More Comic Relief from the Anti-Recall Clowns
Yesterday I talked to the Fair Political Practices Commission regarding the complaint filed against Tony Bushala by Tony Florentine. This complaint is actually posted as “Breaking News” on the anti-recall crowd’s ugly website.
So what’s the status of this Breaking News? Tony Florentine’s “complaint” was flatly rejected by the FPPC.

In effect, the complaint never made it past the receptionist. It seems that Tony Bushala’s actual transgression was over-reporting! The assertion was that an individual, major donor must file a brief Form 461. Bushala actually legally reported all of his activities using the more comprehensive Form 460 in forming General Purpose committees. In other words, Bushala worked harder than he needed to fully disclose all of his political activities.

The FPPC representative actually seemed amused that such a complaint would be filed and made it clear that she personally had fully explained all of these circumstances to somebody calling themselves a treasurer for the anti-recall.
In fact, the only reason to even look at the complaint would be to enjoy some of Florentine’s “evidence,” including humorous mailers leveled against his RINO pals in years past.
I can hardly blame these guys for throwing this worthless claim against the wall and then lying about the results. I would have no idea how to defend three RINO council members who have spent us into the enormous financial hole that we find ourselves in while pumping up the staffing, salaries and pensions of their primary supporters.
Time to move on.
My wife actually wanted to eat there for dinner tonight with the in laws and the kids. Glad we checked in here first. No way we are going in that place ever again. What a disgrace to my gumbadres.
And the brainwashing continues by bushala and his bitches! Oh look how they have controlled and manipulated all you pro ffffers! All ffff talks about now is the recall! They don’t care about anything else!!! Haha
Pretty much all I care about too is getting these horses asses out of elected office. I’m hoping that Christmas comes early and they announce that the recall has enough signatures so we can all enjoy our holidays knowing that better days are ahead for Fullerton residents.
Busha@#%&*&%#-still like snuff films huh?
You’re the only one talking about snuff films, something you seem to know quite a lot about.
I love how they just talk in wide general terms and hurl insults instead of using cold hard facts.
Instead of saying “Tony did a,b and c” they’re stuck with saying still like “Tony is a stinky penis head who doesn’t wash his hands after using the restroom” which tells me they have …NOTHING …NADA of value.
I hate Tony Bushala. People, listen. Tony will never admit he’s a pot head. I use to get stoned with him. his old connection is ready to talk. Get ready for the truth……
Truth is a recall’s a comin.”
P.S. Don’t need no stinkin’ connection no more.
Ooo scary!!! Is that all you got?? ROLMAO
btw, why can’t you spell your name right???
Seriously, who gives a flying fuck?
Wow he smoked pot, big fucking deal, it’s not like he beat an innocent American citizen to death in front of a large crowd while being filmed now is it?
The smoking pot stigma has lost its sting. the truth is out.
This just annoys me even more than I already am about the “guilty 3.” You all have nothing. NOTHING!
What ever happened to that major bonehead Barber Davis?
His blog went adrift along with all his stupid stories.
The picture of Florentine is just begging for someone to photoshop a jester’s hat onto it. The shirt is perfect!
Did Tony Florentine remember to also disclose to the FPCC that he personally got up in Tony Bushala’s face and tried to intimidate him while he was in a public place gathering signatures for the recall?
Oh like bushala ha never done that! Man you people really are idiots! Why do you even bother posting!!
I have never witnessed Tony Bushala trying to intimidate anyone here in Fullerton. He has twice the class and a thousand times more honor than Tony Florentine will ever have IMHO.
Can you imagine how hard it is to defend the Three Feeble Fossils? Ackerclown & Co. have their work cut out for them.
Wait until the desperation sets in after those signatures are gathered. We have not seen the bottom of this barrel yet.
Yeah. Really.
The funny part is all the time and energy they put into that complaint….. and they got NOTHING to show for it. They have egg all over their faces.
Why no picture of Larry Bennett? He’s the contact on the defamatory press release.
I guess Im not understanding (maybe I came in late) but was hoping you could answer these questions:
1-why is this Florentine dude filing any complaint about Tony in the 1st place?
Dont get it-Tony isnt running for anything is he? why would it matter then, what Tony did with his money?
