am sure we all agree that an example of Hillary Clinton’s husband getting a loft in NY so that she could run is incredibly wrong. But within the same county, or even the same city, what would that person being Supervisor do to anger you?
ps: I can only speak for myself here, but I’m not campaign worker. I am a college kid who is enrolled in a California politics class. I got extra credit for going to the debates and more extra credit if I participate in discussions about it.
Nice try harry the sock puppet. First, the world isnt fair. Second, if by “find another field” you mean to imply that running for office is a “field” asiin career you are a bigger idiot than I suspect.
Harry chooses to live where he wants and what office is open or not is his problem. In this particular instance however, as bizarre as Harry acts, all of this stems from his impatience with even waiting for Bill Campbell to finish his term. Harry can in fact run in the district he lives in for Supervisor of the 3rrd district. What the hell are you talking about?
Harry does not face an established politician that prevents his advancement (although I plan to if he’s on my ballot) rather, his ego prevents him from taking a deep breath and getting straight with the people.
They should move to another district. Not a pretend move, a real move.
Harry told me once that he doesn’t even run the fast food places. He told me that he owns the real estate and that others run the food places and employ the people. True or not?