Skasia Kennedy Slips the Surly Bonds of Reality

Good God, the latest diatribe from the unhinged Kennedy Sister known as Skasia is a doozy.
In this editorial she really loses touch with reality. An intervention is necessary, but I’m not sure if anybody in that family is mentally balanced.
Ms. Kennedy claims in her headline that Jamie Valencia has returned a campaign contribution and that there is a controversy. Of course she would like to create one, but other than that there’s nothing noteworthy. The “controversy” is entirely the fabrication of Skasia’s feeble and febrile brain.
It seems that Valencia has come under “scrutiny” (passive voice, of course – no who what why or when) for getting a campaign contribution from Tony Bushala. No news there. Bushala gives lots of money to lots of candidates all over Orange County, including Fullerton. But alas! Bushala has opposed the Observer’s pet project – the dismal Walk on Wilshire. And the vote to get rid of it is tonight. Uh oh.
Slakskia tells us this situation “raises questions” about the applicability of SB 1439 (we have no idea who is asking questions – other than Skasia, of course). Naturally, this is a red herring since SB 1439 has to do with regulations on electeds voting on stuff like permit applications, zone changes, government contracts and the like. It has nothing to do with what Bushala likes, or wants, or dreams about. SB 1439 is completely inapplicable to the Walk on Wilshire as far as Bushala is concerned.
The best line is added out of the blue, a sign that poor Skasia can can’t write something an 8 year old would be ashamed of:
During her campaign, Valencia said the street needed to be open for fire and police (it has been OKed by the Fire Department) and suggested “we can find space elsewhere,” without saying where that might be. In 2024, Fullerton recorded 55 car accidents involving pedestrians or cyclists, resulting in 49 pedestrian fatalities and 6 cyclist fatalities.
This statement of “fact” has nothing to do with Jamie Valencia, or anything else for that matter. It’s thrown in to show why closing a block of Wilshire is important. The other problem is that it is comical. 49 pedestrian deaths in Fullerton in 2024? Why, we’d all be way safer in Juarez, Mexico during the cartel wars. That is so fucking stupid that we now know we have entered the labyrinthine Twilight Zone of this imbecile’s mind.
Oh, but busy Skasia soldiers on. She has contacted the city manager to see if Valencia must recuse herself on the Walk on Wilshire vote. Eric Levitt has informed Kennedy that a return of the Bushala funds is “in progress.” It isn’t. It was done 2 months ago.
Even then Kennedy isn’t finished. She adds this shining pearl:
“As the city council navigates this matter, the implications of campaign finance laws and potential conflicts of interest for elected officials continue to be significant points of discussion among constituents and stakeholders.”
Here again the poor, self-important dummy is caught trying to make news. To whom are “campaign finance laws and potential conflicts of interests” significant points of interest? We are not told who these “constituents and stakeholders” are, of course, meaning that this is just another irrelevant talking point she hopes one of her readers will pick up and run with at tonight’s meeting.

The ironic part of this scatterbrained screed is that neither Skalia or her sister Sharon ever reported on the $60,000 of marijuana money dumped into the 2024 election to help their beloved Vivian Jaramillo.
I read that nonsense this morning. Somebody better have an intervention, all right. This woman is so fucking stupid she’s an embarrassment to Fullerton.
49 pedestrian deaths by car in Fullerton? I bet there are fewer than that in the whole of LA County in one year.
She is out of control loony.
Aw, c’mon, Observer readers did this shit.
I hand out so many bribes every year I lose track of who I’m trying to bribe sometimes – but I haven’t forgotten about Sweet Jaime. Oh, no she gets anything she wants even as she services the needs of the public safety heroes above all else.
Haha. You lose.
Jamie not Jaime. Sweet Jaime is the nickname you gave your sleeping bag buddy.
2-2 it’s dead. As dead as all those Sknsia brain cells.
BTW, the dumb woman got up to natter away. Never told anyone she is a “journalist.”
Observer headline “Fullerton Councilmembers Jung & Valencia Kill Walk on Wilshire; Angry Audience Walks Out”. Angry audience. Why so angry? Because you didn’t get your way. Babies do that and we put them on timeout.
A couple of speakers said something to the effect of show respect, get respect. Tone down the rhetoric. Buena suerte. Comments were naive. Charles and Zahra bring their crowd out by stroking their egos. I expect those tactics will continue.
Yep. Diane Vena tried to cheat the precious voters of District 4 of a fair election and she has the balls to call out Jamie and Jung? Crazy cat lady!
I wonder where she got the figure of 49 dead pedestrians.
Each and every car incident ended up with somebody dead. Call Loma Vista, stat!
By her historical analysis, Fullerton is the most dangerous city on earth. Call the FBI like the old lady who was recalled in Dana Point said last night at the council meeting.
Another night wasted on stupid shit.
It was fun to watch though.
They really should charge admission to these meetings. Maybe in a hundred years we can collect enough to fix a mile of street.
I like your comment, that’s pretty funny, F.T.!
“Bushala gives lots of money to lots of candidates”
And spends on negative mailers, signs.
So it follows a couple of assholes willing to invest should get their way in local politics.
Dude. You are the most pompous, feeble- minded asshole I’ve ever read on a blog. Your predictable slant on every issue reflects an inability to use common sense and think for yourself. So brave though – as you like to point out – that you post under your name. Get over yourself.
Well said!
It’s the name calling and bitter undertone that clearly make this blog an ongoing rant.
And makes people keep coming back for more.
Haha. You lose, again. And the people of Fullerton – the tens of thousands who will use Wilshire to drive win.