FPOA Creep Jason Schone Owns a Major Bong!!!!

Here is a sanctimonious asshole named Jason Schone who thinks it’s bad for sick folks to get medical marijuana. But he owns a giant bong! Believe it or not this pustule is a sergeant in the Fullerton police department – which just goes to show you how low they have sunk.

He thinks it’s okay for his Hero brethren to beat a mentally ill homeless man to death. He thinks it’s okay when his brethren sexually molest detainees in FPD squad cars. He thinks it’s okay when his Hero brethren beat up and arrest and prosecute innocent citizens; he thinks it’s okay when his FPOA brethren destroy evidence; he thinks it’s okay when his Hero sistren steal from the evidence locker and TSA checkpoints.

Watch this:

What a guy. And now you know the moral caliber of the people employed under Acting Chief Danny Hughes “new and improved” FPD. It’s low. Really low.

Seen enough? I have.

155 Replies to “FPOA Creep Jason Schone Owns a Major Bong!!!!”

  1. What a moron…Of course you losers have been under the microscope. You KILLED KELLY THOMAS!!!

    Oh and nice GLASS you dick!

    1. Right. Murder a man and get scrutinized. What an injustice! And now Shawn’s laced panties are in a twist.

    2. On trash day listen as all the green bins get picked up. There are a lot of people with substance abuse problems in our town. Alcohol is numero uno folks. The social costs of liquor are probably impossible to quantify.
      What was that officer doing parading paraphernalia in front of all those kids and their parents last night? That was really poor judgement on his part. He could have saved that for the next meeting when the captive audience of impressionable minds will not be in attendance. Fullerton has a long long way to go and Mr. Schoen has a lot of growing up to do.

      1. Irony is sometimes a difficult word to define. Irony, basically, signals a difference between the appearance of things and reality.

        One might think this FPD officer is against sham government officials actions taken to unfairly benefit some entity associated in some why with such government officials.


        (Rolling on the floor laughing out loud with milk running out my nose)

        Example of Irony:

        An public union worker receiving absence levels of pay and pension through sham negotiations between his union leaders and a corrupt government complaining that government officials might benefit people associated in some way with such government officials.

        LOL. What a bunch of losers the FPD are (hypocrites also).

        No greedy PIG at the FPD has a right to complain about people profiting from the actions of government officials.

      2. That bong was the talk of at least a hundred children that were waiting on the front lawn outside the council chambers for their voices to be heard on the soccer field issue.

        1. If I were a parent of one of those kids I would be furious. That was unbelievable. I can’t believe that FPD has sunk that low. And the “Acting Chief” just sat there and watched? Danny Hughes you’re a gutless pig.

    1. He does not speak for all residents of Fullerton. What a FUCK NUT. This is a perfect example, of why I would never call the FPD for help….

    2. Why? Why don’t you anser the question of how an honorable police force could employ and protect an Albert Rincon?

  2. Had to love the kids look when he pulled out the BONG. Nice move asshole.

    Another view showed SQS’s excitement when she saw those little hungry brown faces, and thought: HMM, we give them breakfast, lunch but they still look hungry, HEY WHAT ABOUT A FREE DINNER PROGRAM at the schools!

  3. Some people are so stupid. MJ has made a difference for my mate. Watching a love one in pain, is hard to watch. Doctors gave my mate Oxi, for the pain, side effects have changed my mate forever. But give my mate a brownie, capsule, or lolly, with a small amount of MJ in it, I get a chance to see the love of life come back (36yrs).
    So to all you people that judge, have never walked in my shoes.
    So the lesson is…..DO NOT JUDGE, UNTIL YOU WALK IN MY SHOES…..

  4. Where does he say it’s okay to do any of the things you wrote in this video clip? Sounds like he is against marijuana and fireworks in Fullerton. Thats what I heard. Are you making things up on this blog? Why don’t the council members answer the questions? Just my opinion.

    1. Why doesn’t the FPD have any ethics? I guess when the FPD comes forward and answers the questions, so will the council. NO, ON DANNY FOR CHEIF….Just my opinion…

  5. ftp. what about freedom?
    And if they found that it was unconstitutional to prohibit people from getting loaded on booze, then why is it ok
    to ban people from getting stoned on weed, mescaline or whatever you want. fuck the police, and the prissy people who want their reality to be packaged a certin way. The indians new somthing and the whites had to kill their ways, in order to be the ashhole masters they are today. Jusst like jason s.

    1. Actually,chicken it does make sense. I learned in a cultural anthropology class that booze is legal in US because booze is acceptable in euro-centric societies because in old timey Europe that still dominates American culture, marijuana, mescaline and peyote were not available to Europeans as these mind altering substances were exclusive to the new world. New world drugs smacked of savagery to euro-centric sensibilities, booze and its accompanying side effects of barf, headache and gross distortion of the senses was and still is seen as socially acceptable repast. However, China’s opium trade with Europe did
      inspire some great albeit bizarre British lit like Dracula and the poem kublai khan by Tennyson or Coleridge or I could be totally wrong on the title or author of this opiate ode.

      1. Marijuana hysteria was generated by Harry Anslinger for political purposes and is anti-Mexican in origin, just as anti-opium laws in the US are anti-Chinese in origin and anti-cocaine laws are anti-African American in origin. This has been documented in numerous books and articles that Shloan and his compatriots would be too semi-literate to understand if they bothered to read them.

        Fear of hallucinogens reflects the Catholic “anti-pagan” fears of the Spanish Conquest and the genocide against the native peoples of the Americas.

        Mexico’s long history of smuggling contraband into the US starts in prohibition when they smuggled booze in. After prohibition ended these routes converted to drug routes.

        A long, sordid, ineffectual history.

        1. It also seems humanity has a long sordid history of escaping from ugly reality only to find their hoped for “opium pipe dreams” is nothing more than a nightmare. Tossing aside the debate whether marijuana or booze should be legal, distilled spirituality should not suppress the indomitable human spirit that overcomes the evil stupidity that views marijuana is a more serious threat to society than a rogue police force that murdered a disabled, homeless man

  6. Hey what is this douchebag’s name again? Shane?

    Hey Showne. Ever heard of LEAP? That’s Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Ever seen their estimates on the savings to public expenditures if marijuana is legalized?

