Who is Tychoon Tony Bushala and what does he want?
Fullerton’s left wing joined with its Old Timey Republican enemies back in the 1990s in a rather unsavory but comical embrace. The sight of Dick Ackerman and Molly McClanahan on stage, debating as pals was a joy for some to to see since it corroborated evidence that the two groups were really no longer that different, and the Main Goal was to defend the walls of City Hall from the obnoxious prying eyes of “unknown” outsiders.
18 years later the two groups found themselves again in desperate solidarity as another recall offered a new and unsettling future with unkempt barbarians at the gate.

At the center of both tumults? My old friend Tony Bushala was at the center of the vortex of evil. A fun, self-deprecating video made by a Friend in 2012 was actually stolen by sad sacks Dick Ackerman and Larry Bennett and published on the anti-recall website. You can’t make up this level of Grade A stupidity. Anyhow, here’s the video.
Nowadays, Tony seems once again to be the target of his haters – dipshits that have done an awful lot less for Fullerton than Bushala. These are the remnants of Fullerton Boohooo and a scraggle of uninformed nitwits who actually respond to the delusional Kennedy sisters, Sharon and Saskatoon.
I guarantee he will be smiling when he sees this.
Another old classic! Tony Tychoon with the solid gold toilet.
He’s actually more likely to be snaking someone else’s toilet than sitting on a gold one.
Did you mean to put Tycoon? Unless, Tychoon was intentional…
I don’t think it was intentional. Which makes it even funnier.
Bushala’s political impact is sensationalized by Sharon Kennedy and the Fullerton Observer in an oddly obsessive way. He had little to no control over the council during Kelly Thomas and recalled three members. The replacements either didn’t get reelected or were not always in step with Bushala. The subsequent councils have not been friendly to Bushala. Bruce Whitaker, Nick Dunlap and Fred Jung did not always agree with Bushala (examples: the hotel project at the train station and UP Trail, both Bushala opposed and both were approved). Cherry pick the Walk on Wilshire as a Bushala victory, but you would miss the point. Bushala hardly exerts the influence that Disney has in Anaheim, the Irvine Company has in Irvine, and the Santa Ana police union has in Santa Ana. It is all hysteria flamed up by Kennedy and the evergrowingly terrible Fullerton Observer.
Does anyone bother to consider if Tony is just on the right side of history and that maybe he is just supporting things he believes in? The Observer view is that he is getting rich off the actions of the city council. I would ask them to show proof where he is enriching himself with the Walk on Wilshire being closed OR open. Is he raising the rents of his tenants? Is he amassing parcels for a larger future development project on Wilshire? Unlike most of us who just complain behind a computer or phone, at least he puts his money where his mouth is.
Yeah, but he has a gold toilet and a 9 babe harem. Do you?
In the past Sharon Kennedy claimed that Tony had an interest in the Fox Block mess – a lie. She crafted it to fit her narrative that he must have an ulterior motive for shutting down the Wank on Wilshire some of her followers like Amy/Anjali still believe that nonsense.
I hope the people of District 5 get loud again.
And by that I mean half a dozen semi-literate women taken in by Zahra and Eglet Nuncio.
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.
What is Bushalaland contribution to Fullerton candidates as a %age of the average direct contribution?
That is, not special interest groups.
What? Are you too dumb to notice the stupid shit you say moron?
What I wrote would be comprehensible to a person of normal intelligence. Ah, I see your issue.
Yes, normal intelligence by your standards means something between moron and idiot.
Who is this blithering idiot?
I said who I am. I can see why you choose to remain anonymous.
Hey John, Angela is asking you to fix the hinge on the garage door and not spend all your time trying to sound important on a blog.
It would be less embarrassing for you if you stayed anonymous.
The family is not proud.
Johnny Boy: Angela is withdrawing emotionally, becoming less communicative with you, expressing her discontent through passive-aggressive actions, neglecting household chores, distancing herself physically, showing decreased interest in intimacy, becoming more critical of you, activities outside your marriage more frequently.
Maybe Bushala the Terrorist will let you use his gold toilet someday.
You could, I dunno, actually do the work and answer your own question for once. It’s public information.
But no, you’d rather just do what you always do and flush instead.
During his first meeting with city staff after his first mayoral appointment, Jung said he wanted the city to operate like an “iron fist.” Which is kind of weird, if you think about it.
Tycoon? More like slumlord. All his properties that i know of are dilapidated and run-down. Maybe if he invested money in his buildings/ property, rather than donating to council that vote against what their constituents want they’d be in better shape.
Love how supportive commenters copy the wrong spelling of tycoon.
It’s used wrong and spelled wrong.
Not too bright, are you?
Most cities have a local rag like the Observer, commonly referred to as Pravda, which laps at the incestious trough of the municipality in which it resides. Long has it been since it represented the people’s concerns in Fullerton (if ever) and in doing so, it has forgotten what Pulitzer said about the mission of news papers, “to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” That is why a Bushala is able to succeed where the Observer sycophant’s failed. Love him or hate him, Tony provides a needed balance, where none has been.
Ok, since the Tycoon cared so much about protecting his dilapidated and rundown property on Wilshire, can you tell us the address so we can report it to Code Enforcement?