Accused Murderer Bailed Out… By Fullerton Cops!
Accused murderer Manny Ramos was able to make bail early this morning, and KTLA says the fundraising was done by Ramos’ fellow Fullerton police officers.
One of our readers passed along this letter purportedly from FPD officer Benjamin Lira seeking donations to get Ramos out of jail. It was posted to the Big City Cops Facebook page, an online hangout for off duty cops.
Check out that nifty logo of the police group who was passing around the letter. I’m told that oderint dum metuant is Latin for “Let them hate so long as they fear.”
Dear Invincible Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas and judges;
Dear Fullerton politicans, officials, and cops;
What would you do if Kelly Thomas is your son? Sincerely yours;
I would have taken care of him before he became homeless.
One more reason why the fpd will be disbanned.
THEY DID. If I hear one more ignorant person like you commenting about his family not caring about him, I might implode. He was SCHIZOPHRENIC. Just be thankful you don’t have to go through what his family did trying to keep him housed and on medication and then keep your mouth shut.
Interesting. American Society may be imploding. do to low world oil production.
Im afraid we have entered the same phase of collapse Russia did in the 1980s.
Many of these young officers we have now weren’t even born until just before the collapse.
Russians turned in on themselves, when their own military started to come home,
Russians weren’t prepared for, their own army, coming home with no basic skills, the blowback they got from expansionism.
so true my hubby is bipolar,and if he dosent have meds,he thinks he can make a milloion dollare out of the air,sad
Its obvious you were sheltered in your youth.
Our family used to take us kids out, all together from church, for charity work at the Good Shepard Lutheran home. so that we would build compassion, and develope understanding of mental illness.
What is happening here is the process of fracturing society into compartments were the mentally ill are supposed to be hidden away,
But what is really happeneing is there are people that were hidden away, by their parents, and are now starting to grow up and alot are now joining the police department,
Now they are beating people up, because they where sheltered by their parents, and uneducated in the area of mental illness,
here it appears we may have spoiled rotten children with arrested development working in law enforcement.
“He who has pity on the poor gives to the Lord, and the Lord will give him his reward.”
Very true. I would say most cops and citizens dont have your knowledge and awareness of the mentally ill. I know in 25 years I don’t think I have had any training on mentally ill people.
In Here is where wisdom shouts from the highest tower.
When I was young, our family had time to raise us right, today everyone is turned over to the state.
What we are getting back now are these strange, almost subhuman orwellian monster’s.
This isn’t about “training” or “knowledge.” Only a nimrod would try to make it about that. This is about a sick, twisted, sadistic brutalization by a band of union-protected, cowardly thugs with badges. It is not any more complicated than that. All they ever had to do was treat this man like a human being – that is it. Did they need special “training” to do that?
Torture and murder, pure and simple…NO EXCUSES!!!!!
How many police does it take to handcuff someone and put them in the car? This guy was TRYING to comply, THEY made it impossible by crushing him, not allowing him to” DO WHAT WE SAY”!!!!!! This is EVIL, every officer on that scene needs to be arrested and put on trial for MURDER!!!! I am so sick of this type of treatment being allowed in this country… day somewhere the line will be crossed and then heaven help these THUGS!!!!!!
FFFF – Fist Fuckers For Fullerton ! Go team !
FPD – Fellatio Providing dipshits
Fist fucking? Ricon, what are you doing on the internet again? get back to washing cop balls.
List of cases of police brutality in the United States – Wikipedia, the ……/List_of_cases_of_police_brutality_in_the_United…
My 29-year-old son “A” has five diagnosed mental illnesses. He refuses to take any psychiatric medications. He has been homeless by choice since July of 2009. The only way to keep him off of the ground/streets is to commit and confine him into a locked facility. I have desperately attempted to do this but have not been able to do so due to “patients’ rights” and budget cuts. A’s social worker, psychologist, and police officer have all told me that I cannot commit him. The police officer gave me, as an example of a 5150, someone who has been shot in the stomach and refuses to go to E/R! I do not want A to be shot in the stomach so that a 5150 can be done on him.
You nimrod. You abviously don’t have a clue what you are talking about. This is not a case about homelessness, or mental illness. This is a case about a band of cowardly, “law enforcement” officers ganging up and brutalizing a person – a human being. Those gang-banging, union-protected thugs tortured a man to death. They are sick, twisted, power-tripping sadists with too much authority and too little accountability. They belong locked up like the animals they are. That is what this case is about. You nimrod.
You are a cop right? You hurt people for a living, right? You are the problem, and, you are a nimrod. So, put that in your “law/enforcement-correctional” pipe and smoke it. I like how you spout off as “annonomous.” You are a coward, and you are a nimrod. Did I mention you are a nimrod?
your a cop and your a dick and you’re gonna get f’ed up cause the revolution is starting.
Pity’s sake your right because your country is in an epidemic of lawlessness within its law enforcement We Know! its been there since before prohibition, but now these gang bangers with badges are doing their shit and thumbing their nose whilst shooting the finger at the people they ostensibly protect and serve?!
Who (the new world order?) not the citizens who buys the cars, guns, ammo, tasers, pepper spray, protective clothing etc, etc, etc, no, there busy battering, maiming and killing someones loved ones near you, so have no time for policing shit.
Yeah right!
Hindsight, the great redeemer BMAL..
I would pray our police would be able to help keep him safe.
Great answer and I agree. There are places where LE looks after the most vulnerable and treats them with dignity and respect, even when these vulnerable people are psychotic and behaving in ways that some may see as disrespectful. When I see these LEO I have been thanking them for their compassionate service every chance I get since finding out about Kelly Thomas’ brutal death. LEO are clearly better educated and trained in my community than in Orange County and maybe even California in general.
We were schooled in church about things like this happening in life. the problem for Ramos is He now has to explain, to 12 people that he has never met before, why he really had to beat Kelly to death. Of coarse all of his freinds and family have to run to help him, but it still won’t do them any good. It looks real bad for him and there is no way around it. He didn’t follow the golden rule. and that’s a universal rule.
I have lived in this City of Fullerton for over 40 years and I am truly ashamed of what happen to Kelly. There is not a person in this city that does not feel for him and his family. I can also say that our City Council did a very bad job handling the situation. It has been a horrible experience for all residents of this great city. However, I am twice as ashamed to say that Chris and Tony live in Fullerton. Why don’t you two shut the hell up and let justice take place. You bring all this trailer park trash in every Saturday for your so called protest. If you guys are so great open up you home to the homeless people of this city. The video will come out in the trial; these police deserve a fair trial. If I was a good cop in Fullerton I would want to leave with you two fools running around trying to cause problems. Why don’t you two worry about your own families and what your boys are doing late at night. think that justice reigns in Fullerton. Without Chris and Tony and the “trailer park trash” these two police officers would still be armed and dangerous on the streets of Fullerton. Yes, these police officers deserve a fair trial and that poor homeless man deserved to still be alive right now. If you were a good cop in Fullerton someone in the police department would try to have you replaced. As far as worrying about what our boys are doing out late at night, we, the townspeople wonder what our police officers are doing out late at night….killings, rapes, what next?
Protecting the donut shops. Love donuts. Yumm.
Why is this such a joke to you, Reality Is? A man is DEAD at the hands of 6 police officers who carried a grudge and wore a chip on their shoulders. If you truly are an officer of the law as you insinuate, you should be concerned that fellow officers are acting in this manner and were mostly getting away with it, save some concerned citizens and a tenacious father who want to see justice for the beating death of his son. You are sworn to uphold the law, not behave in such a rogue manner and thumb your nose at it. You are sworn to protect the citizens, no matter their race. creed, color, or financial or mental status, of the city in which you are so graciously employed, not bully, beat, rape, maim or kill them. Kelly Thomas was not violent or vicious, he was not on drugs nor was he breaking into unattended vehicles that night. Your ideology that Kelly had it coming simply because he was homeless and mentally ill disgusts me. This too was not Ron Thomas’s fault because he could not “control” his ADULT son. This was the fault of 6 officers out of control. 1 who instigated and 5 who joined in, under ASSumption, in the beating spree of the man #1 officer wanted “f*cked up”. Those 6 officers are the only ones to blame, they made their choices. Now they must suffer the consequences. That you would defend the actions of these 6 men and make light of the killing of a homeless man by those 6 disgusts me. Your lack of compassion for the family of the deceased disgusts me. That you portray all officers as donut eating, do what I will but don’t touch or question me, disgusts me. I genuinely hope you are not a LEO because reality IS, you disgust me.
You may think you have control. But what you have is a sleeping gaint waking up! and he is not happy read into what you like, But it is a fact THINGS WILL CHANGE
Maria just a quick question if I may?
Are you a retard, an idiot or a duplicitous cunt?
No, I am not the mirror image of you, dear. Any other questions?
I have lived in this City of Fullerton for over 40 years and I am truly ashamed of what happen to Kelly. There is not a person in this city that does not feel for him and his family. I can also say that our City Council did a very bad job handling the situation. It has been a horrible experience for all residents of this great city. However, I am twice as ashamed to say that Chris and Tony live in Fullerton. Why don’t you two shut the hell up and let justice take place. You bring all this trailer park trash in every Saturday for your so called protest. If you guys are so great open up you home to the homeless people of this city. The video will come out in the trial; these police deserve a fair trial. If I was a good cop in Fullerton I would want to leave with you two fools running around trying to cause problems. Why don’t you two worry about your own families and what your boys are doing late at night. Just shut up for awhile.
Are you trying to say then that you are a bad cop in Fullerton?
why don’t you consider some one else beside youself mr. Me of fullerton. I was born in fullerton and I’m tired of the apathy I see around here. I protest because not because of this blog but because I’m tired of your apathy.If we didn’t raise our voice this homeless man would have never been missed the next day when everything was back as normal. I bet you would have just minded your own buisness and say its none of my affair.
Okay, let us review what happened to the Kelly Thomas case when justice was allowed to roll on its own momentum. The very first thing I heard was that the alleged perpetrators were allowed to review the overhead video before they wrote their cop-report. Now, please tell me, on what planet would you allow ANY perpetrator to review evidence before he gives his account? Why are criminals, who just happened to also be on-duty police, the only ones allowed this opportunity to escape justice? THIS IS WHY THE PEOPLE OF FULLERTON WOULD BE RETARDED TO ALLOW THE SYSTEM TO WORK ON ITS OWN!
@ Me: I was born and raised in Fullerton and have assisted Tony and Chris. I grew up in an affluent part of town. Supporters of this cause are not trailer trash. People here come from all walks of life. Some are attorneys, Counselors, Nurses, Mothers, College educated Students seeking graduate degrees…… We are all part of the community working for a common goal of seeking justice for the death of one of our own as well as hoping to work toward making change for a safer town for Fullerton’s citizens. What if Kelly had been your child? How would you feel if the police mudered him? It could happen to anyone. Anywhere. Anytime…..
My God, he called me “trailer trash.” And he doesn’t even know me.
Thank you ME for speaking up. Tony Bushala should worry about the skeletons in HIS closet; they are right next to the cystal meth.
The Jewish people were also asked to just “shut up for awhile” and any history book will tell you how that kind of strategy works out. You expressed disappointment in how the City Council handled the matter. Are you referring to the killing that the Fullerton Police Department did a bad job of handling. We are going to clean this up. We are going to root out all evil at all levels. I am proud to stand with Chris, Tony, and the “Trailer Park Trash”.
Sorry. Going to say something nasty to the request for funds. Just wanted to be close to the top.
This is not a response to you, Fullerton. (-:
Sometimes good people do terrible, terrible things. When that happens they go to jail and are punished.
Ramos did one of those terrible, terrible things. When that happens he goes to jail to be punished.
It’s got nothing to do with US vs. THEM, It’s not CITIZENS vs. POLICE, it’s people who do not do bad things against people who do.
If you want to raise funds, do so, just don’t tell us that the police don’t always get the benefit of the doubt. You do. Don’t cry for your friend who did evil.
If any officer saw a citizen beating someone to death, in the words of Ron Thomas.” If I did that I’d be so far back in jail you’d never see me again.’
I didn’t know you were there?? Can you tell us how Ramos killed him, since you were there and seen the whole thing, and know what you are talking about. Please, explain.
He’s presumed innocent in the beginning.
The presumption weakens after he is charged. It’s not right and it’s not fair, but thats the way it is.
If my opinion is wrong it will be born out in court.
My opinion doesn’t interrfere with his ability to get his due process, and you don’t get to tell me I can’t have an opinion.
“It’s not CITIZENS vs. POLICE”
Dude! That’s exactly what it is! If this was an isolated event then this murder wouldn’t be capturing the attention of the nation. If this wasn’t happening in every major city across the US, you might be able to make the argument that it’s not us vs. them. Take for example, Las Vegas, where there’s an average of one unarmed civilian death at the hands of cops every 60 days. The number of cops brought to prosecution for manslaughter/murder in Las Vegas for the last 15 years? Zero, not one. Mind you, I’m NOT saying they have never convicted a cop in 15 years. I’m saying they have never even brought a cop to prosecution in 15 years. So, 1/60 days = 6/year, 6/year x 15 years = 90 dead unarmed civilians without one prosecution. And that’s just the small town of Las Vegas (pop. ~ 2 million). So, yes, it is us against the cops. Pick your side. I say fuck the cops.
If you’ve invented a better system, let’s hear about it.
If not, then we go back to the arguments of:
1. Who will watch the watchers, and
2. America is advanced citizenship. You have to work for it. (You = ALL the citizenry.) It’s not an entitlement camp. You don’t get the garden of eden without paying rent. Sometimes that means sweat, blood and tears.
(Please, I am not trying to incite anything with the use of the word, “blood”.)
If Ramos is such a wonderful father, I wonder what he would do if someone beat one of his sons to death just because he was in a policeman’s uniform.
When is the video going to be released?
Don’t be so naive. OC DA Office will never do anything to harm its fellow cops and Sheriffs until they match their own kind.
Where is FBI and the Fed?
Hiding outside watching you.
Its comments like yours that invite more investigation.
“Let them hate so long as they fear.” doesn’t work on the good people. This kind of in your face symbolism and inuendo only widens the chasm. This ought not be so. We are ALL AMERICANS. Come join the cause of truth. It’s never too late to do the right thing.
If you want the cops to walk, then you want the video to be released to the public and potential jurors right now. Yesterday would be even better.
On the other hand, if you want the prosecutors to have their best chance of conviction, then you want the video to be seen by jurors for the first time as close to the beginning of their deliberations as possible.
This is not rocket science, and it is why the rules of discovery are as they are, to keep both sides from springing new evidence on each other at the last minute, and just as important, to preclude the total ‘stage managing’ of shocking evidence such as the video. That being said, those of us who want to see Ramos and Cicinelli convicted should be hoping prosecutors can indeed stage manage the video to best effect, keeping it as a fresh, devastating cornerstone of their case.
Expect the video to be made public by the defense very quickly after it becomes availble to them during the discovery phase prior to the actual trial. And when this happens you will know the above is the correct analysis.
With so much invested in internalized, whacked conspiracy theories of cover-up and corruption in the DA’s office, I know by now that few here will accept the reality of this until then, just as my rather more mundane explanations of why bringing charges was taking so long mostly fell on deaf ears, and those that did hear lamely resorted to excoriating the messenger.
Again, none of this should be hard to understand for those willing to engage in just a wee bit of intellectual honesty and objectivity.
Oh and though I don’t believe in using charges as punishment, and that bond amounts should be set only according to the law and what is needed to assure the accused shows up at trial, I am sorry to hear that Ramos has made bail. As much as anyone here, I believe in his guilt and thus get some satisfaction from the idea of his being depressed behind bars.
As you can tell, a majority of the people on here are not rational at all. They’re actually quite hateful towards anyone that doesn’t agree with their opinion 100%, like a lot of conspiracy theorists.
Many on here don’t seem to understand setting bail for someone charged with a crime is not a punishment. It’s a way to guarantee that they won’t flee when out on bail. If the person doesn’t show up for court, whoever paid his bail won’t get that money back. I was shocked at how many on here don’t understand that simple concept.
The title of this blog is also extremely misleading.
Yes. Because wanting our public servants to stop beating, killing, falsely arresting and sexually abusing our citizens is “not rational at all.” Uh-huh.
Agreed Eye. Very valid points.
I think that you misserable pigs have declared an open war on the citizens of Fullerton, I believe that now it is up to all Fullertonians to reply to your continous abuses and offenses…Hope manuel is sent to jail for the rest of his entire life and the One eyed Frankestein looses hism other eye….May all of you be afflicted for the rest of your lives, and your childre, childre’s to inherit that damnation..
I agree Harper. I feel like FPD just declared war on the people they were sworn to Protect and Serve.
You don’t even know Manuel Ramos.Inherit of damnation on his children??? What is wrong with you. Here you are judging him, and speaking how you are. May God touch your heart, and open your eyes before writing without knowing. God bless you and yours.
Let’s see, his mom was a cop… his dad was a cop… he is a murderous cop… what do you think his children will turn out to be? Not looking good…
Get your story straight before you write. His mom a cop? Since when?
So he was nice to the waiter but yelled at the busboy. Nah I don’t think I want to know Manuel Ramos the father. Would what he said and did to Kelly Thomas be the example to his children how he wants them to be? Or is this just another case of “do as I say, not as I do”? He’s either a Christian or he’s not, he can’t be so, part time. And just where was this Gxd you speak of when Mr. Thomas was being beaten to death by this “holier than thou” father of 3? Please….
‘You see this fists? They’re getting ready to F you up!’
Yeah, Ramos sure sound’s like a stand up kind of guy!
He should also be charged with making terroristic threats and so should any LEO who makes threats of harm against a citizen.
Yea his kids will end up becoming gang bangers like there dad with the same atitude.We never new charles manson but we do know the evil murdering person he was just like Ramos.And lets not forget the other low life Hampton he should be locked up as well what a bunch of bottom feeding low life scumm!! they should all reside in pelican island!
Well, he was standing up at the time.
Disgusting. ‘Manuel Ramos the Man’ is a horrible person for what he did. I cannot get those words out of my head: “Now see my fists? These fists are ready to f#@! you up!”
OMG. Disgusting. He’ll be back.
Street gangs never forget about their homies. But this gang has an official logo.
By the way I Know Manuel’s cousin..and he thinks just like me….Manny is a murderer..
That’s weird… What cousin? NOONE in his family, or anyone who knows him, believes that.
Benjamin Lira, what a very pathetic man you are. I pray for your soul. I hope that the burden you and your family will now bear is worth what you have done. You are from the same pathetic school of cops, as Ramos, Cicinelli, Wolfe, Hampton, Blatney, and Craig.
I have known Ben for many years. I do know that he does not condone what has transpired. It was a tragic event. The fact is that Manny will be gone for awhile and he should be able to see his family for one last time. Everyone always focusses on the worst that can happen but what about all of the good officer Ramos has done. I think that Officer Lira was just trying to help a friend out and who wouldn’t do that? Ben Lira has tried to assist our homeless population by giving water and even cash from his own pocket. So please do not fault someone from helping out.
1st – it was not a tragic event it was a murder.
2nd – he’s had more than 2 months to see his family one last time. More than enough time to explain that daddy fucked up bad.
3rd – past good deeds do not and will never give a person license to murder.
Last – Most people I know, including myself would not support our friends in this type of scenario. I wouldn’t dismiss this kind of behavior from my own family let alone a friend. Its called morality – seems you, Ben, Manny and the rest of your circle need to learn a thing or two about it.
Sean, You are wise.
I’m just heartsick at what is evolving here. When a DA that has never prosecuted a cop in the field for excessive force decides to prosecute the first cop in Orange County history for murder and indicts that cop, these officers ask their brothers to simply assume that this is a wrongful prosecution. It’s on video. It’s on tape. They’ve had a dozen other criminal incidents in the past year or two and yet, those who find this problematic are simply on a cool bandwagon. My naiveté continues to astound me. I actually thought that the majority of officers would be relieved that a prosecution was being pursued. We’ve got a much bigger problem than I realized folks.
Chris, I wholeheartedly agree. I have never felt so naive, so betrayed, as I have the last couple of months. I used to subscribe to the “few bad apples” ideology, but as events continue to unfold my entire worldview is shifting.
The City Manager needs to be asking Hamilton about this right now.
Never trust Orange County District Attorney Office and its cronies. Our justice system is broken and corrupted like the rest. These are enteprise criminals.
There will never be a fair trial in Orange County.
Innocent until proven guilty? Duh.
