FFFF Seeks City Hall Presence

We have recently communicated with the City of Fullerton, via our attorney Kelly Aviles, that FFFF wishes to put a periodic publication for dissemination in the lobby of City Hall; naturally other City buildings such as the Community Center and the Library could be included.

Here’s the letter to City Manager Eric Levitt:
Dear Mr. Levitt:
I hope this finds you well. I am writing to you on behalf of my client, Fullerton’s Future, who’s in the process of launching a new newspaper publication to serve the residents of Fullerton. As part of the marketing and distribution efforts, my client seeks to place a newspaper rack in the lobby of City Hall, similar to the arrangements that have been made with other local newspapers.
We respectfully request the City Council grant approval for my Client to install a newspaper rack in the lobby of City Hall. My Client has secured a financial commitment from a local businessman for a significant amount of private financing to launch this new business endeavor committed to contributing to the local community by providing important local news, restaurant reviews, business advertisements, and information that reflects the diverse interests of our city’s residents and their needs for alternative news sources. In addition, an application to form a new 501-c4 will soon be filed with the IRS for this venture.
Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or requirements that need to be followed to facilitate this request or if the Council has any preferences regarding the placement of such a news rack at City Hall. We are eager to comply with any guidelines you may have.
Thank you for your time and consideration and we look forward to your response.
Kelly Aviles
Of course deploying an attorney suggests we mean business and might have to use legal redress if our request were to be denied. Why? Because the City currently permits the distorted and warped Fullerton Observer access to City premises.

