Who’s Pulled Papers

As of July 20, 2012, A.M.

Barry Levinson
Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo
Matthew Hakim
Bruce Whitaker
Jane Rands
Don Bankhead
Travis Kiger
Jennifer Fitzgerald

Kiger and incumbents Whitaker are. Levinson, Jaramillo, Hakim, Rands, have all run before without success.

64 Replies to “Who’s Pulled Papers”

  1. Fitzgerald and Bankhead. Two candidates for the reactionary Ackerman crowd. The boohoos will need to trot out a couple of tired old retreads, too.

    The reformers Whitaker and Kiger are shoo-ins. So who replaces Quirky?

  2. If Fitzgerald publicly acknowledges that this city is better off now than it was on June 4th by every conceivable measure…police accountability, spending, budgeting, union negotiations, prospects with pension reform, getting Fullerton government out of our lives, pro-business policy, ending municipal corporate welfare, etc…, she could coalesce many different groups and potentially take a seat. If she does not, she will not. She opposed the recall and she has consistently supported all of the old-line, pretend Republicans. A mea culpa is required to have any chance of selling legitimate, reform claims.

      1. There’s a difference between stating new views as though the old ones never existed and admitting you were absolutely wrong. There are a number of old-liner’s who are already seeing the lies that they bought about what a council with Whitaker, Kiger and Sebourn would look like. They are also already seeing the positive difference between what previously was and what is to come.

        1. Medicare would only pay for a shitty wheel chair. I was a little harsh. I do wish you guys success. A lot of moves have been made in the right direction. Let’s keep it going. This whole thing has been nothing but positive for the city.

  3. I have no idea who Jaramillo is. She might be the best thing since sliced bread.

    But I would refuse to vote for any grown adult who calls herself “Kitty”.

    That might sound shallow on my part. But I don’t give a damn. And I make no apology for it.

    1. She has been Kitty since she was a kid. But if that is the reason you wouldnt vote for her, you are pretty shallow. Why would you vote for someone named Bruce?

      1. If he called himself “Brucey” I wouldn’t vote for him. But Bruce is a good name.

        At some point in life people are supposed to grow up.

        I vote for adults. Not for grownups who still use childhood nicknames.

        Drop the “Kitty” and I’ll reconsider.

      1. Who’s Ron?

        I never served on any homeless board.

        I must have really left a mark on you on that previous blog, eh?

        Get over it.

    2. Or you could refuse to vote for her because she is a “retired” former City employee drawing an obscenely high pension.

      1. The Mayoral position is voted by the council members not an elected position. That could change if the city becomes a charter.

        1. I never said otherwise. But if Ron Thomas can plan to run for Mayor before Fullerton becomes a charter city with a directly elected Mayor, why can’t Matt Rowe decide to run against him?

          Admittedly, it was a pretty subtle joke.

    1. That’s right, mi amigo. And then three months later, he tried to intimidate me again when I was taking pictures of him outside the P.O. after he handed out an anti recall yard sign to someone. I’ll be sure to be as vocal as I was during the recall to help in his defeat.

        1. Not true. FFFF is a blog and is therefore only typewritten words that must be read to be heard by one’s own conscience.

          And if you are talking about individuals collecting signatures for the recall, would you actually sign a petition if someone were yelling at you and scaring you into signing?

          Didn’t think so.

  4. The more people the higher the chance the old farts get back into office. At least 10k more voters this time. They probably just want Tony to put another $300,000 of his own money up to make sure they don’t get elected. Yep that’s it.

  5. Bankhead gave a boldfaced lie to Fullerton Stories about pulling papers. I guess he didn’t know that the city has a website that says what he did.

    What a scumbag.

    1. He didn’t know that the city he was employed by for centuries doesn’t have a website? Neither did Fullerton Stories, evidently.
      I’m calling incontinent.

  6. I presume that Whitaker will finish first. How Kiger does depends largely on what the Council does over the next few months. The people telling him to push his agenda hard may not be helping him much. Bankhead could absolutely win, which would be a shame.

    Tony’s smart play here would be to get Levinson to stand down and support Jane, who (if no Dem besides Jaramillo runs) may get Democratic as well as Bushala Party votes. Good luck getting Barry to play along, though.

    1. And why do you say a Bankhead victory would be a shame? He’s supported every misguided liberal idea for the past 25 years. All the crap you believe in. And that makes you:

      1) ignorant
      2) a hypocrite
      3) both

      Rands seems to believe that Dan Hughes is a reformer.