Ramos has ruined the reputation of all our officers state wide.
He has tarnished and defiled the reputation of good officers all over orange county.
Ramos is a liability to the men in uniform and has only made it harder for them to do their job.
He has single handedly took it upon him self to ruin public relations.
Ramos either has no respect for his fellow officers. or is simply a complete fool.
I have pity for those who have had to work with Ramos. It must be terrible working with someone who puts his fellow officers in situations that could have been easily avoided.
By tarnishing do you mean exposing the lies, cover ups, and ignorance of police department, city council and district attorney? By tarnishing do you mean giving society an open door to take to the streets and protest against the very ones who sworn to diplomatically protect us? Ramos is the only one to get caught because of cameras and DAR’s. This isn’t something new, officers nation-wide abuse their powers and it will no longer be accepted. If anything Ramos does get credit, for showing police officers and their departments true method of policing. This includes all those simple-minded supporters and other officers who try to justify the murder of homeless man.
Nice try but no one will pick up what you’re laying down. Officer Manny Moe, along with the whole system, is rotten to the core.
Indict the Fullerton Six. Indict all six Fullerton Six.
The first person that makes it to the DA will get off the hook. It could of been one, if not more, of them there that night.
You might see that come out in court.
“The rattlesnakes are starting to commit suicide.”
“We’ve got a much bigger problem that I realized folks.”
Yes, we do.
Chris I have had enough of you trashing this great city and the great people who live in it. Two bad cops they will pay for what the did can not ruin the city. It is people like you and tony that are giving this city a bad name.
good googlie mooglie, STFU!
Haven’t you been counting? it’s up to 20 or 25.
Anybody who tries to expose corruption by officials and brutality and lawbreaking by LEOs is nothing more than a patriot. It is that simple. Those who act out of a sense of justice and outrage are saving our city. Those who stick their heads in the sand and ignore injustice are the ones who are killing the city.
mr Me,
Are you one of the great people who live here? Mabey instead of thinking only of Me , you might spend a moment thinking about Kelly who didn’t have the same opportunities as “Me”.
Everyone deserves a place to lay his head in peace at night. Until you spend one night where kelly did you cannot be the one to call this a great city. The only city you appear to know begins from the nice neighborhood you live in.
two? there were 6 there. also we have a drug addict, thief, sex pervert several perjurers, officers farting on people etc. if one bad apple spoils the whole barrel what do half a dozen do.
It seems to me that we all need to be more concerned about Cicinelli being free as he apparently did MOST, if not all of the Death Beating.
Come on FEDS, we need some FEDERAL INDICTMENTS on all six, plus all the high rankers that new what happened.
Is it possible to obtain the names of the cops who contributed?
We need to be wary (at a minimum) of them as well now.
250,000 cops donated 50 cents each. Long list.
You’re probably right, I cant see anyone wanting to pay any more than 50 cents for Ramos.
Where did you learn to count? All they needed was $50K. Oh, that’s right. Another $75K needed for the bribes.
agreed, we want the list.
Travis, you are correct about the meaning of the phrase “oderint dum metuant” meaning “let them hate, so long as they fear”:
According to that article, this was a favorite saying of the Roman Emperor Caligula, widely known as brutal and insane. Hmmm….who in recent news does this remind me of?
Let’s look as some likely reasons that a motto of Emperor Caligula would have been chosen to represent this law enforcement group:
(1) He had a “God Complex” (sound familiar?).
(2) He was cruel
(3) He was insane.
(4) He was an angry person.
(5) He often had people killed on a whim or even out of boredom.
(6) He indulged in too much spending.
Caligula also had his horse declared a member of the Roman Senate. This is who our police force quotes. The City Manager had better be calling Hamilton about this and have some answers for us.
Yeah and we have a jackass for a mayor.
I wonder who got the better deal.
I just want to cry.
(7) He porked each of his three sisters, just like Fullerton cops pork their sisters.
Benjamin Lira, you are a loser! Your friend & fellow officer is a cold-blooded killer. Disgusting pigs. FPD, YOU MAKE ME SICK! I can’t wait ’til the Feds rip you apart. This is far from over. The public is watching. We aren’t going to let you take advantage of us any longer. Game. Set. Match. See your asses in court. Losers.
This would happen in every PD in the whole USA. You have a lot of work to do. Innocent until proven guilty. You would do the same thing for your family if you felt they were innocent until proven guilty.
Ahh…how the tables have turned…
Suddenly the FPD lives by the mantra “innocent until proven guilty”.
Up is down, hot is cold, and Detroit Lions are winning football games. Where am I?
Screw the Fullerton PD. I thought everyone was innocent until proven guilty in life? Oops.
Guess that didn’t apply to Kelly. He was summarily executed for the crime of talking back to an over-fed, under-educated thug.
How about Emanuel What’s-his-name? Wrongly jailed for most of a year while the FPD lied and suppressed exculpatory evidence?
But I guess we can agree on one thing: Screw the FPD!
Unbelievable, but apparently true. I am deeply disturbed by the image and motto used by this group. Acting Chief Hamilton needs to hold a press conference today to let the people of Fullerron know whether or not he supports Big City Cops with their skull and fear message and if he is willing to tolerate his officers participating in it. If he, like Sellers, has nothing to say then the FPD needs to be disbanded.
Chris Thompson: They feel any prosecution of a cop for on-duty conduct is wrongful, at that for off-duty conduct, they should get passes most of the time.
I am not surprised by this news. I anticipated some sort of cop fundraising to get pooh wittle Manny out of meann old jail. What’s so laughable is that they hardly assume innocent until proven guilty for the people they lock up every day. Suddenly, no one should be in jail awaiting trial if you follow their logic.
As to the logo, I thought at first it was a spoof by FFFF. I was like, this is too over the top even for a cop group. They basically know they are invulnerable and don’t give a shit what the public thinks.
You know, I have to believe there is some threshold of murder…maybe a video’s execution… that even cops would hold against another cop. Clearly this did not qualify for many of them.
You are right sir. Very right. Many cops feel something went wrong here. Many cops feel 1-2 cops made mistakes. They are still innocent until proven guilty and are afforded those rights until a jury finds them guilty. If found innocent, they walk free. If guilty, they are punished. If they bail out, they are under the restrictions of bail until trial in a year or so. Nothing anyone can do.
murder is now a “mistake.” like the “struggle” is now murder. could you be anymore tiresome with your rehashed babble?
My wife sat on a jury prosecuting an off-duty cop for murder. It was one cop’s birthday, so two cops decide to shoot up a gang-bang neighborhood, drive-by style. One round caught an 18-year-old gang banger perfectly in the chest for an instant death. You should have seen the look when the jury handed that cop life w/o the possibility for parole (~40 years in the hole).
In my humble opinion, the only reason that cop ever got tried was because he was “off-duty”. Had this cop been celebrating his birthday on-duty, there would never be an indictment.
I can’t believe that.
From your description, he could have been riding his police horse down the street while doing it and would still have been convicted.
My only question is how much time the horse would get for being a subordinate accomplice who was just following orders of the senior patrol officer.
did you see the comments on there about this? it said this could be you or your friend or something i hope they don’t all commit murder and condone this.
It’s the only picture on this article/page. Badge on the top left.
If you want to see some hateful, us against them comments, log onto the website at and search for “Fullerton”. This is one scary facebook site that should open a lot of people’s eyes to how law enforcment looks at non-law enforcement.
When they read this blog they say the same thing about you guys. But only you guys can talk shit about them? Come on. Get with reality.
I see free speech flowing both ways. What’s the issue? We think it’s ridiculous that they use their free speech spout mottos advocating that people fear them. And it’s free speech to think they’re ridiculous. See how that works?
Yeah, well my tax dollars only flow one way, and that’s outward. And I don’t like them being spent to pay cops who portray themselves as deathly enemies of the public they are paid to serve.
Maybe make a law that we can specify how we want our tax dollars spent.
There are a lot of things I don’t like about where and how the taxes I pay are spent. This one is pretty far down the list. These cops are no different than any other group that demonizes those they oppose and while attempting to manipulate images and words to create solidarity among themselves. You know, like FFF does, and political parties, and unions, and outright hate groups, even organized religions do it.
The difference is that comments from those who disagree are not deleted from this blog like they are on BCC. And the admin doesn’t call you names and block you.
They have the power to beat people to death. Put handcuffs on them and then molest them in the back of their cruiser. Falsely arrest someone who was videotaping the excessive use of force by LE on a friend and then write false arrests stating that the person had attacked and choked the officer even though the video shows this not to be the case. Their leaders are condoning this lawless behavior by covering it up and failing to hold them accountable and give consequences for this behavior. So there’s a big difference in “them” talking sh*t about “us” when “they” can actually do these things to “us” and it is condoned and “we” now feel unsafe and are afraid of “them” who “we” have entrusted to protect “our” communities from crime. So what “they” say is a lot more dangerous than what “we” are saying because “they” are carrying guns and bats and tasers and a whole lot of meanness, with CALIGULA quotes as their motto. It is truly bizarre.
A Clock work Orange comes to mind!
Amazing, some cops know how to use the internet.
Just goes to show that the police are only interested in protecting themselves. I have absolutely no faith in USA’s law enforcement. It’s not there to protect and serve the citizens as this clearly proves.
This shows how corrupt the police are and where their loyalties lie. As usual they are more concerned with their image the rights of the citizens they are sworn to protect. We are a truly fucked up nation. Shameful.
Opportunists? Cool bandwagon? Followers? Uh, no. Just people who know murder when they see it and are willing to stand up for what is right. It has nothing to do with vanity or any self serving motives as this so ignorantly suggests.
If Ramos’ son was murdered do you think he would be called an opportunist for seeking justice? Wouldn’t he be outraged and disgusted if his child’s murderer was out on bail and the people that should have protected his son from the murderer were the ones that raised the murderers bail by claiming he was a ‘good guy’ and had kids to support?
If Ramos was such a lovable guy he wouldn’t have behaved the way he did. He should have considered what effect his actions might have on the victim, the victims family, the citizens, the police force, his own family etc. No, instead he knowingly violated Kelly’s rights and as a result will lose his. Period.
Justice for Kelly.
Jail killer cops.
Thanks to Kelly Thomas, FFFF, Fullerton citizens and supporters to expose the dirtiest justice system and most corrupted cultures in Fullerton and Orange County.
We have to unite, stand up, and clean up our own house..All for One and One for All.
The irony is exquisite.
Cops are all bad and Kelly was a hero, a saint even!
Burn the Sidebar down to the ground now goddamit!
Oh and who’s got the rope?
It broke. Wasn’t strong enough.
I never used to have an issue with cops in general, this FB changes that. what a bunch of A-holes. Did you catch the “I support Sellers” FB friend…ugh, makes me sick.
how proud Veronica and the kids must be.
LOL you guys are funny. You can do all this wild shit, but no one else can. Sorry to inform you but free speech is free speech. YOu can’t lock some people down, and not others. Practice what you preach. This shit is hilarious.
We’re not paid by taxpayers to protect and serve and given weapons. We’re just the peons who are allowed to “hate as long as we fear”. In your mind no difference exists? Fine. Then when a cop gets gunned down expect no special treatment or concern. Don’t expect a pension. Expect nothing above a McDonald’s fry jockey. Your rules are accepted. Go to hell, do not pass Go.
As if the cops are the only ones using fear in this matter… actually it seems they were kinda late to the game this time. FFF has a huge lead.
Jail Killer Cops.
Not just cops who illegally kill.
Jail Killer Cops.
The cops practically have a monopoly on fear. That is why we are fighting back. Don’t you get that?
“You can do all this wild shit”
You mean practicing free speech?
“free speech is free speech”
We agree.
“Practice what you preach. ”
It sounds like you are saying that disagreeing with somebody is denying them their free speech.
Nope. Getting all made, demanding investigations, for a logo on a donation letter. You would find most cops tattoos bad too. Just somethings you can’t do anything about.
“Getting all mad”
Free speech. It’s legal to get mad. Or would you like to control our emotions too?
“demanding investigations”
Free speech.
“You would find most cops tattoos bad too.”
If I thought it was bad, saying something about it would be protected by free speech. Which you apparently hate. Well, more power to you because you have the right to hate good things.
Yes, we get it, RI. Enough already. We understand the theme, as well expressed by your intelligent words and the thoughtful choice of logo on the BCC site:
1) You can’t do anything about it. We are untouchable and should be feared by all.
2) We can beat you, but you can’t lay a finger on us (and you can’t do anything about it).
3) We can be hypocrites and scream and yell about technicalities, the justice system failing, suspects and witnesses not cooperating, etc., but when it’s us “not cooperating with investigators”, we’re simply “asserting our rights.”
4) We can joke and High-5 each other after beating a suspect (even beating one to death), and you can’t do anything about it.
5) We can violate policy and abuse woman after woman, but nobody will take your complaints seriously, and there just isn’t anything you can do about it.
6) We can malign the victim of our violence and his family, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Actually, there IS something we can do about it. We can speak out and demand something better.
i bet you loved the 3000 tattoos the gangster jailers had in LA
Manny Ramos, the person, fucked himself when he left his DAR on. Should have followed Rincon, Cicinelli, & Hampton’s MO. “If the tape ain’t shit, they must acquit.” RAMOS, YOU DUN GOOFED!
he didn’t think he was doing anything wrong. why turn off his recorder, it was expected to be covered up anyway
Bad cops will be fired. What else do you want? Get a clue.
“Anyone with doubts call the front desk of the Fullerton Police Department and verify my information and purpose”
An excellent use of government resources. I say we call and ask! Front desk – 714-738-6800
i read thru the posts on that site the other night, and came across one posting.. they are aware we are reading the site, and are going to create a more private site, so that we can’t see what they are planning. alot of them were happy to hear that
Cockroaches scurry when the lights come on. They thrive in dark, secret places.
What do pigs do in the dark? 🙂
This is relevant…how?
Your honor. I brought it up because the plaintiff was inferring that the cops are cockroaches. I feel that if the cops are cockroaches then they are also pigs. Sustained.
Cockroaches = bad people who do bad things. How would you equate that with police? That’s mean!
Just when you think things can’t get worse.
You’d think they would lay low with all of the attention they are getting….someone is backing their play and think they can’t be touched. Voting them out is the 1st step.
and i did see where they had commented on messing with the protestors cars…
geesh, per kfi, fpd officers are getting death threats, and they have manny at a hidden location, with 24 off duty guards… what a joke
oops 24 hr guards, sorry
Hasn’t it been that way for months? They all went into hiding once their addresses started getting posted here & other places.
no one is hiding. no one is scared. It’s all BS from here, things that people hope the cops are doing.
Guess that big ole beard Sissynelli was sporting when he turned himself in was a figment of our imagination…..
HAH!!! I WONDERED why he grew that homeless guy beard!
So what you’re saying is Goodrich was lying again? Pretty sure they came out & said the officers were no longer living at home once their addresses started getting passed around.
Go knock on the door and find out LOL
RI came out and said they were in Newport Beach. He’s never wrong (God Complex) so they must have been there.
It seems that at least one member of the FPD has decided to support an accused murderer over the people of Fullerton.
He states the following: “I’m here to ask for your help, and to tell you my friend is NOT a murderer.”
As his coworker and friend, he has the right to help Ramos make bail. But ignoring all the comprehensive and conclusive evidence is another thing entirely.
We the public have the right to expect our FPD officers to always be on the right side of the law and always be for justice.
Officers, if you are going to speak out about this case, how about supporting us, the public and not your criminally charged friends.
Remember you are all supposed to be fighting crime, not causing it.
Everyone outside of this blog believes in innocent until proven guilty. Get used to it.
I am going out on a limb here but if he was “innocent” then why was he the 1st cop in the history of OC charged with murder? I think once we the people have seen the video your spew will be silenced. Carry on with your cop sniffing ways RI it make you look good.
Did I say he was innocent? Again, this blog tends to change what people say very quickly.
OK RI, I stand corrected, I did not hear you say “He” was innocent, therefore accept my retraction on implied comment. As you were.
Everyone… really? everyone….. are you not the one who does not want everyone painted with a broad brush? There are killer cops out there and people want them put away…. Get used to it.
Oh sorry. I thought citizens believe innocent until proven guilty. Oh wait. They do. You are on this blog. 🙂
KELLY WAS PROVED GUILTY in the street then , HE DIED AT the hand,s of a though out pre. MUDER YOU KNOW IT AND I KNOW IT .
You’re dreaming. Without exception, cops are circling the wagons on this issue. Go to the cop web site and read what they say. Their defense of Ramos, et al, always centers on some form of “blame the victim”. Such as, Kelly is dead because his father didn’t take him off the street.
The corruption,murders,sexual assaults,false arrests,lying to the public,perjury in court,assault on civilians the list goes on and on. Now we have the same band of criminals that have been pulling this crap banding together to bail out a murderer who would not be in jail if there was no strong evidence to put him there in the first place. This is out of control. GOD HELP US.
The Feds & DOJ need to step in and quick. I fear the retaliation from the Fullerton PD on the public is going to be ugly because no one is minding these psychopaths with guns and badges to do as they wish.
oops 24 hr guards..
I’ve heard of Big City Cop. They threatened to come down to the protest last Sat. and put on a counter protest. Which I wish they did. Would have been great publicity. They also gave a vague threat that they would be “watching” our cars. Scum of the earth. I don’t doubt that FPD are members of BCC.
I hope they do too. Would be fun to see all you sissies run away from their masks.
So. Can we expect you RI?
I’m always there.
No you’re not. I checked.
“Scum of the earth.”
Wow, you must not get out much.
Does Michael Gennaco have enought teeth to do something about this?
The contents of this letter is appalling, once again demonstrating this ‘Entitlement’ that police deparments and members in all ranks fully expect. “One of ours are allowed to murder someone, as long is it’s NOT one of our own.”
And the meaning behind that evil slogan in the logo shows what the Fullerton Police Department is all about.
Can we mandate an interview with Captain Hamilton on this issue? I will be more than happy to conduct it if we can get one.
At the very least, John and Ken of KFI need to get ALL OVER this today..
Because they were seeking donations? LOL. You are funny. Legal, and nothing wrong with it. A picture of a skull is nothing. Get a clue. Keep digging.
Please do explain Dear Reasonable One why “Let them hate so long as they fear” would be selected above any other saying for the logo? I’m sure we’re just misunderstanding the point. Go on lady boy, clear it up for the folks.
This is the same zit who said “love and respect us and we’ll treat you the same way.”
Serious personality issues.
“Love and respect us and we’ll treat you neutrally.”
I fixed that for accuracy.
And explain why the types of people throughout history who have chosen this logo are abusive, violent, arrogant, insane, and immoral.
Send me that link please. Send me, copy and paste, where it says that people using that logo are all of those terms. Do it. Now. Or these fists will……LOL
Link to where I said “people using that logo are all of those terms”.
I have no clue. I have never heard of Big City Cops in my life and I’ve never heard of that phrase either. Is it a military term? Not sure what Big city Cops is. Maybe an LAPD club? Who knows.
By the way, WHAT has Gennaco done anyway? He took the job and as far as anybody can see has done nothing. Last anybody’s heard from him.
He said in an article about him investigating the LA Probation Dept “I have a world vision in which police officers obey the law, a vision that is supported in most cases,” Gennaco says. “But there are times when they abuse their power. The victims of police misconduct don’t have power and authority and the ability to get redress. They’re not the people in Malibu.”
So why hasn’t anyone heard from him in Fullerton?
You won’t hear from him at all until everything is complete. About a year.
fail today
I know there is supposed to be a meet and greet between protesters on Saturday in front of Fullerton PD so let me remind everyone…
1. The person or people you’ll be meeting with could be police officers.
The most common questions from an undercover cop collecting intel will be “where are you from?”, “whats your name?”, “who did you bring?”, “what do you think of law enforcement?”, “who do you know?”, “where do you live?” and “what car do you drive?”.
Most likely they’re not going to ask those questions exactly like that but in a round about way.
2. If you have outstanding warrants stay under the radar and do not “meet” or “organize” with protesters outside of just being there to show support. Keep in mind they’re not going to bother you if you’re just holding a sign.
3. They will have their undercover officers and “confidential informants” writing down and recording license plates of vehicles parked closest to the protest. If you do mind this, please park your car in a crowded area that has a lot of vehicle traffic and walk down.
4. If someone injects racism, sexism or violence into the conversation. Distance yourself from them. The person doing this could be an undercover officer, an informant or someone who supports the PD trying to incite or coerce you into committing crimes or other acts that could demonize or derail an otherwise peaceful gathering that is open to all regardless of race, gender and/or sexual orientation.
