I Wanna Paint It Black
So somebody noticed that a new downtown “club” called Kalaveras is opening. Looks like they have painted the rear of their building black.
Apparently they have also expanded their business into an adjoining property.
The trouble is, according to our correspondent, their Conditional Use Permit is only for 122 W. Commonwealth and work is being done next door – at 120 W. Commonwealth – which is not covered under the CUP. Oops. It looks like they’re actually putting in underground plumbing.

I don’t know if this information is accurate, but I know if it is, the City will likely do nothing about the scofflawry, Fullerton being Fullerton.
As far as the black exterior is concerned, it’s hard to believe that the City actually approved of this since elevations must have been submitted along with the CUP application, and yet Fullerton’s Planning Department has been so inept and careless in the past that maybe it seemed okay, Downtown Fullerton being all about coolness and hipness and a wonderful, vital, -$1,500,000 per year success, and all.
It’s entertaining to recall that the location of this operation is the same place that Slidebar, DTF’s Nexus of Nuisance used to occupy. That owner, Jeremy Popoff, went years operating without a CUP, breaking just about every rule in the book.
FYI … orig post states West Commonwealth. Slidebar was on East Commonwealth.
For reference….Stubrik’s is 118, 120 is the building between Stubrik’s and Slidebar, 122 is Slidebar, and 136 is Hopscotch. I think. Check my research.
Also, for shits and giggles….look up the Slidebar address on OC Prop Tax. You can view their parcel there and also see past property taxes appear to be unpaid. https://tax.ocgov.com/tcweb/search_page.asp
Also check Fullerton GIS maps.
One last thing….Kalaveras is a chain and as such probably has all their ducks in a row. This may be much ado about nothing….but always good to check.
And why do you think because it is a chain their “ducks are in a row?” As I understand it Planning Commissioners have complained about the work at 120 which I’ve been told has been stopped. Apparently the application was for 122 only.
Yes. East Commonwealth.
Did they paint the front on Commonwealth black too? What is going on at the property to the west? Looks like construction in the pic. At the CUP hearing, the Planning Commission asked Director Sunayana Thomas if the approval included the property to the west. She made it very clear that the property to the west was NOT part of the CUP approval. Are they giving the finger to Director Sunayana Thomas and the PC?
No, they’re giving the finger to the citizens of Fullerton. And why not? Every other “club” owner does, too.