Whitaker Wants to Hear More From You; Bored, Tired, Cranky Fitzgerald Wants to Hear Less

Watch as Mayor Bruce Whitaker restores the public’s full speaking time. Following in Jan Flory’s footsteps, Jennifer Fitzgerald puts her disdain for the public on full display. Councilman Silva shows a healthy attitude about hearing from the public and staying up late from time to time: “It’s what we do.”

When lobbyist Fitzgerald began her mayoral term last year, she cut public speaking time to 3 minutes. Of course she gave out-of-town developers all the time in the world.

33 Replies to “Whitaker Wants to Hear More From You; Bored, Tired, Cranky Fitzgerald Wants to Hear Less”

    1. He doesn’t see right and wrong. He can only feel degrees of offense based on interpersonal issues that nobody else cares about. Classic narcissism.

  1. I lost it after watching this exercise in arrogance. Fitzgerald hates the people she is supposed to serve. It’s clear as day.

    This occurred right after the Red Oak discussion. She thought “people felt heard” even though she proceeded to screw them over.

      1. U r clueless on politics. One year ago time was reduced to three minutes. Do you think the exact city council member composition that passed the shortening of speaking time would support a time increase a few months later?

  2. Whitaker got us back 2 our minutes. What about the rest of the first amendment that was stripped away by that nag with constant bad hair? So we get to talk longer only to still be ignored? Wake up. Jesus passes the first development project out of the chute. Concerned? You should be.

    1. Whitaker did a good job last Tuesday. He held his own vs. the lobby facilitator JF. Voted no to the Red Oak development. All I can say is :”thank you Mayor for your actions on Tuesday. I wish you continuity on your strength and resoluteness. Thank you, I know you are reading”

    2. Too bad Levinson and Embryo couldn’t muster enough votes between them to ever get elected anything.

      They let everyone in Fullerton down. They could have won but chose defeat instead. They are corrupt traitors.

        1. I hope you didn’t let her get up and leave without commenting on it. This is a classic sign of disrespect.

    1. I feel like 3 is better than 5.The last 2 usually just repeats the first 3.Keeping it simple will probably make the best impression. 3 minutes forces people to say the most important points and to keep from rambling. when you get 2 in a row speaking 5 about the same topic it can get irritating very quickly.

      1. Usually 3 minutes is more effective than 5 because it forces you to be more concise, but I see it as a fairness issue. City staff or favored applicants (like Red Oak) get to fillibuster for as long as they like, after all. Also, there are occasions where longer time is crucial, specifically when you have numerous objections to an agenda item that you need to get in the record.

    1. The Weasel Chaffee was going to go along with her until he saw Whitaker had three votes.

      “It’s chilling!”

      1. The absolute best part of that tape which is truly illuminating of Fitzgerald’s true character/colors is at 2:10.

        Note Bruce pulling back from the flames that are coming from that strumpet’s mouth afterwords.

        Truly illuminating.

        1. Another interesting part of this exchange occurs at 2:25 after Fitzgerald motions to table Whitaker’s proposed extension of the speaker’s time to 5 minutes, and listening to Daffy Doug Chaffee second her motion…and then vote against Fitzgerald when it came time to vote?

          Note that both Fitzgerald and Chaffee candidacies for city councilman are heavily supported by the Fullerton Police and Fire Departments.

  3. Here’s the thing. A lobbyist deals in influence. Fitzgerald will always have plenty of time for developers because she will shake them down for campaign contributions and not just for her, but also for some fool politician in another city who is being lobbied THERE by Pringle. It’s a nasty web in which nobody can actually prove anything because the beneficiaries are always separated by a third party.

    1. I often wondered when redevelopment funds flowed to city of Fullerton that members of our municipal government and their sycophants were silent partners with developers.

    1. Yup…This Jlo(Jennifer lobbyist)…I still have to see her hosting the workshop “strategies for neighbors to defend themselves against the high return investment developments which worsen their lives”

    2. And don’t forget, Fitzgerald’s campaign kick off party, and her election night victory party were held at my favorite nightclub.

  4. Three minutes, max! Now, shut up and sit down so I can tell you what is good for you and city o Fullerton. Typical Fullerton citycouncilease is three minutes max. We are a representative government and the government that is closest to the people is the best form of government, just read President Jefferson’s essays on this topic. And at the lowest level,of government the bar is raised highest as these council persons are the closest government entity to the people. Listening to people at city council meetings is the foundation of our representative government . Three minutes max undermines this principle. If the city council persons of Fullerton believe there are too many people wanting to speak at a meeting, then hold two meetings a week or as many needed so sufficient number of constituents may give opinions on a municipal issues that provide enough insight to council members to make a wise decisions that impact the good people of Fullerton.

  5. Something worth pointing out:

    Jennifer Fitzgerald was appointed Mayor on December 1, 2015. Up to and including that meeting, time for public comments was as follows: Public Hearing Items = 10 minutes, Regular Business Items = 5 minutes, Non-Agenda and Consent Calendar items = 3 minutes.

    The very next meeting, December 15, 2015, Public Hearing time had been reduced from 10 minutes to 5 minutes without council action or discussion of any kind. You can bet Fitz and her pal Joe Felz were responsible for that.

    Not until March 2016 did Fitzgerald/Flory/Chaffee further reduce the 5 minutes to 3 minutes.

    1. The city by virtue of representing a smaller jurisdiction than the state or the federal government allows for any citizen to take the floor at the council meetings. This, more often than not ,poses a resistance to the open and smooth path laid down by Fitzgerald to the lobbyists. Not a surprise she threw a fit last Tuesday

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