Sukhee Scuttles Southward. Say, Joe, Weren’t You Paying Attention?

In 2015, the former Mayor of Irvine moved into a gated Fullerton neighborhood to run for the State Senate. His name is Sukhee Kang and his embarrassing and embarrassingly expensive campaign ended in a primary election disaster when he came in last, behind Fullerton’s Josh Newman.
Poor Sukhee had nothing to offer except a disastrous record in Irvine, a phony ballot designation as an educator, a vanity press “autobiography” written by somebody else, the dubious title of carpetbagger, and of course a long list of Democrat party big shots from up and down California who were unconcerned over the ethical problems of an incompetent politician moving into a district to hijack it for his own political aggrandizement.
One of Sukhee’s imbecile Democrat apologists actually tried to make it seem like a perfectly reasonable move – he and Mrs. Sukhee were just a couple of lonely, restless empty-nesters on the move. In reality the ploy was a race-based scam that necessitated hiding Sukhee’s political origins and record.
And now this poor fool is gone – back to Irvine according to Thy Vo of Voice of OC, thus abandoning his wafer-thin commitment to north Orange County. FFFF checked. Sure enough, Sukhee sold his golf course house on November 16, 2016 – eight days after the general Election created a new, Democrat State Senate incumbent. And after his realtor’s commission got paid, Sukhee took another loss.

And here’s the fun, ironic bit. The campaign guy who took over the Josh Newman senate campaign after Sukhee hit the showers, a person named Derek Humphrey, is also working for our latest carpetbagging opportunist – millionaire union executive Joe Kerr, who, in reality lives in ritzy Coto de Caza and wants to be a county supervisor for us. Once again the Democrat establishment seems intent on coalescing around a man who is blithely unconcerned about the ethical problem of carpetbaggery – at least so long as victory seems even remotely plausible.

You would think Mr. Humphrey would be acutely aware of the pitfalls of north county carpetbagging, but, hey, a job’s a job, right?
For our local historians, and Humpy, too, here is a list of well-off carpetbaggers who have recently failed when folks in north Orange County were made aware that a carpetbagger was on the loose:
2009 – Linda Ackerman
2010 – Harry Sidhu
2010 – Lorri Galloway
2016 – Sukhee Kang
I’d vote for that cat before I voted for a carpetbagging union goon from Coto. Seriously, I would.
These bottom-dwelling campaign consultants will attach themselves to anyone who can raise money, even if the entire campaign is a carpetbagging scam. It’s gross.
Consultants have nothing better to do: like get a real job like many other working stiffs!
Consulting is gravy!
We really don’t want Suhkee back in Irvine.
People underestimate the brilliance and wonderfulness of Sukhee Kang. back in irvine he will once again shine. Now that his children are even more grown up there was nor reasonto stay in Fullerton especially when there is so much to do right here in Northwood.
I couldn’t agree more about the race-based nature of the Kang campaign. It was a cynical attempt to exploit an Asian vote, a strategy that failed the republicans, too.
The fact that the Dems are now trotting out a South County carpetbagger means they are really slow to learn.
Or sure to win
Wanna put some of your own money on JoKer?
Kerr has FFFF wetting their pants.