Did Zahra Spy on His Victim?

Word from a well-placed source suggests that back in 2020 after being arrested and charged with battery and vandalism perpetrated against a woman named Monica F., Fullerton City Councilman Ahmad Zahra, through his Irvine attorney, hired a P.I. to investigate his “alleged” victim.
Now why would anybody do that?
I leave it to readers to draw their own inferences from this.
The issue of whether Zahra was “exonerated” as he exclaimed publicly, and that he and mom were the real victims; or whether he pled guilty to get his dirty slate wiped clean remains in doubt. He has never provided any evidence from the District Attorney Todd Spitzer that charges against him were dropped.
Whatever the case, the broader story is not going to go away, and in fact is likely going to become a focus of opponents in this fall’s City Council election.
Zahra is the very personification of victimology. He’s gay, he’s Arab, he’s this, he’s that.
He popped up out of nowhere to get himself a political gig. He’s all about his “brand” and how he can dupe the credulous into investing their belief in him.
My take is that he was quite possibly trying to blackmail the woman into dropping charges. Which is an alternative FFFF hasn’t mentioned, or hinted at until today.
According to Zahra there was NO victim except him, and that he was cleared and exonerated. If that’s true all he has to do is produce some evidence of that instead of relying on his “first time offender” status to seal up a guilty plea.
That’s easy if his story is true.
Well, for sure Zahra does not like women.
He tried to discredit Monica F. as a witness or he wanted to blackmail her into silence. Either way, it doesn’t look good.
Creepy dude. Wanders around Fullerton getting his face in other people’s pictures.