We’ve Got Mail!
Friends, we receive thought-provoking e-mails from time to time, and like the good Friends that we are, we like to share them with you.
We recently received an e-mail from Jeff Oderman, an attorney with the firm of Rutan & Tucker. Mr. Oderman happens to be the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency’s lawyer, and we’ve been pretty diligent about ripping the bandage off this suppurating wound; and one of our more assertive Harpoons even took a poke at him here. We’re not sure if Oderman is complaining about that particular post, or about our whole effort here at FFFF. Clarity of expression doesn’t appear to be a prerequisite for employment at R & T. In either case, Jeff seems none too happy.

Anyway, from Mr. Oderman:
—– Forwarded Message —-
From:“Oderman, Jeff” <joderman@rutan.com>
To:Fullertons Future <info@friendsforfullertonsfuture.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 5:41:27 AM
Subject:RE: [Friends For Fullerton’s Future] Jeff Oderman: The High Price of Bad Advice
You should check your facts before you publish. You’re entitled to your own opinions, of course, but there is almost not a single truthful factual statement in the entire blog.
Jeffrey M. Oderman
Rutan & Tucker, LLP
611 Anton Boulevard, 14th Floor
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
714-641-3441 Direct
714-546-9035 Fax
We’re entitled to our own opinions? Well, Hell, Jeff, that’s mighty big of you. And we thank the boys at the Constitutional Convention, too.
But: “Almost not a single truthful factual statement in the entire blog.” Really? Almost everything is either a lie or wrong? Or both? Hoo Boy! Them’s fightin’ words.
As a firmly attached barnacle on the bottom of the SS Fullerton Redevelopment Agency, Oderman has a pretty sweet gig going, with zero accountability, and we’re pretty sure he wants to keep it that way. Good revenue for the firm and not much real work. But c’mon Jeff, you’re not going to protect your little sinecure by riling up the Friends.
Anyway, in the spirit of self-improvement and public information we have invited Mr. Oderman to favor us with “truthful and factual” corrections to any of our posts to which he objects. We promise to publish anything he sends our way. See, unlike the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency and its minions, we want open and unfettered dialogue – a discussion where the truth will out, and the political flacks and self-interested bureaucrats don’t always have the last, incompetent, and irresponsible word.
We also figure that the more they say the more holes they punch into the bottom of their leaky tub.

LOL! Those guys at R&T hate my blog too…
Jeff Oderman is doing a great job for our town. If he wasn’t he would’t still be the redevelopment lawyer after all these years. he must be doing something right!
Chamber Star, I challenge you to name 1 thing Odderman has done for Fullerton that was good for Fullerton?
He’s only around because nobody in Fullerton is ever held accountable for anything they do.
There’a an old saying that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The city council obviously has great confidence in this lawyer. He must be doing a real good job!
Which brings us to the next question: How are these attorney contracts awarded and how often do we re-analyze the marketplace?
Travis you don’t want to start changing these people. They have all the experience and know every one in City Hall. To keep them is worth the money you might save. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish!
I don’t know why Jones has any confidence in Odderman. He hung him out to dry on that SRO project, getting him to change his vote over a ridiculous suit by the developer that RDA staff dragged in from LA.
Add this one–Remember all the $$$ the council paid to Robert B. Sharp Co. to raise funds for the CSF stadium?
Where’d that money go? Was there any accountability? Did RDA lawyers hold Sharp to its contract? My remembrance is that staff kept paying him without council authorization.
We did get a stdium (paid for by taxpayers) but the team folded. Now, CSF won’t even let the JC, Servite or other local teams play there.
WTF?!?!?!?! Really??? You are going to stand on that?!?! OMG, YOU’RE foolish!!!
Just because they know everyone in City Hall doesn’t mean they are the best for the job! Heck, bringing in a new firm might be a good idea since they will have additional relationships outside the City and experience from other Cities they can bring to Fullerton.
I cant believe you actually wrote that, Chamber Star. 🙁
The contracts should be reviewed annually! Any good business owner knows to review your finances regularly and always keep an eye on your contracts! Treat it like an employee review.
The City has gone soft. Change is good and an annual review with accountability is needed to ensure the success and growth of Fullerton.