The GOP Central Committee Speaks: Nelson 47, Sidhu 8

Shawn Nelson won the Orange County GOP Central Committee endorsement over Harry Sidhu by 47-8 votes last night at the Irvine Hyatt. That’s 85% for Nelson if you like numbers.
The room was designed to fit 200 people, and was standing room only. Besides Sidhu, who voted for himself (Sidhu got sworn in as an alternative to the OCGOP just prior to the vote), Matt Holder of (John) Lewis Consulting Services and Thomas Gordon went down in flames voting for their own interests instead of the better candidate. knowing that his client was going to lose Holder tried to forestall a vote, avoid a vote, but it was not to be.
To those in attendance it was painfully obvious that the more qualified candidate was Shawn Nelson. As usual Sidhu read his answers from a script prepared for him while Nelson’s answers were direct, forthright, and informed.
Nelson, the OCGOP’s 2009 elected official of the year won the Daily Double. It will be hard for Sidhu’s paid apologists to cast this in any other light than a resounding rejection of their candidate. You can expect the negative Sidhu mail to start coming furiously from here on out – and that won’t endear Sidhu to the party faithful, either.
For Nelson this victory provides important momentum heading into the final seven weeks of the campaign and can be used in mailings to fellow Republicans.
In short: Nelson kicked ass. I’ve got some good video and will be uploading choice nuggets for the benefit and amusement of the Friends.
Wow, 47-8???? That’s it? Aside from Sidhu, Holder, and Gordo, who voted for him? Way to go, Shawn!!!
The ref should have stopped the fight.
I heard that Sidhu came off as… let’s just say “not too bright.” No wonder they don’t let him out in public. Can’t wait for the video.
That was just embarrassing last night. I do not understand how a Sidhu supporter could look himself in the mirror following that exchange without switching his support to Nelson.
A couple of highlights…
When Baugh asked the question which he characterized as a philosophical one, “Should public employee unions be allowed to unionize?” Nelson’s held the mike, paused for effect and said….NO…feigning handing the mike back to Baugh. Solid laughs and applause.
Harry admitted that he did not know enough about the differences between defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans to be able to state which type he supported for public employees. Incredible. Audience sat in stunned silence.
In response to a question about the High Speed Rail, Nelson made it clear that the entire project was a joke. The cost was inconceivable, the eminent domain which must occur tragic, and the benefits going only to the enormous engineering companies and consultants who support it. Sidhu, whom is just waiting for those same interests through Pringle to unleash their financial power proving that Nelson is, in fact, a defender of rapists and murders, made a pathetic speech about how not enough is known to draw conclusions about High Speed Rail. It’s just no surprise that John Lewis’ broken machine defines the backers of Sidhu. Every nuance of his candidacy is about making money for political opportunists.
Truth be told, as hard as Nelson’s supporters worked to ensure an endorsement for their candidate, I believe it was wholly unnecessary. Without even referring to Harry other than complimenting Harry for the fact that he was a businessman and not a career politician (which Harry is doing everything he can to change), Nelson took this guy out behind the woodshed and left him a sobbing heap. Advance to 1:10 of the youtube video to see what Harry should have done to save his dignity…
Instead of fighting each other for worthless endorsements from a failed County Party…our Central Committee should be unifying Republicans to elect more Republicans to office
Best cheap shot of the night was Todd Spitzer saying he was abstaining because it had come to his attention that the DA’s office might be investigating one of the candidates. Precious.
What an ass Todd Spitzer is, anything to be “off the wall” and get his name in the paper again.
Face it Todd, you are old news.
The rusting hulk of the establishment machine is dying a slow death. To bad for Harry.
That must be some good chicken that part-time resident Tommy Boy Gordon is getting from Harish.
I learned later in the evening that after the vote the room pretty much cleared out, Matt Holder got a call from his boss John Lewis who told Holder to make a motion to undo the Committees endorsement. Holder made the motion, but it failed.
Holder should have recused himself because Lewis is working for Sidhu, pathetic.
John Lewis is part of Harish’s back end. He was Daly’s manager, now he is putting all of his eggs in one basket that will fail.
Learn more about the Craig Hunter failure to endorse at:
Guy Fawkes is a terrorist
#14 – those are some pretty strong words calling someone a “terrorist”. I’m going to leave it up to our readers to decide if I should delete your comment or leave it.
Admin, “words”? How about “word”. Fox called Fawkes a “terrorist”. I say delete it.
I can’t wait to see, As Jubal put’s it:
“Harry’s comparitively poor performance”.
I am tempted to run for office just so I can Hire ‘Screw Us With Lewis” and watch how well Matt deflects all the nasty shit said about me.
Of course, all of the defense would be lies!!
Let’s all go celebrate at the Sky Lounge or the Slidebar or Continential.
I say leave the idiotic terrorist comment. It’s a testament to the desperation of Caronys as their boy Hunter goes down in flames.