So Who’s Responsible For Downtown Fullerton’s Amerige Court Turkey Project?

Classic Circus Mid-Evil Revival

June 16, 2009……..Fullerton City Council Agenda



Section 54956.8

Property: North and South Block of 100 West Amerige Avenue,

Fullerton, CA

Agency Negotiator: Rob Zur Schmiede, Director of Redevelopment and

Economic Development

Negotiating Parties: Richard Hamm, Pelican-Laing Fullerton, LLC

Under Negotiations: Price and terms

The Laing of the LLC is John Laing Holmes. Laing is a home builder with a reported debt of $500 million to $1 billion and is in Chapter 11 receivership. And furthermore, the word on the street is the front men of the LLC Hamm & Pellican are also on the verge of financial protection.

Exactly what kind of negotiations could our financially unexperienced City Council be doing with a group of financial wizards who are running amok in debt? When is the Redevelopment Agency going to realize the housing market has collapsed? If this project goes forward it will be a financial wreck for Fullerton.

Dear Friends, how many of you realize Pam Keller, Sharon Quirk, Don Bankhead and Dick Jones have already voted to place the Fullerton tax payers on the hook by guaranteeing the developer who’s in bankruptcy a 15% profit?  Who besides us are willing to admit this project was a turkey from day 1?

George knows all about turkeys
...a turkey from day 1

5 Replies to “So Who’s Responsible For Downtown Fullerton’s Amerige Court Turkey Project?”

  1. I had no idea taxpayers had guaranteed that the developer make a profit. Wasn’t this approved in the middle of a real estate downturn? How stupid are we?

  2. Yes…he could move the McDonald’s there, making it the anchor tenant. Kinda like the Knollwoods at Harbor / Commonwealth.

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