I can’t see the City employees being too happy about this, at least not the department heads who have so often embroiled the taxpayers in boondoggles and losing litigation.
Then there’s the likely apoplectic response from “Drs.” Zahra and Charles, should our request be approved
I don’t know how long it’s been since City Hall faced real scrutiny of its activities. The denizens thereof must love them some obsequious Fullerton Observer. But the public deserves a new and much more objective option.
Cant wait for those restaurant reviews! Turn the Desert Rat and Joe Sipowicz loose on the downtown “eateries!”
They will never let you put a publication in the lobby. You may have to sue them. Again.
Please add a Best of the Blog section which has old posts to remind the staff and council members of what not to repeat in the City of Fullerton.
That’s a good idea!
Smart move would be just to agree with stipulations like, it has to be a substantial effort and you have to have your misadventure in desktop publishing produced reliably on a fixed interval or else lose your spot.
Falun Gong / Epoch Times needs a rack too, maybe I’ll write to them.
This should be good. People like to read The Observer. They don’t like to read publications by whackadoos, trolls and angry cranks.
In any event, I think you will find producing a paper to compete with The Observer is going to require more work than you’ve bargained for.
Opinion irrelevant. This guy never leaves his mom’s basement.
Because you’re an expert on all things right dickhead John. Nothing this asshole doesn’t know. Except when to shut the fuck up.
How slow you are, ya moron. It’s a bluff to get the Observer kicked out. Are you that fucking stupid? Does your brain only work on a fixed interval?
Everyone can see it’s not serious. A serious attempt would require a paper ready to go. Otherwise, how can there be standing to sue?
So yeah it’s not serious, but without being serious, it won’t do what you want.
“how can there be standing to sue”, doubling down on stupidity, John? Let me answer, YES!
“People like to read The Observer. They don’t like to read publications by whackadoos, trolls and angry cranks..“
He’s trying to insult this site, a site he obsessively reads while commenting on nearly every single post.
Being that dumb must require special attention.
I’m not trying to insult FFFF, it happened. And it will happen again.
I hate read this stuff so I can push back on it. It’s a dirty job…
Tell that to Larry Agran in Irvine.
Bushala is a serious individual. Not sure he’s bluffing. Time will tell.
Mr. John Hooberman, in my opinion, the cumulative effect of 4F’s investigative reporting over the past months and years, across multiple issues, has earned it a reputation as a bold, truth-seeking voice in Fullerton. No other local outlet, especially not the Observer, is willing to tackle these uncomfortable but important topics.
As an avid reader, you should be familiar with some major news stories that 4F has broken. If not, I’m confident someone here can provide examples. This type of ongoing, fearless journalism holds public officials accountable and, in the long term, shapes a more informed and engaged community. It’s not just about one headline or one story, but about consistently challenging our elected officials and the status quo, ensuring that the public is aware of the hidden dynamics at play, things that your friend, Dr. Zahra, cant stomach.
Did you say “journalism?” I will acknowledge that FFFF says topical things. That’s about the extent of the overlap on the Venn diagram with Journalism. Journalism implies working to a recognizable code, and there isn’t one here. Anything goes.
I don’t know Councilman Zahra so friend is not the right word.
Sure you know him Boohoogerhuis. You know him intimately. Wackjob.
Well there’s no journalistic code at the Observer, so there’s that.
We writers at FFFF don’t pretend to be “journalists” in any traditional sense, however WE have broken a lot of stories the media wouldn’t touch. Ahem, like the Scott Markowitz scandal (which isn’t over yet, BTW – sad Hooger face).
And going back over a decade ago, the Kelly Thomas murder. That whole thing would have, most likely, been buried if not for FFFF.
When you think of local stories that deserve attention, names like Veth Mam, Harry Sidhu, Linda Ackerwoman, Paulette Chaffee, Joe Kerr, and of course, Joe Felz come to mind. These individuals, along with their often controversial or noteworthy stories, would likely never have made it to the headlines of KTLA, Fox News, or John & Ken without the critical role of 4F. Unlike The Observer, which seems to be little more than a cult-followed, fraud of a “newspaper,” 4F has given a voice to stories that the Obserber wouldn’t cover for the life of the Sisters!
Take Joe Felz’s wild ride, for example—an event that could have easily been brushed aside, but instead became the center of attention due to the efforts of true investigative blogging/reporting from 4F. These are the kinds of stories that challenge the status quo and often expose corruption, negligence, or systemic issues that the Observer won’t touch. But it’s independent media like the 4F blog that truly brings real news worthy stories to light, pushing for accountability when the Sisters and their “news” outlet shy’s away from.
Many of the stories including the City of Fullerton vs. 4F, Josh Ferguson, and David Curley that could change lives or impact communities would of remained buried had it NOT been for 4F, and that’s a disservice to all of us.
What stories did Joshua Ferguson and David Curly expose that made the City want to sue them and the Blog?
Do a search.
One who doesn’t know, knows now, thank you. I did a search and can’t believe the City actually sued Ferguson and Curlee for exposing the truth about those cops! One story revealed a perverted Fullerton cop who was caught taking inappropriate pictures of high school girls at the high school, and the other story exposed an unethical Fullerton Police Detective who was rightfully laid off by the City for making an unlawful arrest to get revenge on an innocent Laguna Beach Police Officer, yet this was all kept a secret?
Even crazier that the the Fullerton “Observer” and the Kennedy sisters (are they really “sisters”?) tried to blame the 4F blog for any wrongdoing for reporting on the facts and exposing the truth, WTF? I think Mr. Hoogirious owes this blog a big apology. He must either be dumb as a fucking rock, or works for the Observer.
“He must either be dumb as a fucking rock, or works for the Observer.”
Getting in on print media in 2025 is like buying stock in Kodak in 2007……wouldn’t be the first stupid thing Bushala wasted his money but at least this faux paper idea of his will for an excellent platform from which to influence local elections and elect his preferred candidates – namely the ones who will ultimately approve his downtown redevelopment project and gift of public property that would make the Florentines blush.
“this faux paper idea”
Well first he’d have to have a paper, and he doesn’t, so none of this actually makes sense. He jumped the gun on half of the beginning of a thought. Second, the natural thing is for the city to come up with a smart list of fair, reasonable non-discriminatory boxes to check to get space. Jumping these hurdles are going to be expensive, month after month. More expensive then their shitty negative campaign mailers.
Boohoogerhuis you sure know everything mister. Please please mansplain how everything works kind sir. Me hungry for knowledge. Stupid know it all. Your ex-wife must hate read you.
Doubling down on stupidity. A City providing a checklist that favors one entity over another is going no where. Jesus Christ you’re stupid.
Those shitty negative mailers told the truth about Jaramillo The Dope Queen. So there’s that.
I suspect this is a bluff to prove a point to the city and to get the Observer out of City Hall. But….if not….please please please have a police blotter providing names, charges, location, and city of residence/transient status.
FFFF Newspaper publication is needed for balanced reporting. It critical for the public to be aware of the rumblings in and around Fullerton.
Wish you the very best in this endeavor!
JRH once again defending the indefensible “Observer”, thereby proving that he is nothing but an insufferable twat and angry elf/manatee.
Sign me up.
I’ll old school this on my bike door to door.
Best news I have heard!
OMG please install a hidden cam in the rack so we can see who willfully destroys it 🙂
You mean you don’t pick up a couple copies off the rack and drop them in the bin? I thought everyone did.