Harry’s Home in The Hood
Our sources have informed us that Anaheim city councilman Harry Sidhu has just re-registered to vote at 2230 W. Lincoln Ave., Apt. 106 in Anaheim. Since he actually lives in Anaheim Hills, he’s obviously going to claim this address in the 4th District as his residence – so he can legally run for County Supervisor to replace Chris Norby.
Wow, that hideous peach colored apartment block with no landscaping and dubious neighbors sure is a major step down from the “elegant Old Yorba Estate” that sprawls its lush-landscaped way across a wide swath of the 3rd Supervisorial District.
We also note that Harry is the only Sidhu that registered at this new address. After a hard day’s campaigning will Harry come home to a cold, empty apartment? Well, not to worry. Besides a pool hall, the neighborhood offers other distractions that may compensate.
Harry’s new home backs up to the Linbrook Bowl lanes where Harry can hobnob with his would-be kegling constituents!
Oh well. Just another carpetbagger. Ackerwoman, Galloway, Sidhu. They seem to be popping up like weeds lately, and as they pop up we will do our best to apply the appropriate herbicide.
Good call! Time to get the signs printed…
HAH! Here we go again…
Victory Party at Linbrook Bowl! Yeah!
Nachos and mozzerella sticks are on the big guy this year.
When will these guys learn it’s not about them. Hang it up Harry, you live in the third district!
Harry Sidhu are you guys serious lol… This is a new low for FFFFFF. I like what you guys write 95% of the time but Harry is the only one qualified for the job plain and simple… Granny is going to bitch slap some fools LEAVE HARRY ALONE!!
Ha ha! Not again!
What a carpetbagging, unethical, nerf-herder!
Anyone know the location of Lorri Galloway’s new Fourth District digs?
We’ll be doing something on her soon, I’m sure.
God, this guys is just making an ass out of himself. Reminds me of Jon Dumitru in Orange running for Clerk Recorder–Just doing anything to get that next job.
Hey, guys: leave Harry alone? How do YOU guys know Harry hasn’t decided to give up his fancy digs and pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a pool hustler?
Good point. It’s possible!
It’s also possible Harry will join the Tuesday Nite League at Linbrook and get his own embroidered shirt.
I’ll prove it. Stay tuned!
Rack ’em!
your family needs you!
Did Harry’s wife move in with him at apt. #106, or did he leave his family altogether, like as in is he separated?
#13, I don’t have Harry watch (today), contact him directly and ask him:
Harry Sidhu 2008
P.O. Box 19019
Anaheim, CA 92817-9019
Tel: (714) 920-4151
Fax: (714) 282-5465
What a joke. I suspect nobody thought he would carry this charade to this point. What an embarrassment.
At least he doesn’t have a very lame website up like Lorri Galloway for Supervisor:
What in the HELL is up with the fortune cookie and the music?! HAHAHAHAH
This guy is a joke… he always has county animal control services catering to his needs and then he talks shit about them in city council meetings. Honorable my ass. There should be a new rule… you can’t be addressed as honorable until after you have completed your term in office. If you did serve honorably then you can claim the title but if you don’t deliver on your promises or are a two faced bastard then you should be known as the former (whatever ofice you held. Some people have to die or serve 4 years in the military to get an honorable discharge. This carpetbagger is trying to buy his “honorable” title. Stick to running pollo locos.
Went by. Surprisingly, nobody answered. Go figure.
Because she doesn’t really live there folks. I hope the voters don’t fall for this or Hair Sid’s moving BS.