Drunks For Flory?

Not surprising to see a downtown liquor purveyor supporting one of their own. Flory helped turn downtown Fullerton into an open air bar.

Friends For Fullerton's Future
FFFF supports causes that promote intelligent, responsible and accountable government in Fullerton and Orange County
Not surprising to see a downtown liquor purveyor supporting one of their own. Flory helped turn downtown Fullerton into an open air bar.
If only there were marijuana dispensaries, they would have Kiger and Whittaker signs!
The sad fact of the matter is we’re flooding the downtown area with alcohol, so that her buddies on the Fullerton Police Department will stay busy.
If only there were bath-houses in Fullerton, they would have Kiger and Whitaker signs!!!!!
Getting desperate, O”Malley?
I wonder if Jan Flory and still hangs out at the Tropics Lounge over there on Commonwealth and Brookhurst?
And what’s wrong with medical marijuana dispensaries? Anybody have a single solitary bit of empirical evidence they have any negative social consequences of any kind?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Operation Halo is your answer. The feds were watching the Anaheim dispensaries for 10 months, and the ones who were raided all had ties to local gangs.
The ones who didn’t have ties were threatened with prison in a form letter from Andre Birotte.
Ya they did because the gang members would go to the ones still open if they did no close the rest down. One owner was forces by a gang to sell to them or they would have hurt his family it was AAA wellness and they found cocaine and method along with medical marijuana inside their safe that was torched open by the DEA. Now comes the legal bill and prison. These types ruin it for legit caregivers who don’t use coke or meth
So prosecute the gang members for extortion, threats, and selling cocaine. Nobody is against prosecuting people who are violating laws against those things. That’s like “the Mafia is extorting bars so we’re going to close all the bars down.” Ludicrous.
An older man once said to me, “the reason drugs are illegal is because ‘they’ make more money off it now than if they were legal and taxed.”
Never understood this statement until I read about the Mena Airport, CIA cocaine smuggling ring. Bush Sr, Bill Clinton, Ollie North, CHIP TATUM, etc. Pretty startling stuff to read, our guys flying drugs into our own country and making boat loads of money doing it. Kinda makes you wonder where did Bush Sr get that bag of crack he showed on TV! From his own shipment….
Nice catch. The irony is that with all the money that was generated they still couldn’t get rid of Daniel Ortega. We exchanged Stinger and TOW missiles to Iran for the Lebanon hostages in the mid-eighties, those very same weapons were used against American helicopter pilots in the Persian Gulf in 1987 trying to keep the shipping lanes open during the Iran-Iraq war.
The War on Drugs is the very reason for many of the problems we’re dealing with today. Asinine drug laws, overcrowded prisons, bloated LE pensions. Beware of the politician who wants to “protect” you from drugs. He will be the traitor to the Family.
Amen brother…
The negative impact medical marijuana dispensaries have on the community is their failure to pay taxes owed like in Anacrime and the thugs associated with outsiders coming into Fullerton because their city has closed their dispensary
Oh ya and the fact that it illegal in the US governments eyes still make Fullerton not able to get federal funding when politics come into play. So no drunk driver check points. That’s why some on city council opposed the funding feds provide for the check point program
That’s a plus. Drunk driver checkpoints are completely ineffective and a waste of taxpayer resources as well as an infringement on constitutional rights. At least 10 states do not allow drunk driving checkpoints.
I agree with the waist in checking for drinks but it keeps illegal aliens in check so it’s worthy every penny to catch a non legal non insurance non compliant immigrant breaking the law I am for
I actually have no clue what this means, but if you’re against illegal immigrants you ought to be able to construct English sentences at least slightly better than they do.
I am a medical marijuana user I have bad arthritis and cancer down below. I did not mean to hit publish but I did on accident. I agree your point is a good one about check points but I think it helps keep illegals off the road who don’t have insurance. Sorry I am in a lot of pain tonight and my fingers hurt really bad as well
My sympathies. I hope you can get the medicine you need for your pain!
the fullertonista just smacked yo ass, AMERICAN!