Bear in mind, everything you say can and probably will be recorded and could be used against you in court or to extort and silence you.
I’ll give you an example, if this person or persons makes disparaging remarks about Manny Ramo’s race, brush it off but do not “one up” or continue dialog with that person. The same goes from someone mentioning setting fire to something or sabotaging vehicles or businesses. DO NOT ENGAGE THESE PEOPLE. Again, they are likely setting you up.
5. If you are confronted by a police supporter at the protest, keep some distance between you and them furthermore stay within sight of other protesters, do not let them isolate you or try to bait you into a shoving match.
If they confront you while you’re at your car, do not talk to them at all no matter what they say.
Very well done!
Do not trust any law official at all! They have basically declared war on all citizens who do not obey their every command. Period
Is that like Ayyyy Hilter!!??
Do you mean “Heil Hitler?”
LOL yea that too. I just yelled it with my hand up. I said Ayyyyyy but must be Heil.
Sounds like good info to me. Wonder when FPD or union is going to hire hackers to get into websites critical of them and ‘F’ up those sites and find ways to ID bloggers they think ‘dangerous’??
I bet the fbi has already hacked into theirs.
Captain you might wanna put down the bong, paranoia runs deep, into your life it will creep, starts when your always afraid, step out of line, the man come and take you away…
Are you Captain Hughes, Good Captain?
Thanks for the insite.
insight (as opposed to insite)
This is DISGUSTING! I hope the FBI AND THE DEPT. OF JUSTICE STEP IN ON THIS. I consider all of you who pitched in equally guilty of MURDER! you support it stand by it and like I have always believed many cops are liked minded to their counter parts that being criminals. To know one is to be one.
I would like to dispel a closely held delusions that a Federal agency would ever act soley in the interest of the public. This would never happen. If such an agency ever did act in the public interest, it would merely be coincidental to their true motives.
Never forget. These are the people who endorsed and elected Bankhead, Jones, and McPension.
They didn’t elect them. Citizens of Fullerton did. 🙂
No matter what happens remember we are on the right side of things here. Good advice-see you all Saturday.
Himmler had a wife and kids and even liked farming…. sounds like a nice guy until you see what he did for a living. He was even liked by his buddies and they tried to keep him out of trouble too….. All these people getting in the cops business with video cameras and recording them is really putting a damper on all that ‘Fear” stuff that BCC thinks they instill… hatred can turn into action. The Feds know this, that is the reason they got here so fast.
We petition the obama administration to:Require all police forces which receive federal aid to mandate recording of audio and video of all police actions
Good idea. Only thing is you have to make it auto turn on. Impossible for cops to turn things on all the time, especially in emergency situations. They will be off too often that way. Auto turn on for certain reasons.
How about ALWAYS on?
Great idea. Problem at that point is money. That’s a huge amount of audio and video. Imagine about 75 people wearing audio and video 24 hours a day? Almost impossible without millions of dollars. Then save all that data for how long? Anything is possible but in the end it all comes down to money. That’s why most of that stuff never happens.
Yeah good point. The storage wouldn’t be much of an issue; storage is cheap. Sorting through it all might get ridiculous.
I did like the idea to auto turn-on; I just don’t know how you’d make it work. What triggers it? Could the device or mechanism that triggers it be disabled?
I assume officers have to log detentions and arrests (correct me if I’m wrong here), so just have the data deleted each week or month (basically periodically except for the data that covers the time of a detention/arrest. It’s doable, at any rate, and doesn’t need to involve someone there to listen through *everything* which would be an enormous waste of time and expense.
How do the transportation departments do it on city buses, subways, and trains?
if i did it i be in jail on my f n way to prson
Is this confirmed RI?
PORAC donated the $1,000,000. They just divide it up among the 200,000 members and take it out of the checks. 🙂
more like PORC
Since BCC is aware of the protest I fully expect them to send people to provoke or incite the protesters.
We really do need to be watchful, aware, and above all in control of our words, actions, and emotions.
Should be fun. You will never know who they are even if they provoke or assault you. Hit and run.
What do you mean by this?
What do you mean by this? Please clarify.
I pictured 100,000 cops with those masks some of your group wears all hanging out then provoking you guys, just as a few on this group said, then taking off. That good enough?
You used the word assault. Would it be fun for you to see people provoke and assault innocent people?
like they cant get hit back. bring it bitches
Bring it on BCC. I ain’t scared. I survived child abuse, cancer and I have children….nothing scares me! In fact trace my IP, find out where I live, show up at my door at all hours of the night….just what would that prove? Only that we are right about you and your thug organization. Why don’t you all try proving us wrong for a change, eh?
We ALL need to show up by the droves for this Saturday’s protest in front of FPD.
I have many friends that have yet to show up for just one protest, but I will do my best to bring a dozen new people with me to this protest to include: Neighbors, co-workers, family members, my pets, Facebook friends, etc.
I’ve got an extra loud horn as well and my cameras are always on.
I wonder who put up the 1 million bail … The appeal for donations was posted yesterday afternoon. It seems unlikely in the extreme they got a million in donations in under 24 hours. TheFullertonWatcher are you sure it was one donor? If so this info needs to be leaked. County sheriff employees reading this blog please email the info to this site. Use tor for anonymity ( or just go to a starbucks or mcdonalds and use their wifi.
By the way do not use your personal email like (ISP email) This will identify you as easily as your name. Here’s a tor friendly email that can be opened easily and anonymously thru tor (or otherwise)
It was “only” $80,000. 8 cops and their supporters could easily afford to blow $10,000 each.
He bonded out. At least they won’t see that $80000 back.
Or maybe someone put up $1,000,000?
Steve here-Fullerton PD sources say it was a single donor that paid for Manuel Ramos’ bail. Family raising money to pay it back #kellythomas
3 hours ago
Just as I said. 🙂
…yeah, that’s never going to happen.
who is the donor?
Someone who will soon be filing for bankruptcy.
Only a fool would “anonymously” blow that amount of money to bail out a small town cop who was caught on tape committing several felonies.
Ramos will never be a “poster boy” for a “cause” because there was none in relation to this case.
Usually people blow that amount of money to get their name in the press and to promote their business or their television program but given the circumstances there is no way the donor will recoup their costs and the backlash will be enormous.
If a television network paid this bail for an “exclusive”, the executive will probably be fired because the nationwide interest in this story is so small. We’re not talking about “Casey Anthony” here.
I can understand paying the $100,000 (10%) bail but paying the full million for this cop over this case is insane from a business standpoint.
Whoever paid the million gets the million back though. So he loses a little interest and Ramos is free. I’m surprised no one here hasn’t said it was the DA or McKinley or Fullerton that put the $$ up. 🙂
he’ll suck his pistol before trial or run off
I don’t think it matters. If Ramos can raise bail then he has a right to do so. If his fellow cops feel they need to support a colleague in trouble I don’t even have a problem with that either. What I do want to know is if Fullerton cops are part of a national organization that represents itself with a death head skull and has a motto quoting fear as their MO. The Chief needs to tell us now.
Probably Ben & Jerry or Alec Baldwin. LOL!
Can someone please screenshot the BCC page wherein it was stated they have a group to ‘care for our parked cars’ while the page is still public?
I’d do it but I can’t on this phone.
i love the guy calling people cowards on facebook when they post with their names well he hides behind some fake name spewing hate.
Big City Cops Several of the intelligent people from your “support group” have already realized that there’s more to what is being said…
Did the Officers commit a crime, that’s for a jury to decide…
I’m sure those of you who live in Fullerton came across Kelly on your way to get some starbucks coffee…or while going to your tanning salons…did you say hello to him, or offer him a sandwich, or a safe place to rest his head??
Funny how all of come out from under your rocks to attack the police… but none of you stepped up to help Kelly while he was alive…typical of hypocrites…
its not all about helping kelly its about cops committing crimes, and talk about hypocrites look at this gang cop site you run.
Jesus Christ, at least we didn’t electrocute him and bash his face in with a taser butt as we sat on his chest.
You did that.
And that’s the issue: cold-blooded murder.
Most may not have seen or made any overtures to Kelly… but he was left to live his life the way he obviously wanted. He was alive, he was thin but not starving, he had his routines, he had some personal possesions and he was functioning the best way he could. Kelly was sitting on a bench minding his own business until he was detained for a reason that has yet to be explained or proven. He was threatened with bodily harm and when he was grabbed without an explanation of why he was being detained or touched by the officer… his last interaction was that he was going to be assulted…. and he was assulted and then he was dead. No, citizens let Kelly live his life, cops killed him.
So what are you trying to say Roy?
True. True. Pop that zit!
thats what they posted at their site, now they have taken it down.
I understood your posting Roy,not your words,it was their words. And of course they took it down now the whole world knows about their site because it has the posters name and their picture attached to it….funny how that works.
That could be good and bad. Could bring in a ton of money with the publicity. Maybe that was the plan? 🙂
Police officer charged with murder posts $1M bail
The headline is a bit misleading.
The story never says if he posted 10 percent or 1 million.
Thank you.
Thank you. I’ve always said if people did wrong, punish them appropriately. Someone did wrong.
True true!!! You can get all mad and say it’s wrong and say they are racist, mud slinging, bacon eating pigs. True!! You can say it all. I forgot. Just like I always say people on this blog are all whacky. You are right. My bad.
Oh I see. You are applying the statements of a couple of people to everyone on this site. Carry on with your stereotypes.
Temporary 2 month vacation. There and home. No work so days spent rolling around in the sand.
Hmmmmmmm. 🙂
I’m doing well. 🙂
Serious. I wanna see it. That logo and that german term or whatever it is. You said it means all that stuff.
Are you serious you don’t know what logo it is? It’s in the freaking article. Here you go in case you still can’t find it:
It clearly says “oderint dum metuant”. Quick research shows this to translate to the term “let them hate, so long as they fear”, which is also in the article above.
LOL. I saw the logo. I’ve never seen it before. I have no idea what it means. I saw he words too. I have no idea what those mean. Up above you said that the logo and the words mean some pretty bad terms. I was wondering where it said the logo and those words mean what you said!!
“I was wondering where it said the logo and those words mean what you said!!”
No you’re not. You know what it says. I don’t know what your game is here, but don’t play dumb.
In the off chance that you’re not just “playing” dumb, Google it. It’s extremely widely accepted amongst Latin scholars, online translators, Wikipedia (in several different languages), history books, and a universal variety of other sources what this phrase means. You do realize that there are many people who can speak Latin, no? And you do realize that the person who chose this phrase knows the translation, no? Or did you think he randomly typed out some letters that look “cool” that just happen to spell out a message in a different language that perfectly describes his character?
In case you’re unfamiliar with the capabilities of modern search engines, here you go:
Just being honest.
I know now. Thank you. Makes sense where I read in here something about fear for the bad guys. Confidence.
Never heard of BCC. No clue who the people are.
Nope. In those cases it would be the outside city rebels from your group that assault and then lose in the end.
If you reread the comment you replied to, and then your comment in response, it was pretty clear that you were talking about cops doing the provocation and assaulting. Did I misunderstand you?
Yea I might have got confused. I read your post where you said what the logo meant, and what the verbiage meant above it. So then if it really means all that, then I pictured 200,000 of that group coming down to cause problems at your protest with those masks on. Was I dreaming?
“Yea I might have got confused.”
Is that the closest you’ve ever come to admitting you’re wrong? 🙂 I know, it must hurt. But OK you have to admit it seemed pretty messed up to anyone reading it. I’m glad you didn’t mean that.
“So then if it really means all that, then I pictured 200,000 of that group coming down to cause problems at your protest with those masks on.”
I’m not really sure how you’re drawing that connection.
I”m wrong often. I’m a cop and I’m a human. 🙂
Chris Thompson, I concur, that this particular FPD Officer is a pathetic example of someone who’s personal interactions with Manny Ramos, and his desire to come to the aide of a friend, has severely clouded sense of prudence, passion for justice, and the reasoning process that causes a person to choose those things that are good and just and noble, over other foolish exploits….
However, I must remind everyone who is being overcome with a justifiable anger at the disgusting and vile attempts to justify the actions of these 6 Officers, that there are hundreds of Police Officers employed by the FPD, who wear their badges with Honor and dignity, and who behave themselves with integrity everyday, when interacting with the public to whom they consider themselves servants.
I must insist also, that they too share your sentiment, and sympothize with they nature of the victimization of Kelly Thomas, and concur that he was in fact murdered by Officers who acted outside the scope of their authority as Police Officers, and as a result brought disgrace and dishonor to their Badges, their Department, and their Profession…
These Officers who wear their Badges with honor, and conduct themselves with honor and integrity every day, do not deserve the disgrace and dishonor that the Fullerton 6 brought upon them, their Department, and their profession, and in a private setting, would gladly join you in expressing anger and outrage at what they know happened that night… But in the public forum, they are disposed, and expected to “shut their mouths” because of the liability to the City of Fullerton, and are not allowed to speak professionally… and I reference the unspoken “code of silence” that rests on all Officers, because the Municipality, the Department, and the Police Unions, have put a lein on their 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech, and as a result, their livelyhood is at stake, not to mention their promotional status within the Deprtment being on the line, and a myriad of other technicalities that you can fill in the blanks on, that are designed to shut them up, and keep them from sharing their sentiment.
I must remind you, that we must remain the levelheaded ones in our quest to extract justice from a system that through a long train of events and examples has failed us in so many ways, and not let hotheadedness govern our better sense of judgement by roping every Officer in the Fullerton PD and beyond, in our exchanges, with the sore excuses for Police Officers that the Fullerton 6 have proven to be, and the vile pathetic fools who support and approve of what they have done… because, in all honesty, they don’t deserve it. They are Oath Keepers, unlike the Fullerton 6, who are oath breakers, they stand with us, and should not be vilinized.
The system was and is designed to dispense Justice, and although it may require a great deal of pressure and cohersion from time to time, there is great reason to invest our hope in it… Imagine the sense of satisfaction and graditude that you will finally have on the day that an Officer like Benjamin Lira watches his friend Manny Ramos crash and burn within the same justice system that they dispatched many into, and assisted in prusecuting them to the full extant of the law, not to mention the countless hundreds, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars that they will be flushing down the drain in an attempt to defend these murdering fools, only to find out that all their attempts failed.
Let “Justice for Kelly” remain our clarion call, and not waste our time on vermin who come to the aide of killers!
Amen. Amen.
Great post, thanks for that George. The Oath Keepers are legit.
“that there are hundreds of Police Officers employed by the FPD, who wear their badges with Honor and dignity, and who behave themselves with integrity everyday, when interacting with the public to whom they consider themselves servants.”
Wrong, George. There are about 145 cops in Fullerton PD. So far about 20-25 have been identified as dirty or complicit in some malfeasance, or who have blatantly violated department policy.
I don’t think any of them wear their badges with honor at this point. If they did they’d be delusional fools.
Well, come to think of it maybe they do…
Really Fred? 20-25? You mean in your or this blogs eyes based on random comments here? As in 6 of those 20-25 are the ones in this incident? If they are bad by fact they should have been disciplined. Gennaco will learn all of that.
You know George, I appreciate the comments. I believe that those of us running this recall have kept a level head throughout and continue to do so. I will say however, that your points are growing more difficult to justify in the wake of precisely zero Fullerton cops openly breaking their code of silence and publicly condemning the acts of these cops. Note on the post subsequent to this one that the motto of a Cop website that attempted to raise money for Ramos’ release is, “oderint dum metuant” which is Latin for “Let them hat so long as they fear.” This attitude seems to be pervasive and not just anecdotal. Curious what your thoughts about that are?
The cowards on Big City Cops are removing all the comments that were made. Apparently he/she realized that all comments were being seen by everybody and his/her responses weren’t very..ahem.. professional. All of you cops who hide behind this “Us against Them” mentality are cowards. Do you ignorant cops realize the majority of people want you out? And that it is only you ignorant cops stroking each others egos? In all of my years, I am sad to say a new light is being shined on law enforcement and it’s pathetic. Please, cops, grow up. The unprofessional mentality of “they don’t understand” and “brotherhood” is pathetic. I do understand, it’s ridiculous and it has now come to a new low. Hey Brass/Administrators what the hell are you doing? I don’t care how “tough” or “hardcore” you may think an officer is. I don’t care if he is ex-military (which a lot of you administrators love). If the officer is breaking the law, now following procedures, fondling women, writing false reports, using excessive force, or anything that is detrimental to the credibility of the department…GET THEM OUT.
Yes Yes Yes!! Get rid of the bad! Bring in more good!! Problem is that there aren’t many good people that pass backgrounds anymore!!! Good cops are hard to find these days. Back 25 years ago there were thousands and thousands of young people that were good. These days, there aren’t many and most fail the tests. A sign of the times? Sign of disrespect among the young? More arrests for the young? Sad but true. So get the good cops but find em somewhere!!
It’s not power that corrupts. It’s power that attracts the corrupt. I think as the unions have grown in power and protection of the corrupt, it has made that profession VERY attractive to certain very bad types of people. Which is sad. If molesters, perjurers, etc… weren’t actually protected by the union, I think your mix of good applicants would shift dramatically in the positive direction. Why the resistance to getting the bad guys out?
Where do I resist? I’ve always wanted the bad ones out! I’ve been a part of many being fired and have fired many myself. Humans. Will always have bad ones. Just have go have good supervision and command staff to make sure the signs are observed and action is taken early. It is very very had to fire a cop. Many have been fired and in the process got their jobs back with full back pay. That’s the part the people on here don’t get in terms of the reasons Fullerton government has handled this incident in the way it has.
RI my comment was a response to yours; but I wasn’t addressing you personally. Sorry it looks like I was. I should phrase better. I was commenting toward the union in general. It seems extremely tough to get the bad guys out, and I think it is because of the unions and the laws they’ve gotten passed that grant officers more rights that the rest of us.
Does every entity REALLY need its own police force?
DMV has cops
Amtrak has cops
School cops
Forestry service cops
CARB cops
Etc etc and then you have the guys who can pass the tests becomming FBI, DOJ, Secret Service, CIA US Marshalls etc etc
It is not that their are not enough people it is that we are over policed. The war on drugs farce sucked up the availability pool and every entity wanting its own armed force has eaten at the rest.
yu forgot NOAA
I call bullshit… I personally know a Current FPDO that has been there for 20+ years and he was a intellectually challenged angry asshole straight out the academy …only now he has moved up the ranks.
And do you think if I had called Sellers or McKinley it would have mattered? HELL No! I would have been labeled a “cop hater” and dismissed promptly…..and then probably harassed for the next 10+ years. And you wonder why people have lost faith in the FPD? ….please, don’t insult me.
If you called rambling about some bullshit like the cop looked at me wrong, then maybe. If you called rambling about getting a ticket for speeding and you weren’t, then maybe. If you called rambling about a crime or policy violation, then you should get a form to fill out. Move to another city and let me know if it’s any different.
I said nothing about a ticket or a policy violation….I know this person. If I had gone (or go) to the PD to report my concerns and what I have witnessed, they would do nothing but continue to protect their own AND probably make my own life miserable. I am not an idiot, same circus, same clowns.
And the point of my post is your theory is terribly flawed about finding “good cops” 25 years ago.
No, Fullerton is not full of good cops and a few bad ones.
6 cops who were in on killing Kelly Thomas.
Chief Sellers gave them a pass.
Good’nPlenty gave them a pass.
Watch commander gave them a pass.
Cops who trumped up charges on Mam at least 3
Rapist cop
Cop who stole Ipad
Fat cop writing bogus tickets and his partner.
We could go on and on….
Feel bad Ramos has three kids, breaks my heart.
“Daddy is a heartless murderer”
he has 3 turds like himself and they mut be as ugly as sin and as evil as sin.
George Pulsifer, Member of Oath Keepers : that there are hundreds of Police Officers employed by the FPD,
Really? I thought there were only around 150.
ok, I forget who asked for this from BCC:
Big City Cops
BCC: It seems that there are many joining the page which are anti-LEO and seeking “justice” for the crook who chose to fight the police and died as a result of HIS actions…
I’ve banned 6 in the past 10 minutes… should any BCC’ers come across one… report their ass as abusive and admins, ban them immediately…
This is an event they’re planning for saturday, we’ve got a group assigned to care for their parked cars… as a sign of good will…
Saturday, October 1 at 9:00am
And NO ONE thought of taking a screenshot of the post or copying the address to it?
what makes you think that?
