A Day at the Races
Here is a snapshot of a gaggle of Jan Flory supporters proudly wearing their T-shirts at Los Alamitos Racetrack! How they got a T shirt on the that old nag is anybody’s guess.

I don’t know who the [dopey looking] guy is on the far right, but the bald, beady-eyed gent in the back is F. “Paul” Dudley, Jan Flory’s old drinking buddy. He’s the creep who gave away the public sidewalk to the Florentine mob, and who played a pivotal role in every single Jan Flory approved boondoggle from 1994 through 2002.

It’s hard to imagine these people getting their greasy mitts on any sort of authority in Fullerton again. But what to I know? I’m just a dead dog. And Don Bankead is running again!
You just called a guy you don’t know and who could be a nice guy, mentally challenged? Man you guys are a disgrace. Jealous of anyone that has anything. You want everything your way. Disgusting. Did the old guy give the sidewalk away all in his own as you say or was it done by a full council in full view of the public? You guys are a joke.
Sweet Glow in The Dark Jebus, every GED human is a moralist. Read my post. I said he looked mentally challenged. And now that I come to think of it he looks familiar. Like someone I knew long ago.
Jan you’re a T.V. GED, probaly the best 195.00$ your parents ever spent.
Sorry Porky. Dudley did do it on his own, behind a closed door. Later he took credit for it and said he do it all over again if given the chance.
Harpoon you best do your research, before you blog. The City Clerk has an original lease between the City, and the Florentines, approved by the City Council, and signed by the Mayor. Dudley may have facilitated it, but it was approved in an open, duly noticed Council meeting, with the public in attendance, and speaking on the item.
Yes indeed. The lease was re-written the year after the sidewalk squat was complete! “Facilitate”? Is that a new word for swindle? The lease was a clean-up manuever after the initial ruckus died down.
I was there that night. Dudley claimed responsibility.
O’ Malley I presume. Nothing better to do?
No Tony not Omaley but you can lick my balls anyways. Slurp.
you’re disgusting — do you kiss your mother with that mouth? get some manners and class for God’s sake. Grow up.
speaking from somebody who still sleeps in mommys bed!
I thought I was Omaley?
You ARE Patrick O’Malley.
you’re GED
Who cares who they are individually, place a template of a bald, middle aged, overweight, troll that tows the corrupt company mantra and you pretty much have it.
Look who suddenly has a pang of righteous indignation, only when it suits you….
Are you sure that the man on the right isn’t Jan Flory’s son?
This website is a disgrace!
Most of this stuff is made up and the rest is exaggerated…gave the sidewalk away, what a joke. Florentine’s is a few feet longer and wider. Get over yourself Bushula!
I think most of the posts on this site are from the same 16 year old boy. Evident by the lack of facts, high school nature of the gossip, the gutter level analysis (i.e. quote from post; “I don’t know who the [dopey looking] guy is on the far right, but the bald, beady-eyed gent in the back is F. “Paul” Dudley, Jan Flory’s old drinking buddy”).
I like the expression on the face of the little girl wearing a pink top
hey peach did you learn how to spell IN N’ OUT yet?
Forget Flory. I’m voting for her dead dog.
Gin Flurry. Second from left. Won’t finish in the money. Can’t run on a dry track, or a sloppy track, either.
Call the glue factory.
Sure to pick up a lot of votes at the Los Alamitos racetrack.
lol Hollis, I was wondering the same thing!
All of us have had photos taken of us that we feel have put us i a bad light. Look at my Wilshire Jr. High annual photos! Geesh!
I do believe that the Florentine issue was a beginning to an end in downtown Fullerton. My cousin made quite an issue of it in the Fullerton Obsever at the time. How she has handled the Kelly Thomas murder is a separate issue.
Who is the “retard” on the right anyway?
No,Steve, the Florentine sidewalks scam was in the middle of the end. Redevelopment had been going on for over 30 years at that point.
But the scam revealed two things very clearly. One, staff was incompetent and/or corrupt. And two, the City Council was never going to hold anybody accountable.
WOW – you guys are really ignorant, insensitive idiots. Seriously? Calling someone a “retard ” or saying he looks mentally challenged? I just started reading this blog – obviously it’s just a bunch of trash
I gotta agree with Annoyed, anyone who uses the words retard, gay, mentally challenged, etc. etc., in an effort to insult or mock someone is totally unacceptable, Steve Brow and JFD, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
To align yourself with Dudley is just plain creepy, he is the slimiest of the slimiest.
