Uh, Oh. Sonny Siliceo Steppin’ On Own Weenie. Again.
Another black eye for Danny Hughes’ “reformed” police department. It looks like Miguel “Sonny” Siliceo is being tuned up by the DA for submitting a false police report, a report that was subsequently used by the DA to prosecute some downtown bar-hopping schmo.

You may remember Sonny from 2011. He’s the guy that framed Emmanuel Martinez for a crime he didn’t commit, a dereliction that was cavalierly blown off by then FPD spokesphincter Andrew Goodrich, but that now looks very much like a possible pattern of behavior for Mr. Siliceo. Sonny also briefly popped up in 2012 as a facebook friend of Jan Flory attacking people who might have suspicions about the integrity of the department that employed and deployed him.
Now for some more recent history – from 2015.
Unlike 2011, Siliceo’s assertions were apparently belied by data from cop video recorders and the case against Mr. Schmo was dropped – a situation so remarkable for our cops-über-alles DA that the lies of Siliceo must have been stupendously blatant. The complaint is a felony.

Sonny seems to be on leave now so it will be interesting to see how this unfolds. And it makes us wonder how many of the other arrests that Siliceo participated in were on the level.

Gag-reflexively expensive photo bought by taxpayers taken by Steven Georges/Behind the Badge OC
*** Officer Siliceo’s name on the plaque is misspelled as Sihiceo. ***
Jan Flory has some nice friends.
Flory’s friends may not be honest public servants, but they sure are heavy drinkers.
This is the heart and soul of Fullerton.
I said it and I meant it.
Match the pictures to the felony. It’s fun.
Sonny may be sorry he didn’t take that 3@50. I wonder if his pension is at risk.
Oh, Jesus, another alien!
That alien looks about 5’3″. How did he ever get over the obstacle course wall? Standards, pat!
Does the DA plan to call Sonny’s partner Tong to testify against “Sonny Black”…..but isn’t Tong a Brady Officer?
Tong, Sonny’s partner was the same guy who slammed on the breaks on his patrol car while transporting a handcuffed arrestee, smashing the suspect’s face into the cage. The same arrestee who only moments before had his finger broken by then Captain, “No thank you I’m bald, Danny Hughes”. Only after a lawsuit was filed was it discovered that Hughes had broken the guys finger, the boys had forgot to mention that detail in their written reports…….
Did you know the Fullerton City Clowncil hired Dan Hughes for Chief of Police without conducting a background investigation.
Why didn’t they do a background investigation on Hughes?
There was no outside testing process when Flez and the City Clowncil tapped Hughes to be the next Fullerton Chief of Police…..Because Hughes had a background conducted in 1984 when the 18-year-old applied for the position of police cadet….that justified not doing a refresher background….All kinds of Hughes crimes and dirty tricks would have been flushed to the surface if anyone cared to ask about the character of Danny Hughes but maybe that’s why they made him Chief.
Oh no, another one bites the dust!
At some point in the near future it will make more sense for him to go by “Sihiceo.”
Good riddance. Clean out the rest of the liars still at FPD, promote the good, honest ones. This gives me some level of hope that we haven’t heard the last from OCDA on the Felz felony conspiracy.
John Doe, the victim, please reach out to Friends for Fullerton’s Future. They want to hear your story!
Thanks again to Behind the Badge for those great photos!
“Behinds Behind the Badges” seems a little more fitting, and would certainly give their rag something it sorely needs, which is credibility.
Most of our corrupt cops are UNPROMOTED officers, meaning they never advanced to Corporal or beyond. Sonny was one of ’em after over a decade of service. How pathetic. He’s a complete loser and wasn’t well liked just like Manny.
Danny boy knew these guys were losers but let them stick around as unpromoted piles of horse shit
correction; Siliceo was a fired OC cop from
Another agency for his side job as a “gambling bookie.” Siliceo, soon after being fired, was “detained” by FPD for being in possession of a loaded gun….. drum roll…… Siliceo’s affiliation with John Petropolus (a gambling junkie, client of Siliceo and FPD captain) got it swept under the rug, and what the hell lets hire him
At FPD!!!! And the rest is “history”……So to “correct” the story; FPD mgmt always knew who their black sheep were, now everyone just refers to them as Sergeants, Lieutenants and Captains(dare you to prove me wrong)……
Don’t forget that it’s costing Fullerton taxpayers $196,000 to pay Officer Siliceo to lie in court and take away an innocent man’s freedom.
And if you think he’s not a HUGE liability to the residents in the form of the lawsuits by those same innocent citizens he tried to incarcerate, you might want to “friend” the likes of the dumb ass women we keep electing who are beholden to the public employee unions…which includes Chaffee!
Please let’s not lose sight that FPD has many good, honest officers who risk their lives for the public.
Sorry, but that’s illogical. The fact that some one was shot at doesn’t mean they are good or honest.
Miguel “Sonny” Siliceo made hundreds of stops in his career. Would getting shot at one of them have made him good or honest?
You posted those same photos of Sonny Siliceo four days ago. How did you know this was coming? Do you have someone at the DA? Or inside the FPD?
No comment.
The photo with Gibert also showed up on this blog the day before the Daily Titan story about him. Something is up.
No comment.
“Prosecutors said they may seek to introduce evidence regarding Siliceo’s conduct in filing a false insurance claim in 1999.”
A wrong ‘un from Day 1.
1999? That may have been before he was hired.
“The big question upon the news that Officer Miguel Siliceo has been charged with filing a false police report due to footage from a body-worn camera is: How did the Fullerton Police Department NOT lose the footage?”
Fullerton police officer pleads not guilty to filing a false police report
I find it so very strange that this blog is going after the Fullerton Police now.
You had the best opportunity to take down the entire corrupt Fullerton PD by covering the murder trial of Kelly Thomas.
“Trials for Cicinelli and Ramos were scheduled to begin October 18, 2013, but actually began on December 2, 2013. Proceedings concluded on January 13, 2014 with both Ramos and Cicinelli being found not guilty of any criminal charges. After the verdicts, the District Attorney’s office announced that it would not proceed with Wolfe’s trial.”
Instead, you shut the blog down?
“Friends for Fullerton’s Future Signs Off” Posted on February 27, 2013.
OC Weekly
So what’s your point, Einstein?
…I honestly believe the most efficient way for the residents of Fullerton to start talking with their neighbors in Yorba Linda who cancelled they’re contract with the city of Brea and initiated s contract with the county sheriff’s department to patrol the city of Yorba Linda.
The residents are ecstatic about the services that they’ve received, and the cost to the residents is half the cost tnat tbey were paying the city of Brea for seeviced that most residents found as poor.
If the residents of Fullerton had enough smarts, theyd realize that the majority of city council will NEVER allow for the police services contract to be put out to bid and will ALWAYS stifle any effort to do so even though the BIGGEST benefactors would be the residents of Fullerton.
Just ask the residents of Yorba Linda if you don’t believe me.