Better Than A Plastic Snowman
So you’ve already signed the petitions to recall McKinley, Bankhead and Jones, but now you’re wondering what else you can do to help the cause…
Show your neighbors that you demand responsible and accountable government. Head on over to the Fullerton Recall website and order yourself some of these nifty yard signs – for free!

I know my family loves ours!
Done…where do I pick ’em up?
And keep them under 24 hour watch, though Roland Chi and his merry band of thieves are probably sitting this one out.
Meh, I’ll just hook the fence energizer up to it…been looking for a use for that thing since the dog is done eating the plants lol.
I hope ffff didn’t buy a lot of those signs they are just going to go to waste! Maybe I will pick one up, my dogs need something to shit on! Plus how many REAL residents actually care????? 5-10 the regular ffff blog posters!
Capt. Hamilton, You should spend more time watching your subordinates and making sure they are not further tarnishing your departments already questionable reputation and less time posting your drivel here.
I can help keep a few posted around the downtown
In that case I will take two….
real resident-guess what a ton of us care,just sayin’
really? why do you post anyway?
sadly my post was not printed in the correct space. dear Ffff tards…why are you on here?
Your dogs got tired of shitting on your head?
Wait until the tens of thousands of registered voters find out that they’ve been robbed of tens of millions of bucks in the past 15 years on an illegal tax!
It’s probably better if they pick it up. I can see the delivery method being abused.
God, I wish I could put one up in my neighborhood. Alas, no one would understand it in Whittier.
Jane you prove my point that most of the bloggers on the stupid blog don’t live in Fullerton! Thanks and go smoke another bowl and kill some more brain cells!
I really want to ignore you…o.k….now I will.
Hope there is a Union label on those signs otherwise I will pass
Get your sign from tard, his dog is going to crap on it. There’s your Union label.
Those of us in HB need a form of these signs! 🙂
Ha, another donkey that does not live in Fullerton!
Thinking fffftard needs to be banned as well, he has nothing relevant to offer to the discussion either.
Moron whats wrong? You gonna cry to admin or his assclown puppet to get me banned? That would just prove my point what a bunch of sniveling idiots you ffffers are!
ooohh reverse psychology. a regular Freud
I thought you left this blog, Reality Is Hamilton, Ffff tards, etc. Don’t you have ANYTHING else that would be better to do on the taxpayer’s money? Perhaps, since you have so much spare time on your hands, you could start reading up on PERT teams, 5150 WIC, and take a free 12 week, (2.5 hours each week), NAMI Family to Family class.
Nah, let it stay. Haters gonna hate lol
That’s not a bad idea Donkey. How about a sign that simply says “I support the Fullerton Recall”.
I can keep a few posted around the downtown area.
Corner of Rosecrans & Euclid, Harbor blvd past brea cut off. Along Chapman near river canal, these high traffic areas will be good spots for posters.
i have a large area that I’m giving permission to put up mass quantities of those signs on.
I’d like one that had some reference to the police. I mean I do care about the water tax and general city finances, but I care a lot more about whether innocent citizens are getting beaten and murdered by the Police Dept. By a lot more let’s say a factor of several thousand. I think a lot of citizens are going to look at those signs and say “water tax”? I thought this was about out-of-control cops?
JT – What is the precise wording of a sign that would be politically effective while condemning the Fullerton PD? It strikes me as a tall order.
that is what out of control pensions represent…the cops
Is that simple enough?
Vote for strong Leadership
Keep Law enforcement accountable
No one is safe in this city as long as the value of human life is marginalized by our leaders. Silence is complicity.
That’s not half bad.
That’s not bad.
That sign is in Travis Kigers front yard at 800 N. Woods Ave. Please feel free to remove it….as a public service.
That would be a crime.
and also masochistic
Ooooh! You got his address from information that is already publicly available …scary then you posted here …oh my god!
…Now what?
Well, if you take anything from his front yard you will be committing 3 crimes:
1. Theft (Penal Code 490.1)
2. Trespassing (Penal Code 602)
3. Vandalism (Penal Code 594)
4. Burglary (Penal Code 459) (This would cover 1 and 2)
And by the way “havegunwilltravel”, it is also a crime (in most cases a felony) to post someone’s address with the intent to incite or encourage others to commit multiple misdemeanors or even felonies.
Furthermore Travis can now sue you in civil court if he can prove that your actions caused him or his family any harm or distress even if you did not personally commit any other crimes outside of posting his address.
havegunwilltravel is eerily silent. I wonder what gives.
Maybe he tried to steal a sign, and someone was waiting..
Bring respect back to the Fullerton
City Council and the Fullerton Police Department
Recall the silent accomplices
of Kelly Thomas’ murderers
FPD shed innocent blood at the tree of liberty, time to shed the blood of tyrants.
