Fred Jung Running For County Supervisor
Here’s a video put out by Fullerton Mayor, Fred Jung, announcing a run for 4th District County Supervisor. The winner will replace thankfully (for us) termed-out Doug “Bud” Chaffee, another in a very long line of do-nothing, accomplish-nothing office holders. The primary is in the spring of 2026 – still over a year away. The top two will advance to a November runoff if nobody gets 50% (I think that’s how it works).
The video’s not bad, although it’s sort of low energy.

A Jung opponent for the job is the nebbish Connor Traut of Buena Park who announced last year. The poor Troutlet immediately announced a $100,000 fundraising bonanza that turned out to be nothing but a transfer of money form a city council account. Jung is doing the same thing, but has twice as much in the bank – an impressive $200K.
Unlike Thr Troutling, Jung doesn’t have an “endorsements” tab, a sure sign that he holds such silly political circle jerks in low regard.

Both are Democrats, and it sounds like Jung is going after the same demographic that elected Bud Chaffee – conservative Dems and Republicans with no place else to go.

It remains to be seen if the Republicans will even bother to run anybody. Some guy named Vargas from Brea ran before and did poorly. Then there’s Tim Shaw who ran against and lost to Chaffee in 2018. In 2022 two Democrats made the playoffs so there may not even be a Republican horse in the race.
On the Democrat side it’s hard to see any other serious candidates emerging at this point.
Have to say, I had really high hopes for Jung, but has been much of a let down.
That’s not to say he hasn’t had his high points, I’ll give him that.
He needs to shitcan the imbecilic Trail to Nowehre and the dumbass “boutique hotel”.
Well, that and the OCPA and putting that dunce Castaneda on committees and now it seems to have gotten a side kick elected.
Have you figured out what you don’t like about OCPA yet?
Internet trolls don’t like anything. You no pass here.
If you place hope in any politician, you are bound to be disappointed.
Traut can’t compete in fundraising. He has his 100K and a bunch of endorsements from Dem school board members. I doubt if he could win Buena Park.
Jung is not a superstar but he is 1,000 times better than Connor “Carpetbagger” Traut.
Traut is the worst sort. He is a power hungry, scheming, conniving, and dishonest politician who would pimp his mom for a nickel if it meant climbing up one more rung on the ladder.
And better than Chaffee. Funny how he ended up Homeless Czar for the County! Maybe it was to steer money to his pals at Pathways of Hope.
What did POH do with the $20 million from Covid money that Chaffee gave him?
When did Bud Chaffee become Czar of anything?
He was appointed to run the homeless services/money for the board of supervisors a couple years ago.
Fred Jung has tarnished his career aspirations by his role on the failing Orange County Power Authority. His lack of transparency by cutting checks behind closed doors is bad enough, but using ratepayer funds to support Fullerton events, that he likes, and that have nothing to do with clean energy projects, is appalling! For example, he used OCPA ratepayer funds of $5,000 to give to a Tommy Lasorda Day Event in Fullerton, $4,000 to a football league in Fullerton, $3,000 for a tree lighting event in Fullerton, and $5,000 to Museum Center Punk Exhibit. And those are just a few of the expenditures he has frivolously given away at the expense of the cities ratepayers that were AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED in this organization, and removed from Southern California Edison. The use of ratepayer funds are to go before the board, but they never do. The OCPA is a not for profit organization, but he runs it like his own personal slush fund. And this is the main reason why the City of Irvine is considering pulling out. Fred Jung is arrogant and thinks he can make up his own rules. Can you imagine him on the OC Board of Supervisors? The two of them on the board of the OCPA ran it into the ground, and took away public trust!
This right here.
And I didn’t want to bring up that last part, though I suppose it’s not new news.
Please stay on Irvine blogs. You have enough problems.
Well, I would say Tammy Kim has a lot of problems now.
Batshit crazy Dee Fox. How’s the restraining order going? Stick to Irvine insanity. We don’t like your kind in North Orange County.
What restraining order? And why are you anon?
