Sayonara, Waste on Wilshire

Something that should have been got rid of years ago is finally going. The traffic signals need to be re-activated and the bollards put in storage. Freed from its surly, bureaucrat-woven constraints, Wilshire Avenue can again become what it was up ’til the spring of 2020 – the heart of Downtown Fullerton.
The public health advocates and restaurant experts like Shana Charles will have to find someplace else to do their aerobics and their al fresco dining.

Good riddance.
Excellent. Adios, indeed. Now the street can be a street again and the kiddies can do their chalk play at the plaza – 200 feet away.
And I still won’t be driving down it, because why would I? Almost always easier to park somewhere else.
You won’t but lots and lots of other people will. Back to 2000 trips a day, loser.
Don’t be mean to Hooger. He’s gonna lose the Trail to Nowhere soon, then listen to the wailing.
Comment is consistent with the inability of any pro WOW speakers/commenters to articulate a single good reason to keep it.
Please don’t show that picture of Charles anymore, I beg of you.
So grateful to be getting my street back. Now let’s go finally get our sidewalk back from those Florentine punks.
I was half expecting to see protesters gluing themselves to the street.
The goal of the bureaucrats is to eliminate the mundane, automated services that government has traditionally provided and supplant that with labor intensive, objective services that they can control and dole out to their favored constituencies. Just think of how much work and control Bushala has denied from Staff who no longer control the leasing, permitting , maintenance and management of the erstwhile Park in the Street. Maybe some of those employees can start doing what cities traditionally do like repairing street lights, uplifted sidewalks, potholes, graffitti……
Well said.
For the love of humanity, please never post the picture of the Dancing Pink Blob again! It burns our eyes.
And yet the Observer *still* can’t accept it. They posted an article on the upcoming Council agenda, then included this drivel in the next to last paragraph for no apparent reason other to bitch and moan about the loss of WOW, completely irrelevant to the article.
“Additionally, during the last Council meeting, over 40 individuals spoke regarding the WOW issue, with 33 expressing support for its continuation, 65 businesses writing letters of support, and a petition with over 2000 signatures also in support of keeping the Walk on Wilshire closed to vehicular traffic—approximately 7 in favor of allowing vehicle access. The outcome required three votes to keep it open, but only four members were present, leading to its closure.”
4 out of 5 alcoholics voted to have a drink.
Wilshire breathes again,
Bollards and signals retreat,
Old streets reclaim life.
Pink tornado spins
Creating chaos and noise
Makes people suffer
No pedestrians
Just wasted asphalt cement
The crow has flown off
Last week Wilshire dead
Much to do about nothing
This week Wilshire dead
I love that this is gone! Why would we want to be reminded of the shutdown anyway?
Glad to see it back!