Just in case any of you out there are in doubt as to who’s supporting the likes of Gin Flurry/Jan Flory, I invite you to look at the list of retirees making well over a $100k per year from the city of Fullerton who have pooled their money to try and get Jan Flory elected to the Fullerton City Council…
* Pat McKinley
* Chris Meyer
* Paul Dudley
..as well as a current city employee who’s a “plan check specialist”,named “Nick Lopez” who gave $500 to make sure the gravy train keeps rolling.
I also found it interesting that “Stewart Shanfield” who list himself as a “Surgeon at St. Judes” donated money to Jan’s campaign?
I’m pretty sure that he’s the same horse’s ass that chided residents for sullying the reputation of the Fullerton Paramedics after they delayed treating Kelly Thomas.
I also noted that the General Manager to the notorious police bar hang-out, “Heroes”, named “Billy McKinley” (related to Pat McKinley?) is listed as having having donated $725 for “Flory For Fullerton” t-shirts.
I’m also left wondering why John Phelps, President of the Wilson Phelps Foundation, would donate $10,000.00 to Jan Flory’s campaign.
p.s. It takes awhile for the city’s server to download this document, however I guarantee it’s worth the wait, in order to educate Fullerton voters how the City Council is being bought out by the employees that are supposed to work for the residents of Fullerton.
How many times do the employees of a corporation get to vote for the Board of Directors?
That’s essentially what this is.
Perfectly legal too.
WOW, I had a thought,,,,I’m not retired and I didn’t see my zip code, I guess Jan does not recognize W. Fullerton. Not one 92833?
“I’m also left wondering why John Phelps, President of the Wilson Phelps Foundation, would donate $10,000.00 to Jan Flory’s campaign.”
Phelps was one of the original Fullerton Redevelopment toadies – SW corner of harbor and Orangethorpe. He opposed the recall. It’s all about paying back the people who made him rich.
If only there were bath-houses in Fullerton, I am sure they would have Kiger and Whitaker signs!
Can’t support the drunks, and violence, but it is better than when the vacancy rate was over 50%, and all you had was antique, and junk shops. They used to say that downtown Fullerton was where the Elephants went to die…
FFFF longs for the return of the good old days when downtown Fullerton was full of abandoned buildings, crack dens and rancid slums proudly owned and operated by Fullerton’s most famous slum lord.
“Now Fullerton is infamous” Fullerton use to be very very very low in violence. It can be a very bad place, there was another murder recently. It has gained a bad history, and crowd.
Those antique stores sound good right now. Or how about actual restaurants, they make a lot of money
Its a free for all! Guns, Knives, Handcuffs, Psychos, Drugs, Alcohol, OCDA’s Office, and Politics, have become a deathly sad combination!
These were not the only choices. Fullerton was determined not to do “real” redevelopment as in Brea or Anaheim. They chose to attept to recreate the past. It was supposed to be Angello and Vinci’s times 50.
Downtown used to have a lot of bars before, remember The Melody inn, or Mikis or My Shrink? Where the Continental room is now used to be a bar that stabbings happened regularly and you couldn’t walk down that street after dark….
With a $250 million dollar annual budget the city staff couldn’t figure out how to turn the junk shops and empty buildings into a viable economic enterprise zone? Well golly, a transportation hub, a local airport, climate to die for, an endless pool of bright young minds in the local colleges, a redevelopment agency with funds flowing, and the good economy that all has had its day under the sun and with the exception of the bright students in our midst, has all but passed us by. Now we are left with a 50+ liquor peddlers that prey on our young people that are a net loss- negative cash flow to the taxpayers, merchants that encourage bad decisions for the young bright minds, provide fodder for the criminal justice system, fatten up and destroy public health with the dimethyl siloxane slop from the vat, and now occupied properties that have little hope for redeeming themselves. This brought to us all the while the council was busy spiking the punch and the pensions. Why didn’t they go all the way and claim Indian burial ground and open casinos? The support for Flory in this picture is all too telling of what some people in this town think is good for the goose but not for the gander.
