Things That Go Nowhere

Fullerton’s obsession with building things that go nowhere is not new, no. The moribund Trail to Nowhere is just the latest manifestation of a compulsion to waste money on stuff that is unnecessary, serves no purpose and in figurative terms, goes nowhere.

We can go all the way back into the 1980s to find perhaps the best example of something in Fullerton that goes nowhere. It’s a graceful concrete bridge that spans Gilbert Avenue near the crest of the West Coyote Hills. It is actually called The “Gilbert St. Bridge to Nowhere” by Google. It’s fenced off at both ends.

Why this bridge was built in the first place is now shrouded in mystery although some old, old timers may be able to remember the intended purpose of the structure. If you know, please comment.

From atop. No use in sight.

Whatever the reasons were to build a bridge that must have cost millions in real terms, it clearly serves no apparent function at all, never did, and thus merits its name, and a proud pedestal in the Fullerton Things To Nowhere Hall of Shame.

10 Replies to “Things That Go Nowhere”

    1. It does have that special Berry flavor. Like the oceanic south end of Highland, and the ridiculously wide Rolling Hills Drive between State College and Puente. And like Pioneer between Parks and Gilbert.

  1. way back when, Idaho Street in La Habra did not connect to Gilbert Street in Fullerton. When they decided to connect those two streets, Chevron still operated the oil fields, and they needed access to both portions of their parcel. I do not remember who paid for it.

  2. Because there was money, and in the eyes of wasteful, incompetent bureaucrats ala Shana, Ahmad, etc., it MUST BE SPENT!

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