Because no one posted the screenshot.
So I took a gander at their facebook page, and LMAO.
It’s like a Mouthbreather Convention.
and this just posted there:
Big City Cops
ALL MEMBERS: Please dont send anymore PMs to the admins… some of our accounts are locking up with the over load…
We’re sending out a message to all with just the URL to the support page and the closed group…
Please comment and ask questions there… we’re about an hour away from creating the webpage for the FPD issues… that’ll have additional links.
We need to get back to maintaining our page, hope you understand…
Big City Cops YES, the closed group is still the place to meet for now… once the website is up and running, we’ll send a group-message…
George Pulsifer:
Very well said. However, I would like to state that there are times such as this when it would be very beneficial to have Fullerton Police Officers speak out against the violence perpetrated against Kelly Thomas.
If the reason for not speaking out is fear of repercussions from your employer or friends, you should speak out anyway!
If police officers or for that matter any citizen will only do the right thing when there is a guarantee that they will suffer no negative consequences, are society will suffer much damage.
Freedom is not free. And as I sing at every ballgame we are “the land of the free and the home of the brave”!
Post from BigCityCyClops facebook….
Mike Nunez says “I’m very well aware of the hate and dislike they all share for the LE community over this incident.. if the father cared so much for his son he would not be on the streets, especially with his metal illness. thats the sad part of the whole story . Didn’t cared enough to take care of him , but the minute this happened the mighty dollar changed his heart.”
Mike Nunez is a fucking moron.
Sucks. That wouldn’t happen at my PD. You bring in proof of wrongdoing, it will be addressed. He said she said cases are very tough. Proof is the key.
Cops Nat
So is “reality is” and all the other delusional cop supporters. I’ve seen him/her/them spewing this same ignorant shit all over this blog.
Pew. Smells like shit. Pig shit.
Also you do not see any of these people rushing out to adopt schizophrenics en masse either. They talk chess, but they play checkers.
No one will. They will toss em a few bucks or some socks. Schizos are very very dangerous at times.
Yes indeed. Have had many in the back of my ambulance.
If I saw male schizophrenic roaming my neighborhood I would beat and suffocate them to death and I would intimidate the female schizophrenics into giving me oral sex.
What? are you a cop or something?
If Kelly Thomas was hooked for running, and put in jail, he would then be tried on the evidence, lack of such, or creative writing of the officers arresting him. Kelly Thomas did not have the chance to be arrested, because he was getting his head smashed in, his insides electrocuted several times over, and beaten with tasers, fists, batons, and flashlights. Innocent until proven guilty is the normal way of the system; and it still is. The evidence shows however, without a doubt, that officers of the FPD, overstepped their authority, by using force well in excess of legal acceptances, to take Kelly into custody. Those are the facts.
Its grab um and book um.
Not tag um and bag um.
So excited how many supporters Manny has on his side. Im glad he can go home and see his family and be around the ones that support him.
feel bad for his kids, Dad is a murderer.
Daddy is a violent, fat, disgusting, disgraceful, bent-eard murderer.
Daddy beats the helpless, the week, the citizens,
Hell, he looks like he beats the wife and the kids.
His eyes sure look set like he does.
They look like killers eyes.
Let’s not forget that it was the Fullerton Police Officers and their brethren that made bail for Manny Ramos. His kids from marriage #1 and ex-wife and even his current wife wanted him to stay in jail, as they were finally able to enjoy some peace and quiet, and they didn’t have to worry about waking up with daddy at the side of their beds putting on latex gloves because they forgot to take out the trash the night before.
Those wifes & kids need to step up and tell everyone.
Birds of a feather flock together. These scumbag cops are tight and they can rationalize anything – including murder. Just another day on the job…. Well, your donated money would have been much better spent giving it to CHARITY, as this scumbag Ramos is heading to the slammer for a very long time. Same with Cicinelli. Some cops never seem to learn that they too are bound by the same laws of the land they enforce.
Once the State is finished with these two pieces of excrement, the DOJ will commence a civil rights case against all six FPD officers for failure to stop or report such an assault and violation of the public trust. And that is what this is all about – cops that believe the law doesn’t apply to them. It seems the FPD is about to re-learn history. Prison time for federal violations are no cakewalk and this youngster Ramos basically shit in his messkit, ruined his career and family life – and the FPD’s already bad reputation. But let this be a lesson to all cops bad and good that this kind of behavior ain’t going to be tolerated.
Federal charges will most likely be forthcoming to the command staff that was involved as well.
True. Most cops aren’t judging too much on this case based on experience. Many cases are blown out of proportion with portions of videos, statements, etc. I know most cops heard Kelly ran and fought. That alone makes most cops say not sure what exactly happened so let the judicial process run its course.
We will see. If FPD is a corrupt organization top to bottom, you might be right. Gennaco will probably be the one to see that. He will let the other orgs know. I would be surprised if the whole FpD was involved in a coverup fir years but you never know.
You sound like the Newport Beach detective down the street from me. He is a good guy and the neighbors like him. mellow too.
This is what the palm reader saw in Ramos’ future
This Big City Cops Group is the true scum of the U.S. It makes me so bitter, so angry to see how this group conducts themselves…Their viewpoint that Law Enforcement Officials are higher and mightier than the general populace…As I posted on their Facebook Group: “Karma is a bitch.” Of course they deleted my post shortly thereafter..
But true reform needs to take place on a national level…Cover-ups, crimes committed by police officers, etc. happen too often in our country because they feel they can get away with it…They have the political power, and they have the funds to get their way…But we are opening our eyes to this injustice more and more each and every day…
Change will come, it’s inevitable…
I believe in the 80/20 rule. 20% of every group consist of people causeing problems.
Ramos is part of that 20%.
Must run in his family. He might be part of that gene pool He does have eyes that seem close together, and weird crooked ears. He looks like mr. potato head.
I bet him and his extended family are uncivilised barbarians that smell bad.
Let’s assume the bail money is returned at some point. I don’t get the point of donating because you know it won’t be returned. How much do you wanna bet it goes to subsidize Ramos’ paid administrative leave after any legal fees are covered?
Legal fees are already covered. 100%. They could seek donations once he is fired to support his family.
Ramos & Cicinelli paid leave ends Oct. 8. I hope they saved some paychecks. I don’t think they qualify for unemployment benefits.
Dear Acting Chief Hamilton: I sure hope you’ve had a chat with Officer Lira about having people call the desk sgt about the where to contribute to Ramos’ bail/defense fund. These callers need to be immediately referred to Ramos’ attorney. I absolutely object to my taxes contributing in any way to any arrestee’s defense!
I do agree that the quality in LEO’s nowadays are way below the standards of yesteryear cops. Mass hirings are one problem where these rogue officers sneak through the system. Also, some academies are no longer stress related, and the staff instructors allow much more than they used to. Recruits were tossed out for a miriad of things, that today, will only get them a research paper for punishment.
Very true. Academies are half what they used to be.
Also, requirements for race numbers lower the quality in a big way.
I have a hard time following all of the posts on all of the threads for the Kelly-killing. I would like to get clarifications about a few factual points:
1. Can somebody tell me what the final story is on the video of the incident which the lady-Realtor made of the incident with her cellular phone? Has it been released? Did the District Attorney’s Office make any comments whatsoever about whether this “phone-video” affected its decision at all?
2. My understanding is that the DA said that Officer Cicirelli struck Kelly Thomas with the butt-end of a Taser. An eyewitness, whose identity has not yet been released, said that the striking was measured and not done continuously. Both seem to indicate that it was on the lower side/ jaw area, and not on the cranial area. Is it correct that no one struck Kelly Thomas on the cranium, but rather the impacts came from his nose being slammed into the ground??
3. Did Officer Ramos ever strike Kelly Thomas with his fists, after Officer Joseph Wolfe had captured him? If so, on what part of Kelly’s body did he fist-punch him??
4. Who, if either, had command authority over the other: Joseph Wolfe over Officer Ramos, or Manuel Ramos over Officer Wolfe?
Answers to these questions, and especially cites to any sources for the answers, would be greatly appreciated.
Snow, your questions are answered in the DA’s detailed release:
Oops, I meant
I have reviewed the DA’s press release again. I am still uncertain, after reading it;
1. As for my question about the cellular phone video, there is reference to TWO of those. But there is no clarification that either one came from the lady-Realtor, and that it had been effectively confiscated from her. So I don’t yet have a solid answer on this, based upon the Press Release.
3. The DA’s Press Release does clarify that Officer Ramos struck Kelly Thomas in the left ribs area. In contrast, Officer Joseph Wolfe both kicked his knee into Kelly,and also hit him with his fists. The Press Release makes no reference to Ramos hitting Kelly Thomas on the head; only in the abdominal region.
4. The Press Release does not clarify which of the two first-responding officers had the higher authority. Is there any other source out there for any answer to this question?
I thank you for the link. I needed to confirm my perception that Officer Joseph Wolfe is equally, if not more, guilty of any crime for which Officer Ramos might be charged. The DA’s criterion of “whether or not he knew of the illegal threat” is absolutely ridiculous. There are plenty of other ways to impose criminal liability on Officer Wolfe, under the circumstances as recited by the Press Release.
I predict that the case against Officer Ramos will not make it to trial. It is going to be dismissed either by 1) the trial judge, upon a Motion to Dismiss for Cause of Invidious Prosecution, or 2) by the trial judge, upon the motion to dismiss in the interests of justice by a transferee-prosecutor in another county, after the case is transferred, or 3) by an appellate court upon a writ petition.
At this point, I don’t care if Officer Ramos “walks”. Packaged as a “police brutality” case, this case screams of racism. The only real Mex-Am among the Six gets the harshest charging and bail treatment. Tony Rackauckas may say that he is not racist against Chicanos because his mother was Mexican, but all I see is a blue-eyed “huero” exploiting a dark-skinned guy who has too much “indiano” in him.
The other reason I don’t care if he walks, is that nobody seems concerned about the evidence of a prior design to either “kill Kelly” or else beat him into taking a voluntary exile. I do concede to some of you who have raised the point, that the original conspiracy may have been to beat him to the point where he leaves Fullerton, once for all, and that the whole thing went awry. I do concede that, but that would still be chargeable as a murder, and all is see is the ‘beat cops’ once again paying the price for a criminal conspiracy that was cooked up by the Brass.
I sure hope that the feds prove me wrong, and that they bust open the conspiracy and go after the “bigger fish”. WSH
please write to me for further info
Why are you attempting to make this about race? While I believe there were worse offenders than Ramos, it was however Ramos who incited the riot and caused the beating which led to death of Kelly Thomas as a direct result of his own felonious actions/inactions. By inactions, I refer to the fact that he never attempted to stop the beating. I do not believe the charges are through being tallied. We still have the FBI and other agencies completing their own independent investigations.
“Karma Da-Luscious” over at BCC’s real name is Lynette & she’s in SoCal.
Steve here-Law Enf sources tell me Fullerton cops Mike Ramos and Jay Cicinelli have been put on unpaid leave #kellythomas
27 minutes ago
Steve here-Fullerton PD tells me it will soon release statement on paid/unpaid leave status of officers Ramos/Cicinelli #kellythomas
7 minutes ago
Great news!
Well, they have to recoup that $1M bail money somehow. 🙂
Figured it had to be soon. Once charged, it’s easy to end pay.
oh really? watch, and cover YOUR back as well.
I wear a vest. 🙂
get a helmet too pussy
I have one. And a gas mask. 🙂
How would your vest hold up against 30-06? How about 50 BMG?
Does anyone have pictures of Ramos. A guy like this may blow again at any time. It would be nice to know what he looks like so we can watch our own back.
You think? He’s out on full pay laughing at us. He’s walking.
Not anymore according to KFI. Someone below posted that Ramos & Cicnelli are on unpaid leave as per Steve Gregory/KFI.
That had nothing to do with guilt or innocence. Bad cops.
Not the FPD, but bad cops!!
Gonzo, Esq. :
Guess that didn’t apply to Kelly. He was summarily executed for the crime of talking back to an over-fed, under-educated thug.
How about Emanuel What’s-his-name? Wrongly jailed for most of a year while the FPD lied and suppressed exculpatory evidence?
But I guess we can agree on one thing: Screw the FPD!
those guards cant do shit LOL 😀
I bet they are gaurding us from him.
Aftre all, he may be a menace to society at large.
You did!!
I most certainly did not. I resent you putting words and intentions in my mouth/brain.
LOL happens to me all the time here. I’m used to it. Ok maybe you just inferred it. 🙂
That’s not what I inferred nor intended to infer. I was talking about the FB page, its operators and its users. Everyone who was supporting scurrying back into the dark.
I know I probably do it to you too. Probably already did it with the assault/provocation thing today but that was a genuine misunderstanding that you cleared up.
All good. I don’t take anything personal. All in good debate.
Use the 80/20 rule.
Equating it with SOME people who happen to be police (and a lot of people post on that FB account who are NOT police) does not in any form of logic equate it with ALL POLICE.
SG here-Acting Chief of Fullerton PD says Ramos/Cicinelli will be put on unpaid lv Oct 8-they have till the 7th to respond #kellythomas
3 minutes ago
And what happens once they respond? Do they keep getting paid until whatever litigation arises is completed?
They get fired. Then they get paid until their Skelly hearing decision. Odd that they say October 8th. Terminated as of October 8th? I would think paid for about another month at least.
Thanks for the info. For anyone else, here is some info I found on Skelly hearings:
“Pursuant to State Personnel Board Rule 52.3 an employee must be served with a Notice of Adverse Action at least five (5) days prior to the effective date.” So that would explain why it wouldn’t take effect until Oct. 8th.
LOL that fucking BEANER is right where we left him
You do not represent us or what we stand for which is justice for Kelly.
You and your type are not welcome here you racist prick.
Agent provocateur. GTFO
RI…ever heard of BLACK ICE and GHOST SURF??? You’re on it 😀
Nope. Is it fun?
KFI newa reported an anonymous donor posted the $100,000 bail.
My question who is the donor?
What is the source of the money?
Did the cash come from shakedowns? a
A vice and narcotics officer could quickly “find” that amount of money easily.
Narco bust from the cartel.,0,3703611.story
not hard to find online
You are inciting hate and it’s not appreciated.
Why are off duty cops allowed carry their guns and protect a cop charged with murder?
Is this legal?
They can carry their guns 24/7. The restriction would be if they are being paid to protect him. Outside employment has o be approved. They are all probably volunteering all around his house. Or maybe it’s all just Bs.
After looking at their badge and what it says, what more do you need to know about what kind of cops these guys are?
At least they’re subconsciously true to themselves. Note the Skull and Crossbones. They fancy themselves as pirates and every city budget is their booty.
I have a question…In the D.A’s report, it took Officer Wolfe 10 minutes to search Kelly Thomas’ backpack? That seems a bit fishy to me. 10 mins. Sounds like somebody was lying in wait, waiting for things to escalate. He was close enough, he knew/heard what was going on.
You ever seen all the crap transients carry around? I’m sure his backpack was full of all kinds of shit. 10 mins seems like awhile but if stuff was spread all over the trunk lid that could be true. I think his position might be clear on the video.
You’re telling me, it would take you 10 mins to remove contents of a backpack? You would also be so focused on this backpack that you would have no idea what your contact officer was saying or doing with a detained individual? When you are stand 10 to 15 ft away? Did this officer just bury his head in this backpack, have ear plugs in, or did he stall because he saw a situation escalating? The time and the “unawareness” of what was going on by Officer Wolfe is not making sense.
There is an accused murderer loose on the streets.
Lock your doors tonight and protect your children.
If you spot him in public be a good citizen and note time and location.
We must band together to secure our safety.
Now that is a fact!! Don’t see many on here but it is true, an accused murderer on the prowl!!
how about caught on tape murder on the loose
Ramos has kids? What is monster like that going to teach those kids? Those kids are far better off not having his influence on them. He is going to turn them into killers just like him.
This is whole fundraising is disgusting. This idiot Benjamin is spearheading this fundraising to help his brother???? Oh, please, he has kids and step-kids feel sorry for him. I guess he should of thought about them before all of this. He didn’t because, Ramos is a cold blooded KILLER. Anybody who contributed to this fund is as guilty as Ramos. Contributing money, you have blood on your hands as well.
Yes, and there are a lot of ‘fishy’ things that will no doubt come up in the trial.
It came from the corrupt cops illegal money.
Shakedowns of Fullerton Businesses and drug dealers. How much did the city councilors and the police union put up?
Prolly $25 each. 🙂
It’s tough. Vehicles dash cams go on when the forward red light is activated. So normal activity isn’t recorded. It can be turned on manually but isn’t easy and takes time.
I’m sure there are privacy issues too. You can’t just record your employees 24/7.
Would be a great concept to protect cops too. I use my iPhone audio and video all the time.
Is that the only time the dash cam comes on or can police activate it themselves? For instance, can they activate it if they are looking for people running a 3-way stop sign as proof it happened? I always wondered this because of a stop sign ticket I got when I was 18; I felt in that case I could have gotten out of it if there was video evidence.
They can leave it on all day if they wanted. You would know. It has a red light on if the system is on. Red light in the windshield.
All day won’t happen. Not enough storage and too long to download.
But yes they could film violations. They usually don’t. It backs up 30 seconds on activation too. I had a DUI a few months ago and my video showed all the violations he made prior to my stop. I didn’t even know. I put my unit and that my camera activated but didn’t look at it.
there are cameras all over my job. perfectly legal. try again
Sounds like a blast to john/ken with the letter above is needed, I sent mine
The bastard cops who stood there and did nothing are no fucking good. They need to lose everything and do prison time. The beasts were probably fighting over the contents of Kelly’s backpack. You people have a scary city. Is it in the USA or Mexico?
not only out on bail-has 24 hr guards
The fact that BCC made a new, closed FB group is very telling.
If they are on the up and up, why the need for a private page immediately after BCC was brought to light?
Simple. They are not on the up & up. They are cops …. you know, insecure corrupt liars who need their guns and backup to be brave.
Hey Ramos, who is fearing who now?
Go ask him. He’s mowing his lawn.
I hear ya. It’s tough though. Because that very process also protects innocent cops from political assassinations by city government as well. Catch 22. Final decision is by an independent arbitrator, but without priors, they usually get their jobs back.
We need federal law that allows citizens to record pigs when they stop and detain us for any reason. The law should state that the cops can not refuse to be recorded when a citizen declares that he intends to do so. The animal cops are fighting this, it has to be paid attention to.
enter a 7Eleven convenience store and you will see signs posted stating that the premises are under video and audio monitoring. Is that illegal? If so close down all the 7eleven stores and imprison all the employees.
its not a law its a right
This swine is walking. The anonymous donor has the power and the cash to squash this.
Officers charged in Kelly Thomas death won’t be paid
So…are you guys getting this story out to the news channels?
Are you?
If I had contacts, you bet your bottom dollar I would.
You don’t need contacts. Just email and call them. All of the information is available on every news site.
Just did, thank you. You doing it, too?
from BCC site:
Big City Cops One of our members has started a group to support our LEOs at all anti-FPD demos… He’s in Granada Hills CA… any of you in the area wishing to meet up with him or donate time to make signs and help with the rental of the vans to transport to the location, PM me…
His group now consists of about 30 people..not all are participants in the demonstrations, but are all still welcome to meet for planning of events and fundraising… He put together a nice BBQ last Saturday after the event…
Just dont disclose his identity, he’s in the group and constantly making anti-LEO comments to gain trust… he’s gotten us some good intel…
2 minutes ago · Like.
Be careful everyone!!
Seems like Hampton was involved in another beating according to:
How many effin complaints are there about this guy? We’ll never know. FUCK POBR!
Impossible. Everyone says on here the FPD is a huge corrupt organization, top to bottom. If so they would never sustain anything!! Say it ain’t so!
Scroll down to the comments on the oj blog. Does that name sound familiar?
2 officers in Kelly Thomas case could lose pay
What kind of person/s would bail out a known murderer? FPD and their families. Another new low for this city. Everyone should hang out at the piggys house and make his life miserable.
I hate FPD now! Bring in the Sheriff.
Gang 3000. Mean mudda nuckers.
A group of police officers who use a Caligula quote as their motto. It’s really sad and bizarre and pathetic. Seriously.