    Hey Chain. Ever heard of the RAND corporation? Check out their estimates on the savings to public expenditures if marijuana is legalized.

    Hey Shlain! Ever hear of the American Medical Association? They think we need to reclassify and study marijuana to develop new effective medicines from cannabinoids.

    Hey Shoone! Every heard of democracy? The citizens of California voted to make medical marijuana legal in this state.

    I’m a citizen of Fullerton and I know plenty of others. They all are in favor of medical marijuana.

    Nobody cares what you think Scoon. Go drink yourself into a stupor and shut the F up about things you don’t know a damn thing about you ignorant buffoon.

    Have a nice day Scone,
    The Fullertonista

  7. Incredible, a malnourished, mentally ill , homeless man was beaten to,death by Jason schones fellow police officers and Jason’s pressing concerns are fireworks and marijuana dispensaries in Fullerton .
    Here are my pressing concerns; beatings, false arrest and molestations inflicted on Fullerton’s community by Fullerton PD

    1. That malnourished man you speak of was able to hold off six cops for almost ten minutes. If that’s malnourished I’ll take it over Alby Al’s six-pack any day.

      1. Maybe because those fat lard asses were so pathetically out of shape they couldn’t control a one-armed drunk like me.

        If i were Jason Shown I’d be protesting the lack of physical standards in the FPD.

      2. Take a look at the gut on their union leader Barry Coffman who remained seated in the council chambers, while women and children there on the soccer field issue, had to remain standing outside.

    2. Van those continue to be my concerns as well. We must continue to drive those points home and keep them at the forefront of the discussions on the issues facing Fullerton.

  8. Ya, all those people who are so scared of weed, usually think its real cool to drink whiskey and get rowdy. Probaly slap around their wives and have an afair. Really what is up whit their whole domineerin paradigm

  9. We live in California.
    Medical Merijuana Is Legal!
    Schoen you are suppose to uphold the laws. Not make your own.
    Also we do not bug you about your Viagra, Alchahol or Ambien…

  10. So let me get this straight: A citizen of this city petitions his government and asks them perfectly straightforward questions yet he’s called a sanctimonious asshole? Glass houses…..Nowhere in his comments did he say he supports brethren that murdered or molested anyone. That’s nothing more than inflammatory rhetoric spewed by an insignificant little man throwing a tantrum. Fuck you, Joe. You just can’t stand the fact that there are people in this community who are on to FFFF’s bullshit and they’re not afraid to call you and your two cult members on the council out on it. You’re a sniveling little punk ass.

    1. Aw, ya got me all upset.

      So how come we never hear any of the “good cops” explain the murderers and molesters?

      Oh, that’s rrrrright. They’re Heroes and deserve!

      1. Joe this article is not true and appears to be made up in order to try bully a concerned citizen who has valid questions that are not answered. I’m predicting this webmaster/council member should be and will be confronted about how inacurrate this posting is and why it was allowed to be posted. He should not allow lies to be posted as articles. Like Van would say…….just my opinion

        1. What’s not true, trooper? I wouldn’t dream of bullying a halfwit with a badge and a gun.

          He said what he said. When Officer Assclown condemns the Kulture of Korruption in the FPD I’ll count him as a concerned citizen and not a corrupt tool of the FPOA.

          1. Where and when during his public speaking 3 minutes did he say it was okay for any of the things you wrote in your second paragraph? I never heard him say anything about any of the incidents that you wrote “He thinks it’s okay…” That’s what’s not true . Just my opinion

            1. By avoiding the obvious he is stating how he feels and what he supports.
              Not ONE of the FPD has come forward publicly to say what happened to Kelly was WRONG!!!!

              1. and that includes the recently retired police officers from Fullerton. NONE have come forward to publicly say what happened to Kelly was wrong, or that the settlement money should be taken directly out of the police budget.

    2. He’s not a citizen, he’s a cop with a hardon for respectable citizens who use medicinal marijuana, as approved by the state’s voters and countless peer-reviewed articles in medical journals. Get it straight. Oh, and on first impression, YOU are the sanctimonious A-hole.

    3. Actaully I didn’t petition my government, Andy JohnAdams. I made a fucking spectacle of myself and then challenged the State Constitution I swore to uphold. I am a prick.

    4. Sheon is not a citizen and he is the FPD IA clown who has obviously made looking the other way into a full-time job.

  11. Mr. Schone is correct when he says the FPD has been highly scrutinized since July 5, 2011. And there was a damn good reason why!

    I disagree with Mr. Schone on the fireworks issue. I believe the safe and sane fireworks should be legal again, although there should be restrictions on where they can be used. After all, this is a big reason why all of the much more DANGEROUS fireworks are used on July 4th, e.g., firecrackers, M80’s, Roman Candles, mortar-type sky-rockets, etc.

    I do agree with Mr. Schone on the marijuana issue as it would be highly damaging to kids and would only serve as a springboard to other forms of drugs. I have witnessed customers frequenting marijuana dispensaries and I would bet that most of them are not using it for “medicinal purposes.” The city already has enough problems with alcohol.

    1. That is complete and total nonsense. Marijuana is not a “gateway” drug any more than chocolate is. This has been debunked extensively. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/marijuana-is-gateway-drug-theory-debunked-again

      Marijuana is not associated with any of the problematic behaviors associated with alcohol. And there are many legitimate patients who NEED marijuana to treat extremely serious medical conditions such as cancer. Pray that you are never in their situation and then have to hear anti-drug propaganda which prevents you from being able to access the medicines YOU need.

      1. Yes it is. Just read an article the other day in the register of an HB high school student who started using marijuana and ended up using heroin which killed him. Gateway drug it is.

        1. Knowledge is better than government lies:

          “The notion that cannabis is a gateway drug has been so roundly disputed that modern scientific journals rarely publish work on this issue anymore. Most people who try the plant not only do not go on to use hard drugs, they do not even go on to use the plant regularly. Many who use hard drugs do so before they try cannabis, and the vast majority of those who try cannabis have never even seen hard drugs. (See Blaze-Temple and Lo, 1992, in The British Journal of Addiction as one of many, many examples.) In fact, a study published in the August issue of The Journal of School Health asserts that it is actually alcohol use that is a predictor for progression to harder drugs.” http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/22/marijuana-isnt-a-gateway-drug-and-doesnt-increase-aggression/

        2. Not one of the people that I know that use MJ would ever touch Heroin.
          Stop with the REEFER MADNESS.

        3. …or maybe it was the coffee, or the soda, or the candy, or maybe the heroin addict just liked heroin. How can you say that one thing led to another? We are not sheep.

