Another Sign of Things to Come

FFFF has related how our Elementary and High School Districts are both putting new bond measures on the November ballot. The insatiable maw must be fed. The districts employ battalions of overpaid educrats with ridiculous doctorate degrees in education, pretending to be experts in this or that. But we are not permitted to delve into mystery of school budgets for waste and stupidity. The districts tried this last in March, 2020 with Measures J and K – and were soundly defeated.
School bonds are increases on your property tax bill, pure and simple. The debt and the interest incurred are paid off over decades, with everybody’s property as a form of collateral. We are still paying off previous bonds, of course.
It’s not just property owners who feel the bite. Landlords pass on the tax increases in the form of higher rents; retailers pass on the the cost of higher rents in the form of higher prices, a contributor to inflation.
Once again an organization called Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform has donned the mantle of opposition to these latest efforts to get into our pockets, and should be roundly applauded.
As usual, the advocates for these bonds – many out-of-towners – will plead that it’s all for the kids who need “state-of-the-art” this, or “world class” that.
They will follow up that with the myth of the “citizen’s oversight committee,” hand-picked gaggle of liberals who don’t know a shovel from a shitake mushroom, and have never held anybody accountable for anything.
Then they will argue that the cost is dinky – a Big Mac or a Starbuck’s latte a week. But in reality the cost of both bonds combined, will be many hundreds of dollars per year, or even more, depending on the assessed value of your property.
We may also be sure that the school districts will use our resources in their political campaign just like they did last time. That’s illegal, right? But hey won’t someone please think of the children?
Out-of-towners is right. They’ll hit up engineering, architecture, and construction companies to chip into the effort with monetary contributions to the committee.
Step 1: Spend money on frivolous crap.
Step 2: Don’t spend money on anything important.
Step 3: Run out of money.
Step 4: Our schools are falling apart! You need to give us more money!
Step 5: Voters say no.
Step 6: Back to Step 1.
This is literally what happened between 2020 and now.
You left out “use disingenuous fake survey to social-wash the gullible”
Heh, right. I’d phrase it: use disingenuous fake survey paid for by the public to social-wash the gullible.
I’m gonna need about 8 or 9 of those signs. Post contact info.
Step 2: Don’t spend the money on anything important or anything you promised to spend it on in the first place.
As noted the so-called citizen oversight committees are indeed a joke and it’s a cruel, empty promise to the uninitiated who might be inclined to vote for a bond because of it.
Members wouldn’t even be appointed unless they were unqualified, self-interested, or just stooges of the bureaucracy.
Hands grasp what’s not theirs
Pockets full but hearts empty
Use children for props
YES on Measure L for Fullerton High Schools. #1473339
Total: $80,600 (thru 9/26/2024 filings)
Funded by:
$15,000: PJHM Architects; DLR Group; Erickson-Hall; Bernards;
$10,000: CW Driver LLC (Jennifer Vasquez);
$5000: KN Builders Group; LPA Inc; HPI Architecture The Hill Partnership Inc; Westgroup Designs Inc; HMC Architects;
$3500 – $3750: Blach Construction; SGH Architects
$3000: GGP Glass.Inc; New Dynasty Construction; Pro-Craft Costructio Inc.
$2500: Spec Construction Co Inc; Michael Stammire (Avidex); VCA Engineers Inc; JL Cobb Painting & Construction; JAM Fire Protection; Intercom Clock & Signal Service; AMG & Assoc Inc; VCA Engineers Inc; Orbach Huff & Henderson; Gilbert-Stearns Inc;
$1500: GGP Glass Inc
$1000: Triton ConsultingGroup LLC (StevePedroza); Richard Hak (Pringle Group); Asphalt Fabric & Engineering Inc; CA Testing & Inspections; Russell Consulting & Engineering LLC (Robert Russell); Red Wave Communications Inc; John A Martin & Assoc Inc.; Genesis Floor Covering Inc; Polar Electrical Co.; Greenfield Landscaping & Maintenance inc; TRW Inc;
$500: Cathleen West (Ridge Landscape)
$100: Ruben Hernandez
They always start calling those guys when the chips are down. They have A LOT of money. They did in the winter of 2020, too. And lost.