2-if it was a viable complaint would that make a difference with the recall? the just of this “complaint” seems petty even if it were true
While I think that focusing on Tony is going to backfire for them, I’m not sure that it’s not their best option. When you don’t have an actual record to support you, you have to throw up meaningless smoke screens…like the fact that Tony gave me a few thousand dollars for my last campaign. If he’d ever been to a school board meeting (which I can’t get him to do), he’d of given me $50K. I’m actually waiting for Larry’s team to claim that I’m going to unilaterally grant Tony the new textbook contract.
The trolls have an “unhealthy” obsession with Tony Bushala!!!!
Is it jealousy, a crush or what…
Look what im talking out of. Thompson, you’re an arrogant bastard.
My comment was very poorly crafted as it was not my intention to be self-eggrandizing. I clearly failed. I intended to point out that Tony would have donated more to my campaign simply because he would have been moved by personally observing for the first time the tribute paid to our public empoyees unions as well as the unwillingness of the board as a whole to speak plainly to our most eggregious problems. Our unwillingness and difficulty in terminating poor performing teachers for example. I did not mean to imply that he would have been impressed with me personally.
As an aside CTa, while I think your very unfortunate choice of self-identification represents the worst this blog has to offer, I must say that several members of my family derived no small amount of amusement from your comment.
Unless Chris has an interest in on of the City Council seats?? Well Chris??
*interest in one of the City Council seats.. That’s what I meant to typed.. Sorry.. 🙁
no need to feel sorry Erin, everyone here knew what you ment to type on your first comment posted on this thread… 😉
If you are asking if it is my intention to run for one of the open seats as a result of this recall, I will not be.
I think you should re-consider. I for one would think you’d be a good leader, and would know which battles to wage, and which ones to walk away from.
Please reconsider Chris. We need some healing, desperately!
WHY not run, I think you would be great.
I love how you see the role and responsibility of government….I just think the role is too small for you, maybe mayor or ?
Anti-recall Facebook page.
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Posted lol. Thanks for the heads-up.
I would like to complain about complaining about the complaint 🙂
I second that complaint!
I miss nipsey!
Okay, it’s time to dig up the dirt on Florentine… This is going to be FUN!
I just cancelled my company XMAS party there.
I was very clear as to why.
That was $3,500. in booze and food he just lost.
We’ll find another joint. Fuck Florentine and his cheesy coupon ad’s.
Way to go Tony Serra… 😀
For Tony Serra
I think you corrected a not too good of a decision to cancel your company XMAS party in DTF,
What is the drawing power for anybody of sound mind to patronize the urinal holes in DTF?
Perhaps some place the other side of the 91Fwy,57Fwy, or Beach Blvd would be more user friendly.
BTW if you serve or alcohol is available at your company sponsored event you are liable for ANY altercation or damages as result of participation/attendance at your event.
Many other private facilities are available that would be very glad to host and cater your festivities in a more secure and safe location.
Your employees are valuable assets, take really good care of them and their families besides it’s just the right thing to do as their leader..
Do you really think he cares??? He makes that plus a ton more any Thursday Friday or Saturday night! Tony good job buddy! Haha
yes, he very much does. word is spreading about this fool.
“…..he’d of given me $50K. ”
Chris, how did you get on the school board with that kind of grammar?
lol JayR
He didn’t have bushalas hand up his ass to control him that’s why! Haha
you got nothing
gramm’er iS for pussy ass pencil pushers and teacher assistant”s
plus english is on its way out and spanglish is in
tacos y carbon e frioles por for la vor
taco bell gives me the shits
I’m sure Chris has a very good explanation. If not, maybe the good ol’ Pee Wee Herman defense:
“I meant to do that.”
Haha morons!!!! Keep wasting your time!
Scared? Sigs will be done by Christmas.
Fullerton Stories: Sponsored by our friends at the FPOA.
How about when Bushala was at the city council meeting and he was intimidating the council. I hope when this is over he has tons of law suits in his hot little hands!!
Anonymous, you’re a pussy.. Share your name troll…
Intimidated the Council? Hahahaha!
Poor babies. Did Jones and Bankhead wet their Depends?
Making your intentions clear in a city council meeting to the three candidates your seeking to recall is not in any way, shape, or form a manner of intimidation.