There. I changed it. Is it okay to call someone dopey-looking without offending?
completely okay, I am sure you can understand why…you are one smart puppy.. thanks.
NOT SMART enough to do right the first time. then after cocky remarks you changed it. WHAT A BIG PUP
Well, I had a lot of blunt force trauma to my head when I was on Earth so I’m not a sensitive as you are. Sorry about that.
you truly think you are a dog eh?
I had a lot of broomstick-caused head injuries as a pup.
BTW, I pee on your leg.
YEAH I BET YOUR BITCH(female dog) DROPED you on your head alot.
No, it was a broomstick. I do remember that much.
More GED literacy.
Washa tawkin’ ’bout? Washa lookin’ at, cawtamit!
Shit I thought that was Kiger
kiger also sounds handicapped, “um a um a um ahhh mmm um derp”.
direct quote from kiger, last council meeting.
ok maybe he didn’t say DERP, but the rest was verbatim.
sounds like he could be related to the mayor of L.A.
JD-you really should be able to spell challenged correctly to pull off that really insensitive/bad joke.
so everyone who opposes ffff is jd? CUTE, BTW we all cant afford ged education.
oh yeah,
greg diamond looks like santa clause
He looks like Meathead.
Yep. Rob Reiner. Nice catch!
i think rob reiner is a bit younger though.
To an outsider, it may seem to him or her that this photo is a family reunion. On closer inspection it becomes obvious this is Flory’s political statement; a reunion of Fullerton’s old regime of corruption.
From numerous media sources, including FFFF, the shocking exploiting of Fullerton’s community with: illegal taxes, misuse of eminent domain and redevelopment funds, the numerous legal settlements to victims of Fullerton PD were accomplished or set into motion when Flory was a member of Fullerton’s city council(1994 to 2000). when Flory left Fullerton’s city council , her recently disgraced by recall co-horts , Jones and Bankhead, were solid fixtures on this council who continued exploiting fullerton’s community.
A few months prior to Jones and Bankhead being run off from Fullerton’s municipal government for their misdeeds, Flory swept into Fullerton’s city council meeting and gushed her undying support for Jones and Bankhead and chastised the community of Fullerton for not revering her two partners who abused the community of Fullerton.
Jan flory now senses a power vacuum and believes she may fill it. Except we, the good people of fullerton, now know Flory’s political partners, Jones and Bankhead stole from us with illegal taxes to pad salaries and pensions of city of Fullerton’s employees to buy their support, with routine callousness threw our tax dollars at the victims of Fullerton PD to buy hush, used favoritism when awarding redevelopment contracts to developers.
And Flory wants to restore the no representation of constituents belief to our recently reformed city council?
Decency demands an anti-Flory campaign more than a campaign to get other persons elected to Fullerton’s city council. Blocking flory’s return to politics would benefit the public more than campaigning for weak candidates.
just my opinion
In re: Dudley. For a free lunch and drink you could get a city street given to you.
He’s also #12 on Fullerton’s pension list:
FRANK P DUDLEY $ 139,120.44 Development Services Director
Dudley has also conned some people into being their “consultant,” i.e. lobbyist because he was such great pals with Jones and Bankhead and McPension.
He was the master batter when “Amerige Heights” got rammed through.
Flory for Fullerton! Bring back The Good Old Days!
Yawn, more bitter bile from the 4F Mafia. I expect to see more and more hit pieces on Flory as we get closer to election day….and now it’s evolving into personal attacks against family and friends. Just goes to show what little credibility this blog has and the low-life nature of the unemployed jerk offs who post this kind of drivel.
Yes. You can expect more. Especially when the friends are part of the Culture of Corruption.
“the 4F Mafia”
Um, FFFF never gave away a sidewalk or a street. That was Flory and her mob.
Bitter bile? I think not. This is a last ditch effort to eliminate the type of incestuous relations that ruined our great city before, and is in the process of eroding Anaheim at the moment…
Well said! This. Log has NO CREDIBILITY !
ad hominem(?), substance not snivel in future posts
I think I have identified the man on the right:
Flory once aspired to be a Superior Court judge, but received criticism during his 2008 run for a judicial seat. Presidents of both the Orange County deputy sheriff’s union and the Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers Association accused Flory of lying in an attempt to secure their endorsement. The Orange County Bar Association rated Flory as “not qualified” to be a judge.
