Amateurs and concerned residents who attend Fullerton City Council meetings to address grievances and gripes are off limits from FFFF evaluation.
But professionals like labor unions and social “justice” non-profits are fair game.
FFFF regularly shines our light on them.
Which brings us to enemy of the people, Ahmad Zahra, who recently held a fundraiser to kick off his re-election campaign.
Hardly newsworthy.
His guest list, however, was a who’s who of Fullerton’s past failures.
Remember Paul Dudley, the Fullerton Development Department head who brought us the infamous Florentine Bump Out, now Mario Bump Out!
He was there! As was Jan Flory, his boat drinks friend who vacations with the former city staffer Dudley. She was hangin’ with Ahmad.
The Ahmad endorsed city council candidate Shana Charles walked the Zahra red carpet. She’s a socialist in Dem clothing.
A curious guest of honor was frequent public comment maker and victim to Fullerton’s mean streets and even meaner sidewalks: Bernard.
Berny reads an Ahmad prepared speech at meetings because Zahra is too chicken to debate and risk offending the sensibilities of politically correct liberals.
Berny moans on about how important staff is (a constant suck up of his boss Zahra).
Or you can find him criticizing Bruce, Jung, or Dunlap.
His favorite obsession is Bushala, who just happens to be Ahmad’s infatuation.
Big, bad Bushala who uses his “council majority” a frequently peddled phrase by both Berny and his boss, to pad his own pockets.
No examples are ever provided. Just more pro-Ahmad propaganda.
That is what Fullerton voters can expect from the con artist Zahra.
He is not beyond using the disabled, Latina moms, seniors in mobile home parks, former city councilwomen, all of whom he manipulates with ease for his own personal gains.
Another guest on the Zahra guest list was Fullerton hero firefighter Dan Lancaster, who is the union rep.
Should a current public employee show his face at a campaign fundraiser?
I wonder how much influence he and his heroes have on the decisions Ahmad makes.
According to the Orange County Grand Jury here, Fullerton Firefighters are using million dollar fire trucks to rumble down torn up streets to respond to medical calls instead of nimble paramedic vans.
Medical calls are 80 percent of all fire emergency calls.
The fire hero union and its leader Lancaster are milking Fullerton taxpayers dry in unlimited overtime riding around to car accidents and getting cats out of trees.
There is no accountability and no supervision of their overtime expenses because Ahmad is too busy hosting them at fundraisers.
Zahra, Jung, and Silva were all supported by the fire union with thousands of independent expenditure dollars.
Election season can give Fullerton a new choice away from the status quo support these heroes receive from nearly every politician but Dunlap and Whitaker.
Let’s feel the burn and find more courageous candidates.
The report points out that “sending a 36,000 to 60,000-pound fire engine or aerial ladder truck down residential streets for strictly medical calls is not only dangerous and costly, but it also results in unnecessary wear and tear on our streets.”
Fullerton already has terrible roads.
“To improve the overall response performance of the OCFA delivery system the number of units sent to most emergency medical incidents must be reduced.”
The City Council is expected to consider joining OCFA. If the fire heroes union already owns Zahra, is being in OCFA a forgone conclusion?
“City of Placentia reported that out of 43 fire departments surveyed in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, 27 departments (67 percent) utilize a three-person engine crew. This was the most common standard among the three counties,” concludes the OC Grand Jury.
Fullerton uses a four-person engine crew. That is why the city is forced to pay some of the highest percentages of overtime to its firefighters.
Fullerton taxpayers will keep paying until we have better leaders
Leave Zahra alone. He a gay, Arab pioneer.
Also hits girls.
I don’t care if he’s gay, or Arab, but hitting women, SERIOUSLY? This fuckers gotta go!
I liked Bernard best when he showed up with his hair in buns on either side of his head.
Go Bruins!
Worth repeating:
“City of Placentia reported that out of 43 fire departments surveyed in Los Angeles, Orange, and Riverside Counties, 27 departments (67 percent) utilize a three-person engine crew. This was the most common standard among the three counties,” concludes the OC Grand Jury.
Fullerton uses a four-person engine crew. That is why the city is forced to pay some of the highest percentages of overtime to its firefighters.
Paul Dudley, Master of Every Fullerton Disaster. The only thing keeping out of the Hall of Shame is Terry Galpin’s record of failure.
F. Paul of course pulls in a $100,000+ annual pension courtesy of…us!
Flory and McClanahan and Bankhead and Buck Catlin and Doc HeeHaw let him get away with all that incompetence. This was the era of Jim Armstrong and Gary Chapulsky where any nonsense was covered up. Almost nobody remembers this stuff – which is a shame – or the part played by stooges like the Chamber of Commerce and the Fullerton Observer.
Fullerton got what Fullerton deserved. Still does.
Flory is still alive?! Good Lord.
I think Jones is still alive somewhere, too. The last of the dinosaurs.
I’m kicking myself for not going to this clown show
Had I seen F. Paul Dudley there, I would have shredded him a new asshole for causing and implementing the bump out/stolen sidewalk at 100 N. Harbor for his buddy Joe Florentine, which to this day continues to plague Fullerton residents who deserve to have their full and complete sidewalk returned to them.
If only the city had enough balls to go through with it
What say you City of Fullerton?
Placentia has shown the way. If Fullerton is serious about reevaluating the way it delivers fire and EMS to the community that it ought to look at different service models, like Placentia’s, which has vastly reduced response times, mutual aid and costs. Fullerton could operate 3-man engine companies like most other fire departments, privatize 911 advanced life support services and save millions and millions of dollars every year. No need for a sales tax measure – just reform the fire department and voila, paved streets!
Moving to OCFA would mean more of the same, at vastly increased costs and no discernible improvement in any service levels.
Phony Z
Is Zero hugging the fire hero and not the large boob woman next to him? I know the score/ I was a plastic person…I mean physician.
Very good post. This is the cabal that is ruining…has ruined Fullerton. Doug Chaffee masterminds it all from his new job as head of Homeless Money…I mean Homeless, and he will dole it out to all his “non-profits” and homeless shelter investors. And his favorite client, Gillanders, is going to be a king of a whole new homeless campus after tearing down three adjacent homes.
Accountability in Fullerton politics is never hand in glove.
Well, unless it is OJ’s glove and then it fits Fullerton politics perfectly.
E.g., Zahra, Silva, Quirk-Silva, Flory, Fitzgerald, Chaffee, Keller, Bankhead recalled, Jones, motivational speaker McKinley, Wilson, Nelson, Clesceri, Sa, Bankhead recalled again, Catlin, etc etc etc
Don’t forget Julie Sa. The woman who never lived in Fullerton but was on city council for 8 years. There’s something wrong with Fullerton.
Everybody fell all over themselves to try to influence her, including libs and pubes. The only one who came close was head bureaucrat, Jim Armstrong.
I remember very well Jan Flory questioning her citizenship.