Standing over someone that’s seated and screaming and cursing at the top of your lungs in a public place where children are present, clearly is manner of bullying and/or intimidation.
Florentine is a BOOB! His restaurant is pretty poor. He needs to spend more time on cooking and less on politiics.
Florentine, you have been “CHOPPED”!
Please come out and help us prove we are not going away any time soon..
Hah! Reading that PDF file brings back so many memories — Roland Chi, Lori Galloway, Harry Sidhu… What a freakin’ circus we’re living in! Tony Florentine is in good company, throwing himself into that mix!
Florentine and his goons on this page have turned Fullerton into a sucking vortex of misery. It’s almost as if they’re taken the Batman movie franchise for their template as ideal city government. Looking at the photo of Florentine at the top, it’s easy to see who is playing the role of the Joker!
Anonywuss said: “How about when Bushala was at the city council meeting and he was intimidating the council. I hope when this is over he has tons of law suits in his hot little hands!!”
I believe Tony simply announced that he was initiating the recall. It’s not his fault those 3 guilty goons got intimidated.
What a schmuck looser you are Anony!!!
Keep trying though. lol
those 3 old fucks are up to their wrinkled necks in shit. so fuck off
Nice language when you are defeated. Stand behind me satan!!
Off Topic: Ne1 know time, courtroom, etc. for Ramos, Cicenelli pre-lim? Or how to get that info? TIA
when is the ramos/cicinelli court date?
There’s some sort of hearing scheduled for Friday, November 4th…
I think you can find out by going to the orange county superior court web page and check via case access.
Florentine. The reason you are not being taken seriously is that shirt you’re wearing.
Just a friendly word of advice, concentrate on spending your time and money on a better wardrobe and some worthwhile causes. Because engaging in such futile endeavors as keeping 3 geriatric bloodsuckers of public funds employed while dressing the way that you do is alarming…and probably qualifies you for some rubber-room time.
That is all.
I wonder if he got a free bowl of soup with that shirt?
Lol. It looks like something that Santa would give to his sexually confused elves.
The pre-trial for Cincinelli and Ramos is set for this Friday, November 4th, I believe.
Case ID … 11CF2575
Title … Cicinelli, Jay Patrick
Location … CJC
Dept … C55
Date … 11/04/11
Time … 08:30 AM
Case Type… Criminal
Type of Hearing .. Pre Trial
I must also chime in at this point and suggest that we don’t stray off topic. The focus should be on the convictions of Ramos and Cicinelli, charges for the other (4) officers who stood by and either did nothing or got a fews punches in on Kelly Thomas, reforming the FPD and finally collecting enough signatures to make sure that the (3) fossils understand they represent Fullerton not Jurassic Park. Finally, after the signatures are collected, remove them from the Jurrasic Park, I mean Fullerton, city council and send them to live forever in their retirement communities. Maybe they can be on the board of those same communities organizing events like Bingo and Lawrence Welk dances.
What Florentine does or says doesn’t mean shit to me. I patronized the restaurant once and never again. He is simply coming to the aid of his friends who let him bend the city over with special favors for his establishment. Don’t make this asshole a celebrity by plugging his crappy restaurant or spurious action of filing lame complaints. He is just a businessman who is having tough times with his sub par restaurant. No free advertisements Please !!
Best to all this fine Sunday…………….
“What Florentine does or says doesn’t mean shit”
This should be tattooed on his forehead.
A bit off topic, however relative to the problems we are all experiencing with our local Fullerton, county, state and federal gov’ts:
We are the Peoples Public Trust and we have one goal – fixing the public services of this once-great nation.
Great Britain has one of the greatest public service infrastructrures in the world, but it is not functioning at its best just now – and we are sure almost everyone knows that something is wrong.
We believe that everyone also has some idea as to what that ‘something’ is. We believe it comes from some public servants serving the needs of big business, their own egos, or their own selfish or immature desires instead of what they are supposed to do – serving the People!
Be they abusing their power or authority, lining their own pockets, or just behaving badly, it is a failing to do as they were each entrusted, and paid, to do: To have the wellbeing and benefit of the People and the community as their highest personal priority:
I am just here to make your day and watch you guys squirm…………………..
Yeah everything you guys do is ok…
Anonymous: “I am just here to make your day and watch you guys squirm
Yeah everything you guys do is ok…”
YOU don’t have much support, or much of a life, do you Anonymous?