    2. From West Fullerton, there is nothing safe or sane about fire works here. We would never know in our nerghborhood that they are banded. Your springboard thought poccess is just dumb, pull your head out of the sand.

  12. Shoen works in internal affairs. His job is to root out bad cops and he obviously hasn’t been doing shit. Now a man is dead and Fullerton will pay millions thanks to this turd’s corrupted union.

    Also, the cop union is visibly desperate.

    1. No wonder he’s trying to divert attention away from his department’s criminal incompetence by bringing a bong to a city council meeting.

    2. I tried real hard. Well, okay I didn’t, but i tried real hard to explain Hampton’s story about how Veth mam eneded up in the Fullerton jail.

  13. Wow! Who hired that fucking guy? Sounds like he has his own law enforcement agenda and it’s not good. He doesn’t even look like a cop, he looks like a fucking soup sandwich, a real fucking mess.

  14. It’s politics. The Union put him up to it through Flory and the other usual suspects because they think Councilman Kiger wants to invite a marijuana dispensary into Fullerton. The fireworks are a side show so they look like they’re pursuing all evil, not just marijuana. Ultimately, State’s rights will prevail. Both Presidential candidates will try and satisfy the medical marijuana lobby.

  15. so did the council respond to this Great American and fine representative of our wonderful police department in Fullerton?

    1. One time I got totally WASSTED with this cop dude Jayson Schone! That dude likes to blow shotguns out of his service weapon. We smoked some primo confiscated hash-oil in a bulb in that cool glass he had inside. Then we went out driving around in his squad car blasting the siren to scare old ladies. Jason knows how to PARTAY DOWN!!! He’s always rockin a fat blunt.

    2. One or both of the Presidential candidates are going to come out for State’s rights on this issue. I could be wrong, but it’s going to be a close election and each will pander the best way they can.

      When that happens, perhaps Shoen can be the new Medical Marijuana Liason and they can hire a real Internal Affairs Officer.

  16. If I were the chief I would pull Shame aside and strongly suggest that he find another hobby for Tuesday evenings since I have the task of rebuilding the reputation of a entire department and can’t let one nitwit ruin it all.

    1. It’s STONED Mr. Kiger. When are you going to get it right on your website? Its S-T-O-N-E-D. STONED. Its kind of embarrassing you guys keep getting it wrong. Now like I was saying, we need more funding to go into our asset forfeiture division because I’m almost out of Moroccan black.

  17. Jason is a fine officer! He services’ this community , the wives of other officers(that he later makes his own), and lives in Corona next to fine other FPD cops who drink and drive home! Oh, and he’s also been known to bang a dispatcher on and off duty… I’m BC and I approve this message!

    1. I brought my bad hair plug officer buddy to sit next to me at thecity council meeting to draw the attention away from my own bad hair dye job.

      Clever eh?

  18. And we’re paying aholes like this medical doctor salaries w/ multi-million dollar pensions @ 55?

    No wonder the train has left the tracks.

  19. Yes Travis probably knows how to spell your name but this post is not by him. (I always thought you spell Shane…SHANE..your spelling is pronounced show-en (and I am so sorry it isnt that hard and it is embarrassing to you!)
    I think that if your and Danny boys cops and cop licker friends would get any facts straight about our favorite councilmen it would be a miracle.
    Spewing lies and comments about people you do not even know and coming from Fullertons bad cops is a sad sight at our council meetings. Danny boy and Shane, police your own, get them out of council chambers during meetings, how inappropriate and embarrassing to you, he who is worried about how “his” name is spelled.
    And to our newly appointed Captain LoLo, leave your girlfriend at home and stop plotting during the meeting with Danny boy, you do not deserve your new title, you are not a leader, only a follower and another embarrassement in our city. If moral is down in FPD, it is because of the slew of bad cops we have had paraded in front of us for the last several years.

    1. Hi “Just Pussy stuff” because that is actually what you are…Captain LOLO’s girlfriend…wife actually…is just a principal at a school for 7th to 12th graders… all she is trying to do is make sure our future is healthy and confident? She’s helping the parents working multiple jobs raise their kids to be good people. Did you know that? Or do you want to stay a little bitch by “Spewing lies and comments about people you do not even know”… I’m just wondering?? Shut you pie hole. Stop being hypocritcal, You aren’t smart enough to be a bully…douche

      1. ah I think I hit a nerve, if she wants to protect kids then maybe she should speak directly to the councilmembers instead of sitting in judgement, maybe they can help?
        Besides, this post was not about her anyway but glad it made you notice. It is about LOLO sitting in judgement without reaching out to the councilmen. I see a lot of bitchy people in the council meetings spewing crap but it isn’t me. I see a lot of people who probably aren’t sure why they are there. Sad sad sad world we live in.

  20. The Fullertonista :
    That is complete and total nonsense. Marijuana is not a “gateway” drug any more than chocolate is. This has been debunked extensively. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/marijuana-is-gateway-drug-theory-debunked-again
    Marijuana is not associated with any of the problematic behaviors associated with alcohol. And there are many legitimate patients who NEED marijuana to treat extremely serious medical conditions such as cancer. Pray that you are never in their situation and then have to hear anti-drug propaganda which prevents you from being able to access the medicines YOU need.

    The cycle of addiction has already been set into society, Coffee is one of the early strong introductions to addiction to the young in society. “Idle minds are the devils playground!”

    “A rising tide floats all boats”, thats a motto in economics.

    1. Lifesaving Service – the definition of addiction includes a number of components including the individual doing themselves noticeable harm and being unable to stop using anyway.

      Most people’s relationships to coffee or cannabis don’t fit that description.

  21. this widows peak MF’ing piece of shit is part of FPD’s Internal Affairs Div? He protected Cici, Ramos, Wolfe & Co.- kept’m on the streets of Fulas for over a month after Kelly was executed in the streets of Fullerton. Sad state of affairs.

  22. Further evidence that the FPD needs to be further scrutinized.

    Medical Marijuana, many of the above posts mention its merits, and yeah its abused, but not nearly as much as prescription drugs are.