Being next to Disneyland that land, WAS set on Gold aplenty. Instead there is greed and DISASTER.
The Gold Rushs’ great Boom or value was the People. (not always)
Truth is, Anaheim and Garden Grove have found that the Disney luster extends at most a mile. Outside you find the lower efects of tourism, such as prostitution and the effects of relatively low-wage employment such as motel maids. Beavh Boulevard has been even more of a challenge.
“Death Valley isn a bad place to live because it use to just be a dessert!!! 🙁
Alternatively, her signs may be put up there mostly because they think that you guys are crazy.
Yeah, that’s actually probably right . . .
The Flory banner on the back side of this business is mounted to a patio fence which is located on city property.
NO political advertizing what-so-ever is permitted on city property!
I wonder how many other times Flory has broken the law for her own personal gain?
They also need a permit for the sign.
Yeah you’d have to be crazy to not like the alcohol, urine and vomit soaked free for all downtown, where bars make zillions but it’s the regular schmucks who have to pay an extra couple million a year to police it and clean it up..
Put on some clothes and shave you filthy bum. Otherwise the FPD may come looking for you.
Oh, right. You don’t live in Fullerton.
Pot heads for Whitaker and Kiger!
Marijuana is the safest therapeutic drug known to man, and was made illegal because Mexicans smoked it.
Potheads for Paul Ryan, too.
Pssh yeah bro! Back (Door) Alley would support Flory. Next in line is the next biggest bro stop, Slidebar.
Whitaker, Kiger, Fitzgerald offer best chance for moving city past the divisions caused by death of Kelly Thomas.
Is The Ragister back on the OK to read list?
Not at all but they are no match for the truth. Sometimes they just have to yield to facts.
I strongly disagree that Jennifer Fitzgerald would serve any one but herself.
I’ve seen her at the podium speaking to the city council with her own photograher in tow, and immediately after she spoke with the photographer snapping pictures nearby, she left the city council meeting.
I’d take Jane Rands over Jennifer Fitzgerald, Kitty Jaramillo and Jan Flory combined!
I agree with your take on Rands. I just don’t want Coyote Hills turned into some Great Park money pit. It’s a centerpiece of her campaign. I’m not sure I can send my vote her way.
She’s heads and shoulders above Jen, Kit, and Jan. The Coyote Hills position is troubling.
I reconcile that with what an extra 10,000 car trips would look like on our streets which already look like we have military tanks rolling through town on a regular basis.
We already have grid lock on harbor and Euclid. I can not imagine anymore cars on thoughs streets. There is also a new housing development on S. Euclid going in, I think it will consist of 100 homes and condos.
I bet out of the other side of her mouth Jan is a big ‘family values’ promoter too, isn’t she?
These pols are a phony as 3 dollar bills. I have more respect for street prostitutes. At least a prostitute returns something of value to the paying customer.
I don’t think she promotes family values. How could she with that kid she bottle fed too long.
Prohibition is a textbook example of a policy with negative unintended consequences. Literally: it’s an example in the textbook I use in my introductory economics classes (Cowen and Tabarrok, Modern Principles of Economics if you’re curious) and in the most popular introductory economics textbook in the world (by N. Gregory Mankiw).The demand curve for drugs is extremely inelastic, meaning that people don’t change their drug consumption very much in response to changes in prices. Therefore, vigorous enforcement means higher prices and higher revenues for drug dealers. In fact, I’ll defer to Cowen and Tabarrok—page 60 of the first edition, if you’re still curious—for a discussion of the basic economic logic:”
“The more effective prohibition is at raising costs, the greater are drug industry revenues. So, more effective prohibition means that drug sellers have more money to buy guns, pay bribes, fund the dealers, and even research and develop new technologies in drug delivery (like crack cocaine). It’s hard to beat an enemy that gets stronger the more you strike against him or her.”