Because you’re Q anon Dee Fox. Wacko!
When the ACLU has to defend you, you are dumber than a bag of hammers. Stupid is as stupid does.
I don’t call getting my way, dumb. I paved the way for everyone to speak about council members and their corruption. Look at all that has come out about Tammy Kim…she is now history in Irvine.
I don’t give a flying fox Deranged Dee. Your name would be better spelled with a single D. You’ve got a lot of Karen energy
WOW…Calm down cowboy! Another anon afraid to show themselves.
Thanx Karen. 12:35 am reply? What no husband? No way. Who’d want to wake up to this kind of crazy?!?!
Oh, and that $200k Jung has, look no further than the OCPA funneled through various organizations. He used OCPA funds to give, Glenn Grandis from Fountain Valley, a re-election ball, and that city didn’t decide to become a member of the OCPA until a few days later. I call it a bribe since his residents knew nothing about it! Jung has been around forever and knows how to play the games, but he needs to go! He needs to stay home and be a dad and get his life together, and stop abusing his power!!
Again, a disappointment.
Troll, you may want to Google Dee Fox before you start agreeing with her. She comes with a WARNING label because she is a nut job in more ways than 1.
Google away…and while you’re at it…google
Joe Mosca, a liar and a fraud. In fact, Google Kathleen Treseder, a liar and a fraud. Thanks for bringing that up.
“Jung has been around forever and knows how to play the games,”
No. He’s only been on the Fullerton City Council for 4 years.
He has been on city commissions and city committees prior to that for years. Look it up. I don’t think he has ever had a real job.
Fred Jung was appointed to the Park & Recs Commission in 2011 by Travis Kiger. Kiger, a 4F Blogger, was elected to the City Council in a recall election. Kiger won a 6 month seat on the council, then in 2012 he was defeated by Jan Flory by 29 votes. Jung was then kicked off Parks & Rec., period. He was never again appointed to a city commission. Till he won a seat on City Council just 4 years ago, he has been on the sidelines. Dee Fox, mam, you are full of shit. And, you appear to be fucking nuts.
Irvine resident Dee Fox came up from kissing Larry Agran ass long enough to show up on a Fullerton blog. May want to keep those stupid lies to yourself lady. You’re not doing yourself any favors spewing that nonsense.
And yet her various personas are Trumpy. Apparently this woman is disturbed person seeking any sort of attention.
Oh, so because I support President Donald Trump, as did the majority of our country, I am disturbed. This is the mentality of the left, claiming they support other people’s opinions, yet they viciously attack, and for no apparent reason anyone can understand. If you can’t argue an issue without attacking the person, then what credibility do you have?
And you love Agran? That suggests an unbalanced mind. Being is Trumpy is bad enough.
Stop being a distraction. When I want to write about some unknown woman from Irvine, I will.
Donald Trump was not supported by a majority of this country. He won the popular vote by 0.1%. That orange skin dye has seeped into your brain.
My goodness…glad to see you read everything I print. Why are you anon? And when you don’t get specific, it means you know what I say is true, but you don’t like it. I can’t help the actions of Kathleen Treseder and Tammy Kim offend you…they did this to themselves.
Hi Wendy Bokota!
OCPA is fine. It’s not like the model was made up. Community Choice Aggregators are created by state law in multiple states. They fulfill a role even the voluntarist cranks around here should be able to get behind.
SCE wasn’t getting around to offering its promised renewable plan. OCPA does.
Don’t really care to go down this road again, but the city should be sued over the way this OCPA crime was perpetuated on the property owners of Fullerton.
I’m fine with all the 0 hypothetical victims suing for $0 hypothetical damages. It was opt-out but it was well noticed.
Every single month some little old lady who is oblivious pays more for her electricity and has now for a couple of years is not only a crime, it is a damn shame we have someone representing this city and part of it.
It costs money to be oblivious. Though I am not sure it did in this case.
The OCPA doesn’t supply us with power, SCE does. OCPA buys and sells power. And right now OCPA says renewable energy has increased 400%, for them because they entered into short term contracts that have come due. Not the case with SCE.