    Fireworks, follow the instructions and all is well.

    As an aside, I normally am not a fan of ad hominem attacks. I know we all fail and fall to using them from time to time. I was initially displeased by use of the A-word this blog post, but after watching Officer Schone speak I think this post should remain unedited.

    1. Tom, you (and people like you) are the reason that fireworks are dangerous.

      The hazards exposed by their storage, use, and disposal have very little to do with following instructions and EVERYTHING to do with underestimating their potential.

      Let’s hope you’re not in a position to ensure anyone’s safety, including children, on a day-to-day basis.

      1. Please Anon. You don’t know me and you make such an insulting comment that has no credibility. You got to come back better than that.

        1. I’m sorry that my observation of your callous disregard for safety, particularly the safety of children, was not received well.

          I wouldn’t call it an insult so much as an expression of dissatisfaction with your grossly oversimplified and factually inaccurate depiction of safety as it relates to consumer pyrotechnics.

          It has nothing to do with my knowledge of your person and everything to do with your statements. If you don’t think it’s appropriate for readers of this blog to judge what you put on for display, I suggest you take your thin-skinned pride elsewhere.

  23. “So let me get this straight: A citizen of this city petitions his government and asks them perfectly straightforward questions yet he’s called a sanctimonious asshole?”

    I think he was called a sanctimonious asshole because he tried to speak for “most people” in Fullerton, complained about his department being under scrutiny yet failed to mention why, whined about his named being spelled correctly, made inane, comments about Kiger and Whittaker profiting on legalized fireworks, and pulled out a bong to preach the evils of marijuana. Of course it could just be because he sounds like an egotistical douche, but I’m not sure.

  24. “Hey guys, after we have a few drinks at the Slidebar why don’t we go bust some medicinal marijuana dispensaries. Those dirty hippies make me sick.”

  25. Speaking of cops who need to chill out with a few bong rips (or at least yoga/meditation); how come it took the Philly PD less than a week to fire a thug who punched an unarmed woman, while FPD had to go through numerous chiefs, a city-council recall, and over a year to get rid of three thugs who beat an unarmed, innocent man to death? Any answers for that Mr. Schone? No? You’re more interested in keeping the streets safe from dangerous pot smokers? Well thank-you for your time sir.


  26. Where is the over site committee. These cops need to be watched at every move. they still have 3 accessories to murder working there.
    Fireworks, who cares, lame and overrated. Ban them who cares. Go the Mickey Mouse playground and watch em.
    Pot dispensaries, been to Amsterdam seen the coffee shops. They order some pot,smoke it play video games and eat, then go home to the couch. Been to the bars in Amsterdam, saw fights, saw girls get groped watch them arrest someone a block away for smashing shop windows just cause he was drunk. Fact is the 50’s marijuana paranoia is exactly that, paranoia! Not letting the sick make themselves feel better is cruel and unusual punishment. Alcohol kills more people than all drugs combined, plus it makes people rotten to the core.

  27. You guy’s don’t think that all these shenanigans that the F.P.O.A. has been staffing at the City Council meetings is a ruse to divert the attention away from the existing culture of corruption within the Fullerton Police Department?

    Tell me those FFFF’ers didn’t get their hands on my latest and greatest plan to overtake the City Council with my F.P.O.A. agenda?

    Watch me at 2:00 as I attempt to shut the Kelly Thomas protest down with my follicly challenged union brother, and VP of the FPOA, Robert Kirk observes.

  28. Perhaps it is the very attitude on display by Mr. “Shane” that has caused the rift between the public and the police department. Putting this man out in front of the message will certainly not help improve things between the citizens and police.

    I see a bitter police officer that seems to believe people are supposed to do as he says when he says to do so. Hmm, I wonder if this hostile attitude is easily shelved when he comes in to contact with our average resident? Does this man act like he is anxious to great innocent people with dignity and respect to you?

    His questions also appear to be a not so well concealed ambush attempt to get something on t.v. for use by the police union during the campaign. I cant wait for the hit pieces to start flying about marijuana and fire danger and you know they are coming.

    I respect police but I cant not respect the fact that intelligent members of law enforcement dont stand up and call this guy out for what he is, a bitter, hostile union thug.

    1. Hollis… Well said. I agree with most everything. My huge issue is: Where are those “decent officers” that have been referred to time and again? “Mr. Shane” or is it “Mr. Shawng” whatever… Is a creep and an idiot to pull a bong out in front of an audience of children. What the hell? That is suppose to demonstrate sound, reasonable judgement? Crap. I’m suppose to begin trusting and develope confidence in the police department after an episode like that occurs? Again, where the hell are the officiers that are supposedly honorable and of sound judgement? Why don’t they speak against these things ( all of the disgusting and horrific events of the police department) ….that would go a long way to healing the city. The accusations that Kieger and Whitaker are standing in the way of this process – I beg to differ! Those on the police force who remain silent when faced with evil are the ones responsible. Period. plain and simple. I cannot tell you people how mad this makes me. I / we in the house do not trust FPD because of this. The next time I’m in a coffee shop (with people around & my phone recording on) and there’s a police officier there taking his break – I’m telling him this! No more silence… I’m going to make my case known to every officier I come in contact with from this point on.
      I know I’m ranting- but this has become crazy.

    2. Why would acting police chief Dan Hughes allow this miscreant to commit insubordination of his bosses Kiger, Whitaker in a public meeting?

      1. Because they both don’t respect the authority of the elected representatives or the wishes of the electorate. At the end of the day they are on the same side of the aisle holding the public and our representatives in derision.

        1. Its simple. Shane wishes to intimidate the public and ridicule those with compassion for sick people who need medical marijuana. Under the guise of free speech Hughes allows him and the other FPOA members to bully and intimidate city council to further their agenda which is to retain power and control over law enforcement services for the city.

        2. They’re not used to having their feet held to the fire by the common citizenry. It makes them really uncomfortable. They brought it on themselves.

      2. The better question is why does the public tolerate displays like this while also tolerating the FPOA’s woeful silence on Kelly Thomas.

        1. Most of the public lives in fear for one reason or another and consequently a vocal minority on both sides of this takes center stage in public. The ballot box is private and much to the dismay of many will soon enough take center stage once again.