People associate the drug trade with crime and violence; indeed, the newspapers occasionally feature stories about drug kingpins doing horrifying things to underlings and competitors. These aren’t caused by the drugs themselves but from the fact that they are illegal (which means the market is underground) and addictive (which means demanders aren’t very price sensitive).”
“Those same newspapers will also occasionally feature articles about how this or that major dealer has been taken down or about how this or that quantity of drugs was taken off the streets. Apparently we’re to take from this the idea that we’re going to “win” the war on drugs. Apparently. It’s alleged that this is only a step toward getting “Mister Big,” but even if the government gets “Mister Big,” it’s not going to matter. Apple didn’t disappear after Steve Jobs died. Getting “Mr. Big” won’t win the drug war. As I pointed out almost a year ago, economist and drug policy expert Jeffrey Miron estimates that we would have a lot less violence without a war on drugs.”
Excellent and educated point. But there are those who automatically think you are “pro drugs” if you don’t buy into the “war on drugs.” It is so obvious (didn’t we learn this during the prohibition).
But look who benefits from keeping it illegal (other than the criminals).
You’re absolutely right. the mantra was if you’re not fighting the war, you’re a traitor. Thankfully, a small percentage of people don’t buy into it.
Neither Anonymous, nor myself, were advocating prohibition or a war on drugs. Like yourself, we agree that it’s futile. Our conversation revolved around our Government entering the market for illegal drugs to finance foreign policy initiatives, like in Nicaragua.
You might want to get Fullerton Lover on this case. He probably doesn’t agree with you.
Huh? I’m totally against the Contras being spoon fed money by the U.S. government to fund their war against the Sandinistas.
Did you know that the U.S. Air Force provided the transportation necessary to ship the cocaine back here into the United States from Central America?
Is this the bar owned by Paul Dudley’s kid?
It’s funny how many people, many of whom are alcoholics, get on their high horses when it comes to legalizing marijuana. People who smoke too much pot may lose motivation, increase their appetite, and drive really slowly on the freeway, but people who drink excessively are exponentially more likely to rape someone, get in a fight, beat their spouse, or get behind the wheel and kill someone. Anyone who tries to argue otherwise is concerned only with outdated laws rather then facts.
That is a fact! If I’m stoned, I just want pizza. If I’m drunk, I just want trouble.
Well, then next time you’re drunk, try writing coherent sentences.
How about this? OC “Weakly” wrote an article that made Greg Diamond look like a complete rectal felch.
On trash day listen as all the green bins get picked up. There are a lot of people with substance abuse problems in our town. Alcohol is numero uno folks. The social costs of liquor are probably impossible to quantify.
What was that officer doing parading paraphernalia in front of all those kids and their parents last night? That was really poor judgement on his part. He could have saved that for the next meeting when the captive audience of impressionable minds will not be in attendance. Fullerton has a long long way to go.
Some people are so stupid. MJ has made a difference for my mate. Watching a love one in pain, is hard to watch. Doctors gave my mate Oxi, for the pain, side effects have changed my mate forever. But give my mate a brownie, capsule, or lolly, with a small amount of MJ in it, I get a chance to see the love of life come back (36yrs).
So to all you people that judge, have never walked in my shoes.
Tony and lackeys, it’s ok to sell pot and smoke it but it’s not ok to sell beer or drink beer? You are really a hypocrite and an idiot. One too many bong hits for you all?
Cannabis is safer than alcohol.