The dude on the right looks a little like Louis Tully — the Rick Moranis character in Ghostbusters — after he was posessed by the evil spirit.
If I remeber correctly, downtown was a pit in the mid to late 80’s, and was well on the way of becoming a dead downtown. I opened my business at that time, and have seen changes, mostly good, that have kept me in Fullerton and business for over 20 years. Some changes may be questionable, but none have been major game changers. And I have seen Fullerton become a major player in places to spend one’s money. This, all under a former and current city council that FFFF attacks at a personal, unprofessional level. But this is your blog, and I do respect your right to post any dribble that you want.
Than you can pay for all the law suits……DTF is wart on the City of Fullerton. BTW I am long time resident, over 30yrs
Just thinking out loud here, but don’t you think that it’s kind of creepy that Jan Flory left the real estate business to be tended by her husband, so that she could be a Family Law Attorney that handles divorces?
Every one knows that divorces are horrible for all parties involved…
except for the Real Estate Agents and Attorneys that like a parasite thrive off of the blood spilled in a divorce.
minus the news on kelly thomas, this blog is greg diamonds toilet paper
Incorrect. FFFF was named OC Best Blog 2 years in a row!
Not until I can get it at Costco.
I bet you try to go get said toilet paper, but just can’t seem to make it past the hot dog stand.
How much you want to bet?
If that’s the best you can do, you’re on. I rarely get food at the stand there. When I do, it’s generally for my kids.
Pay up. To protect your important anonymity, use an intermediary if need be.
I highly doubt you don’t eat at the food stand, I bet right now you have deli mustard on your shirt and a very berry sundae in your hand.
Would you please make me a bet that I can collect on? Honestly, an anonymous poster going around making “bets” that you can’t verify. You’re so BUTCH!
“Not until I can get it at Costco”………. Hmmmmmmm
Please be advised Golem that Costco no longer carry the kosher hemorrhoid safe “F”FFF printed version.
Therefore, you are fully aware that the current version of the “F”FFF, sold in Costco, may bloody your ass due to a rupturing of any hemorrhoidal veins and that you cant hold Tony Bushala liable for any product viability associated with your alleged rectal hygiene.
Furthermore, should you decide to use a new version at your own risk, you are advised to remove any feces grown chestnuts on the rectal pubic hairs to avoid being infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease.
“Not until I can get it at Costco”………. Hmmmmmmm
Please be advised Golem that Costco no longer carry the kosher hemorrhoid safe “F”FFF printed version.
Therefore, you are fully aware that the current version of the “F”FFF, sold in Costco, may bloody your ass due to a rupturing of any hemorrhoidal veins.
Furthermore, should you decide to use a new version at your own risk, you are advised to remove any feces grown chestnuts on the rectal pubic hairs to avoid being infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease.
I take exception to the equine characterization of Jan Flory.
I have always been inclined to see a cold-blooded, reptilian quality, like an iguana.
Of course there’s alway arachnids – spiders, scorpions, etc.
That picture must have been taken pretty early in the morning. Ms. Flory is still upright.
Indeed. I shop at Costco. Usually the one in Fullerton.
FFFF does make great toilet paper. Pure crap. Stinky crap.
I agree that the mentally challenged label was somewhat insensitive. However, the writer did not call him a retard or even mentally retarded, and he was a big enough person to change the label. Unlike the mentally incompetent, hate-raging FPD trolls who post on here, FFFF’s writers can admit when they are wrong (or at least non-PC) and fix it. Kudos to JFD for making the change in words.
agreed, Kudos to JFD, it is Steve Brow (of the Sharon Kennedy/Fullerton Observer family) that called the “dopey-looking” one a “retard”.
Has anyone noticed the increase in posting by the hate-raging FPD trolls since Gin Flurry and Don Blankhead decided to run, just sayin.
I wonder if the cowardly lion, I mean anonymous, was referring to Cicinelli, Ramos, and Wolfe when he said unemployed jerk offs who post drivel. Or it could be any one of their relatives or fellow ex-pigs who have been removed from the force for crimes against the public.
Man Who Left Dog on Mountain Faces Cruelty Charges.
CLEAR CREEK COUNTY – The owner of a dog that was abandoned after being injured near Mt. Bierstadt will face animal cruelty charges.
