Cheap Fringie© Nomination Trick by Mr. PeabodyPosted onDecember 14, 2016December 18, 2016 Provide Your Own Caption
Forget it Peabody. You missed the cut off. Nominations are closed!
Mmm. Tastes better than army boot.
That’s not right at all.
Mom didn’t nurse her to take small bites
The best caption for any contest is always “Who Farted?”
Jeezus why is that woman’s face orange?
Strontium-90 exposure?
Did wonders for Godzilla.
Repeated sandblastings.
Brick veneer.
Ate my hand up too by mistake
Eat at Joe’s
“I like strong older women… that DON’T use their teeth!”
Does she like weiner?
Chrome off a trailer hitch? Yep.