Fire Fighters Back Jamie Valencia
Good news for 4th District Fullerton City Council candidate Jamie Valencia. The fire fighter’s union chipped in big time a couple days ago.

$5500 is a lot of campaign cabbage and must bring Valencia’s 2024 fall haul near thirty grand with another 6 weeks to go before the November election. It’s pretty obviously an endorsement and that’s another blow to Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo, champion of Fullerton’s liberal establishment, whose campaign is heavily reliant on union backing. And that’s good news for Republican candidate Linda Whitaker, too.

Ahmad Zahra, desperate to create a majority that will let him be Somebody must be gnashing his teeth.

Having the support of both “police and fire” is a big deal, especially if you’re a rookie candidate going up against two individuals who’ve been around forever. The support may just be cash, or maybe it will mean mailbox and street corner help. The self-styled public safety unions don’t just support candidates, they use elections as a mechanism to remind the public they are out there.
Jamie Valencia is a newbie. How did she get this endorsement over an Ahmad backed Kitty, I wonder?
How bad is Kitty? Or how little credibility does Zahra have? Go Jamie!
Maybe she is not a scumbag?
Valencia would be a breath of fresh air! Praying to baby jebus.
A breath of fresh air beholden to the fire and cop heroes. Be careful what you pray for.
Let’s face it, Jamie wouldn’t do do anything any worse than Jamamillo would do enthusiastically. And I’m sick of useless, bump-on-a-log Whitakers.
The choice is abundantly clear.
Nonsense. Being beholden to the fire heroes is dangerous for the City’s budget. Nurses and firefighters are two peas in a pod. The nurses union is just as sick and evil as the hero unions. Valencia is a very dangerous Manchurian candidate.
I drove through D4 yesterday. Nothing but Jamie Valencia and Linda Whitaker signs throughout. Didn’t see a single shitty Jaramillo sign.
Jabbamillo has probably already put a bounty on both Valencia or Whitaker, dead or alive.
Valencia will work hard to reward her Public Safety Organized Crime Syndicate sponsors and bankrupt the city. Democrats destroy everything they touch. It’s their DNA.
The Whitakers smother everything they contact with sloth and indifference. It’s in their DNA.
At least their indifferent and not blatantly corrupt and biased. There is a BIG difference. Apathy > Evil
Thank you. I’ll take a useless Whitaker over a fire union stooge any day of the week. You can be sure Valencia will push the sales tax measure as well with all her might so she can earn her keep. Valencia is nothing more than a union stooge plant and should not be anywhere near a council dais.
The cop and fire hero unions have driven this city into a ditch. The next time you drive through a pothole be sure to thank a cop or fire whiner.
If I want a bump on a log I’ll go to the woods. I’m sure Linda was the brains behind the idiot boutique hotel cancer and equally lame “walk on wilshire” votes made by her husband.
Al fresco dining!!
False comparison < Honesty.
Valencia has this in the bag.
You have to service a lot of Fullerton cops and firefighters to get that kind of money.
The Heroes We Deserve union thugs like her in short skirts. They fantasize of “receiving treatment” from Nurse Valencia in fire trucks and police cruisers.
You sound a bit jealous.
This chick is Jan Flory 2.0 – all that’s missing is for her dog to die.