“”We base that on information we learned that the dog had been up there for eight days in this rugged terrain. The weather had been inclement on certain days with rain and snow and the fact that he made little attempt to go back up and get the dog or try to make any other arraignments to retrieve the dog and get it back,” Sgt. Rick Safe with the Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Department said.”
“The charge against Anthony Ortalani was filed Friday following an investigation by the Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Office.”
“TORTURE MURDER is a loosely defined term to describe a murder where death has been preceded by the torture of the victim. In many legal jurisdictions a murder involving “exceptional brutality or cruelty” will involve a harsher sentence.” -Wikipedia
“Studies have shown that violent and aggressive criminals are more likely to have abused animals as children than criminals who are considered non-aggressive.(2) A survey of psychiatric patients who had repeatedly tortured dogs and cats found that all of them had high levels of aggression toward people as well.(3) According to a New South Wales newspaper, a police study in Australia revealed that “100 percent of sexual homicide offenders examined had a history of animal cruelty.”(4) To researchers, a fascination with cruelty to animals is a red flag in the backgrounds of serial killer” -PeTA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Nothing like some Industrial School Air Conditioners to line one’s pockets with.
Don’t blame FPD members. With their bloated salaries and pensions they can afford to buy their own central air conditioning! Thanks Fullerton taxpayers and voters for looking the other way while we upsized the FPD budget! Ahhhh, its so cool inside!!
You folks have way too many insiders running for the Fullerton council. If just one of them gets elected you’re screwed again. You need to ensure that anyone with former ties to the government ins not elected. You would do better with the town drunk who shouts out occasional emotional outbursts than you would with most of those who I’ve seen on your candidate list. You need someone with NO political inhibitions. You need someone who won’t accept money for his votes. You need someone who puts the citizens in front of bureaucrats. You need someone who would be happy with ONE TERM in office. You need an independent man who can’t be influenced by money, power or love. Good luck with that.
I have some bad feelings about your upcoming election. I think Fullerton is going to end up right back in the crapper where you started. You folks made some great progress – then you put it into neutral. They’ve even managed to disband Kelly’s Army.
You thought that the clown named Sebourne was going to save you. Boy oh boy. You took the headfake and now he’s working for the other side.
Unless I see at least a dozen of you at the next meeting brow beating the Council – it’s my opinion that your 15 minutes of fame are over.
Go take care of your own City. Your words mean nothing anymore. I just bypass them. Sorry, but you don’t live here. You should start a blog in your City.
Is anybody in the least bit noticing that she’s campaigning at a race track with the young kid? How does this relate to Fullerton at all? Talk about out of touch.
Not too many Fullerton voters at the Los Al Race Track.
Maybe she’s afraid to go out without an FPD escort.
dumpster diamond is so fat he couldnt fit in a dumpster
yea but if he opened his gob, i bet the fpd could fill all the empty donut boxes in his large ass
Stop raising the average level of discussion here like that!
I’m sure the kids already have experience dodging spilled drinks and sore losers.
This website is a disgrace!
Most of this stuff is made up and the rest is exaggerated…gave the sidewalk away, what a joke. Florentine’s is a few feet longer and wider. Get over yourself Bushula!
I think most of the posts on this site are from the same 16 year old boy. Evident by the lack of facts, high school nature of the gossip, the gutter level analysis (i.e. quote from post; “I don’t know who the [dopey looking] guy is on the far right, but the bald, beady-eyed gent in the back is F. “Paul” Dudley, Jan Flory’s old drinking buddy”).
This website is the best. The guy is bald and he is beady-eyed. He also gave away a public sidewalk unlawfully.
Why didn’t you go to court over it if it was illegal, Tony?
Washa tawkin’ ’bout? Washa lookin’ at, cawtamit!
Wrong, it’s true we let the Trashman take it. I watched it happen.
No more sidwewalks in Downtown Fullerton, to Pay for Road Paving, Water Infrastructure and the good part of a BILLION$s in liabilities that are unfunded.
The Flory Legacy.
No, seriously, about the sidewalk. If it was illegal, why didn’t you take it to court? You had standing as a taxpayer.
Damn forgot, free alcohol, free food, Eminent Eviction, Backroom Deals, Payoffs, Kickbacks “CONSTRUCTION MONEY”, “””Local Government Contributions”””,”Politically aligned and favored legal , POLICEING”, “””DONUT MONEY!!! WINK WINK””” By the City of Fullertons Corruption of Evil.
