Chi’s Gang Accosts Admin at Vietnamese Restaurant

Here’s a fun video of something that occurred a couple weeks ago. The entertainment value is pretty good.

I was minding my own business while having a bowl of delicious Pho at my favorite Vietnamese restaurant – just like I have been doing for 25 years. I was approached by a man inside the restaurant claiming that I was not allowed to park in his parking lot.

I finished my Pho quickly paid my bill and went outside only to be surrounded by a gaggle of Roland Chi supporters. It turns out that this restaurant is in the same center as Roland Chi’s scampaign headquarters! Those guys sure were interested in what I had in my truck!

Once outside I was again approached my the same man who claimed to own the shopping center telling me that I could not park there because it was his parking lot.  The man in the video did actually push me, but being the sweet and gentle guy you all know and love I got in my truck and motored off.

Oh, and by the way, guess what I saw parked in front of Chi Headquarters? You guessed it. The white sign theft van!


57 Replies to “Chi’s Gang Accosts Admin at Vietnamese Restaurant”

  1. Bushala, you are quite possibly the biggest douchebag I’ve ever met. It’s too bad those guys didn’t stomp you into the pavement. Not to mention the fact that you tried baiting them by antagonizing the situation while you held a video camera. Only a pussy tries to pick a fight holding a video camera. Too bad they didn’t take it from you and shoved it up your ass. What a truly pathetic shit-heel you are.

    1. Let’s see. You have met this Bushala. He is a pussy and a shit heel. And yet you avoid using your real name.

      I would submit, sir, or madame that that makes you a pussy and a shit heel.

  2. uuuuuum I’m un-impressed. Normally this blog is very informative, but this is a low. I want to know what you had on…perhaps an anti Chi shirt? I suspect you also may have been verbally antagonizing inside the diner. The story REALLY is what’s NOT being said, isn’t it?
    You being the informed guy you are, I think you knew perfectly well this was the same location as the Chi campaign headquarters.
    What exactly is the point of this video 2 weeks after the election?

    1. I don’t know about Tony Bushala, but I’m never going to quit going after the Food Poisoner, Thief, and Scofflaw, Roland Chi and his gang until they’re all run back to Garden Grove.

      If that little worm and his gang think he’s still got a political future in Fullerton they are dead wrong.

  3. Thanks for reminding everyone that you’re important. Oh, and since you mentioned those signs, I was wondering if you were busy removing them, now that the election is over.

  4. What POOR taste to show this today on Veteran’s Day claiming your were attacked! You instigated this and planned this hoping to get some great video to show on this blog. What this shows everyone is that you are a sick individual who is a coward, attention grapping, unimportant sleazy, racist slumlord. Come on Friends talk some sense into this nut. Unbelievable!

  5. Tony you knew exactly where you were at and knew exactly what you hoped to gain by going there on the day you were “ATTACKED” Give me a fucking break! You drama queen shaking in your boots racist asshole. I would be embarassed to have anything to do with this blog after this post. What was the meaning of this post? To show that you went there looking for a confrontation and got one with a 70 year old who told you to leave. Now you post this showing the Fullerton Community what a coward and piece of garbage you claiming you were attacked. Why don’t you do something positive with daddy’s money instead of promoting hatred and racist views.

  6. I found no “entertainment” value to the video and Tony, you definitely provoked it. That’s what the video shows.

    1. No Surprise, I was eating lunch at the same restaurant I’ve been going to for 25 years, a man walks into the restaurant, walks up to me and asks if that’s my truck parked right in front of the restaurant and tells me that I cannot park in “his” center. Then when I leave he and several others have surrounded my truck demanding that I show them what’s inside all the while telling me I cannot park there..

      Read the post and tell me if you really believe I provoked anything.

      1. Admin, yes, I had read the post before my first reply. I get what you’re saying about being approached while you’re dining and it does seem rather odd and un-nerving that it all took place. My feathers would get ruffled, too. However, I must add that the “gang” didn’t really look too threatening…at least to me…maybe it was because you were outnumbered? Then when you had the chance to leave, you continued with the game when inviting them to see what’s in your truck. I guess at the end of the day, just seems there was much more made of the situation and you’ve indeed gotten a lot of mileage from it. It appears that I’m not alone with my thoughts. I’m just another peon with two-cents worth….