Alcohol is toxic to healthy cells and organs, a side effect that results directly in about 35,000 deaths in the United States annually from illnesses such as cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers, cancer and heart disease. Heavy alcohol consumption can depress the central nervous system — inducing unconsciousness, coma and death — and is strongly associated with increased risks of injury. According to US Centers for Disease Control, alcohol plays a role in about 41,000 fatal accidents a year and in the commission of about 1 million violent crimes annually. Worldwide, the statistics are even grimmer. Stated a February 2011 World Health Organization report , alcohol consumption causes a staggering 4 percent of all deaths worldwide, more than AIDS, tuberculosis or violence.
By contrast, the active compounds in marijuana, known as cannabinoids, are relatively nontoxic to humans. Unlike alcohol, marijuana is incapable of causing a fatal overdose, and its use is inversely associated with aggression and injury. According to a just-published review in the Journal of Psychopharmacology , “A direct comparison of alcohol and cannabis showed that alcohol was considered to be more than twice as harmful as cannabis to users, and five times more harmful as cannabis to others (society). … As there are few areas of harm that each drug can produce where cannabis scores are more [dangerous to health] than alcohol, we suggest that even if there were no legal impediment to cannabis use, it would be unlikely to be more harmful than alcohol.” http://www.alternet.org/story/154782/health_and_societal_costs_of_marijuana_vs._alcohol_and_tobacco%3A_prohibitionists%27_concerns_answered_and_refuted
PS. I like beer. Like all things, good in moderation.
Fullertonista, you’ve laid down some great posts on the MMJ subject!
Thank you. The best antidote to propaganda and ignorance is the truth.
“A synthetic chemical similar to the active ingredient in marijuana makes new cells grow in rat brains. What is more, in rats this cell growth appears to be linked with reducing anxiety and depression. The results suggest that marijuana, or its derivatives, could actually be good for the brain.”
Maybe Jasen Shame should start USING that bong…..
what’s so wrong about a business owner supporting a candidate? At least there’s one bar owner in downtown fullerton who isn’t afraid of pissing out the powers that be (or a certain citizen blog) by exercising his freedom of speech. So his choice of candidate is your favorite whipping girl. Big deal. And, unlike the anomymous of fake-named CROWERS on this site (all of whom i love btw) he’s not hiding his true identity. Unlike me. My name truly is Meth Head. But you can me Dick Jones, if you prefer…
Dick Jones? Nah! I saw a video of a guy named Omaley about a month ago, he was all sucked up, scrawney, ranting incoherently, sweaty, and crazy eyes…Meth head I’ll refer to you as Omaley
and as far as the illegality of the sign, do your homework. Businesses rent outside patios from the city. Those fences belong to the business. They can hang whatever they want on them. As far as whether a sign needs a permit, I don’t know know about that. But considering bars can hang all kinds of banners, I kinda of doubt it. But I could be wrong. After all, I do have copious amounts of meth running through my brain right now. guess I’ll go back to deassembling my toaster. gonna make it better…
Sign ordiance. DT Business district design guidelines. Don’t go there.
Yes, that sign (and the others you mention) require permits.
Hey Meth head, you and this guy Omaley have a lot in common, he likes to post nonesense here 24-7 . Maybe you “2” can get together and take apart a large appliance and make it better too!
i won’t go there, outside heroes that night, if you swear to the Satan you worship that you will never spell ordinance ordiance again.
and you don’t need a permit for a sign if it’s on public property.
so suck it
unless i am wrong. In which case, i will GLADLY suck it. It’s what meth heads do. Suck.
Silly Omaley, its puff, puff, pass not suck, suck, swallow. Someone must be playing you for a fool.
i was wrong, apparently. The only temporary signs that a business can put up in the dt business zone are those that promote their business, or a community event, in the spirit of “festivity.” But come on, it’s Gin Flory. If she don’t scream FESTIVE, what does???
Over-the-street banner locations are at:
Harbor Boulevard, near Rosslyn Avenue (by the Costco Center),
And at the intersection of N. Harbor and Malvern Avenue.
An organization must be a Fullerton-based non-profit to apply for a banner.