The LA Times Only Cares About Women When it Helps Their Team

The hacks over at the Los Angeles Times are super concerned that Adan Ortega was removed from his non-paying gig as Fullerton’s representative to the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) because he’s a champion of the working classes or some shit. I don’t know, I lost interest in their most recent #MeToo story when I remembered that Fullerton City Council member Ahmad Zahra has been charged with battery against a woman of color and the LA Times has said precisely ZERO about the story.
Their interest in such topics tend to have a very partisan flavor and it’s both predictable and boring.
Because of course they did, the LAT omitted that Ortega is a racist because he’s the fashionable type of racist that the LAT employs and endorses. They also omitted that he’s a grifter who quite literally is a lobbyist in the municipal water industry and therefore is logically conflicted out of putting the residents of Fullerton first in his now former position on the MWD.
Gee, it’s almost like there were good reasons to replace Mr. Ortega outside of the claims being made by the local union hacks. I could point to his $5000/mo consulting gig over in 29 Palms (Page 70) or perhaps that MWD was even a client of his but that would be journalism.

Sadly the press was too busy reprinting the talking points of Ortega’s allies to get into the details of a basic google search.
Because of their tedious brand of hackery, the press, largely, should not be taken seriously or at face value until they either admit their biases or start acting like honest reporters. A good place to start would be to report about the news as it relates to ALL elected officials as opposed to just those accused of wrongthink.
By way of example they could avoid talking, relentlessly, about Tito Ortiz not wearing a mask because of the dangers of Covid-19 while simultaneously ignoring that Ahmad Zahra violated social distancing guidelines in order to, allegedly, batter a women of color. Unless of course he allegedly battered her from 6 feet away.

But of course this won’t happen because journalism is thinly veiled activism and almost nobody wants to agitate against their own allies. They don’t want to lose out on an invite to the socially distanced soirees.
This isn’t an issue isolated to the wasteland of Los Angeles either.
ALL of the other major outlets, both in print and on Tv, who couldn’t get enough of Tito are guilty of the same partisan hackery. The OC Register, to their credit, ran a puff piece talking about how stunning and brave and bravely stunning Zahra is in reference to his being charged with battery but the rest of the gang have been nowhere to be seen. I expected better from the Voice of OC but alas they too have fallen victim to this consensus of reporting conformity.
While City Hall continues to attack us in the courts and pretend we’re not journalists, I’d like you to remember that we’re the ONLY local source willing to upset the status quo to tell you the truth whether you want to hear it or not.
LA Times is almost bankrupt. They deserve every bit of their disintegration.
Anyone know the status of the recall of Zahra ?
Weighing the options.
Ahmad option #1 resign
Ahmad option #B get out of dodge
Ahmad option final answer go to jail with the other woman haters
Ahmad needs the job and the benefits. He’ll have to go kicking and screaming.
How many perpetually unemployed (unemployable?) council members does Fullerton have?
All of them
Ahmad is obviously self serving.
Self serving? Is self serving the new synonym for piece of crap criminal? Why are people afraid to get to the point? Say what he is! He is a loser criminal! Quit giving people we should be holding accountable public spoonfuls of sugar.
Final summation city council consnsus on the marijuana issue..Zhara and Silva & previous council wasted city council time and priorities pursuing the marijuana issue without presenting a workable plan that people could stomach. Its time to move on finally to city priorities that matter to the people.Though they advocated two dispensaries per district the both stated the only wanted to shut down illegal shops.
And they are both liars. The two of them are tied to the dope store lobbyists.
And don’t forget the incompetent Flory who backed this last second ineptitude to shove through a plan cooked up by…a dope lobbyist!!