Heres part of a discussion that I copied off the Big City Cops facebook page “Sandra Villa We should copy all the names with pics of the dumb fks that signed that petition and post it @ every police station just in case they call one day for help lol
about an hour ago · Like · 1 person
Big City Cops LOL… that would be nice…but not worth the effort…they’ll soon tire out, the “novelty” of the incident will pass and in a year they’ll say “Kelly who”… we’ve dealt with these types often…
we’re keeping their profiles addresses and info in the event something happens where they may need info on a possible suspect… some are making clear and definite threats against LEOs… some are very specific… almost like signatures…”
I just tried to engage in an intelligent discussion on the Big City Cops page and got a ridiculous response…please view the image on my Facebook page:
bullshit, you might be a cop trying to get people to friend you to access info. fuck off
What? Wow, you’re showing the same hostility as the dude on the Big City Cops page. Just look at the comments I left and that he replied.
Also, I don’t want anyone to friend me. I deleted everything off my profile last week.
the link just takes you to your page and asks to add you as a friend, just copy and paste the response here.
Sorry, I can’t…it’s a picture. Dang, I wish everyone could see it. I thought my page was just public. I’ll type out the dialogue later. Basically, the admin just acted like a bully immediately and then engaged for a minute before calling me a “dummy” and blocking me. Then he deleted our interaction.
If a fullerton cop stole millions of dollars of cocaine, would they bail him out too?
Yes they would… and then they would have a big straw party. All that powder would give them lots of little bags to plant on people.
Not every person with schizophrenia has a disease process that takes the same course. There are, in fact, varying degrees of severity of mental illnesses, just as there are varying degress of severity of medical problems. Science does not yet understand why this is or even what exactly causes it. Not every person responds the same way to medications, either, which is why there are so many and why some people have to go through years of trying different meds, or new meds, in a hope to find one that helps them to be stable. Kelly Thomas had a type of schizophrenia that is severe and chronic. I wish I could go into more about that because I would love to help people understand it in a way that would keep them from blaming him or his family for his mental illness. I, too, have had family members with schizophrenia and one who would not stay in the house, probably due to paranoid delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations. Sometimes, for instance, they are convinced that the house has been “bugged” and so they will not stay in that house. You can put them in another house and eventually, they come to believe that they are being watched and followed and monitored there as well. They also may believe that whoever these nefarious people are who are after them are going to attempt to poison their food. So they don’t stay in a house where they think someone could find out where they live and then do these things to them. They are afraid. I recently worked with a woman who had her first psychotic break at 13. She is now close to 40. She has a family who loves her. They want her to stay in their home with them. But she is convinced that there are people in the attic and she also “sees” a group that is paid by the government to go around bashing in people’s heads in a field next door to her parents home. She won’t stay there. So they got her an apartment, but eventually, she became convince that these same things were happening. If she left her apartment to go somewhere, she would be convinced that someone had come in and poisoned the food and water supply. So she left there. We got her into a group home…same thing. She has been on every medication there is to treat schizophrenia, and although she sometimes shows improvement, she has fixed delusions and auditory and visual hallucinations that never go away. Her current plan is to “just keep moving,” stay at one shelter one night, another the next, spend a couple of days in the hospital, and so forth, just to stay one step ahead of these people who are after her. She also believes she “hears” other people’s thoughts and sometimes hears people thinking and planning awful things against her; she has been convinced that she heard me plotting against her–and I can assure you, I was not. So even though I am a person who cares about her, she doesn’t trust me because her thought disorder causes her to hear what she says is my negative thoughts about her.
In the end, it does not matter what Kelly’s parents did or did not do in terms of what happened to him. Their actions did not cause the actions of the F6 no matter how much you try to connec that to them. Whether homeless or not, loved and cared for by family or not, mentally ill or not, there is no justification for a man to be beaten to death by law enforcement officers the way Kel
Whether homeless or not, loved and cared for by family or not, mentally ill or not, there is a no justification for a man to be beaten to death by law enforcement officers the way Kelly Thomas was.
Amen,well said.
I have armed protection in my house too….. They will make it impossible for Ramos to own weapons and vote when he is convicted of a felony.
“…if you’ve read this far, I’m sure you’re considering donating.”
Um, no…more like, “…if you’ve read this far, I’m sure it’s because you think this is like watching a slow train wreck that you can’t believe is for real.”
Fist Fuck him 🙂
Big City Cops “One of our members has started a group to support our LEOs at all anti-FPD demos… He’s in Granada Hills CA… any of you in the area wishing to meet up with him or donate time to make signs and help with the rental of the vans to transpor…t to the location, PM me…
His group now consists of about 30 people..not all are participants in the demonstrations, but are all still welcome to meet for planning of events and fundraising… He put together a nice BBQ last Saturday after the event…
Just dont disclose his identity, he’s in the group and constantly making anti-LEO comments to gain trust… he’s gotten us some good intel…”
If this is, in fact, what LEO are doing in response to all this, then it truly is bizarre. Again, these are the kinds of posts, if ever confirmed as authentic, will be extremely useful in showing the mindset of some FPD members there. And if you have FPD who are actually active participants of Big City Cops, then there is a serious issue with intellectual ability and capacity for abstract reasoning among your LE so there may not be much hope for change for them on a personal level. Again, it will be a matter of mandating right behavior among LE and consistently applying consequences for those who fail to comply.
Sooo…couldn’t they be the ones saying the very hateful things that they’re then running back to their page and pointing out as examples of the “hateful” protestors?
At the last protest there was a 250-300lb woman wearing a purple shirt and if I remember correctly black pants trying to stir up problems with supporters especially when Captain Clean showed up.
I was walking my dog at the time so I don’t pay her much mind until now.
Anyone else remember her?
Oops sorry for the repost.
There is no justifying his death, none. He was brutally murdered and those responsible need to be held accountable, period.
If anyone from BCC is reading this:
You want to come counter protest, and support the FPD? Fine, that’s your choice and right. But let me ask you this: why the need to “infiltrate and “gather intel…?”
Also, why are you creating a secret, closed group now that your page has been exposed? Don’t even blame it on the “trolls” and “idiots either, as one of your own admin said, “I blocked six of them in ten minutes.”
Surely it’s easier to block and ban, as opposed to creating a new secret page, mass-messaging the URL/links via PM so no unwatend person can see it…?
MUR: These don’t appear to be people who are of sound mind so there’s no point to ask why the paranoia. They probably don’t even understand it themselves, since according to at least one local LEO they have never received any education about mental illness. Hopefully some, if not all, will eventually seek treatment and medication themselves–that might help cut down on the violence and sexual perversion among FPD personnel.
I feel that this BCC group-IF they show-are coming with the intent to not so much support FPD as “start shit.”
If they do show, I do not predict any good to come of it.
Your thoughts…?
Yes…I asked what they thought of the DA’s findings, seeing as how he’s not just a protestor…and he eventually called me a “dummy” and blocked me…then deleted the entire interaction, of course.
standard e-bully tactic.
i’m hoping some young kid created the BCC page as a way to exposed how mentally ill SOME police can be, by going with supporting corruption.
Anonymous it’s a “Brotherhood”… or something like that of course us regular folks wouldn’t understand (well I understand the job). These “Brotherhoods” are just made up of uneducated, insecure people who use skull and crossbones to use as a symbol to represent “Peace” officers (kinda ironic). I mean these people are the very same people representing a community, a city, and state. Now they think the majority population are “at war” over this Kelly Thomas issue??? That’s their mentality…one of their brother’s does something wrong, gets caught, and now we’re starting a war because we didn’t look the other or sweep it under the rug. Haha too funny.
As a well educated and trained professional with over 25 years of experience, I can tell you that there are clear indicators of mental illness among FPD police officers as well as among those claiming to be LE who are posting here and on BCC.
I should clarify that there are clear indicators that SOME bloggers claiming to be LE who are posting here are mentally ill, but certainly not all. I am referring to the mean trolls who defend the brutal and fatal beating of Kelly Thomas.
FPD are lower than Baby rapers!
That’s where Manny and Jay are going to end up on the “Special needs” yard. Baby rapers,Gang dropouts,Nut cases and yes cops all bunched together like one big happy family. And you can bet they don’t like cops either.
See now we’re seeing extremism here on the part of R.D.’s blanket statement.
I still happen to believe most cops are good. I’ve had a couple of bad experiences but many more positive ones.
As far as FPD goes, I don’t think all of the rank and file officers are bad. I do believe the upper management is corrupt for their attempted cover-up.
And the FPD6, well…that goes w/o saying.
but the things the anger’s me is the code of silence. If an officers now that an official is acting out of control than why not say something to avoid a situation such as the Kelly Thomas beating.
When you’re making $70,000-$120,000 a year and have to power to have sex with every cop sucking slut who walks by you’re not going to say much.
100$ sez he runs
I really wish he would.
Whoever put up to $100,000 + $900,000 Collateral would shit themselves but I have a feeling those “guards” are not there to protect him for 24 hours a day but to keep an extra close eye on him.
It was great that you took the time to post your message about schizophrenia.
I feel extremely sorry for the people who have it and their families and other loved ones.
My ex-wife had it and is now homeless somewhere and our son has some serious thought disorder issues, at times.
I’d like ot talk with you as I believe you stated in a previous post that you attend the protests?
I will be hooking up with Fedup and 9c1copcar at this Saturdays protest.
Wrong Guy,
Thank you for your kind words. I hate what schizophrenia does to people and what it robs them of. I have deep compassion for people who struggle with this, and other mental health disorders as well.
I am a participant in the Justice for Kelly Thomas movement from afar (way over on the other coast) so don’t attend the protests, although I am with you all in spirit. I wish I could have the pleasure of meeting the three of you, as well.
all the real gangs collect money for bail from their homies. thats how they roll
The FPD and the corrupt civil servants are growing stronger daily. Their power is unrelenting. The cops have all the garbage on the bosses and the illegal money to buy who they want and they have . The cops own this city and they are not letting go. Too much money here and more to steal and extort from decent working people.
Sounds like they may be out growing their briches.
If the cops will bail out a murderer, then they would bail out a baby rapist also. FPD has lost their morals. If the average cop/friend contributed $100, it would take 1,000 cops/friends to meet the $100,000 goal. That’s a lot of immoral cops/friends.
I say again, who in the right mind would bail out a known murderer? Certainly not the citizens of Fullerton.
Rambo might go among the missing. He has the goods on too many other animals in fullerton.
a word to cop ramos, cicinelli: JUST commit suicide and be done with it, we don’t need any more dirty cop terrorists with “police powers” acting with impunity and contempt. RAMOS, cicinelli
commit suicide and be done with it.
THurs. 9-29-2011.
Wrong Guy,
FEDUP and I will be looking for you on Saturday. We missed our banter with you. Hope you had a nice vacation.
I, too, enjoyed your blog regarding this disease. 2 1/2 years ago, I lost my mom to Alzheimers. She had it for a miserable 12 years, and it was so difficult watching someone you love not know who you are, or remember anything about their past. It was a real blessing when she passed, as I would not wish this misery on anyone. I know she is in a better place, and smiling down on me. I try to make her proud.
As for Kelly, it is a shame, not only for his affliction, but that this young life was cut short, by a brutal act of thugs, who should have been the ones to protect him if anyone.
We need to keep Kelly’s fight alive, and let the “Establishment” know that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.
. . . it is from the Lord that a man gets justice! Proverbs 29:26
that was Proverbs 19:26b
and 27, The righteous despise the unjust; the wicked despise the godly.
Proverbs??? I forgot the chapter and verse:
Don’t give your pearls unst to swine, lest they put them under their feet, trample upon them, then turn around and rend you again.
For the FPD 1 Timothy 1:8…….We know the law is good if used lawfully…..1:9The law is not for the lawful, but for the lawlless, murderers For whoremongers that defile themselves, for liars and perjurers and those who act against good order……………. something like that it has been 40 yrs.
The police officers and well as the friends and family bailed out manny ramos because they all know these charges are b.s. And know that hes innocent. They wouldnt have came up with the money otherwise!!!! People can try to knock him down but in the end he will come out still standing strong!
Yeah, tell that crap to Kelly’s corpse- even the DA know’s or he wouldn’t have charged him…the money was raised because there are always nuts like you who are fans of weirdos and criminals who suck the dicks or lick the asses of your “heros” and the only thing that can knock that fat load down is a forklift
“in the end he will come out still standing strong!”
Maybe if he loses 60 or 70 pounds.
Maybe if he layed of the doughnuts.
One good thing for Manny. The fat fuck has lost about 40 pounds since his arrest.
Fat or thin, he’s still a sick sociopath who is a danger to others.
blessusall on September 29, 2011
As a well educated and trained professional with over 25 years of experience, I can tell you that there are clear indicators of mental illness among FPD police officers as well as among those claiming to be LE who are posting here and on BCC.
I do hope you are not including me in that statement.
Oh, my gosh, no. I was referring to the mean and victim blaming troll types we see here and the BCC wall, which I did take a look at. I know there are lots of LEO’s with honor and integrity and I believe you to be one of them. I like your style and I believe you have a positive impact on the cause.
up to 1025 people signatures- sign this kelly thomas bill – goal=10,000 people signatures
Lol @ “manny ramos supporter.”
You have a wonderful sense of humor!
i agree
Ramos is useless, incompetent and has caused former and current law enforcement from Ron Thomas to Tony Rackauckas a lot of headaches.
He is single handedly responsible for the current demise of Fullerton City Council, has brought FPD to it’s knees and made law enforcement all over southern California feel jittery about engaging in certain acts.
Not to mention he’s going to cost tax payers millions from pending law suits and litigation.
I’m just going to be blunt, the guy is dead weight to a lot of people just like that little punk Gregory Haidl was.
He is costing a lot of people a lot of pain and money so I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up eating his own gun prior to the DA’s case going to trial or even between the recall efforts begins to take off.
There is a reason why someone took the initiative to bail him out.
Ramos is responsible for the demise of the CC?
Uhhh elaborate on this fine piece of logiccal thinking.
Big city cops can suck my big city balls!!! Reality Is can watch jealously!
BCC Trolls, you will find that unlike your chickenshit site, you are free to post your idiocy here without fear of being censored.
its funny when you click on the supporters profile pics, talk inbreed mutants.
The FPOA said they had no involvement in raising the bail but what about Lira directing doubters to call the front desk of FPD for verification of his identity and purpose doesn’t that make FPD and the City of Fullerton co-conspirators in the quest for bail ? Where are the City leaders ?
Benjamin Lira means Money Money?
Benjamin is american slang for Money and Lira is also money/currency that was also used in countries like Turkey and Italy prior to the euro.
I wish the OC Register or LA Times would get off their asses and find out if Benjamin Lira actually works for FPD.
Lira-FPD Detective
Ah. You’re right.
He’s probably a close friend of Detective now acting chief Hamilton.
He’s been a detective for over a decade and won “Officer of the year” in 2000.
Its very odd that he called himself an “officer” and not a “detective”.
Oh, my gosh, no. I was referring to the mean and victim blaming troll types we see here and the BCC wall, which I did take a look at. I know there are lots of LEO’s with honor and integrity and I believe you to be one of them. I like your style and I believe you have a positive impact on the cause.
The police union is behind this bail out. I would not believe anything they have say. They are likely coaching RAMOSHIT on where to hide out in Mexico. RAMOSHIT has too much garbage on so many of these monsters in blue.
IF they bailed him out they are not going to help or encourage him to hide out. They’re stupid but not THAT stupid.
One word: Collateral.
Thank you. I am sorry to hear about your mother’s struggle. Alzheimer’s is a difficult disease and, as you know, the grief of loss begins long before the person’s death, because you are losing so much of who they are long before they die. You grieve for them, too, and what they have lost even though they may not realize it after a while. I imagine she is proud to have a son who stands up for what is right, speaks up for those who have no voice, is a champion for justice, and upholds the tenets of your profession with honor and integrity. May sound cheesy, but I am sincere.
Wake up the FPD cover up is astronomical and deep and neither the DA or the FBI will do anything. Get used to it the crooks in power own Fullerton and will continue to ravage its treasure and retire with the last big $$$$$ laugh.
Corruption like this are the seeds of blight.
100 Grand to cover up for millions perhaps. He will run or die in accident
Thank you for the kind words. I did not think you meant me. keep helping those in need.
use your service revolver and kill your self
Years ago I heard a story of people joining the DEA as moles sent in, by whoever, to gather information.
A young man told me he went to a party in the central valley
he said he noticed this big guy walking in with Photos.
Then this guy told me the big guy walked around asking people if they recognized anyone in the photos.
He said the photos were of the graduating class for the DEA.
The point of this story is the young man told me he couldn’t ever imagine how sophisticated criminals could be, and what lengths they are willing to go, even within law enforcement.
He said it was plausable that powerful drug dealers will send their own family members in to work for the force, and there is no telling what someone could find turning over the wrong stones.
I feel bad for the good guys that have to work next to these creeps.
your right he will come out on top. cause all police lie to cover each others butts. it sickins me the miss use of power the police have and use daily. all six get life.. u know the acomplice law. and ignorance of the law is no excuse.. unless u wear blue, i guess then u get paid to kill people.
Anyone know where Ramos lives? We could protest outside his house so his kids will know how f’ed up their dad is.
Is this RD from san bernadino? Are you still working Iron?
I have a feeling they already know. They’ve probably got enough pain and grief to last more than a lifetime. It’s not their fault.
hope he doesn’t live by me.
Would you really punish the children for the sins of the Father?
I’m very much against that kind of talk and behavior.
They’ll carry the albatross of their Father with them for the rest of their lives. No good is served by talking about or punishing innocents.
You know, when Manny was wearing his FPD uniform and totin’ his pistol, taser, and McKinley vest, he was sort of scary looking.
Behind the cage in his jail jumpsuit he was just another fat bully stripped of his authority. Pathetic looking really. Sort of like a Hell’s Angel without his hog.
Did anybody else notice that?
Only a fool would kill a man for simply being homeless.
There is nothing whatsoever of value at BCC ..
This is not against Christians or Christianity but I bet those sick pigs actually go to church and think there is a God that is on their side..
Such a waste of life .. that is all any of them are..
They are just as bad as the all the criminals they claim to protect us from
Let them hate as long as they fear..
Sunday lets ware our finest and keep all the homeless at bay.Hm?
I was raised to think that church as a haven for the needy, not just a showplace for the well.
This just goes to show how a pig thinks
I am trying to remain professional here but everytime I read this, I spit my coffee laughing my ass off! I keep picturing it with some cop that looks like Pee Wee Herman standing beside it.
Hm? Not form S.B.
RD is a good man.
Good point. Hmmm. Anyone have examples of how city officials and law enforcement aren’t practicing what they preach. I’m sure there must be some examples that go beyond free speech.
God gave all the freedom to do good or bad. These individuals chose the path of righteous indignation.
MURDER on the loose lock your doors and windows!!!
Thank you. I am sorry to hear about your mother’s struggle. Alzheimer’s is a difficult disease and, as you know, the grief of loss begins long before the person’s death, because you are losing so much of who they are long before they die. You grieve for them, too, and what they have lost even though they may not realize it after a while. I imagine she is proud to have a son who stands up for what is right, speaks up for those who have no voice, is a champion for justice, and upholds the tenets of your profession with honor and integrity. May sound cheesy, but I am sincere.
Just read your post. You got me blushing now..!
Mr Copcar,
Do you think there is anything unethical about a cop “mad dogging someone.I was the recipient of this at saterdays morning protest when a cop sat in his car and stared me down for about a minute. ” I think I know your view on this but when this already. Ive been thinking about Rons Thomas view of this as he was recently the recipient of this behaviour in Cypress with the police there. He has stated to the Chief there that this in not acceptable and he’s not going to put up with it.Would like your responce on this.
The culture of corruption has closed ranks around their comrade we must all remain vigilant
Picture of Ben Lira getting his award in 2000- Picture #3
Nice ‘roid jaw.
Hm? :
Ramos has ruined the reputation of all our officers state wide.
He has tarnished and defiled the reputation of good officers all over orange county.
Ramos is a liability to the men in uniform and has only made it harder for them to do their job.
He has single handedly took it upon him self to ruin public relations.
Ramos either has no respect for his fellow officers. or is simply a complete fool.
I have pity for those who have had to work with Ramos. It must be terrible working with someone who puts his fellow officers in situations that could have been easily avoided.
By tarnishing do you mean exposing the lies, cover ups, and ignorance of police department, city council and district attorney? By tarnishing do you mean giving society an open door to take to the streets and protest against the very ones who sworn to diplomatically protect us? Ramos is the only one to get caught because of cameras and DAR’s. This isn’t something new, officers nation-wide abuse their powers and it will no longer be accepted. If anything Ramos does get credit, for showing police officers and their departments true method of policing. This includes all those simple-minded supporters and other officers who try to justify the murder of homeless man.
