67 Replies to “The Art of Constant Self-Promotion.”

  1. Zahra has no shame. He’s bold about using the backs of the little ones as stepping stones for his political aspirations. If it weren’t for low class and poor judgment, Zahra would have no class or judgment at all.

  2. There is a special circle in Hell for cops who beat the mentally ill to death and charlatans like Zahra who abuse children for political gain.

  3. I remember the fake Latino family he assembled for a campaign mailer. He used 4 kids in that masquerading as his children. That’s pretty low.

    1. This wasn’t a selfie. He had help. My guess is it’s that Eaglit who will do anything Zero says. She’s desperate to be relevant.

  4. Let’s see, Zahra hate. The “trail to nowhere” lie again. Some racist dog whistle about “culture.”

    Stuck on repeat.

    1. Trail to Nowhere. A truth.

      Zahra is pimping Mexican kids in front of a Mexican mural of a low-rider (he saved the mural hooray for Zahra).

      Someday you’ll get a clue. Wait, no you won’t.

      1. “Trail to nowhere” was never a “truth”. It’s a lie. The trail clearly went from one park to another which by definition makes a trail from somewhere to somewhere else, both places people want to go.

        How are you defining “nowhere” that you’re willing to defend that?

        Not holding my breath.

      1. Uh, yeah I guess most people are “worse than Zahra” then, because political ads with kids in them isn’t a real problem. At all. Like, what the fuck are getting at kind of not a problem. Political ads for local politicians are going to tend to include people in the community… which includes kids. It’s just messaging. AFAIK, no one was harmed in the taking of that photo except the tender sensitivities of Bushalites and similar riffraff.

        1. John R. Hogerhuis

          God damn this world. I don’t f’ing trust my kids alone with any adults but their teachers during the school day. Even then we meet all of them and have discussions with the kids about this stuff.

          Hmm. Did all the parents of those kiddie props meet your hero, Zero? I wonder. Now please STFU.

        2. John, what are you talking about? Photograph waivers of consent are always used by politicians who use children in their political ads. Do you know if Akmad got consent forms? Because if he didn’t, your flimsy point fails miserably and you prove the Bushalites correct.

          1. “Do you know if Akmad got consent forms?”

            Do I know that Zahra got a waiver? No. Do I know he didn’t? No. Is it in any way relevant to the point? No. Photo waivers are usually used when there is an a profit motive / contract/ exchange of value. Not sure how it’s relevant, but maybe they did.

            What point do you think I was making that a waiver would be relevant?

      1. Morton is a creeping drooling idiot.. much like you if you’re impressed by a Google search. Lots of posts from me on the Internet.

        I probably said what he quoted.

        a) I was reacting to an article so you’re taking the quote out of context as if I was making a remark for the ages. Nope.
        b) There’s a key phrase there “alone with.” What makes you think the kids in the picture were unaccompanied? No reason to think that. You made it up
        c) You’re participating with these other trolls in making an implication about Zahra with no basis. It’s disgusting and unfair how easily people are willing to accuse someone of such an awful crime as attacking a child. Stop being so oblique. If you want to make an accusation, make it and attach your own name so you can be sued for defamation. If there is a crime like that at play, how can you justify not coming forward. And if you don’t have any evidence you’re reckless in even making the implication.

        d) Turns out out I’m not dead contrary to O.B.’s creepy and hilariously shallow sleuthing. Not sure what he’s talking about. But I suspect he googled my name and found an article about my father who died in 2019. But that’s John Hogerhuis not John R. Hogerhuis. Oops.

          1. Meaning what exactly? You all already feel cyber stalking my Facebook is ok. What other moral compromises are you going to make today?

            1. Johnny sad that his public Facebook is being visited by FFFFers. You have the balls to comment. You should straighten up when your social media is exposed. Otherwise, feel free to get back in your hole.

              1. “You have the balls to comment.”

                I do. Under my own name. It’s not an invitation to creep me.

                “You should straighten up when your social media is exposed.”

                What did it expose?

            2. Cyberstalking? Get your ‘nads out of their twist. Man up. You wrote it, you posted it. Nobody stalked you. You put your brainlessness on a cyber billboard. Own it and quit crying like a little girl.

              Your entire existence is a compromise.

              1. Home boy is spending his hours trawling the Internet looking for information on me, a private citizen of no public interest. What do you call that? Do you do that? Do you think it’s normal behavior? Where do you draw the line on creepers?