Support the Fullerton Recall
Support the Fullerton Recall
“Inhumane treatment”
“Reckless Indifference”
“Defeat sclerotic gerontocracy”?
“depraved indifference recklessness” necessary for murder:
“to bring defendant’s conduct within the murder statute, the People were required to establish also that defendant’s act was imminently dangerous and presented a very high risk of death to others and that it was committed under circumstances which evidenced a wanton indifference to human life or a depravity of mind. . . . . The crime differs from intentional murder in that it results not from a specific, conscious intent to cause death, but from an indifference to or disregard of the risks attending defendant’s conduct.” 60 NY2d at 274.
Why psychopaths usually dont get into legal trouble, really puzzles me.
The LE RAGWUS has created a “shield,”(not a badge, which is many times used as a shield), around their cabal that prevents integrity, honesty, virtue, truth and justice from entering their closed cult of torture and death. Most of the folks that inhabit this cabal are sociopaths that recieve validation and pleasure from their abuse of power on weak and unarmed citizens. 😉
If this is the way the game is played Admin., I’d be more than happy to start divulging each and every one of the Fullerton Police Officers home street addresses onto this blog, beginning with the ex- Chief of Police Pat McKinley who lives in a million dollar home in the northeastern part of the city of Fullerton.
It is not how the game should be played FL, but your point is well made. Leave the low-brow attempts at being scary to those who resent being exposed.
You Ffffers can post personal info about others but the minute the tables are turned you start crying and bitching and acting as if you idiots do nothing wrong! Give me a frickn break! But it makes for funny reading! Keep it up ffffers.
Let’s see, a guy who brags about carrying a gun openly incites criminal activity complete with specific address. Maybe the sign should say, “Restore Public Safety. Support the Recall.”
Actually, that is EXACTLY what it should say. Perfect!
home values have dropped…just sayin
havegunwilltravel :
“That sign is in Travis Kigers front yard at 800 N. Woods Ave. Please feel free to remove it….as a public service”
I’ll be happy to put up one of these signs on my lawn too- All are invited to remove it too.
Evidently it won’t be the gutless, coward, Havegunwilltravel removing it:
he/she only dispatches sign sitings and addresses to others for pickup and removal, then reports the addresses on public forums, like a rectum sniffing dingbat.
The neanderthals need to be exposed in every way. They have our private info or access to it, why shouldn’t we? Justice is a two way street afterall.
In reference to Political Suicide’s request for appropriate verbiage on signs:
Keep law enforcement accountable
Support the Recall
well it’s not so much keeping them accountable, as making them accountable
and that’s why they call you deadeye pete…perfectly said
Yes. A not subtle distinction. Which points to the total dereliction of McKinley, Bankhead and Jones who let the animals off their leashes.
I want my money back. Now. RECALL!
Woo! Got mine and they are planted! Thanks Tont and Travis! 😀
*Tony lol
If I can pose this question…
Should the councilmen actually be recalled…are you planning on financing the campaigns and or promoting your own candidates in order to further your own agendas? If so, does that tarnish your efforts? Just food for thought.
Maybe you should start the Blog
No one here has endorsed any candidates to replace the City Councilman that are going to be recalled soon. We are simply trying to eradicate the immoral majority that we currently have in office so that we can have honest and open minded people on the City Council who are willing to listen and respond to residents concerns for accountabilty and transparency in our local governernment instead of a moral morass that’s dysfuntional.
Ask youselves why Fffftards and the other anti recallers are against the recall? Could it be that the three councilmembers are protecting them and if they are recalled all hell will break loose? I am betting that there are many more skeletons in Fullerton’s closet going back years and years. So hang on to your hats it will be a total “cleansing” if/when the recall is successful.
Are the recall petitions still going around because I can’t seem to find them anywhere and I really want to sign it.
Scroll up to the top of the page and click the big red recall button, there you can find the nearest places to sign.
Keep pushing guys, the yard signs are refreshing peoples memory and gaining interest from others. Good stuff. 😀
Is there any reason I should be asked to resign the recall petitions at this point? I was just stopped at Stater Bros to do so. I was told if I signed too early on, my signature was probably no good.
You should not have been asked that question. There is no practical reason for it to be asked. Strategically, it’s possible that a signature gatherer is just sick of hearing people say “I’ve already signed it” when clearly some percentage who say that are not being totally forthcoming. They may be testing for reaction…which I would counsel against if I knew who it was. I will tell you that there are absolutely no issues with signatures from Fullerton registered voters from the very first day of our signature gathering. If you wouldn’t mind emailing me with the date if you can recall and a description of the person I would appreciate it. Thanks
Sorry *re-sign is what I meant.
Your content always keeps me coming back for more!