  29. Question – if city of Fullerton gets rid of this tax-eating parasite, what can be done with money saved? What about other nice externalities, such as people can walk and breathe more freely, because this goon is no longer on the street harassing them?

  30. Another question – what made these half-witted tax-eating parasites, who couldn’t make it in real world – think they are better than people who pay their salaries?
    What made these tax-eaters think they are above the law?
    What made them think that 170 of them (or whatever the number) can walk around bravely in the city of 150,000 that hates them?

    You think your union thugs will protect you? I give this OC union-gravy couple more years tops – the bank is broken, the host organism is dying and can no longer afford the salaries, pensions, benefits of these parasites. And you know what happens to parasites once host is dying? They die, or must find another host.

    Think what host will take you, with your skill set of bullying and killing.

  31. So he wants to respond to calls of sightings of fireworks on July 4th . Poor pig. Thanks to the 3 freedom spewing Council he and his buddies won’t get that double overtime. And just think how much less need there will be for tools like him if cops don’t get to run around and chase people with a joint? Oh God what will they do with all that spare time? Chase terrorist? Stop motorist who could have been drinking alcohol? Monitor Bloggers?

      1. An objective Christian perspective

        Matthew 18:6
        But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea

        A Big glass bong for little kids from the southside to tell ALL OF THEIR FRIENDS ABOUT.

        Micah 6:8
        He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

        Where does silence in the brutal Kelly Thomas murder and all of the other blatant injustices fit in the above verses?

        1 Timothy 6:10
        For the love of money is the root of all evil

        They only showed up for the paycheck protection plan.

        Revelation 21:8
        But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

        Why don’t they break rank and stand up? The cowards are first in line.
        Maybe Pastor Wiley Drake has a point

        Matthew 7:23
        And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

        You will know a tree by its fruit.

        John 3:16
        For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

        An all inclusive invitation-It is never too late to do the right thing-even for those who think that they know better or better yet for those who truly have come to grips with the fact that they don’t.

  32. LOL @ the video and the big bong,
    that waste of space ball licking mouth breather is a complete failure of a human being.

  33. Anyone still on the FPD payroll has to be a psychopath or extremely stupid, Most people with a conscience have departed after the Thomas murder. The ones that stayed at some point will end diving into a bottle or boos or pills.

    1. “Malignant narcissism has been described as “an extreme form of antisocial personality disorder that is manifested in a person who is pathologically grandiose, lacking in conscience and behavioral regulation, and with characteristic demonstrations of joyful cruelty and sadism”.[1]

      Malignant narcissism is a theoretical or ‘experimental’ diagnostic category” -Wikipedia

      Psychos, many of the worst offenders on the Law and Order TV Shows were Malignant N’s.

    1. Uh, no he doesn’t. He doesn’t even live in Fullerton. He lives in Corona with the ex-wife of a cop he once investigated.

    2. He does raise fascinating questions, such as “how do you spell your name again?” And “why are you walking around with an enormous bong?”

      1. True. I wonder if that’s his own personal periphernalia or if he stole it from the FPD property room.

        Any guesses?

  34. Ridiculous… I rather have a town of stoners than a vicious and overly aggresive group of meatheads known as FPD.

    I mean come on…..this state, let alone country is full of stoners.

    We have more of a problem with drunks, prescription abusers, and cigarette smokers(2nd hand smoke).

  35. Have any of you people discussing the qualms and errors of the FPD ever been in the military or the police force? Do you understand what it’s like to wake up every morning or night knowing you are going to face people that may be good under normal circumstances, on their worst behavior when you encounter them? Do you get the amount of angst it takes for the officers to suit up and show up and walk directly into conflict? daily? You rest in your homes safely at night because our officers are out there protecting you. Our military is out there protecting you! And now you have an opinion about how they are doing their job(s)? Really? Take a pill for humbleness. Understand that we are all doing the best we can with what we have. Understand that many civilians die daily to protect YOU, our country, me. DON’T pretend you know what they have to go through daily to do this. For a moment, understand that you don’t know what you don’t know. Why aren’t people up in arms about the men/women being raped while on duty in the military? Why aren’t people up in arms about the deaths that occur in war? Why is KT the only thing you people care about? Are you that self absorbed and ignorant to note that this happens daily, everywhere…with all of our finest people? All any of us is trying to do is get by..make it happen. AND then there are the hecklers..that think they know better…but if you put them in other’s shoes..they’d crumble. Remember…we are all humans fighting a war. All we want is to get out happy and comfortable. Stop being mean and judgmental. We can’t ever know how we would respond under the same circumstances…so let’s not pretend.

    1. Follow the rules laws and oaths and ethics yes even The Constitution, no more problem!! And read into The Bible the way it was intended, at least for tradition and Country.

      The average Citizen deals with those same people every day, and not very much to speak of that can help them.

      It is your right and privaledge to be stupid, but dont demand that others be just as stupid, its unamerican, or at least was!

      “He finds himself in a situation beyond his control, due to collegues who are corrupt.” -Actor of Character, Detective Fusco, Person of Interest TV.

      1. I dont like dangling a College education, to get the Military Enlistees, the Union Monster got pretty damn big didnt it!

        If you want Flory and Quirk Silvalikes to be the next Presidents of The United States, dont vote or vote like them.

        1. Many forget The Constitution was written by those that knew all to well, the disadvantages of autocratic rule, even the monster big government could be then, in the 1700s.

          “UNION MONSTER”
          “The people they are negotiating with have no interest in keeping costs down, as it’s not their money that they’re bargaining with, and
          The donate obscene amounts of money to the campaign coffers of the people they are negotiating with. As one union boss admitted, “we basically get to elect our own bosses.”

          The need for a union comes down to this question: Do you have a boss who wants you to work harder for less money? In the private sector, the answer is yes. In the public sector, the answer is a big, fat NO.

          Government unions have nothing in common with private sector unions because they don’t have hostile management on the other side of the bargaining table. To the contrary, the “bosses” of government employees are co-conspirators with them in bilking the taxpayers.”

    2. I guess you didn’t hear about the unarmed National Guardsman shot dead by police today at a routine traffic stop.

      Google it.