“The OCPA doesn’t supply us with power, SCE does. OCPA buys and sells power.”
That’s true.
What are you blabbing on about? Jung hasn’t been around forever! He just barely started his 2nd term. Your boyfriend Larry Agran is the definition of forever Duh Fox though. Duh Fox, what say you about OCPA Vice Chair James Mai? Larry loves him. Now he’s in charge of OCPA with Chair Susan Sonne. Duh…
Are you mad about something?
Just the facts and not Dee facts. Fullerton joined OCPA in November of 2020. Fred Jung was still a candidate for city council and hadn’t even been elected. Jennifer Fitzgerald (Republican), Jan Flory, Ahmad Zahra, and Jesus Silva (Democrats) voted 4-1 to join OCPA per the city of Fullerton website. Jung was appointed to the OCPA Board of Directors because he and Zahra were the only two candidates, also per the city of Fullerton website. I guess you can ask Jung if he wanted to appointment, but I would venture to guess he only took it to spite Zahra, as he is commonly known to do like the mayoral rotation. The Museum Center Punk Exhibit was for an event associated with Mike Ness of Social Distortion, also per the city of Fullerton website, and the mayor at the time was Nicholas Dunlap, also per the city of Fullerton website. Tommy Lasorda Day was a Bruce Whitaker creation and happened when the mayor was Whitaker, also on the city of Fullerton website. The OCPA Chairman at the time for most of this was city of Irvine council member Mike Carroll (Republican) and Irvine also had Mayor Farrah Khan on the Board. Mike Posey (Republican) of Huntington Beach was also on the Board as well. Facts are facts.
You fail to acknowledge the abuse of spending by the OCPA board members, largely by Fred Jung and Tammy Kim. Those “events” have nothing to do with clean energy projects. Normally any donations to these events are made through their city council’s approval and gets paid by tax dollars, Here you have Fred Jung giving away ratepayer funds, that are only to be used for clean energy projects. These funds never go through the OCPA board, or put on the agenda for the public to see, they just give money to events in their city by cutting checks behind closed doors. Fred Jung said he can direct those funds as he sees fit, but no he can’t. Then there is the airfare, hotel accommodations and high-end restaurants. At least 10 people in this agency have credit cards issued under the OCPA. And they use them, for everything. Christmas gifts, dinners costing over $2,300, a hotel bill for over $14,000. I asked for the detail bill for this and they said they had none and to ask the hotel…a charge they paid that shows in their check register logs. Now, you don’t have a problem with this? They announced the CEO, Joe Mosca, just received a salary increase to $375,000 while at the same time telling ratepayers that renewable energy is up 400%. And there is so much more that people don’t want to see because they think they are getting more renewable energy than SCE. Which can’t possibly be true when SCE delivers the same mix to everyone, whether with the OCPA or SCE, difference is, OCPA charges more. So to overlook the spending by these board members by overcharging their ratepayers is just dumb. And don’t take my word for it, go to and look at their Quarterly Treasury Reports, the last pages shows all their expenses. And Fountain Valley only joined because the OCPA paid for a fundraiser for their Mayor, at the time Glenn Grandis’ re-election “Ball” as they referred to it. And no doubt telling him that the OCPA can help to fund many events in their city that they wouldn’t otherwise have money to do. A few days later, Fountain Valley joined the OCPA. Lake Forest, Huntington Beach, the Orange County Board of Supervisors unincorporated areas in Orange County all got out from under the OCPA, and Irvine will probably follow this year. This agency took advantage of a political hot issue of climate change, and used it for their advantage. In Tammy Kim’s case, she gave money to organizations that would support her re-election campaign…and it’s all there to see in their financials….as small as the print is.
The events you attribute to Jung were just debunked via the city of Fullerton’s own website, which is public for you to browse through as well Dee Fox. No one here gives a crap about Tammy Kim. This is Friends For Fullerton’s Future not Irvine’s. So unless you have some constructive to post to prove your argument, feel free to join a discussion with Irvine people on a blog post about that city since you live there. You don’t know jack about Fullerton and you sound like the Unibomber with your meandering manifesto.
