My Contribution to Branding Downtown Fullerton

Well, let’s be honest. Downtown Fullerton loses well over a million bucks every year, subsidized by the taxpayers. The beneficiaries? The good folks who purvey liquor, blast loud music, enable drunk driving and escape any sort of accountability for their customers’ behavior.

And so I unveil my concept for DTF branding. Introducing the Barfman theme:

Other ideas, as always are encouraged.
I like it. Maybe we can get Sunayana Thomas to install vomit troughs in strategic locations.
How about a stumbling drunk knocking over tables on the walk on wilshire?
How about a Pee Man?
Dank hole of despair
Late night bar, neon flickers
Drunk money vomit
Strangers assemble
Anger and body fluids
A shiny object
What happened to the downtown violence montage?
Wasn’t that the Bad Chi icon from a decade ago?
Not quite.
Bad Chi. Food poisoner.