    3. “Do you understand what it’s like to wake up every morning or night knowing you are going to face people that may be good under normal circumstances, on their worst behavior when you encounter them?”
      ANSWER: Most of us do have jobs/careers where we have GOOD days and BAD days. Do you have any idea what it was like for Kelly Thomas minding his own business on a typical summer evening, then being jumped by two thug police officers from his home town and beat to death?
      ( I didn’t think so).

      “You rest in your homes safely at night because our officers are out there protecting you.”
      ANSWER: Bullshit! When was the last time YOU FPD clown, saved someone’s life? When was the last time any officer/deputy in this area saved somones life?

      “Why aren’t people up in arms about the men/women being raped while on duty in the military? Why aren’t people up in arms about the deaths that occur in war?”
      ANSWER: Many of us are.

      “Why is KT the only thing you people care about?”
      ANSWER: Because he was bludgeoned to death by some under-qualified idiot cops on your police force, in Fullerton and this IS a FRIENDS FOR FULLERTON’S FUTURE blog, asshole. Any more dumb questions?

      “Are you that self absorbed and ignorant to note that this happens daily, everywhere…with all of our finest people?”
      ANSWER: No, I had no idea that police departments were beating up their resident homeless people to death, everywhere. Thanks for informing us. YOU fit right in with the scum of the corrupted FPD!

      “…so let’s not pretend.”
      ANSWER: Practice what you preach.

  36. “In 2008, the largest union in Wisconsin, AFSCME, and their locals, donated $84 million to see Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. elected. That amount was followed by the NEA, another teacher’s union. All toll, the unions kicked $400 million into Obama’s election coffers.

    But it is even worse than it sounds, at least in Wisconsin. City and state government has to provide these public sector unions with insurance, insurance that is owned, and run, by THE UNIONS. Simply put, the cities and state cannot negotiate for insurance via the private sector but are required to accept the plan, and the cost, of a union owned plan.”

  37. @ Luv FPD: So just joining the military or the police force is grounds for respect in your eyes eh? No offense to the hardworking soldiers and cops out there, but not everyone joins one of these institutions to uphold justice. Some do it because they are power hungry, some because they need money for college, some because they think shooting people and catching “bad guys” will be fun. I thought respect had to be earned, but many feel that joining the military or force in and of itself merits respect and recognition. How about all of janitors cleaning up after kids whose parents never taught them to pick up after themselves, making a fraction of a PO. Or how about the teachers working 12 hour days to make $40K a year. Any of your buddies on the force doing that Luv FPD? I think I will stick to respecting people based on their actions and not because they voluntarily join the service/force. It’s not like the soldiers were drafted. And it’s not like the cops need to have their arms twisted to get into one of the few jobs where you can make 6 figures a few years out of high-school and retire at 90%. Perhaps if even one cop would come out and say what happened to Kelly Thomas was a travesty of justice instead of rationalizing and trivializing it, there would be more respect for the FPD. And beating deaths by those entrusted to protect and serve are not happening daily, at least not in America. If it becomes that way citizens will have to start living in fear of the government like they do in Iran or China. But I believe there are enough good cops/soldiers who want to promote justice that will prevent this from becoming a reality.

    1. Damn well said Brandon!
      “I thought respect had to be earned.” Right on that; it still does have to be earned, even if you’re in uniform of any kind.

  38. luv FPD for life. :
    Do you understand what it’s like to wake up every morning or night knowing you are going to face people that may be good under normal circumstances, on their worst behavior when you encounter them?

    Yes, I do. You’re talking about the Fullerton PD, right?

  39. Thanks WrongGuy. Too many people, in and out of uniform, think there title, size, money, or whatever demands respect. Most of the cops/cop supporters on here seem to be under that false notion.

  40. What I find amusing is the complete insubordination of the cops who are supposed to be so rules abiding. And that little quimby Chief Danny is playing along with Quirk.

    Well, it’s all good. let the people see what the pigs are really all about.

  41. “You aren’t smart enough to be a bully.” What an inane comment. Bullies do not rely on intelligence or logic. They rely on brute force. I am not surprised this fact was lost on someone whose idea of polite discourse is “shut your pie hole” and calling people “little bitches” and “douches.”

  42. That bong was awesome. Almost as good as the farting in the face. Like Saturday night live skits. Incredible.

    Kiger is nuts though. He’s killing his political future. Short lived. I thought he was smarter than that.


    1. Marijuana vs. Alcohol


      Safer for the Consumer

      Safer for the Community



      To say that marijuana has been given a bad rap over the past few decades is an understatement. If you’re like most Americans, you have been led to believe that marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug that has destroyed the lives of millions of teens and adults. You have been encouraged to believe that marijuana causes lung cancer and is a “gateway” to harder drugs. The government has even tried to convince you that most people who use marijuana are losers who sit around on couches all day doing nothing.

      What we would like to do is wipe the slate clean and start over. Forget everything you have heard in the past and be open-minded to the truth about marijuana. We are not here to tell you that it is without harms or is some kind of miracle drug. We simply hope you will come to understand that it is far, far less harmful than what your government has told you.

      Part of the problem is that many people are simply unfamiliar with marijuana. They have never tried it (or perhaps only tried it a time or two decades ago) and assume the worst. They have been conditioned to think that marijuana use is bad and that people who use it are dangerous or strange or maybe even dirty. They have visions of people using marijuana and being totally zonked out, unable to maintain a regular conversation.

      The truth is that marijuana is widely used in a manner quite similar to alcohol. Adults might consume it before enjoying a dinner party with friends. Friends might have a little before engaging in a spirited game of ultimate Frisbee. And spouses – yes, even some couples you know – might imbibe a bit while enjoying a romantic evening together. Concert-goers have even been known to have a puff or two before or during a show – which more likely than not results in them dancing or otherwise enjoying the music, not lying on the ground like lumps.

      None of this is “bad” or “wrong” or “immoral.” It is simply something that these responsible adults choose to do. And frequently it is something they choose to do specifically instead of alcohol. And for good reason! Alcohol is more toxic, more addictive, more harmful to the body, more likely to result in injuries, and more likely to lead to interpersonal violence than marijuana.

      Below are just a few facts that highlight the very different impacts of these two popular substances on those who consume them and on the broader community. A vast amount of additional information can be found in the book, Marijuana is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink? (Chelsea Green, 2009), which can be purchased on Amazon.com or accessed for free on-line at Scribd.com.