When I refer to tainted i mean this, for some people mature faster then others:
If policy were to be brought into focus, we could hire only 40+ educated men and women, who have matured enough to know what they are doing, or disban the department.
We know when young men and women join the force; they enter the darkness early in their lives and quikly forget about good folk.
Their minds get trapped in uglyness too young, so they disassociate, turn their backs on society, grow into these monsters then abuse everyone in their path. A recipe for disaster.
Historically in New York, the police went around busting up unions, but now the police are a union! Ironic isn’t it…
And let’s mention politicians capitalizing on tax revenue collected on behalf of protectionism.
Citizens need their own union perhaps.
If an individual were to live untainted for at least 15 years after serving, then maybe we could have mature enough people to do the job. Call it a grace period between military service and lawenforcment
Many of these young people lack basic skills when they enter service.
They are broken down in the military then built up to kill, and to take orders.
They come home and latch on to the only thing they, now, know how to do, and politicians put them to work as a means to an end.
From the evidence which has appeared so far, I don’t think that Officer Ramos has tarnished the reputation of all Law Enforcement Officers statewide.
But I think that the DA’s Office under Tony Rackauckas has tarnished the reputation of all public prosecutors statewide… through its selective, racist prosecution choices in this case.
The DA’s Press Release indicates that Officer Ramos hit his fists on Kelly Thomas’ left ribs. So did Officer Joseph Wolfe, but he also punched Kelly’s abdomen with his knee. The Press Release tells us that Officer Ramos swung a baton at Kelly Thomas, where Officer Wolfe hat a definite hit with his baton on the thigh of Kelly Thomas, and it was that hit which crippled Kelly Thomas into lying down.
NO evidence that Officer Ramos hit Kelly Thomas on the head, or shoved his head into the ground (which could cause brain injuries from the impact on the nose). And, as far as the “dog pile” problem, he was equally guilty with five other men.
Yet Officer Ramos gets the highest criminal charging, when his actual actions were less painful and less injurious than those of at least two other of the officers who were involved. The only thing which stands out about him, in comparison to the other officers, is that he is Brown.
So, now, which is it: did the DA’s Office pick on the Brown guy, because he would be the weakest in a criminal prosecution [= a racist decision], or did they pick the Brown guy, in order to “throw the case” and to pack the case with affirmative defenses for Officer Ramos, so that he would “walk”?
Then there is the Tertium Quid: Maybe they are punishing Officer Ramos, because the evidence shows that he was hesitating, and trying to temporize, and trying to get out of being the lead attacker on Kelly Thomas. His long-winded threat-speech to Kelly Thomas sounds like something I see on the TV Wrestling programs. He puts on rubber gloves. He swings his baton, probaly purposefully missing a direct hit, to get Kelly moving, so he can be captured by Officer Wolfe. It just seems like Officer Ramos just lost the courage to commit the act which he had been instructed to carry out. So he tried to make sure that others — like Officer Wolfe — would be “on the hook” as well, in terms of civil or criminal liability. So perhaps the DA’s Office said: “You chickened out. You were not a good soldier. You tried to make other people share in ‘taking the bullet’!” And maybe that is the real reason why it made its outlandish charging decisions: to punish a guy for having too many moral scruples, and for hesitating to commit a wrongful violent act.
So I wonder … which of these three motivations guided the DA’s Office’s decision to not charge other officers who were more guilty, and to cite a ridiculous criterion for not doing so?
The one option that is off the table: That the officials in the DA’s Officer were incompetent. Sorry, under the doctrine of Professional Estoppel, when you accept the benefit of overcompensation, based upon illegitimate exclusion of other qualified practitioners, you lose the ability to say that you “made a mistake”. As a matter of law, you knew the correct law, and chose to misrepresent it, and fail to apply the correct law, and for a corrupt motive.
Let’s go back to the pre-1963 law, where persons could file criminal cases, and it did not require the “subscription” of a public prosecutor. That would sure stop a lot of official corruption, now, wouldn’t it?
In summary: Officer Ramos did not ruin the reputation of law enforcement officers statewide, because others involved in the Kelly Thomas incident are more guilty and more blameworthy. The statewide shame is resulting from the corrupt inactions by the District Attorney’s Office. [I need more data, before I can level the accusation at Tony Rackauckas. We don’t know how much he is getting the “O-Key Doke” from his subordinates.]
Go suck a big d&^%
So you want to thank God do ya well go to Hell with ALL YOUR maggot bottom feeder murdering cops. what about thou shall not murder you dumm fucking cunt!!you sperm receptical low life!!
to fullerton citizen
How many times does everyone have to tell you to speak your mind and not to hold back? (-:
Officer Ramos set the tone for the night with his words that escalated the situation. The color of his skin has nothing to do with it and, quite frankly, to try to claim that it has anything to do with it is elementary and ridiculous. You must not be from Southern California, where a good chunk of our population is hispanic and no one thinks much of it. Especially in regard to a person who is not only a member of the Police Department but also is the son of a former police officer.
Jay Cicinelli has also been charged, and he is white. Officer Kenton Hampton was not charged with anything, and he is African-American. Race had nothing to do with this case. I have heard from inside sources that the video is damning, and people with arguments like yours will have to eat their words once the video is made public after the trial.
“And maybe that is the real reason why it made its outlandish charging decisions: to punish a guy for having too many moral scruples, and for hesitating to commit a wrongful violent act.”
Oh wow. Talk about “outlandish.” You have quite the imagination. Maybe you should be his defense attorney.
Dear Citizen,
I did not mean to state that it was “outlandish” to charge Officer Ramos. What I meant to say was that the failure to charge certain others — particularly Officer Joseph Wolfe — was outlandish.
As I have repeatedly said on this site, the defense counsel know everything that I know about the law of false arrest, battery, and the like. They will be able to demonstrate that the DA’s Office failed to charge numerous crimes, and that the pattern of chargings is apparently invidiously selective. Because they will be able to easily demonstrate that invidious selectivity, they will be able to get a pretrial dismissal of the charges.
Invidious selectivity is not just categorical discrimination, such as racism, sexism, and the like. It can also include political motivations. It can include motivations to further an unlawful or corrupt purpose, such as punishment of someone for pulling others into liability with himself, or in order to not expose a conspiracy conducted by one’s cronies, and so on.
Faced with a motion to dismiss because of invidious discrimination, the DA does have one good way to defeat it: to simply bring good, solid charges against “one or more of the Other Four.” And of course officers Cicerelli and Ramos both know that, and each of them must make a tough choice, as to whether or not to “roll on” fellow officers by pleading this defense.
If Officer Ramos is really a man with Christian convictions, then he will instruct his lawyer to take the pretrial steps discussed above, in order to draw everyone else into the prosecutorial cesspool, so that all of the truth may come out. He will do this if he truly feels remorseful, and wants to get justice for Kelly Thomas.
But he would also need to move his family away from Fullerton, lest members of his family face retaliation from the other officers who get into trouble as a result of his litigation tactics.
So we don’t really know what is going to happen. So far, the signs are promising for a complete revelation of what happened: Officer Ramos is out , and will be able to fully participate in his case preparation; for whatever reason, he was wise enough to get round-the-clock security, so that potentially-chargeable FPD officers or their operatives do not assassinate him; he has his own lawyer, not shared with any other defendant in this case, and who is a real good one, and that lawyer has already been talking about the selective prosecution.
The only thing I worry about is whether or not PORAC might “pull the plug” on his legal-defense-insurance benefits, if he starts causing other officers to be criminally charged. I would be so much more optimistic about the Cause of Truth, if PORAC’s legal-defense-insurance trust plan’s administration would make a public assurance that it will not “pull the plug”, if Officer Ramos’ litigation tactics should cause other officers to be charged.
Thank you for the compliment, even though I am not a lawyer; it is true that every criminal defense client on whose case I have worked, and who has done as I have advised, has gotten the entire case dismissed before trial, without any plea bargain and without any suppression of evidence. That is because I only help on criminal cases where there is obvious, really screaming, prosecutorial misconduct, as there is here. But Officer Ramos already has one of the best specialists in the business, who knows everything I know, and more. So let’s see what defensive maneuvers are taken by Officer Ramos!
And another thing, we the people on this blog are not homeless. We are defending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, Endowed upon us by our creator. NOT YOU! There is a God and it is not you.
We defend the homeless on the other side of the digital divide, because, but for the grace of God go us.
We are grateful for all we have, and wish it for everyone, including good cops.
How dare anyone in, or out, of uniform take away, the right to an attorney, a chance to defend oneself in court, or the life of anyone that has been guaranteed these rights.
Shame on you! Its time to recall and disband
Amen brother!
Thank God these fine Policemen took care of this mentally disturbed man before he could harm any more people, and commit more crimes. Why even members of his own family had restraining orders against him out of fear. Who knows how many crimes he committed as a homeless person, roaming the streets with no supervision. When he resisted and attacked them causing them bodily harm,he brought his own problems on. God bless our Police.
You spew all that satan speak and lies and then end with asking Gxd to bless the police? That’s almost fresh but merely laughable at best.
tina may alah have pity on your soul
I was looking for a clue that this was a piece of satire but I am unable to find it.
Tina, darling, you’re thankful that the fine policemen were able to take care of the disabled man? Tina, dear, you do know that the poor disabled man has been, well, beat to death by the fine policemen? Generally speaking, Tina, when folks described “fine” speak of care for the mentally ill, it usually doesn’t involve murder. You do know that, right, Tina? Tina?.
better yet, there ain’t no vest to cover YOUR head 😀
This is just aweful 🙁
I hope this was just a joke and that you are both stupid and terrible at humor.
Did anyone else catch John Barnett on the news tonight trying to claim DA Rackauckas left out of his “act” (and the most important piece of evidence to exonerate Vomit ~EYE ROLL~) that Kelly Thomas ran from not just 1 but TWO uniformed and armed cops….Ummmmm try again Barnyard, Rackauckas DID mention this after he told us how your dear client snapped on some rubber gloves and then threatened to f*ck Kelly up. You’re grasping at straws Barnett. Your client is guilty as the day is long. Stop trying to turn this on Kelly. Violent past history my ass…you had to go back SEVENTEEN years to find ONE charge. Brilliant old man brilliant. Of course you’ll do anything to get that 20 cents paycheck and a couple of parking tickets written off, won’t you?
I don’t think that it is about blaming Kelly Thomas for running, and saying that this justifies the behavior of Officer Ramos. The point is that Officer Wolfe is just as blameworthy as is Officer Ramos,once one stops talking this legal nonsense about verbal threats made by Officer Ramos. Officer Joseph Wolfe chased after Kelly Thomas, just as surely as Officer Ramos did. And Officer Wolfe is the one whom we know successfully struck and crippled Kelly Thomas with a nightstick.
I sure would like to know if Attorney Barnett is going to also represent Officer Cicerelli. I would think that there would be a conflict of interest, but on the other hand, the case will start in the Orange County courts. If Attorney Barnett can protect the interests of Officer Ramos without a conflict of interest, then he will win a pretrial dismissal for Officer Ramos, based on invidious selective prosecution.
The DA’s Office does, however, have a way to beat this defense. It could demonstrate, to a judge’s satisfaction, that it had some other corrupt motivation to fail to charge other officers who were more guilty. The easiest would be to show that they are punishing Officer Ramos for hesitating, and not immediately brutalizing Kelly Thomas, and thereby forcing other FPD officers to have to get involved, and thus become potentially coliable.
There are three possible reasons for the DA’s Office’s refusal to charge the other officers who were even more guilty, based upon application of the law to the facts as the DA presented them in the Press Release. I guess only time will tell how it plays out.
I don’t think that attorney Barnett is trying to suggest that Kelly Thomas posed a threat to the officers. He never expressly said that. So I think that it is possible that he was trying to “signal” to the judge that the case could get messy, because FPD brass had coerced Officer Ramos to participate in pre-designed plan to brutalize — if not kill — Kelly Thomas, because someone with influence or power felt that Kelly Thomas was becoming a violent menace. Again, we can only watch the case unfold.
I sure hope that, when the defendants’ pretrial motions start rolling, that FFFF will be able to post them somehow on its website, so that people can download them and read them. WSH
To sum it up, you’re saying this was a premeditated murder? I’m not saying you’re wrong because there is always that possibility. However, if so, the town of Fullerton, California has reached levels of evil beyond my imagination. Who do you suppose would come up with the original idea? Business owners? Mayor Boss Hog? The Chief of Police? The Fullerton Six?
Dear Mr. Fox,
I believe that there was a prior conspiracy for the attack on Kelly Thomas. For quite a few weeks, I worked on the assumption that the purpose was to “eliminate” or “terminate” Kelly Thomas, in order to protect the portion of his family which lives in Fullerton.
Quite a few people privately contacted me and suggested that perhaps there was a prior conspiracy merely to attack Kelly Thomas, and not kill him, for the purposes of scaring him out of Fullerton, for good. Under this theory, the attack went awry, and resulted in an unintended homicide. In a blog on another “thread” of this website, I have conceded that this alternative theory might well be the case.
As for who came up with the idea: I have left clues in other blogs on this website. But I have already given you enough to figure it out, above in this very blog: the purpose was to prevent further violence against the Fullerton family of Kelly Thomas, and to prevent problems for that family, after he committed what were perceived to be inevitable acts of violence. Now ask yourself the common-sense question: who was most likely to want to protect Kelly’s family members who were apparently unaware of the risks which they were facing? Now take a look at the “clues” which I have posted elsewhere, to narrow down your search for the most likely identities of The Mastermind.
I have tried to be careful to never use the word “murder” or “homicide” in my discussions of this case. If you will find and read my earlier blogs about my “Conspiracy Theory”, you will see why. And if may turn out for one or more of the defendants that they must get one or more jurors to agree that this was a “killing” but not a “homicide”. Signal: to agree that this was a “premeditated killing” but not a “homicide”. And only a very few lawyers would be willing to pursue such a defense strategy; it may require such a criminal defendant to represent himself. Analogy: A lawyer cannot discuss or disparage or make an issue of the race or religion of the opposing part, or of opposing party’s counsel, or of a witness for the benefit of opposing party. But a pro se litigant can. Common Concept: Sometimes well-meaning rules of civility or of professionalism tend to trample on the glorious Common Law organic system of truth-finding, and a person must go “in pro se” in order to get a fundamentally important issue in front of a jury.
I know that, politically, the noncontroversial position to take, is that the Mayor, and perhaps the Council’s majority, has made public statements that were perceived as a “Green Light” for FPD brutality against all homeless people who are out in the public in Fullerton. Ergo, the “causative factors” of an apparent homicide need to be punished with recall, or worse.
My theory is not completely inconsistent with that. Perhaps certain middle-level FPD brass, when asked to be “team players” and to participate in a conspiracy on a “Favor Bank” basis, tilted in favor of participation, and thus abusing their official authorities, because they did perceive a “political Green Light” to do so.
I am, at this point, not criticizing or condemning anyone involved in this scandal, at the level of the City of Fullerton. I am trying to encourage a process to let all of the truth to come out about the killing of Kelly Thomas, so that there can be a meaningful dialogue. “Hate speech” and “racist speech” and so on is part of a meaningful dialogue. Anytime that “uncivilized” content is filtered out for well-meaning reasons, it not only stops the quest for the truth, but it also impairs the mutual-education process of dialogue.
I will, however, criticize and condemn the Office of the District Attorney. By unnecessarily failing to prosecute certain other officers, the Office effectively cuts off the hope that all of the truth will come out.
There are two different “Tonys” in this controversy who have big responsibilities to the public. Best wishes, WSH
Please repost your previous comments. No time to look things up. At least give links to the posts there were on.
we know the sleazebar despised him,hated him using the bathroom mostly. perfect job for the “wrecking crew”
Snow Hume who planted you here?
Dear Maria,
No organization or interest group has “planted” me here. The website administrators know me, and I use my real name. [I do not fault people for not using their real names.] My email address is I have been a “public person” for a bit of time, now.
I do not live in Fullerton now, but I used to; I was one of the three people who guided the first Recall in Fullerton, back in 1993-1994. Another one of the three is Bruce Whitaker, who is now on the City Council.
I try to address issues, but I cannot avoid discussing individuals, if their official actions have an effect on others. I hope that my response to your posting did not seem to be any sort of an attack on you. I was trying to give a different perspective about how the public statements by defense attorney John Barnett might be interpreted.
It is impossible, I think, for any gainfully employed person to follow all of these “blogs”. But you can use your search browser to find all of mine. Use the “drop-down” menu for “Edit”, and most search engines have a choice to let you search the contents of a particular webpage. If you are interested, you can find and view many more of the posts which I have made on this website, concerning the killing of Kelly Thomas. I have tried as best as I can, to lay out the facts which I have obtained from this blog-site, and to assemble them to support my theories and opinions.
I hope this clarifies things a bit. Now I need to respond to MrFoxetc. WSH
Unfortunately, though it definitely appears that Joe Wolfe is also guilty of misconduct, the claim is that he didn’t hear what was happening in Ramos’s interaction with Kelly. Therefore, he did what he thought he should do to help capture a suspect running from them…but was supposedly unaware of Ramos’s threats that preceded Kelly’s running away.
The reason Cicinelli is charged, even though he also didn’t arrive with that knowledge, is that his use of force was excessive and continued long after Kelly was subdued.
Dear Citizen,
It is my opinion that, if all of the law of “lawful detention and arrest” and all of the law of “assault and battery” were brought to bear on this situation, a noncorrupt public prosecutor would seek to punish Officer Wolfe even more harshly, it the prosecutor really believed that Officer Wolfe did not know of the threats and other “speech content” of the colloquy between Officer Ramos and Kelly Thomas.
Let me state it this way.
Scenario #1: Officer Wolfe hears Officer Ramos threaten Kelly Thomas, and then chases him. Time for a spanking of Officer Wolfe.
Scenario #2: Officer Wolfe is totally clueless, and does not know the least thing about what Officer Ramos has said to Kelly Thomas, and then chases him. Time for a bare-ass spanking of Officer Wolfe.
And therein, I believe, lies the core of the willful dereliction of duty by the Office of the DA.
But it doesn’t matter what I know or think. What does matter is that Attorney John Barnett knows everything that I know about the law of “lawful detention and arrest” and he knows everything I know about the law of “assault and battery.” In fact, he knows even more than what I know. And if he has no conflict of interest in representing the interests of Officer Ramos, then he will demonstrate that there are uncharged officers, and that the DA has laid out facts that establish, as a matter of law, its duty to prosecute certain other officers. And that is going to be the basis for a “motion to dismiss for reason of invidious selective prosecution.”
But if Attorney Barnett also represents Officer Cicenelli, or if Attorney Barnett gets paid by a police officers’ organization for his defense of Officer Ramos, then of course he will not do this. No one would “bite the hand which feeds him.”
Someone in a recent blog said that Officer Ramos will get a “100%-paid criminal defense”. Is that an employment benefit or a benefit from his membership in a union/ professional association? Can anyone clarify this for me?? WSH
I think Cicenelli has Michael Schwartz, the best in the business. I know Barnett is top notch too.
Yes 100% paid legal representation in both criminal and administrative proceedings. Most POA’s are part of PORAC Legal Defense Fund. Everyone pays a certain amount each month for the coverage. It’s proved well worth it over the years.
Dear “Reality Is”:
This sounds like a voluntary insurance program, perhaps similar to extended disability, supplemental hospitalization, and the like.
I know firsthand that professional associations and other sponsoring groups often have independent administering organizations for insurance and similar benefits. Very frequently, the participating or sponsoring organization (for example, a union local, or a local chapter of a professional association) will have the right to elect one of the members of the governing board.
So I wonder if PORAC directly administers this benefit, or if it instead has a certain number of rights to appoint members of a separate “benefits trust”.
The reason I am curious about this, is so that I might know whether or not the benefits-provider would have the ability to “pull the plug” on paying out benefits to a lawyer whose defense strategy may work against the legal interests of other member-officers.
Do you know if this “legal representation” benefit also extends to federal criminal cases? Quite often, a federal prosecution follows upon a state prosecution, no matter what the verdict in the state case. Recall, for instance, what happened to the LAPD officers who were involved in the beating of Rodney King. [I am starting to feel old — that was 20 years ago.]