“Tony Bushala is a well known developer of redevelopment projects in Fullerton, CA.” ???
What redevelopment projects?
bitch,bendover and get raped by THE HORNED GOD…..
hows that for nice little bastards whore
Looks like Anonymous’ sorry-ass just admitted he’s the Devil. I always thought the devil was a woman..? NO?
Maybe Anonymous is a woman.
(Just talkin’ to myself)
I wouldnt talk to are here also. touche!!
Keep on spewing your ignorance..Nice language again..
God is watching you from a distance..
Obviously you know nothing about the bible…it is very obvious. No I said that you are the devil.
OMG! stop using God’s name in vain, thats horrible -your “husband” and his buddies have cause destruction, chaos and pain to alot of citizens in Fullerton over the years, they are no better than Kadaffy, Robert Rizo and Bin Laden and what goes on in the dark, comes out in the light.
Get out of the denial and the acceptance of every little tidbit that hubby tells you is the gospel truth.
there is no excuse for the 3 of them to have looked the other way knowing full well that some cop was molesting handcuffed women in the back of his patrol car.
Your husband looked the other way-doesnt that bother you?
You can get the vapors all you want over bad words and quote things all day, its not going to change anything that God wants to happen.
There were 10 open cases for Officer Rincon’s escapades in the back of his patrol car. 2 have been settled for $350,000.
If you are a wife or girlfriend of a current Fullerton PD officer, you should be concerned about the way Rincon treated women. You should also be concerned about what Fullerton PD does or does not do to officers with a history of spousal abuse. Do they cover it up or provide mandatory counseling assistance?
What do you think as a spouse of an officer concerning everyone is quiet when there is a problem officer? The code of silence may affect officers’ wives in a divorce settlement. So ladies, its time to look objectively about your life and ask: how does all this affect me? Then you may be more inclined to be concerned about how Fullerton PD obtained its culture and is managed.
Actually, I was told by the ex-wife of a retired Fullerton cop that the fall-out from the Kelly Thomas beating will break up many FPD families.
“…he’d of given me 50K.”
Chris, JayR inquired as to how exactly you got on the school board with that kind of grammar.
It was a legitimate question and as such, deserves an answer.
A homeless man with mental issues is hog tied and brutally beaten to death by 6 psychopathic policemen and you’re worried about a typo?
I have a potion for you that will make your penis grow to 12″ overnight, will rid you of bad breath, and guarantees to put hair on that bald, fat head of yours. You’re a man who knows his priorities!
it seems to me, it was an error-dont you make mistakes when typing sometimes?
Why is that such a big deal? or, are you trying to MAKE it a big deal?
so I guess, if I may, here’s the answer to yours and JayR question- “Chris is human and will be making typos every once in a while until they take his computer away”
Chris, correct me if I am out of line
Hey moron how about when pro-police make typos or grammar mistakes you ffffers call them GED cops and ridicule them for the same thing that dick wad Thompson did! Too funny how hypocritical you ffff morons are!!!!
Can you spell M-O-R-O-N ?
Barry/haha, stop posting
its time to eat again.
ARe you gonna start that again?
Hello everyone. Sorry for Saturday. Fedup and I will be there this Saturday. We have not forgotten the oath. Fedup and I want to go to the trial if possible. I want to see what dog-breaths they have for attorneys. Hope everyone is healthy and happy.
So with out you and your dingle berry Friend fed up there must have been 2 people at the big protest Saturday?? wow keep up the good work!!!
The only way for Fullerton to recoup the millions of dollars lost to the dirty cops’ lawsuits is to plastinate the assholes and put them on display.
I for one would love to see the 6 Killer Cops splayed out in filets; especially their brains with the brain of an ape nearby for comparison.
And if I was Dr von Hagens I’d fill their veins with polyurethane while they were still alive.
Please….that kind of talk is giving this Marine a woody!!
Wood? Boing!!!!
Anon –
I was having some harmless fun. But since you opened your mouth, there’s a huge difference between accidentally hitting the wrong key while typing, and incorrectly using he’d of instead of he’d have.
