The Florentine Mob Pulls Out

Sit down and grab some sidewalk, brother…

It’s taken well over thirty years, but apparently the Family of Tony Florentine is calling quits in downtown Fullerton. Normally, such an occasion would be cause for gratitude, reflection, fond memories, etc., etc., ect.

But not in this case.

The reason nobody is indulging in kind reminiscence is simple. Over the years the family has been in on, and accused of some very shady stuff. Forget about shitty food and consider the following fun events, documented right here on the pages of FFFF, even if ignored by City staff, the Fullerton Police Department and the Fullerton Fire Department.

  1. Tony (NOT Joe) Florentine accused by former employee of torching his own business – The Melody Inn – back in the late 1980s.
  2. Tony Florentine magically converts an outside dining permit into a permanent structure built across a public sidewalk in the early 2000s.
  3. Tony’s bright kid, Joe, illegally converts the family restaurant into an illegal night club in the mid 2000s.
  4. In 2012 Papa Tony files phoney FPPC complaint against Tony Bushala in an effort to help his Gang of Three avoid recall. Complaint denied.
  5. After gaining a CUP to operate as a club, Joe Florentine never installs the fire sprinkler system required of the CUP.
  6. Seeking approval of yet another CUP in 2019-2020 even though the terms of the previous CUP had never been met,  Joe Florentine forged and had notarized an application that by-passed the building owner, thus placing the City in legal jeopardy.
  7. Last spring the Florentines decided they were entitled to remove on-street parking in order to help themselves.

It’s hard to say what other misdeeds and actual crimes have been committed by the Florentines, over the years. Stories abound. But what we know gives us plenty of reason not to consider their departure with any sort of remorse.

And the very continuation of the bad behavior gives us plenty of reason to ruminate on the political climate that permitted the ongoing flagrance and fraud. Decision makers in City Hall have been running interference for, enabling, and diligently looking the other way through this little reign of terror. Does anybody care? The old City Councils never did. Will the new one?

13 Replies to “The Florentine Mob Pulls Out”

  1. Finally, good riddance!! It took a freaking global pandemic to get rid of those vermin.

    So… do we get our sidewalk back now?


  3. This is old news. Closed in September. Announced on their Facebook.

    Hopefully the link works for people. Sorry if it doesn’t. Google is your friend.

    The problem isn’t so much Joe as the city’s lack of adequate oversight and enforcement. If adequate enforcement was in place, then Joe wouldn’t have been able to expand onto the sidewalk, ignore the CUP requirements, etc. Normally such blatant disregard such as the sidewalk encroachment would result in increased inspections and enforcement by a city, but that didn’t happen here.

    At this point I’d rather the city focus on any malfeasance by employees and make the new owner remove the sidewalk encroachment.

    1. Can’t have a crime without a criminal, chum. Nobody said it was news. It’s an opinion piece, like many of the posts here.

  4. This is old news. Closed in September. Announced on their Facebook. Google is your friend.

    The problem isn’t so much Joe as the city’s lack of adequate oversight and enforcement. If adequate enforcement was in place, then Joe wouldn’t have been able to expand onto the sidewalk, ignore the CUP requirements, etc. Normally such blatant disregard such as the sidewalk encroachment would result in increased inspections and enforcement by a city, but that didn’t happen here.

    At this point I’d rather the city focus on any malfeasance by employees and make the new owner remove the sidewalk encroachment.

  5. It will take a Public Nuisance Abatement Proceeding to get an order to whack it. And then, just because it’s next to someone’s property, that doesn’t mean that the property owner has to pay to remove it.

    1. Yes but in this case the previous property owner permitted the add-on to HISA building. So the new owner can fix his own storefront if the lease is terminated.

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