      Safer for the Consumer

      •Many people die from alcohol use. Nobody dies from marijuana use. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 37,000 annual U.S. deaths, including more than 1,400 in Colorado, are attributed to alcohol use alone (i.e. this figure does not include accidental deaths). On the other hand, the CDC does not even have a category for deaths caused by the use of marijuana.
      •People die from alcohol overdoses. There has never been a fatal marijuana overdose. The official publication of the Scientific Research Society, American Scientist, reported that alcohol is one of the most toxic drugs and using just 10 times what one would use to get the desired effect could lead to death. Marijuana is one of – if not the – least toxic drugs, requiring thousands of times the dose one would use to get the desired effect to lead to death. This “thousands of times” is actually theoretical, since there has never been a case of an individual dying from a marijuana overdose. Meanwhile, according to the CDC, hundreds of alcohol overdose deaths occur the United States each year.
      •The health-related costs associated with alcohol use far exceed those for marijuana use. Health-related costs for alcohol consumers are eight times greater than those for marijuana consumers, according to an assessment recently published in the British Columbia Mental Health and Addictions Journal. More specifically, the annual cost of alcohol consumption is $165 per user, compared to just $20 per user for marijuana. This should not come as a surprise given the vast amount of research that shows alcohol poses far more – and more significant – health problems than marijuana.
      •Alcohol use damages the brain. Marijuana use does not. Despite the myths we’ve heard throughout our lives about marijuana killing brain cells, it turns out that a growing number of studies seem to indicate that marijuana actually has neuroprotective properties. This means that it works to protect brain cells from harm. For example, one recent study found that teens who used marijuana as well as alcohol suffered significantly less damage to the white matter in their brains. Of course, what is beyond question is that alcohol damages brain cells.
      •Alcohol use is linked to cancer. Marijuana use is not. Alcohol use is associated with a wide variety of cancers, including cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon, lungs, pancreas, liver and prostate. Marijuana use has not been conclusively associated with any form of cancer. In fact, one study recently contradicted the long-time government claim that marijuana use is associated with head and neck cancers. It found that marijuana use actually reduced the likelihood of head and neck cancers. If you are concerned about marijuana being associated with lung cancer, you may be interested in the results of the largest case-controlled study ever conducted to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking and cigarette smoking. Released in 2006, the study, conducted by Dr. Donald Tashkin at the University of California at Los Angeles, found that marijuana smoking was not associated with an increased risk of developing lung cancer. Surprisingly, the researchers found that people who smoked marijuana actually had lower incidences of cancer compared to non-users of the drug.
      •Alcohol is more addictive than marijuana. Addiction researchers have consistently reported that marijuana is far less addictive than alcohol based on a number of factors. In particular, alcohol use can result in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, whereas marijuana has not been found to produce any symptoms of physical withdrawal. Those who use alcohol are also much more likely to develop dependence and build tolerance.
      •Alcohol use increases the risk of injury to the consumer. Marijuana use does not. Many people who have consumed alcohol or know others who have consumed alcohol would not be surprised to hear that it greatly increases the risk of serious injury. Research published this year in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, found that 36 percent of hospitalized assaults and 21 percent of all injuries are attributable to alcohol use by the injured person. Meanwhile, the American Journal of Emergency Medicine reported that lifetime use of marijuana is rarely associated with emergency room visits. According to the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, this is because: “Cannabis differs from alcohol … in one major respect. It does not seem to increase risk-taking behavior. This means that cannabis rarely contributes to violence either to others or to oneself, whereas alcohol use is a major factor in deliberate self-harm, domestic accidents and violence.” Interestingly enough, some research has even shown that marijuana use has been associated with a decreased risk of injury.

      Safer for the Community

      •Alcohol use contributes to aggressive and violent behavior. Marijuana use does not. Studies have repeatedly shown that alcohol, unlike marijuana, contributes to the likelihood of aggessive and violent behavior. An article published in the Journal of Addictive Behaviors reported that “alcohol is clearly the drug with the most evidence to support a direct intoxication-violence relationship,” whereas “cannabis reduces the likelihood of violence during intoxication.”
      •Alcohol use is a major factor in violent crimes. Marijuana use is not. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 25-30% of violent crimes in the United States are linked to the use of alcohol. According to a report from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, that translates to about 5,000,000 alcohol-related violent crimes per year. By contrast, the government does not even track violent acts specifically related to marijuana use, as the use of marijuana has not been associated with violence. (Of course, we should note that marijuana prohibition, by creating a widespread criminal market, is associated with acts of violence.)
      •Alcohol use contributes to the likelihood of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Marijuana use does not. Alcohol is a major contributing factor in the prevalence of domestic violence and sexual assault. This is not to say that alcohol causes these problems; rather, its use makes it more likely that an individual prone to such behavior will act on it. For example, a study conducted by the Research Institute on Addictions found that among individuals who were chronic partner abusers, the use of alcohol was associated with significant increases in the daily likelihood of male-to-female physical aggression, but the use of marijuana was not. Specifically, the odds of abuse were eight times higher on days when men were drinking; the odds of severe abuse were 11 times higher. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) website highlights alcohol as the “most commonly used chemical in crimes of sexual assault” and provides information on an array of other drugs that have been linked to sexual violence. Given the fact that marijuana is so accessible and widely used, it is quite telling that the word “marijuana” does not appear anywhere on the page.

      1. Fruit Loops are safer for the community also. Pot is disgusting IMO. The whole alcohol comparison mantra is a disingenuous straw man. Pot is killing our forests, funds crime and causes murder. Sober up.

        1. Kevin, congratulations on your “stupidest post I’ve ever seen” award.

          By “pot” I take it you mean the cannabis sativa plant, used since at least 3000 BC for its medical properties. A plant whose active ingredients are already currently approved for medicinal use by the FDA here in the US under the brand name Marinol. http://www.marinol.com/

          The only reason that cannabis is “killing our forests” is because it is illegal, which means that black markets for it exist and valuable forest land ends up being used. If it were legal it would be grown legally in plantations and greenhouses.

          The only reason cannabis “funds crime” is because it is illegal, just like alcohol funded crime during prohibition. This is beyond obvious.