Go back to arguing with that other anonymous account now.
internet typing is serious business
Bullshit. You were one of those thalimide babies born without arms and legs. The only way you can communicate with a computer is with Dragon Naturally Speaking. That is, when you’re not drooling your baby formula all over your bib. And that’s why your posts are barely legible: you’re spewing out both sides of your mouth while you’re talking.
yeah ok, that’s why you have been harranging over this for days-was just a joke ok
stop making mountains out of molehills and get back to the real issue at hand, recalling the 3 mobsters, i know i have.
Yeah are just aching for a seat..will not happen.
We are meeting up on Friday morning to head down to the pre-trial about a half a block from FPD.
Can one of the admins here please shoot 9c1 my email? TIA 🙂
I hear ya. Wish I could be there.
Oh I thought you wanted to come…I’ll see ya Saturday then. 🙂
We will wait until the trial. We have other cases to attend to at the moment.
god is watching you from a distance..
were was he the nite kelly got beat?
He was there and He saw every blow, every taser shot, every time someone kicked Kelly and stomped his head. And He knows exactly what the intent of every one of those bastards was.
And He’ll be there on the other side waiting for them when every one of those assholes gives up their last breath.
It’s not going to be a pretty sight when they get what they deserve.
Just saw the Best Halloween costume…. Dead Kelly Thomas and a Fullerton cop….
Hey dumbass! What happens in the station stays in the station.
Loose lips sink ships. Live it. Learn it. Don’t ever forget it.
Yeah right Coffman Cop. Officer Rincon had lots of loose lips around his short stubby. Oh yeah! His ship sunk. They fired him! Maybe you are next?
It’s halloween everyday at the station, they dress up as public servants.
Is that supposed to be funny? all will fry in hell if thats true and so will you, best costume, if you’re just sproutin off
Best Costume,
I really hope you’re just trolling.
and you haha, wait till everyne is off line to come in here and talk to yourelf!! ROFLMAO
My brother Joliet Jake and I are having a good ol time watchin your blog. The best ones are those who have nothing to say so they talk about grammar! Shhheeeeeeet! No one spels gud in the tank!
We gonna put the band back together and play at Tony Florentine’s for an anti recall gig. They pay gud. $500 and all the beer we can drink and a promise of no tickets from Officer named Goodwrench? Remember our name “The Good Ol Boys Blues Brothers Concert Band”!
Ballot measure would eliminate collective bargaining rights for public employee unions
Petitions are being circulated for a ballot measure designed to end collective bargaining for California’s public- employee unions.
The End Public Sector Bargaining Act would eliminate collective-bargaining rights for public employees such as teachers, nurses, police officers and firefighters. It is similar to a Wisconsin law passed this year.
The measure would apply not only to state employees, but to employees at local government agencies such as counties, cities and school districts.
The measure’s sponsor, a UC Santa Barbara economics lecturer, must gather more than 800,000 signatures by Feb. 3 for the measure to qualify for the the Nov. 6, 2012, presidential ballot.
Jack Pitney, a political-
science professor at Claremont McKenna College, called the measure “dead on arrival” because of the state’s left-leaning politics and strong union presence.
“I’d be surprised if he can even get it qualified,” Pitney said. “I doubt he can get enough signatures.”
The measure’s sponsor, Lanny Ebenstein of Santa Barbara, could not be reached for comment.
Ebenstein is a former board member at Santa Barbara Unified School District and an author who has written biographies of free-market economists Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman.
In a recent commentary article on the Cal Watchdog website, Ebenstein called public-sector employees overpaid and blamed collective bargaining for their “inflated” compensation
“Ending public-sector collective bargaining would enable each local government agency in the state, and the state itself, to establish the pay cut-backs and benefit reductions that will make sense for it,” Ebenstein wrote.
“The status quo is unsustainable. In a democracy, it will not be the case that programs for seniors, children, the environment, the ill, the unemployed, the infirm and the homeless will be eviscerated to enable the remaining public servants and public-sector retirees to live in luxury.”
Pitney said he isn’t aware of any financial support for Ebenstein’s measure. He said funds from establishment Republicans will likely be diverted to candidates and measures that have a greater chance of success.
“It would be really hard in California because unions have a great deal of power here,” he said.
Saying the measure was likely inspired by Wisconsin’s union ban, Pitney said, “What happens in Wisconsin stays in Wisconsin.”