If the officers can have their federal defense services provided by the same lawyer, and also paid for by the same “insurance plan”, it would certainly make it easier for a defense counsel to protect “all of the clients’ interests.” Under the model ABA ethics — but not the California State Bar ethics — a lawyer is supposed to consider and keep mindful of the other legal interests of a client, and how those might be affected by the conduct of the litigation. So, under the model ABA ethics, the defense lawyer in this case would be planning the federal criminal defense into every step that he or she takes in the California case.
hes gonna be mowin more lawns after oct 8th
Sounds like he’ll be trading his latex gloves for gardening gloves eh?
ramos did ruin the reputation of the fpd along with all the other fpd goons.,
NOW those scum fucks bcc They ruined all cops for me
bcc is a fucking sad sad joke to all that carry the badge
Fullerton is a mess! All its problems swept under the rug are coming out! Too bad. I used to like going to Fullerton for the restaurants and shopping. But now? Forget about it!
They are EXTREMELY different. They have weapons, and societal authorization to use them to arrest, detain, assault and sometimes kill civilians. Which means they should be held to an immeasureably higher standard.
Thanks, Jt. Right on the money.
What a crock of shit. Another BCC plant. Oh and keep your superstitious god and devil crap to yourself.
Big City Cops
“Take care of” = Murder… What a wonderful Heart you have.
Who is paying the legal fees for Ramos? The corrupt stand up police union is probably denying any financial invovement. How can one believe their public statements. Where in hell did Benny Liar dig up a $100,000 for the bail.
Public shakedowns and protection money from the criminals in Fullerton.
Who knows how deep the corruption and evil really is in Fullerton. At one time, not that long ago, I was going to transfer to Cal State Fullerton. Thank God I didn’t.
I have no idea how deep the corruption is or what REALLY happened to Kelly Thomas. It seems like every time we find out more about the Kelly Thomas case, the worse it gets. We know he was murdered…but was it pre-mediated? Or was it just a result of rogue cops who went psycho and killed him? There are a few possible scenarios:
First of all, we all know there were never any “car burglaries.” That was an outright lie from the very beginning, which the FPD just decided to run with. It was a made up call, which someone made from the Slidebar, under Jeremy Popoff’s orders (Co-owner of the Slidebar). They called the police to report something which never happened. Now whether Jeremy Popoff just wanted to get an “undesirable” removed because having a homeless person loitering in the area is bad for business…or whether there was some other reason why he wanted Kelly “removed” is something we don’t know yet. In any case, cops from the Fullerton Police Department had coached the Slidebar into making a call to make a fake report about car burglaries, so they would have a reason to come down there. A homeless person loitering on the street wasn’t a good enough reason.
The Slidebar is also known to be a cop hangout. You can just imagine the private discussions that could have gone on there.
The call was made, the cops showed up on cue, and we know what happened to Kelly after that. In that scenario, the murder wasn’t necessarily pre-meditated. The cops showed up, as arranged, and they did intend to beat up Kelly, to scare him so that he would never come back. But it got out of hand and they wound up killing him. It’s even possible (and even likely) that Jay Cicinelli even wanted to kill him at that point. But the murder may not have necessarily been planned in advance.
In that case, the corruption would have been between the cops who “coached” the Slidebar into making a fake call, the cops who beat Kelly to death (might have been the same cops), and the Slidebar. The police chief and other supervisors are also corrupt for knowing what happened and covering up for the officers, but again the murder was not pre-meditated.
Then there’s another darker scenario. Someone posted a comment here earlier about mysterious disappearances of other homeless people in Fullerton. The poster mentioned a specific incident with someone who disappeared (and I think the person was just a teenager). Is it possible that Kelly Thomas saw something he wasn’t supposed to see? And maybe that’s why he was targeted?
In that case…who knows how deep the corruption and evil goes.
At first, I always just assumed it was a group of cops who went psycho. But now I’m beginning to think there might be a lot more to it than that. Especially after seeing that “Big City Cops” Facebook page.
Chris your fears seem more likely than ever. If the many FPD victims would get the courage to step up and speak out about the FPD abuses and crimes Fullerton may have a chance of survival.
I want to revisit this “outside city rebels” concept. Are all people at the protest from outside Fullerton “rebels”? Does someone have to be from Fullerton to disagree with beatings that happen in Fullerton? Are you from Fullerton? If not then do you also not have the right to have an opinion?
Just asking because this is an almost universal theme of all the pro-brutality and smear-the-victim and smear-the-family crowd. It’s like they all subscribe to the same talking point email newsletter.
It’s clearly the line of attack being used in the recall too.
Opinion I’m sure. Some say rebels. Some say activists. Some say passion for a cause. Some say other things.
Yes, we all can have opinions and clearly both sides have select words to describe each other. I’ve heard the worst words from this side but I’ve heard many on the other side use similar words for your side.
Did you just call me pro brutality? I thought we agreed no more changin my words? That theme is so apparent here it gets old. Use facts, and actual words. 🙂
No way, I didn’t call you pro-brutality. I don’t think you are. I disagree with you on lots of stuff but not on that.
I was referring to how the pro-brutality crowd, not you personally. I was hoping you might have some insight into their thought process or maybe you subscribed to their email newsletter (undercover work, of course).
“Use facts, and actual words.”
Awe come on….it’s teh internets dood!
🙂 🙂
“I’ve heard the worst words from this side”
I think it’s been pathetic and disgusting on both sides at times. Every time I see some yahoo make what I think is the worst comment, someone on the other “side” outdoes him.
Unfortunately it’s these comments that we remember the most, not the logical even-tempered ones, because these comments invoke strong emotional reactions. All this kind of language accomplishes is to inflame people and it’s extremely divisive, pushing people apart into “teams” and “us vs them” mentality (kinda like Republican vs Democrat). It devolves from individuals with opinions into groups cheering for their team…which is made of perfect people who can do no wrong, against the other team who is made entirely of evil people who are always wrong.
End of rant 🙁
Totally agree. It’s sad. We should be trying to move forward and heal wounds while acknowledging the rights people have. Mistakes have been made. We need to correct them and make the future better.
I do remember her. She was also with another portley gentleman that was filming a guy in a straw hat who I believe may be a provacatour. I have pictures of all of them. Including other persons of interest.
I also have more info on the straw hat guy. He is the one that created a scene during Ron Thomas’ interview at the DA office. There is more that I would be willing to share at the protest. Hit me up. I’m the camera freak that can’t stop taking pictures.
Hiding until this goes away, where else.
Each POA members rates per quarter are based on past usage. Price varies. Covers everything start to finish, and yes Federal strategy already being implemented.
Thank you for the link. It is an “ERISA Trust”; every CPA knows what that is. It looks like it was formed about the time when ERISA was enacted. WSH
9c1copcar: 🙂 🙂
I am sending the following email to Gov. Jerry Brown. If you are also disatisfied with the conduct of the OC DA, I recommend you do the same. Request that they answer your email.
“Dear Gov. Jerry Brown,
Regarding the brutal murder of Kelly Thomas at the hands of Fullerton police, the action taken is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. The Orange County DA is prosecuting two of six officers involved. Regardless of the situation, how can you allow police officers to escape prosecution after they have been known to have beaten an unconscious man? Regardless of the situation, how can officers witness other officers fatally beat an unconscious man and not be prosecuted for passive participation? Isn’t it time for the State of California to step in and prosecute these six officers correctly?”
Is there a complete public transcript of what was said over Officer Manny Moe’s microphone? If so, I’d very much like to review that whole thing.
Right or wrong, cops imply threats all the time. A standard cop line is “Have you ever been arrested before?”, implying he will arrest you if you don’t behave submissively. Regarding Officer Manny Moe, was he trying to get Kelly Thomas to cooperate or was he merely announcing what he intended to do? If the latter, Manny Moe needs to be charged with murder one.
Dear MrFoxetc.,
I think that you are correct that the transcript of what Officer Ramos said needs to be publicized. II think that all of the transcripts need to be published, especially of any incoming phone calls to Dispatch that are contended by FPD to relate to the outbound dispatch which led to the initial response. Also I would like to see the complete transcript of Officer Wolfe’s two broadcasts, with the imprinted “timeline”, so that it may be compared with the timeline-imprinted transcript for Officer Ramos.
when all of the different electronic transcripts, both audio and video, are “collated” according to a common timeline-imprintation, a rather different story might emerge — one that changes an answer to the question of “what did Officer Wolfe know, and when did he know it?”
But really the question to ask is this: “if we had no recording of what Officer Ramos said to Kelly Thomas, could we find a crime against him?” If you read everything in the DA’s Press Release, it would seem that the DA’s answer would be “if we had no recording, then we can’t prosecute a crime. But we got lucky.”
This is wrong, for several reasons. I am confident that Attorney Barnett will show why Officer Wolfe should have been charged, upon a state of facts that the recording device did not exist. The reason: “I didn’t hear what Officer Ramos was saying” is equivalent to “Officer Ramos had no recording device.” A noncorrupt public prosecutor would find and charge a crime. Officer Wolfe has not been charged, and so there is apparent invidious selective prosecution.
This strategy cannot hurt Officer Ramos, since they already have the tape against him, so it is not as if such a motion would educate the prosecution of how to prosecute Officer Ramos.
Some, but not all, of the other officers, could be prosecuted under a very different theory. I will present it in a separate post below, in “clue” format. WSH
Wow.. that skull & bones logo on the Big City Cops Facebook page is ridiculous. Not very professional to say the least. This just adds to the notion that cops are thugs, i.e, Rampart scandal. And the “Let them hate so long as they fear” moniker is downright scary.
Apparently Ramos’s diet pills got the better of him.
He’s got a friend that cooks the stuff up in the desert.
(No. I don’t know if it’s true. I just made it up on the spot. Whoops! thats what Ramos does. Makes it up as he goes.)
he does look like a tweeker with his beady to close together eyes!!!!
You are right they’re blaming it all on RAMOSHIT. All the animals watched it happen and did nothing but bail out RAMOSHIT. The bail money came from illegal cash that these monsters have buried for accidents like these. The public uproar is uncontrollable and the psycho cops are desperate enuff to do whatever has to be done to end this recall bullshit. Decent people of Fullerton be careful these are dangerous times.
C’mon now. You don’t know that the cash is illegal, and if “There but for the grace of G*d went you.”, then you’d want family and friends to help you with your defense as well.
Even for those who post they are his friends and colleagues are having their hearts and souls scarred because of what both the charged officers did.
No one is going to come out of this unscathed.
Here is a clue about another means by which “one or more of the other four” might be prosecuted:
A banana, having been stolen, is not placed into the freezer. After several days, what non-theft crime has been committed? Signal: Any audio recording device that was turned off, or better stated, not turned on. Signal: Any confiscated cellular phone that is not kept and made available to the prosecutors.
“Judicial estoppel” is the requirement that a party maintain consistency of contention, not only within a case, but as between cases. Does fleeing from a policeman connote “probable cause” of having committed a felony? If either the prosecution or any particular defendant says that it does so connote, then the prosecution or defendant is judicially estopped to deny that placing a stolen banana anywhere but the freezer also connotes “probable cause” for a theft crime. That is also true, even if an intervening person rescues the banana, and puts it into the freezer. “Honey, it’s the thought that counts.” So if running away, and getting caught, is equivalent to attempting to not freeze the banana, then so is the attempt to confiscate a cellular telephone that contains a video, even if the video is not lost. And why is it “probable cause”? Because in each case, it is “guilty behavior”. And that is evidence of “scienter”.
By the way, showing the video to the Six, while all together, is a different kind of putting a stolen banana in a place other than the freezer.
Signal: In the State of California, the placing of the banana elsewhere than the freezer automatically has the same level of criminality as the underlying theft crime. So does eating it, followed by disposing of the peel. But a conspiracy to eat the banana is a felony, as is a conspiracy to not keep it in the freezer.
There are lots of unprosecuted crimes here. If I can see them, then so too can even a hack criminal defense attorney. And Attorney Schwartz is the closest one can find for “anti-hack” in this kind of situation. Ergo, Cicerelli et omnia exeunt.
Aw Snow, try pitching your banana story to a jury.
Well, at least no City of Fullerton official has yet accused me of being an Out-of-Towner who is bringing Toxic Bananas into Fullerton, to create trouble. [See today’s new posting on this website.]
Alright, how about we just accuse you of being a citizen exercising your constitutional rights?
What I have a hard time understanding is how Officer Ramos is the only one of the two main actors that is being charged with murder and not JC as well? It seems to me the charges should at the very least be flipped around as it was JC that really beat KT to death?
I personally think that both Ramos and JC should be charged with second degree murder and the other four with manslaughter and assorted other charges for accessor to the fact.
I do have to wonder however if there is really some method to the DA’s madness? That is, Ramos walks on murder charges because all he really did was open his mouth and inflict one non-fatal blow to KT, and since JC is only being charged with MS that is going to be watered down to almost nothing . . . just saying.
The D.A. described in great detail what was gleaned from review of the videotapes and eye witnesses, DARs and other evidence. After reviewing all of that evidence, they filed charges. He described in detail what the video reveals about each officers actions. We also have the Coroner’s report for cause of death and detailed descriptions of the other injuries inflicted upon Kelly Thomas.
Dear Blessusall:
The Coroner’s Report does not bind a jury when it “finds fact”. The criminal defendants will be allowed to put on “expert witnesses” who can give “opinion evidence.” [I use quotation marks for legal terms of art, and not as any sort of sarcasm or doubt. It is just to indicate to you those terms which you can look up in a legal dictionary, or in an encyclopedia like Cal.Jur.3d or Am.Jur.2d.]
In this case, the Coroner’s Report lists two very serious things, either one of which could have led to permanent brain injury: 1) Cranial injuries from impacts, and 2) asphyxiation caused by the Dog Pile of the Six. Now what if enough medical experts can prove, to a jury’s satisfaction, that it was really the cranial injuries, and not the asphyxiation, which effectively killed Kelly Thomas? In that case, Officer Ramos would not be convicted, nor would any of the other officers, save for Officer Cicerelli.
I believe that this consideration was behing the DA’s decision to not charge Officer Cicerelli with murder. I think that the DA’s Office reckoned that, if they could not count on defense counsel to get Officer Ramos dismissed PRIOR TO TRIAL due to screaming racist selective prosecution, that they could count on defense counsel AT TRIAL to shift the causation of death over to Officer Cicerelli. It was therefore essential to charge Officer Cicerelli with a much less serious crime, so as to not accidentally bring back a murder conviction.
I have read and re-read the DA’s Press Release several times, and I just cannot see how Officer Ramos killed Kelly Thomas any more than the other five did, through that type of “excessive force” that is known as “excessive weight causing compressive asphyxiation.” So I think that this particular Blogger-“Anonymous” has a point for us all to consider.
Best wishes, WSH
He did not describe in detail what was in the video, due to not being able to make it public, as of yet. You really are a jumping on the bandwagon.
Dear blogger-Anonymous,
I rely on what the DA’s Press Release said: the Officer Cicerelli struck Kelly Thomas on the side of the face with the end of his tazer. This is rather equivalent to using a lighter-weight flashlight’s butt-end.
Further, a witness who was not interviewed by the DA came forward, and told a blogger here that the blows by Officer Cicerelli were measured: there were pauses between them.
Officer Cicerelli bragged about the facial injuries to emergency medical personnel.
So I think that it is reasonable to proceed with an analysis, based upon the factual theory that Officer Cicerelli struck Kelly Thomas on the side of the face, and that Officer Ramos did NOT ever strike Kelly Thomas on the head. I don’t think that it is “jumping on the bandwagon” at this point; it is simply proceeding upon the factual assumption which is consistent with all evidence, and not contradicted by any other evidence.
If you have an alternative factual theory, and even better, if you have new facts, then please post them on this website through a regular post or through a blog. SIGNAL: I freely admit that I cannot reconcile the cranial and brain injuries of Kelly Thomas with the side-face strikings by Officer Cicerelli. SIGNAL: There was a portion of the “capture” of Kelly Thomas that takes place out of the “sight” of the video camera.
QUERY: Who, if anyone, observed the portion of the capture-struggle, behind the car, which which out of the “sight” of the video camera?
Unless the “best in the business” have magical witchiepoo powers and can wave a magic flute and change the truth- there is a damning video out there that tells the whole story, scene by sickening scene-
and the citizens havent seen it so bring on the best high priced creepos in the bidness as they cant use the excuse that witnesses saw the tape already and are tainted- bring it—God knows the truth and so do we-these smelly roaches will not get away with murder, not this time hot shot arrogant boy and pass that on
Honestly, anyone who cant see that Kelly Thomas was tortured and executed in cold blood must be mentally sick – the bastards in blue are hiding behind badges like linus depends on his blanket to get thru the day, You aint gettin out of this one-mark my words
The video is inadmissable if it is ever recovered from a watergate repeat at the DAs office. Also. the bus passengers will be recanting their testimony or be sent back to Mexico.
If the accused cops are smart (No smart remarks, please, I know thats a separate debate.), they’ll cut a deal and never go to trial.
If they were smart they wouldn’t have murdered a man to death in front of over 100 witnesses and a high resolution video camera!!!
The Camera may add 20lbs to ramos fat ass, but tells no lies
Big City Cop is currently running surveillance on this website complete with screen caps of comments made by users. they are openly bragging about their “police work” see for yourself.
Let them run all the surveillance they desire. Only thing that proves is their own insipid paranoia. Honestly I do not believe for one second that, after reading some of their posts, the majority of them are even law enforcement officers. The main contributor, writes like a high school journalist at best and comes across as though he has a very large chip on his shoulder. I believe this organization may have been borne from officers who have been scolded for using excessive force in the past and feel they were unjustly punished as they feel they have every right under the color of authority to do with suspects as they please. Most likely the cause for their motto & logo. Both of which I find rather amusing. So again I say, bring it on BCC, however you won’t find any cause for absolution nor exoneration for any of the Fullerton 6 here.
Fuck those dirty cops fuck them
You need to pay your ghostwriter more as soon as he, she or it graduates from kindergarden.
big fucking deal-the nothing, nobody gangmembers
Ooooh I’m scared. They’re such lowlifes over there. I got bored reading their dribble. Don’t give your energy to them!
Bunch of bubble bath taking fgts on Big City Mops lol
I made this video as a tribute to Kelly
And this is what is supposed to represent what is all good and wholesome within the BCC organization?
wait untill that happens to you in jail,
Don’t hold back. Let us know how you really feel.
have we met my name is STAND UP?
you vile disgusting, demon from hell-
dont think for one minute karma wont get you for this, and dont come back here when it does you gangmember
In regards to that executioner hero of yours (post this on BCC)
The only way I’d agree with a 15 year sentence for this maniac is if was to be served in a North Korean Prison Camp.
They should have put this big pinata lard ass in the general population.
He was so fucking tough the first time around with his latex gloves threatening that poor Kelly, let’s see what a hard-fat-ass he is in jail or prison without his “brothers.”
Won’t be the big chingon when he doesn’t have his back-up.
see you at the trial for murder 2
The next-to-last caption in the video states: “Maybe if you weren’t a smelly transient you wouldn’t of gotten beaten up!” This sentence contains bad grammar; it should read “you would’t have gotten beaten up!”
For the sake of Officer Manuel Ramos, I hope that you are not a blood relative of his — I only mention this because your “screen name” has the surname “Ramos” in it. There are ways to show “mens rea” in a criminal accused, and the prosecution might be able to put on a witness who will testify about whether or not Officer Ramos was or is bigot against the mentally ill. The prosecution could go as far as showing that he comes from a family that has a moral value, that it is acceptable to kill mentally ill vagrants, and that he got such a value from his own family. Even if you are only a first cousin or even only a second cousin, the matter might be investigated and presented.
Not to mention the first half of that particular sentence. The whole sentence should read, “Maybe if you weren’t a stinky transient you wouldn’t have gotten beaten up!”…unless of course the author meant that Mr. Thomas like to around smelling things, then that would indeed make him a smelly man. The rule of thumb in this case to adhere the proper grammar is “it stinks, you smell”, stink being the odor you smell, the odor does not smell, it stinks. An odor cannot smell as it has no nose and therefore no smelling sense. Kelly did not stink, his body odor did however in any case whether he stunk or smelled, he did not deserve any mere fraction of the beating he was given, much less, his murder.
wally, you losers listen that music? fackin tools
Adam Kokesh first interview after arrest
Snow: Cicinelli was never heard to brag about facial injuries to Kelly T. I don’t know what incident you were attending but it wasn’t the transportation center.