    2. How do you know. You weren’t even there. Since when is going to a restaurant for lunch held to be a provocative act?

        1. …it was kind of boring….I kept waiting for something real or interesting to happen…..
          Fullerton Harpoon, you must be easily entertained.

          1. Well, there you have it.

            In the Gewandhausian school of cinema verite the successful narrative builds tension until the viewer expects dramatic, and possibly even violent satisfaction and ultimate post-coital-like relaxation; then that tension is dissolved by the auteur in a bland, anti-climactic or even comic way – thus depriving the expected satisfaction, but also removing a sense of responsibility and guilt on the part of the viewer who habitually enjoys and regrets expected or even cliched resolution (via unsavory means) of the inherent tensile drama.

            Of course the theory is not without its critics, who rightly object that both tension and satisfaction are mere fictions of the director in the first place; and, also that a good explosion provides a welcome and even salutary cathartic release.

  7. “I was approached by a man inside the restaurant claiming that I was not allowed to park in his parking lot.”

    How could you say Tony provoked it when his lunch was interrupted by someone telling him to leave?

  8. I would love to hear what someone other than one of Tony’s alias has to say about his tactics of going to the center of Chi’s headquarters to provike a conflict and if they really believe our brave warrior Tony was attacked. I’m referring to Van get it, Hollis, Thompson, Sebourn and even Travis. Kinda want to see if I’m way off base or if they think this is a bit dramatic for the queen.

    Stay strong our little warrior Tony!

  9. You could make at least a slight effort to read the text that accompanies the video. Really, it’s not that hard.

  10. @ SAUCEBRICK…. Why would they randomly approach him while he was dining? You can see in the video the signs were NOT visible from the outside. And seeing as its one of those massive obnoxious 4 door little penis trucks most macho jack holes choose to drive, the Vietnamese gentlemen would have to stand on tip-toe to see inside. I suppose he was being verbal inside the diner, spouting off about the Chi headquarters. There was nothing random about his being approached. He antagonized the entire event.
    C’mon, tell us what REALLY happened….

  11. Holy Shit! The FPOA is really out in force today. Good thing Bushala didn’t file a claim for assault (although really, Tony’s teenage nieces could have kicked the shit out of Chi’s whole crew) then the FPOA could have another “unsolved crime” on its books!

  12. “Why would they randomly approach him while he was dining?”

    I guess you’re calling him a liar, which is kind of funny since you seem to have made up the rest of the story in your head and then splurted it out into a comment as some sort of fact.

  13. I know where that restaurant is.

    I loved it how unsolcited, the little bald creep volunteered: “I’m Vietnamese.”

    Now why would he do that, I wonder?

  14. Nonya : And seeing as its one of those massive obnoxious 4 door little penis trucks most macho jack holes choose to drive,

    I bet your apartment was built by a whole fleet of dudes driving “penis trucks” full of wood, tools, ladders and other manly things that you’ve never touched. Try not to choke on all of that Smug.

  15. I’m impressed that the FPOA shop steward who keeps posting comments on your blog has so much free time on his hands and so little imagination.

    This post really hit a nerve!

  16. Let’s face it, we’re all a bunch of sad sacks to be sitting here contributing to all of this nonsense. We really need something more productive to do with our time. And “yes”, I’m looking in the mirror. Awk!

  17. I think that guy was looking in your truck for more signs to steal. Driving all over town is hard work, it was much easier to go straight for the source.

  18. The Fullerton Harpoon – “Probably due to too many bong rips at Grover Cleveland parties.”
    Ha! maybe I should join you!!!

  19. gangbangers at Kim Loan? I’ve patronized this same restaurant for 17 years. no one owns the parking lot in front of Kim Loan because it is supposed to service the public, kim loan’s customers.

  20. Sorry, van get it da artiste…but I thought that was a given. Of course, he can’t dictate who parks in his parking lot. I’m sure there are civic codes that guard against overnight parking, etc. But the whole thing is really ridiculous. There is known animosity there and it’s not going to change. Perhaps Admin should find another favorite place to have his Pho.

  21. No way No Surprise, I love Kim Loan and the service is the best! If fact just thinking about Pho makes me want to go there right now, see ya….

    1. Well, maybe I should check it out. I don’t know my way around Vietnamese food, however. Perhaps we could meet there some time? You could give me some tips. After all, isn’t there a curiosity factor here? I’m probably one of the few alias names you’re not too familiar with….