Dieter Dammeier, an Upland attorney who negotiates contracts on behalf of numerous Southern California police unions, said the elimination of collective bargaining would diminish the quality of law enforcement in the state.
Dammeier said that good pay and benefits received by police officers in California attracts quality applicants and reduces the likelihood of police corruption.
He said he doesn’t believe Ebenstein’s measure has a chance of passing. “The people of California are too enlightened to pass something like that,” he said.
Frank Wells, a Southern California spokesman for the California Teachers Association, agreed with Dammeier’s assessment.
“California is not Wisconsin, and obviously with the current governor and Legislature the ballot measure would be the only way to get that through, and I don’t think the people would support that,” he said.
Wells, whose area of responsibility includes the Pomona and San Bernardino valleys, said collective bargaining regulates not only teacher compensation, but issues such as class sizes.
“Obviously we and other labor groups, and certainly large numbers of the community, would fight it vigorously,” Wells said.
“Dammeier said that good pay and benefits received by police officers in California attracts quality applicants and reduces the likelihood of police corruption.”
Well, I guess quality is a relative term, eh? Fullerton’s cops get great pay and benefits and the whole force is crooked as my hind leg. So there goes that theory.
It’s easier to draw flies with honey than with vinegar.
Do a google search for “Ceasar Romero Joker” and look at the images. The pictures are a dead ringer for Florentine!
Admin, puh-lease please please please put one up here side-by-side with the one above!!!
I’ll be a Sonofabitch CackleFoos your 100% right!!! That Florentine ball sack does does look like the Joker!!!
Damned right he does. And his name! Flo – ren – tine! Kinda sounds light in the loafers, if you ask me.
Hey CackleFoos, are you related to Chiken? LOL
You shouldn’t make fun of your family like that, even if they ARE inbred retards like you.
Richard what happened to CackleFoos’ buddy, Friendly Neighbor?? Haven’t seen any threads from him recently
I don’t understand the whole Florentine hates Bushala thing. They seem to have a lot in common. After tragic restaurant fires both families fortunes seemed to fare better, redevelopment has been kind to each in the past, the two of them make excuses for Norby’s antics, and neither one has a kind word about Akerman. Did Tony B try to get one of Florentine’s favorite massage parlors shut down? Poor guy must have a bad back.
Fire? When did a Bushala restaurant get burned down? I must have missed that conflagration.
You didn’t hear about that one? Tony burned it down to get insurance money. He then paid off the fire department to avoid an investigation. That was common knowledge.
Just kidding. That was the type of comment people type here on FFFF just to get people going. All made up. 🙂
Another of your favorite comments, reaching for the waistband.
LAKEWOOD (CBS) — An off-duty Santa Ana police officer fatally shot a man in Lakewood Monday, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department reported.
The shooting occurred about 6:30 a.m. in the 20700 block of Studebaker Road, said sheriff’s Deputy Lillian Peck.
The wounded male, whose age was not immediately known, died at the scene, said coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter.
Authorities withheld the dead man’s name pending family notification and did not immediately reveal what prompted the shooting.
I really liked the part that the police spokeshole mentioned about the guy who was shot being a criminal “but no details about the shooting are being released at this time” ….. made me do a double take at my radio. Goodfatburger working for these coppers too?
Right here. How may I be of assistance?
I can tell you what likely prompted the shooting.
“The suspect reached into his waistband…”
…plus he was resisting.
Of course….
No doubt the police report will claim he was reaching for a gun (that will never be found), and then resisted arrest by running to an alley (even though he’s paralyzed from the waist down), where he inexplicably began to bash his own head against a concrete wall until his brains spilled out, and even then managed to choke himself to death.
It’s amazing what cops have to put up with every day.
Hey CacleFoos, have you heard from Anonymous?
What about A.R. Borden?
Richard, (or is it “Dick”?) you keep following me around asking questions. Are you looking for some tube steak? Or do you need someone to take you home with them?
Who Ordered The Public Assassination of Kelly Thomas??—You think Mr. “X” can tell us?!
Hey CackleFoos,
Not following you, not gay (are u?)—-just want to know if you are from Riverside??
I know who you are and I know where you live. We’ve been through this dance before, as you know.
Just keep up your childish bullshit if you wish, your name has already been put on The List.
And would you please brush your teeth once in awhile? I can smell the dog shit through the internet.