Felz Gets a Trial Date

It’s been almost one year since former Fullerton City manager, Joe Felz, embarked on his infamous Wild Ride after an evening of drinking at election night parties in the Downtown Fullerton gin mills he worked so tirelessly to protect.
We all know how the drive home went wrong: Felz lost control of his vehicle on Glenwood Drive, drove over a tree, and tried to get away – in violation of the law. We also know that the Fullerton cops gave Joe a free pass and a ride home, many believe on the instructions of outgoing Cop-in-Charge, Danny “Gallahad” Hughes. That would be a crime, too – obstruction of justice, which is exactly what is asserted by District Attorney investigator, Abraham Santos.
Anyway, Felz has been charged with drunk driving by the DA, but the collusion to protect the City Manager has not been addressed and it never will be. That would set a very bad precedent, wouldn’t it?
On January 16, 2018 it looks like Wild Ride Felz is going to get his day in court as he has pleaded innocent to the charges. And since there is no evidence of his inebriation we all reckon the deal will be “dry reckless” driving, and case closed.
Rest assured, FFFF will be present to record and report the court proceedings.
Cynthia Nichols is the same prosecutor who’s going after FPD’s Sonny Siliceo and that sex offending teacher from Nicholas Junior High. She must love Fullerton.
trail date is 1/16/18 not 1/18/18
Is there going to be a team building hike?
I will never forget.
And I will never forgive.
Joe Felz tree killer!
Meanwhile Corbett, the Sargent who conspired with Danny Hughes to destroy evidence and obstruct justice, is still on the job while his internal investigation is on hold due to Felz’ silly little misdemeanor hearing. What a joke.
That’s the way it works. The cops and DA bury the truth (and justice) in multiple investigations (or actually, the public statement that there is an investigation – when there isn’t). “Oh, we can’t comment until (fill in the blank) is done with their investigation.”
And then there’s the strategy of “ongoing litigation” to stall and obfuscate. Now Santos is suing Rackaukas and the County, so we may be sure that will go on until well after Corbett is enjoying his massive pension. Can’t release any info see, pending litigation…
These trials involving Fullertons finest employees always seem to be during the holiday season when everybody in a festive mood.