  22. Movie Critic :
    Well, there you have it.
    In the Gewandhausian school of cinema verite the successful narrative builds tension until the viewer expects dramatic, and possibly even violent satisfaction and ultimate post-coital-like relaxation; then that tension is dissolved by the auteur in a bland, anti-climactic or even comic way – thus depriving the expected satisfaction, but also removing a sense of responsibility and guilt on the part of the viewer who habitually enjoys and regrets expected or even cliched resolution (via unsavory means) of the inherent tensile drama.
    Of course the theory is not without its critics, who rightly object that both tension and satisfaction are mere fictions of the director in the first place; and, also that a good explosion provides a welcome and even salutary cathartic release.

    What a load of bullshit.

  23. No Surprise :
    Well, maybe I should check it out. I don’t know my way around Vietnamese food, however. Perhaps we could meet there some time? You could give me some tips. After all, isn’t there a curiosity factor here? I’m probably one of the few alias names you’re not too familiar with….

    I think No Surprise is hitting on Admin. Go for it! unless it’s a dude. Cant have that crap going on around here.

  24. Fullerton Watcher: Yeah, I can see why it reads that way. It’s my way of calling him out. And no, I’m not a dude. But as I get more engaged in our local politics, obviously “Admin” aka Tony, is a force to recon with. Why not meet face to face? I mean this is kind of fun, but you know? I could either become another one of his targets or we end of collaborating on different issues. We are so far apart on some issues….I kind of like the challenge. It’s all new to me and I’m sure that I’m in over my head. But I’m not afraid to allow you guys to have some fun with it (me)…..I call it “taking it to the next level”…you call it “crap”. Hmmm…..

  25. …you all seem to know each other, I’m just trying to gain the same ground. I find it interesting that despite all of the alias names used here on this site, you all still know who the authors are. I’m still the unknown. Guess I’m not afraid to expose myself. I still struggle with the value of this blog, except that I continue to participate. There’s something about the free speech aspects of it, that I’m attracted to. Most of it….you’re all full of yourselves! But am I any different…probably not. It’s an interesting group that makes me smile from time to time, regardless of the reason.

  26. No and I’ve never met anyone related to this blog either. Well except for Bruce, I met him at a the airport debate. Lot’s of fun. Let me know about this Pho would love to try it unless I’m cramping on your double date.

  27. no surprise, irony in your words. the free speech aspect of this blog is what attracts thousands of viewers and bloggers to this site and it is this very quality that infuriates phonies like pam keller the conniving, contriver of collaborative (my attempt at alliteration) I don’t personally know any of the bloggers on this site. Yet, I read it everyday because I enjoy its often brutal attacks on the prim and proper that prosper from shady deals and shadier politics. movie critic understands the appeal of FFFF when he or she writes “a good explosion provides a welcome and even salutary cathartic release.” FFFF releases fullertonites anger and indignation towards
    those who have cheated and lied to us for decades

  28. If Admin had known the restaurant had anything to do with Chi I doubt he would have risked eating the food.

  29. Hey No Surprise…you might be surprised that you have seen a lot of the bloggers here …just out and about in Fullerton.
    As for the restaurant, it has been there at least 25 to 30 years and rumor has it …the owner is getting heat from “the powers that Chi” to move out..who will be the next business to be pushed out by the Chi dynasty? Chi has said he will create 100 jobs with his new market..plant trees …and yet did not mention that these jobs will be minimum wage..and also did not mention that he would be strong arming the few existing businesses out of the center he is slowly taking over. Play nice Roland, some of these businesses have survived longer than you have been alive…have some respect for your “elders”! I for one am happy that there is no “guard dog” on duty in front of your new business venture. I am also glad to see that the guard is not sleeping in his van in front of “your property” what did you think was going to happen to your empty building?
    So, lets all meet at Kim Loans for lunch someday soon!

  30. Like it! and I figured most of the contributors are local Fullertonians. Our city is so complex in it’s make-up. Never a dull moment. I’ve been here over 20 years and just lately getting more tuned in. So many different influences. The diversity makes it interesting. And van get it da artiste called me on my irony stmts….he was right. Shouldn’t write after a couple of martinis….It is the freedom of speech that draws me to this site. So when is the big gathering at Kim Loans. Maybe next Mon or Tues for lunch? Or is it better to just stay anonymous here?

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