Shouldn’t you stay home and be a mom?
I don’t have any kids. Anything else you want to hit me with rather than speak to the issues with Fred Jung?
Your issues have been posted. Now please just be quiet.
No duh you don’t have kids. Who would anchor themselves to you for 18 years lady. You sound batshit insane.
Jung saved us from Zahra. He gets my vote!
For those, or it may be just one, who doesn’t have the guts to use their real name, I feel sorry for you. What are you afraid of? Is it because you can’t rationally have a constructive argument about the issue? Your pitiful attempt to demean me says a lot about your character, and it makes me think you are Fred Jung or Tammy Kim, or one of their cronies…? Because when someone attacks the messenger, it can only mean one thing, you know I’m right. And that’s what keeps me going.
Is this your first time on the Internet? Or are you just retarded?
You are becoming a distraction.
Or I could be a Jung hater riling you up because you’re so easily fooled Dee.
“Because when someone attacks the messenger, it can only mean one thing, you know I’m right. And that’s what keeps me going.” Geez. Get a grip lady. This is an entertaining blog to read during the day while I’m not doing actual work. You strike me as someone who needs to see someone and talk through some real issues. You think you are some endowed ambassador for the truth or a holier than thou whistleblower, but your consistent defense of your own words on an entertaining blog that is not associated with the city you live in as far as I can tell – gives me concern for your mental well-being. May is Mental Health Awareness Month. You can also dial 988 for help too.
This is the first time I have ever been given pause about this site. Why would you be wanting to cut this Dee person off? Doesn’t seem like something this site would normally do. I understood this post to be a open call on all things Jung, but now see it as an attempt to shut down decent. I do realize that much of what has been said is nothing less than speculation, but isn’t that what happens here plenty of the time?
This is a very strange thread indeed.
So you know, I edited one of this person’s comments to remove salacious accusations. If you count comments you’ll see that most have been about her. This person is not the subject of the post and I don’t feel like having it go in that direction.
It’s your blog. You don’t have to explain shit to me.
I can tell you that is has never been so obvious to me who someone actually is here.
Might want to think about that.
I don’t think you know as much as you think you do.
Maybe, maybe not.
I’ll tell you one thing, I am not upset at someone taking a crack at a city official in this town.
“It’s your blog.”
Dee Fox is well known for her obsessions. I’m not on the Jung bandwagon because he hasn’t fire the city clerk or the public works director. Our roads are nothing to brag about.
City clerk needs to be given walking papers. She can join the useless City Attorney, the helpless City Manager, etc. Jung should clean house. New slate.
Levitt is a useless drone. Dick Jones should have been cut loose decades ago. Sunayana Thomas is good for nothing.
Clean house, Fred Jung.
hmmm…then what are you? A Climate Change Activist? That would explain your tirade about the OCPA.
Jung’s voice in that video sounds weird – like AI generated monotone.
Good catch. I noticed that too. I read Jung has cancer so it is probably AI.
That’s definitely his voice.
Way to ruin a perfectly fine blog post lady. I am against censorship, but her rants are convincing me otherwise.
Accusations fly
Some not amused at mere words
Who knew Jung was liked
What’s not to like dummy? Fred has boohoos up in arms. They can’t stand him. The more they moan and groan, the more we like him.
Wait ’til the Trail to Nowhere officially goes kaput. The boohoos are gonna lose their little minds.
I heard the Fullerton Observer is partnering with the Save Walk On Wilshire people to try and recall Fred Jung
We can rack them up with, yet another, violation of journalistic ethics.
“Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and ***avoid political*** and other outside activities that may compromise integrity or impartiality, or may damage credibility”
Organizing a recall, necessarily, inserts oneself into a political activity.
Please don’t run anymore stories on this subject. It brought out new kooks from God knows where. I don’t think many regular FFFFers have time to read their nutty comments. I sure don’t.