This Has Been a Zahra Production
Ahmad is a film producer, we’ve been led to believe – by Zahra himself – although the body of work is a bit thin. So thin, in fact, as to be transparent. But last Tuesday he gave every indication that a Zahra production need not be a moving picture.
The casting call went out to gullible kids and even those of advanced age who should know better: a protest is needed. The underserved, bikes, trees, arbols, clean air, chubby kids finding health and happiness, all in jeopardy; in other words the ludicrous Trail to Nowhere, a $2,000,000 boondoggle vanity project whose only function was to make an appearance on a future Ahmad Zahra campaign mailer. Streetside they presented a pretty thin line whose handmade signs revealed the lack of imagine one associates with Fullerton Observers.
The protesters spoke, too, wasting lots of the council’s time, repeating the same nonsense previously scripted by Zahra
Zahra’s acolyte named Egleth Nunccio actually tried to get 18 minutes of talking time by taking the time allotted to five women standing behind her. Some of those responding to the casting call gave indication that they were nothing other than paid crisis actors employed to bulk up the chorus. Some make a sad presentation and sure didn’t look like rec trail advocates.
So the production came and the production went off. The protesters had been told by their handlers that there was a chance the rejected State grant could somehow be clawed back from the brink of termination by a council suddenly enlightened or frightened by the Zahra music-less comedy. It can’t. Surely, Zahra knew this even as his little band wasted everybody’s time. His real goal was once again to look like he was accomplishing something. And more importantly, the petulant Zahra wanted to embarrass his colleagues.
And there are people in Fullerton who still wonder why Zahra can’t get himself chosen Mayor by his fellow councilmembers.
Of course it was all a piece of theater. Are you sure Zahra didn’t have a video made?
Is that Jan Flory in the first picture?
And there are people in Fullerton who still wonder why Zahra can’t get himself chosen Mayor by his fellow councilmembers.
It is bad enough to have a councilmember who is constantly lying about his other council members. A councilmember who won’t even go to a Republican event in his district even though some of his constituents are Republican. A council member who would rather lie about something than tell the truth would rather not work together with any council members unless they are Democrats and then who knows if he’s even working with or for them.
It takes integrity to be a mayor it should take integrity to be a city council member and we have at least three city council members who only there for their public gain their name their brand.
Ahmad a Movie Maker? Possibly a videographer sure but he’s in the picture most of the time self-serving himself to gain his glory.
So tired of people coming to this country and instead of embracing the ways and embracing our American flag who includes everyone here wants to have a pride flag along with our flag which only competes with our flag and de- grades the honor that our United States flag deserves. Insulting. All good gays are proud and deserving of a day of recognition, not a month or more.
All good people are welcome to the United States if you come here to change it for your own benefit go home.
“Trail to Nowhere,”
Framing is the first tactical lie to look for in every article here.
“gullible kids and even those of advanced age”
Unhinged and unfair ridicule for all your perceived opponents is the second.
It’s almost as if this whole site is a dedicated to trolling.
“there was a chance the rejected State grant could somehow be clawed back from the brink of termination by a council suddenly enlightened or frightened by the Zahra music-less comedy. It can’t.”
Oh so you all admit Option 3 was a lie by council majority. That there was no intent to try to keep the grant and apply it to some other project.
Goddam our head hurts so bad. I want to take my pill.
No. It can’t be clawed back for the Trail to Nowhere. That’s finished.
Comprehension dear boy. No go kiss Zahra’s nethers. He’s waiting.
Never met him. He has been your chosen bogeyman for a while. After giving him the benefit of the doubt for approx 1 minute
… you’re biased to change in general which just means I guess that you’re constitutionally disappointed.
Haha. You lost.
“And there are people in Fullerton who still wonder why Zahra can’t get himself chosen Mayor by his fellow councilmembers.”
It’s going to be wild reading this site when thakur wins district four and zahra becomes mayor next year.
Wait…Aruni Thur has to really move into the district
Or sure, let’s elect another liar
Dream on. A-a-runi doesn’t live in D4! Still.
When has that ever stopped anybody from running? All of the “no carpetbagger” signs in the world signs won’t matter if he runs unopposed.
Zahra is not opposed to using the backs of children, the elderly and down on their luck folks as stepping stones for his desired ascension to lofty political heights. Zahra is a low-budget, less-able version of Jordan Brandman and Connor Traut.
That poor old woman just looks dazed and confused holding a sign made by one of Eaglet’s kids.
The production lacked value. In line with its producer who also lacks value.