      2. And the whole message for those too lazy to creep me themselves:

        “God damn this world. I don’t f’ing trust my kids alone with any adults but their teachers during the school day. Even then we meet all of them and have discussions with the kids about this stuff.”

        So controversial!

        1. I posted your entire comment. You trust teachers you’ve interviewed. And, now, apparently Zahra whom you’ve never met. Hmm.

          1. The original quote was partial. I don’t trust or not trust Zahra. Again the quote has not one thing to do with him. And you all ignored the key phrase “alone with”

            1. Not an adult in sight. Meaning that Zahra is just pimping those kids for his own political aggrandizement. But you’re okay with that apparently.

              What about those kids he posed with as a fake Latino family? He even had a (female) wife in that one.

                1. We don’t know if any adults were there to interview Zahra for his worthiness to be with them, do we?

                  Maybe their parents got a stipend. That would be about right if Zahra has any campaign funds left.

                2. Notice how Johnny always assumes the best case scenario for Zero as opposed to considering all perspectives and possibilities? A mancrush like he has creates cognitive bias.

                3. Some anonymous coward wrote ” mancrush like he has creates cognitive bias.”

                  I don’t know him, never met him.

                  Naked, opinionated bias is what this blog is all about. I don’t know what Zahra did to earn this repeating wrath cycle on FFFF but you all seem to assume the worst of every little thing.

                  THAT is bias. Guilty until proven innocent I guess.

                  Personally I assume people go into public service to serve the public good unless I see hard evidence of some abuse of position or power. Even politicians I don’t agree with ideologically. I wouldn’t vote for them but I don’t presume malice just because they’re public servants.

                4. People go into public service because the academic requirements are zilch, the pay is inflated and the benefits for life are stupendous. There is no accountability and it’s almost impossible to get fired. That is all.

                5. People go into public service because they don’t have any real marketable skills or talents to otherwise earn a living and productively contribute to society.

                6. “Those that can do” said “People go into public service because they don’t have any real marketable skills or talents to otherwise earn a living and productively contribute to society.”

                  That’s your bias and ideology talking. Nothing more. A lot of the people in government came from other walks of life where they were already successful. It’s not just a place to skid out and hide. For one thing you have to get elected which isn’t easy.

                7. @Anonymous ” it’s almost impossible to get fired. That is all.”

                  Lol. If only people had to stand for election in their jobs periodically there’d be a lot less incompetence in the world.

                  It’s certainly possible to get fired in local government, happens all the time.

                  If it’s so easy and such a great gig, prove it.

                8. Hogie, you are getting very sleepy. When I snap my fingers you will bark like a seal.

                9. Hoogerbooger, name one person in Fullerton city governent who was ever fired for cause. Please exclude your cops who have murdered people.

            2. That’s a falsehood. You luv you some Zero. You may be the smartest one he has conned. But that bar is set just off the ground.

                1. John – why do you care what is posted on this site? You sound reasonable and educated. You regularly respond to posts and comments on this site and the Fullerton Observer site. Why? I am sure there are more fruitful hobbies than to do these back and forths. You must be smarter based on your responses. I hear cycling and golf are pleasant.

                2. @waste

                  You might as well ask why do I care about the politics in the city I live in?

                3. Educated? Possible (not likely), but smart people don’t permit themselves to be brainwashed by people like Ahmad Zero.

  5. You care about politics in the city you live in John? You do? You have the same single vote as the rest of us. This verbal combat you engage with on this blog is the kind of silly pretend advocacy that gets nothing done and deepens resentment of the process. You’re an entitled white male with a comically poor notion of justice. You have no idea of what you have no idea of and it may be a good idea to admit you don’t know everything.

    1. “You care about politics in the city you live in John? You do?”


      “You have the same single vote as the rest of us.”


      “This verbal combat you engage with on this blog is the kind of silly pretend advocacy that gets nothing done and deepens resentment of the process.”

      Yet here you are, anonymous coward.

      “You’re an entitled white male”

      Right on the latter. I do feel entitled to many things, but I haven’t shown you the list.

      “comically poor notion of justice.”

      Vague. You’d have to give me an example.

      “You have no idea of what you have no idea of”

      I suppose that’s true for everyone.

      ” it may be a good idea to admit you don’t know everything.”

      I don’t know everything. That wasn’t hard for me.

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