Dear Hog Wild,
Here are the pertinent passages from the DA’s Press Release:
“• 151 witness interviews. 73 witness interviews were conducted during a canvass of the FTC and surrounding areas by OCDA Investigators during the weeks following the incident. The other 78 included 18 medical personnel such as responding paramedics and hospital staff. Six of the 78 are sworn FPD officers who responded to the scene after the end of incident,
“Cicinelli is accused of kneeling on Thomas’ body to use his own body weight to pin the victim to the ground. After paramedics arrived, Cicinelli is accused of commenting about his use of force and the physical damage to Thomas.”
It is the last sentence which correlates to the statements by Officer Cicinelli, which I had mentioned. Apparently it was stated, elsewhere than the press conference and the Press Release, that Officer Cicinelli had boasted to the paramedics that he caused the injuries to the face. I think that this statement I made, in reliance on other posts in this website, is fully consistent with the DA’s Press Release.
This is my point, however: After the outrage and indigation (over the fact that an officer might brag about having inflicted injuries) has understandably been expressed by the citizens, we must all take note of what it reflects about what Officer Cicinelli thought at the time: He did not think that Kelly Thomas was going to die. He did not believe that he had inflicted fatal injuries. [And I am still not sure that Officer Cicinelli did inflict the fatal cranial injuries; and there is no evidence that Officer Ramos ever struck Kelly on the head.]
I will again say it: “Murder on the Orient Express” and “Gosford Park” may be relevant here: when so many contribute to causation, how does one sort it out, and “pin the tail on the donkey”?
In the summar of 1981, I found a breathing body on Pacific Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. The firemen-paramedics never came, so I finally said that I would pay for an ambulance, and the police were called to get help to call the ambulance. They sent a policeman, and he put the man (who was unconscious, but breathing) into the back of the patrol car. That man, whose name was Wardman, died that night in the Laguna Police Department jail. The red-haired policemen could not get any help to unload the man from the police car, and did it alone, and Wardman had slipped and his head hit the ground. It would be easy to blame that poor policeman (who ironically had helped me a few days earlier).
Months went by, and eventually it emerged that Wardman, while walking home a little drunk from the Kingfisher Bar, had been assaulted by a group of four high school boys. When he fell, he suffered a very serious concussion…. far more force, than when he was dropped at the police station. I found him after the boys — who had assaulted me a few days earlier — had fled. But already, it is a messy case: were they really at fault for his death?
Complicating matters was that Wardman had a previous cranial injury, and had a steel plate in his skull as a result. In law school when one takes “Torts”, they teach you about the “skin-skulled plaintiff” to illustrate the point that “you take your victim as you find him”. There is no “reasonable expectation” rule to avoid the consequences of your unlawful assault or battery.
Now the mixed causation of Wardman’s death from concussion reminds me an awful lot of the death of Kelly Thomas. But to make matters even more grey, there is the issue of asphyxiation, due to the “six man Dog Pile” on top of Kelly Thomas. That surely complicates the causation question.
I dare anyone to find a single incident, prior to the Kelly Thomas case, where Officer Cicinelli or Officer Ramos were involved in any way, that involved a death through asphyxiation. You won’t find one. Officer Cicinelli had no idea that Kelly Thomas would be purposefully suffocated to cause death, but the causation blamed on facio-cranial injuries. And that is why Officers Ramos and Cicinelli were the perfect “patsies” to set up to “take the fall” in this contrived situation, this preplanned attack on Kelly Thomas. Yes, they got “picked” to do things that they thought would not get them in serious trouble, because they had no idea about the Master Plan.
A lot of people think that I have “wild imagination”. The truth is, in my life I have simply listened to too many unlawful secret recordings of public officials, to be able to NOT recognize the earmarks of a “set-up” or a conspiracy.
The killing of Kelly Thomas, or perhaps just his beating, was well-engineered by middle-level brass at FPD. And I believe it will succeed, because DA Tony Rackauckas has so enthusiastically engineered failure into this prosecution.
I don’t think that either Officer Ramos or Officer Cicinelli will direct his defense lawyer to “dtop the atom bomb” of the pretrial defense of selective prosecution. Only the citizens of Fullerton, through a Petition for Writ of Mandate, can force the prosecution of the other, more apparently guilty, officers who were involved in the Kelly Thomas incident.
As I have been saying all along…
“Excited Delirium” DA Racks best shot.
You have it all ass-backwards. Bennett and Schwartz’s best defense is to rely on the excited delirium of their whacko clients, maybe aided in Cicinelli’s case by ‘roid rage (nobody would ever believe Ramos was on steroids).
I suppose the D.A. could make a case that the officers who killed Kelly Thomas were in an “excited delirium” but unfortunately, there is no such diagnosis and I haven’t heard that the F6 were drug screened–you may see that kind of agitated frenzy in someone who has been heavily using certain drugs, including cocaine and stimulants. I agree that the officers did certainly appear to be completely out of control and of their minds but apparently some of them have behaved in this way repeatedly in the past when “arresting” someone. This behavior by FPD officers, rather than be cause for alarm for their superiors, was ignored and covered up each time and it continued to escalate, eventually leading to the Kelly’s murder.
*out* of their minds
anyone want to place bets on me kicking jaynbonds teeth through his throat and getting off on “excited delerium”?
Excited delirium only occurs when a person is being killed by a police officer or officers under the guise of “resisting arrest” and is a defense used for officers who have been charged with this kind of brutality. In other words, it is completely contrived as a defense for police brutality and murder.
Furthermore, I think that in contriving this so-called syndrome or diagnosis the person got it completely backwards. I believe that officers who beat suspects to death as has been seen in many cases could be described as being in a state similar to what has been called “excited delirium.” Basically, the get angry and out of control and end up beating the suspect to death. You can call the police officers’ behavior “excited delirium” but, in the Kelly Thomas case, it has also been called “murder.”
where are the good attorneys to fight this bullshit, madeup defense? I swear any hole these nazi coppers can slither thru, they will
To clarify, I am being somewhat sarcastic, but not completely. So called “excited delirium” is often used as a defense in police brutality cases and it basically contends that the victim of the police brutality was in a state of “excited delirium” that made them behave in an agitated and dangerous way and the police officers’ behavior was in reaction to that. This so called state pretty much only occurs when police brutalize a suspect/victim and then must defend their behavior. I would contend that the other common denominator in these scenarios, other than the suspect/victim is the police officer and that it is the police officers, not the victim, who are in an agitated state when these incidents occur. This is what I would contend if, in fact, I were the prosecutor facing this defense–if there was excited delirium, it was being exhibited by the police officers, not the victim.
say what fake merijoe? or should I call you thurston howell the 3rd?
“excited delirium” is a bullshit made up defense by the gestapo and their dirtbag attorneys period, fin,
Merijoe–post #615 is by blessusall
Toxic Bananas?
Toxic = Rincon.
Bananas = Where he found his victims.
wait.. I just had a good and wholesome thought
How about someone tortures and murders one of jaynbonds 5 professional kids and uses “excited delerium” as their defense
you are one of the worst trolls ever to present your oxygen into life
I have already been in contact with the FBI and a few human rights organizations concerning BCC
they have contacted facebook and are taking IP Addresses and will be contacting Captains of departments once the trial begins in the torture death of Kelly Thomas
Manny is inocent!!! you all don’t noe nothing about went down!!!! Manny just keeps it real and all you putos cant handle it. Manny would never f*ck a homie up unless it was reasonably justified. you all are lame ass putos and dont get Manny. FREE MANNY!!!
Yeah, English is hard.
when keeping it real goes wrong.
Nice music selection tool bag.
just checked my plumbing and I am *not* a “puto”… I will admit to being a gabacha
Yeah, Manny is a real complicated guy. Real deep like.
Next you’ll be telling us Manny is a political prisoner.
RAMOS is little girl, a crybaby and A Putos he will end up hanging himself because see above
you all are a bunch of pinche putos that wont put there real name on here. I know what it takes to become REAL cop. I’m going to joing the Fullerton police exploers and then become a cop and show you all whats up
shut up Dwayne
oh no, another murderous gang member becoming a cop-let me put on my big surprise face –
you gonna show us “whats up”? hahahah-threatening the public is part of the police training these days? one word for you thug-camera
Your mama must be so proud
ok dick,
police xplorer, thats cute maybe you’ll get a mini nighstick and in a few years we’ll be back discussing your corrupt character lunatics run in the family.
go back to playing beer pong with your abuelita chola
We see you have the credentials and education to work for the FPD…
Men with small penises seek police work in order to compensate where they are lacking.
Bless you: There have been many cases of excited delirium that have been used successfully to exonerate cops. How about the one in San Bernardino in April of this year, Terry Jackson to be specific. Don’t take my word for it. Look it up for your own edification.
Over the past two months I have posted eighteen cases of excited delirium and all the officers involved were cleared once the investigation were completed. And the departments were many and varied not just here in this area. In other words No Colusion was involved.
It must have been hard for Waaaanny to accept he almost lost to a 135 pound malnourished homeless man so he had to call 5 of his friends in to help kill him.
His name is MANNY you ignorant puta. You talk a lot of shit behind the computer but you don’t even have the balls to put real name on here. i do…RAMOS BITCH!
Calm down Waldo!
Hypocrit much? You seem to be doing quite a bit more talking there behind your teency screen. You must have to talk big to make up for your smaller “things”. Of course dear I do not have balls, I am a woman. Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is chico. Let’s meet up so I can see how big and tough your are. I want to hear you call me a puta to my face. I’d bet you wouldn’t much less even arrange a face to face. C’mon now don’t be shy. Tu sei il più grande idiota intorno. And I say that with all my heart.
Ruinis inminentibus musculi praemigrant. Iacta alea est.
what the fuck are you behind MEIJA ?
You’re not the only one putting it out there. I do as well.
If you really are related to the LEO who is the subject of this conversation, then by attacking people here for expressing their opinions and frustrations, you’re not helping him in the court of public opinion.
I won’t pretend to understand how you feel at this time, but if you want to defend him, do it as a reasonable person who will participate in discussions.
If you’re a poser, then what you’re doing really stinks. You should stop.
Yeah didn’t think you’d reply. Oh and by the way his real name is MANUEL. Manny is his nickname. I am sorry he named you Ramos Bitch, that must be difficult for you.
6 to 1. That’s about right.
hey theres your next blog- excited delirum
I don’t get it. Who had “excited delirium,” the victim or the cop?
The police officers were in an “excited delirium” when they beat Kelly Thomas to death. Kelly Thomas’ behavior would be a response to being tortured to death.
you hear that all you serial killers, abusers and rapists-just tell the jury it was “excited delirium” made you do it- you may get away with it -just like Jaynbond (mother/wife/aunt) of uniball and parent of 5 professionals says
The police officers do sound as if they were in some sort of excited delirium when they were beating Kelly Thomas to death. I wish they had done a “for cause” drug screen on all six officers following the incident, which should be required any time there is a death from “resisting arrest” as we saw in this case, but it is unlikely that they did. We know from toxicology reports that there were no alcohol or drugs in Kelly Thomas’ system. Kelly Thomas was, in fact, struggling to get air into his lungs since he was basically being smothered while at the same time being tasered repeatedly, getting kneed, punched, hammered in the face, and other acts of violence upon him. So his behavior during this violent episode perpetrated on him by the officers in question would be a reaction to being tortured to death
Thats why ‘some’ are called adrenaline junkies.
Bill Arellano on Big City Cops is complaining about poor Romoshit’s treatment.
Quote “While all of this ranting these morons are making for Thomas, they walk all over some of the fundemental building blocks for this country. That specific building block being Ramos is innocent until proven guilty, in a court of law and judged by a jury of his peers, and not by some kangaroo court on Facebook.”
^How did that “fundamental” building block work out for Kelly Thomas you fucking jackass? This is the sole reason why WE, the citizens of America, are “ranting” over here on this blog, the police acted as judge, jury, and executioner.
Quote “I don’t understand why the judicial process is being challenged at this point, when Ramos hasn’t been allowed to mount a defense of his actions?”
^Ramoshit killed Kelly on July 5th. It is October, how much time does Ramoshit need?
The use of excessive force is quite clear here, Kelly Thomas is in a body bag. Any person with half a brain knows some cops are going to jail.
Quote “It’s oBvious where the dumbing down of America has taken its toll.”
^Well said Bill, well said you fucking moron.
Fullerton city officials, politicans, cops are morrally corrupted to the core and enterprise criminals.
Taxpayers and innocent citizens are always the victims.
“peace is not the abscence of conflict, it is the presence of justice”………….Unknown
You all talk about Officer Ramos and Cpl. Cyclops criminal case. In the civil case it is not “beyond a reasonable doubt”. And all of this crap about Fullerton PD having poor procedures, letting off sexual predator cops, having 4 other cops there who are uncharged, etc. will all result in a huge verdict. The City is already in financial distress, the PD costs about 30 to 40% more than the OCSD costs for running a similar size force and people are finally getting interested in this case. If you are a Fullerton resident or business owner, you are looking at a substantial hit on city services and raising of taxes and fees. How any resident or business owner in Fullerton can sit idly by while this is going on amazes me. Law and Order can be provided by any organization. The PD can be disbanded. The City Council dumped and all the rotten info then comes to light and there is a whole bunch of it.
Merijoe: I don’t know how this got your username but it is by me, blessusall
The posts are getting screwy and not going where they’re intended.
cool :- I tried to figure it out by the way the others write posts, I thought it may have been you but wasnt sure
… at least you were asking me to die 🙂
weren’t not were
I like the thurston howell the 3rd reference–made me laugh. 🙂
Sorry, meijoe, that post was by me. I don’t know how it got your username.
Pretty much.
I want EVERYONE to REMEMBER this FUCKER, who currently hangs out in DTF,..can be seen at EVERY BAR, and every drunken party hamming it up,…and who has ALSO(while inebriated) BOASTED to other bar goers of how he would ROUTINELY beat people up while in cuffs and custody and get away with it,…Ive also heard that he has boasted on how he would allow female prisoners the option of having their arrests disappear for blow jobs in the back of his Police Car,…
Fullertons finest!!!!
Dear Just Me,
A noncorrupt public prosecutor would find a misdemeanor crime, every time that Officer John Cross turned off his audio device.
Here is why: It is a written departmental direction to the officers that they wear these devices. It therefore creates a “work duty”, one that here is an “official duty” because he is a public employee.
Under Government Code section 1222, any knowing dereliction of an official duty is a misdemeanor crime, unless the act is specifically described and punished elsewhere.
I hope you find that interesting. WSH
Your link has apparently been deleted.
Then even more interesting that he was never brought up on Misdemeanor charges. He clearly feels hes invincible and above the law based on how he boasts openly about his misconduct and crimes…
Thomas Kelly’s dead, beaten to dead, but his soul is alive. He was the soul of an idea for many people who want to do things better, differently.
We have to prosecute all the murders and its protectors.
We have to recall these morally bankrupted politicans and city cronies.
We have to get rid all the morally corrupted leaders and gool old boy clubs for good.
These corrupted leaders are only interested in themselves, not us.
Nobody can change but ourselves. It is about time.
Feds and U.S. Dept. of Justices crack down on police brutality nationwide.
The Justice Department to investigate police here in Fullerton, CA for civil rights violations.
How to File a Complaint with DOJ about Fullerton police brutality and officials corruption
Jonathan M. Smith
Special Litigation Section
(202) 514-6255
toll-free at (877) 218-5228
FAX – (202) 514-0212
FAX – (202) 514-6273
Email –
We need to act and need your helps to do it right. Justice for Kelly Thomas and People
Dear “Fullerton”,
I don’t discourage anyone from contacting federal officials about governmental abuses of citizens’ rights.
With that being said, I would again remind all of you that the citizens of Fullerton have a heightened or increased “judicial standing” to seek a Writ of Mandate to force the District Attorney to prosecute the other apparent crimes in this case.
When faced with a lawsuit of this sort, the first resort will be to try to get the suit tossed out because of some matter that does not go “to the merits.” And the two first-pick defenses will be “lack of standing” and “failure to demonstrate irreparable harm”. The one thing the DA does not want to do, is to have to defend his inaction here… because it is indefensible to anyone who has had basic Law School first-semester “criminal procedure”, and who has bothered to read the California Penal Code.
Where is the leadership in Fullerton? Where is someone to lead a group of petitioners-plaintiffs in a Petition for Writ of Mandate??
Can you either describe the process of doing this in more detail, or link to where else you may have already done so?
Dear JT,
It will depend upon how many people are willing to sign on as co-petitioners. Once you get beyond two or three, it becomes a defacto “association” for limited purposes, and it will be necessary to have a lawyer sign the writ’s Petition and to represent the co-petitioners for the whole proceeding.
On the other hand, just one or two people could, I do not doubt, bring the Petition “in pro se”, which means, “in for himself”, and thus means the equivalent of “without a lawyer”.
Very few lawyers know how to handle writ petitions that are not directed to a higher court to control a lower court. But a petition for Writ of Mandate can, and should, be brought in the Superior Court (Unlimited Jurisdiction).
One of the finest Writ of Mandate practitioners is Mark S. Rosen, but now that he is a City Councilmember in Garden Grove, he might see a conflict of interest in going after the District Attorney. You might need to get a Los Angeles or San Diego lawyer — someone from out of the area. Mark Rosen could give you great referrals, and also instruct on how to track down the best lawyer for such a job. [He handled the Petition for Writ of Mandate against City Clerk Anne York back in summer, 1994.]
If you get a group who is willing to go forward together, at that time I can help you to find a qualified and distinguished practitioner. It would help to get a lawyer who has experience in bringing civil rights writ-petitions against police agencies, even though this is the “inverse”, so to speak, and is directed at the prosecutors rather than the police. But the litigation principles do not change.
FYI: my email is You may confirm this with the administrator of this website. Best wishes, WSH
Thanks Snow.
Let me look/think this over for a few days and get back to you. Any idea how much time one would have to do this?
I don’t think Rosen is on the GG City Council anymore.
Dear “Jt”,
A petition for a Writ of Mandate basically starts a lawsuit to obtain an injunction. If there is an emergency — which is extremely common in election matters — then the petitioners will, soon after the suit begins, seek an emergency order.
If there is no emergency, quite frequently the matter will get a regular time-line for a lawsuit, which right now is usually about one year. In this case, the felonies can be prosecuted for four years after their occurrence. That gives you some time to compel the commencement of criminal chargings, and it is just possible that the judge might see it that way, if the DA takes that kind of a defensive approach.
My only concern — one I have expressed in several other “threads” — is that there was a conspiracy to assault, if not kill, Kelly Thomas. If the effect of forcing new criminal cases against a bunch of officers, it is possible that the conspiracy will be partially or fully “flushed out”. If the cases start too late, by the time the truth comes out, it may be too late to charge the conspirators who did not participate in the beating. Just a thought.
Another reason not to wait: Even though the “legal” rule of “limitations” may allow a Writ of Mandate, as long as it is legally possible to criminally charge the other officers, nonetheless a Writ of Mandate is an “equitable” or “chancerial” proceeding. Accordingly, there is also the “equitable” rule of “limitations” which is called “laches”. The doctrine of “laches” means that you cannot wait so long, that it screws things up by your delay…. in other words, the official needs to be able to “change his course of actions” as a result of the Writ of Mandate. You therefore don’t want to wait, until he has shaped a criminal prosecution, and then start introducing a bunch of new co-defendants.
I hope that the foregoing comments are of practical utility. WSH
Dear Mr. Hum;
Kelly Thomas is death and his spirit can not defense for himself.
Fulleton City Hall to Police Dept are buying time and cover up for each other.
Orange County DA and union are even worse.
Epidemic of Systemic Police Brutality and Atrocity Sweeps Fullerton and Orange County, CA. Nobody has enough courage or gut to stand up for the truth and take responsibility and be accountable for.
So far FFFF is the only trusted citizens can connect all of us together. These crooks will do anything in their power to take FFFF down. It is next to impossible tasks against enteprise criminal in Fullerton and Orange County.
Most disturbing is that the Fullerton pattern reflects what’s happening across Orange County, CA, people systematically abused, in his case murdered in cold blood, what no criminal or civil actions can undo.
I had a near death experiences many times in the hands of “authority” and corrupted officials in Viet Nam. America brought me back to life and I will do anything necessary to protect this great country until my last breath from further self destruction. This is the only way I know how.
I am ready to go as far as U.S. DOJ, White House, and Office of CA Governor Jerry Brown.
Together we can go further and I hope you understand. Any inputs are greatly appreciate.