          “Causes murder.” No Kevin, the cannabis sativa plant packs neither guns nor bombs nor knives. It cannot, and does not cause murder. Since cannabis generally makes people more relaxed and sleepy, it obviously does not induce them to murder. This claim has not been bandied about since the Reefer Madness days of the 1950s.

          You are right that the comparison with alcohol is disingenuous but that is because alcohol is a MAJOR KILLER while cannabis is not. See for instance this major study in the Lancet, one of the world’s most highly regarded peer-reviewed scientific medical journals:


          Here was the headline: Alcohol and tobacco ‘more harmful than cannabis and ecstasy’

          Your “opinion” is meaningless when it contradicts proven fact and scientific evidence. So kindly take your “pot is disgusting IMO” and shove it up your closeminded and pathetically ignorant ass.

          best regards,
          The Fullertonista

    1. #53 by Lifesaving Service on October 7, 2012
      The List of Psychopathy Symptoms: Hervey Cleckley and Robert Hare

      “1. Considerable superficial charm and average or above average intelligence.
      2. Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking.
      3. Absence of anxiety or other “neurotic” symptoms. Considerable poise, calmness and verbal facility.
      4. Unreliability, disregard for obligations, no sense of responsibility, in matters of little and great import.
      5. Untruthfulness and insincerity.
      6. Antisocial behavior which is inadequately motivated and poorly planned, seeming to stem from an inexplicable impulsiveness.
      7. Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior.
      8. Poor judgment and failure to learn from experience.
      9. Pathological egocentricity. Total self-centeredness and an incapacity for real love and attachment.”

      “6. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT: a lack of feelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, coldhearted and unempathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one’s victims.
      7. SHALLOW AFFECT: emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open gregariousness and superficial warmth.
      8. CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY: a lack of feelings toward people in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
      9. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE: an intentional, manipulative, selfis, and exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline and the inability to carry through one’s responsibilities.
      10. POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS: expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.”


  43. If an FPD employee wants to address the Council during “public” comments, and that employee does not reside in Fullerton, he or she needs to be in fucking uniform.

    1. During the last two months, I have witnessed the City Council chambers becoming more like the locker room annex for the Fullerton Police Department.

      They even have a 10×10 tent outside the chambers where their wives co-ordinate the speakers that speak during the “Public Comments” section, including Pam Keller and those speakers that were sent over from MADD.

      They constantly heckle the city councilman and the speakers that speak against them.

      Is this really a form of democracy or a form of bullying the residents of Fullerton into submitting to the demands of the Police Officers union, the F.P.O.A.?

      1. It’s bullying, my good fellow. It’s also a double-bind for the citizens. Most people are blind to what’s going on.

  44. FL..You are full of malarkey. How about when the circus you call Kelly’s Army where there in full force to mak a mokery of the council? Then it was ok to have all that trash in one place. FPD has the right to be there just like the goon balls of Ron Thomas. At least it smells much better inside City Hall.

    1. Doe, then you must think it’s ok to harrass the Fullerton residents? It was quite clear the FPD was heckling a residents in the council chambers. The kids in the front row were behaving better than the FPD. The question who smells the worst. You don’t have to worry about what KA or RT thinks about the FPD, you have to worry about the Fullerton residents, the rest of the 130,000.

    2. Which part of my post are you disputing JOHN DOE?

      I stand by every word.

      None of the protesters that I know of that spoke in front of the City Council were ever there to speak for any sort of financial gain.

      The ones I knew that have spoken have done so as a moral imperative.

      Apples and Oranges Amigo..

      1. Apples and Oranges when it comes to the kind of people. I will explain it agian…Why do you give a shit if FPD is at the city council meetings, but when Kelly’s Army was there smelling up the place it was ok. Understand now?
        It’s is freedom of speech for everyone not just pick and chose like you do on this blog.
        Like when I post here. 9 out of 10 times I get moderated. Do you get moderated Fullerton Lover? I doublt it Cause what you say everyone eats it up like gospel. Most of the time you are so wrong..

        1. If you’re an FPD officer, you show up to council meetings in uniform. If you don’t, you’re a coward.

          Our men and women fighting overseas have the decency to show up to government functions properly dressed. Their donut munching brethren ought to show some respect.

          1. For the record. Milatary and Police officers policies are very different. An officer can not wear a uniform unless he is working. So they are not going to show up at a council meeting in uniform. And the council meetings are at night and those who do show up work days.

  45. JOHN DOE :
    FL..You are full of malarkey. How about when the circus you call Kelly’s Army where there in full force to mak a mokery of the council? Then it was ok to have all that trash in one place. FPD has the right to be there just like the goon balls of Ron Thomas. At least it smells much better inside City Hall.

    Its “Money in their pockets” and Government and Taxpayer TEAT SUCKING,
    The health and future of a once great city!

    Under the microscope of the news media.

    1. When the trial(s) begins the News and Media Reporters and Newscrews will descend on the City like a HOLY PLAGUE!!!

      The DOJ is run by a Union Monster, hopefully they are on their way out, vote out the monster, Please!

  46. truthseeker :
    An objective Christian perspective
    Matthew 18:6
    But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea
    A Big glass bong for little kids from the southside to tell ALL OF THEIR FRIENDS ABOUT.
    Micah 6:8
    He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
    Where does silence in the brutal Kelly Thomas murder and all of the other blatant injustices fit in the above verses?
    1 Timothy 6:10
    For the love of money is the root of all evil
    They only showed up for the paycheck protection plan.
    Revelation 21:8
    But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
    Why don’t they break rank and stand up? The cowards are first in line.
    Maybe Pastor Wiley Drake has a point
    Matthew 7:23
    And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    You will know a tree by its fruit.
    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but idishave everlasting life.
    An all inclusive invitation-It is never too late to do the right thing-even for those who think that they know better or better yet for those who truly have come to grips with the fact that they don’t.

    Is there a passage in the Bible that says..Thou Shall Not use someone’s death to benefit financially?

    1. This is not from the bible

      “The Price of Evil
      Where ‘wrong’ means ignoring rules that would protect our lives, our health, our liberty, and our security, then failure to promote those rules can do nothing but bring death, disease, tyranny, and insecurity.”

      I could also add, a Psychosexual dangerous turd, Mickey Haller. R.I. etc.

      “To the victor goes the spoils”, I believe good wins over evil a lot of the times.

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