      1. why would Barry step down for an ultra lib like rands? It just doesn’t make sense. Kieger was the number one vote getter in the recall he will easily win.

  7. Tony, you have a grammatical error. I think that you must have meant to write “Kiger and incumbents Whitaker are. Levinson, Jaramillo, all run before without success Hakim, Rands have.”

    (Feel welcome to delete this once you fix your first sentence.)

      1. He wrote “Kiger and incumbents Whitaker are.” Yes, I understood it too, but I still thought he might want to fix it.

        My sentence was gently poking fun at his. You didn’t get that?

    1. GD-Though I’m sure everyone is grateful that you are willing to share your golden goodness, I understood exactly what admin wrote, yours-not so much.

      Honestly, what makes you want to continually ride the douchbag train?

  8. Re:

    Kiger and incumbents Whitaker are. Levinson, Jaramillo, Hakim, Rands, have all run before without success.

    Probably should say something along the line of “Kiger and Whitaker are incumbents. Levinson, Jaramillo, Hakim and Rands have all run before without success.”

  9. And, regarding the election possibilities – the True Seven Deadly Sins –

    False Morality
    Abuse of Power
    Cultivated Ignorance

    Sounds like the three who were recalled…

  10. Are three, or two seats up for grabs this time around? Seems Whitaker and Kiger need to run again as incumbants and Quirk-Silva is out. That seems to make three seats, which means the seats will go by plurality to the three highest vote getters.

    Am I missing anything, anyone?

  11. Cicinelli has been fired? Well he still has his $47,800 per year tax free disability pension which he should have given back during the entire time he worked in Fullerton. Since he has not given back this almost 3/4 million dollars I feel no further sympathy for him or his abused wife. (yeah I know, just a rumor). When the Man from Taser International shows the jury how to really use a taser, Cicinelli will fry! And I who once felt sorry for him for being put on unpaid leave, no longer feel any sympathy for him. Neither would any sane juror.

  12. OOOOPS Bad news folks in Fullerton PD. Better hope the recession is over soon. San Bernadino is being allowed to use a fast track system that bypasses recent legal changes in reducing the pension system for EXISTING employees. By using the bypass, basically the pensions will all have to be renegotiated. So Barry Coffman, get your troops ready, they will be very unhappy with their expected deals unless they kiss Ron THomas butt to get him to ask for less money from Fullerton. A good city council will take that settlement right out of the FPD budget creating no extra cost to Fullerton taxpayers.

  13. (1) EXECUTE, lying, falsifying, fabricating, overtime-abusing , drugged up_ dirty cop terrorists _with “police powers.”

    1. And furthermore, you make Libertarians look bad because you are so friggin stupid.

      We have something in this country called a judicial system. You have the right to an opinion, but you are not the judge and jury. (Thank God) Respect our judicial system or get the f*ck out of this country.

      1. The judicial system in this county is CORRUPT! I do have a right to my opinion. Respect that, or “get the f*ck out of this country”.

        1. I would implore the blog admins to remove any threats against law enforcement officials. Last I heard, that was illegal.

            1. first amendment. “The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.”

          1. I agree baby cakes. We don’t want Rich found by the tracks next. Keep it cordial and peaceful.

  14. Could we please agree that we are NOT voting for any former city employees no matter their party stripes? Kitty Jaramillo is dumber than Bankhead (yes it is possible), hostile like Jones and bigger than Whitaker. Interesting stats but a bad combo for public office.

    Seriously, Kitty’s qualifications for office? She worked as a line employee for a municipality. No budgeting skills, no business skills, no technical training. Just what we need in trying times.

  15. Seriously, Kitty’s qualifications for office? She worked as a line employee for a municipality. No budgeting skills, no business skills, no technical training. Just what we need in trying times.

    And what are the skills of Travis Kiger, oh he runs Tony’s Blog.

  16. Seriously, Kitty’s qualifications for office? She worked as a line employee for a municipality. No budgeting skills, no business skills, no technical training. Just what we need in trying times.

    What are Travis Kigers’ qualifications? He is paid to run Tony’s Blog and he’s a college drop out. Yep he’s the most qualified.

  17. To Chris T. point that Fitzgerald needs to acknowledge that she was wrong about Bankhead, McKinley, Jones, etc.

    If she were to do that she would be lying to the Fullerton electorate.

    Let us see if she has the nerve to do just that.

  18. Can’t wait to see Matthew Hakim run another great campaign with no signs and few statements, then be upset when he loses because “everyone was against him”.

    He’s got my vote

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