The Devil would open his checkbook and SMILE for the corrupt in Fullerton, California.
The corruption in this City is the FPOA. FPD is lazy, and unethical. I can only hope that they ALL go out like Seller’s. We need new blood. NEXT.
cg you’re so daft. NEXT
This website points out the disgraceful acts of the FPD and local government. Must be pretty bored to keep reposting the same shit with nothing to back it up.
Buy Fullerton back from Tony.
Vote for Bankhead and Flory.
As Tony uses the word so well, get the mentally challenged Kiger and Whitaker out of there!
I would be willing to bet Kiger and Whittaker have about 4-6 more years of college and at least 30 IQ points on the Fullerton Six.
yea online university’s don’t count, umm ahh mmm um, Have you heard kiger stammer on and on.
Boy, do you sound like LXD….asshole…
you sound like xyz,……..cunt………….
One of the BEST…..
you know it KIGER.
Don’t make fun of Kiger’s speaking. Even being anonymous, you should not descend to the average level of commentary here.
Brandon check with Keger about his education. You can find it on his planning commission application. Can you vote in the Fullerton election?
Don’t talk unless you know idiot. The Fullerton six
All have BAs.
Yes! And Cicinelli and Hampton are Rhodes Scholars! Ramos just barely lost out on the Nobel Prize for Medicine. Craig, Blatney and Wolfe won Pulitzer Prizes for Literature, Music, and Donuts.
Keep on talking alcagar, don’t be jealous cause they are smarter than you.
No, he’s jealous because Ramos won the pie eating contest three years running.
He has accomplished more than old Fred. I love Tacos!
I don’t think they are smarter than poor Kelly.Quite the contrary.
Not smarter than poor Kelly? Kelly who?
Actually they are broke. The DA has motives other than just money.
Even the Liberal media disapprove.
Travis, Is it true about 4K a month running this blog for Tony? Is it a different amount or just not true?
Lynda Pietri · Roofer,drywaller,painter and bartender at Myself
His name was Joe. he was’nt your average Joe. He was a very quiet guy who really never had anything bad to say about anyone or anything. Today is a travesty. A man died today due to fear of being incarcerated. Things didn’t have to happen the way they did. The police didn’t try to negotiate with him or even talk to him. I know they didn’t because I spoke to him last.
I don’t give two shits if he was scared about going back to jail. That’s what happens to you when you point a shotgun at the police! What did you think was going to happen? Let me guess, they should have shot the gun out of his hand. Damn cops, shooting people that point guns at them and are a danger to society. Who do they think they are? You would be singing a different tune if that dirtbag popped off a round at the cops, missed and hit someone in your family.
Check this:
Same crime as Kelly Thomas
I don’t recall Kelly being shot.
“Man dies after being shot by police during standoff.” Who cares? Tote a gun around the police and then point it at them? Good thinking. Like the guy in Long Beach a while back; points a pistol like hose nozzle at the police in the dark. Again, good thinking. The world is a better place without idiots like that in it. He feared going back to jail. Save everyone the trouble and go stand in front of a train. Make it a freight train, however, so as to not delay the working people that take the metrolink.
Post #99 Don’t Bet On It, and remember…
” It is better to let people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!”
A comedian never explains his jokes. However, since no one has ever acknowledged that I am funny, I will state that I first insinuated that my junior high pictures made me look like a retard (even though I made the honor role most semesters). Next, I put “retard” in quotes, clarifying that it was not my opinion but the charge of the original poster.
Third, I brought the discussion back to substance by asking who he was, which Bingo apparently answered.
I am not ashamed.
Finally, Van, what ever you say about the Kennedies, you have to admit that they never made me stand next to them in a silly matching T-shirt!
“Not until I can get it at Costco”………. Hmmmmmmm
Wow.. I am amazed at how nice, kind, gentle, quiet, unassuming, never has anything bad to say about anybody, keeps to himself, sweet spirited, friendly, wouldn’t hurt a fly, loves animals, loves kids, just wants to get along, wants to be left alone, just wants someone to talk to, lonely, doesn’t bother a soul, misunderstood, no one to care, gentle soul, sweet kid, loved his family, needs a hand up, would do anything for anybody, minding his own business, just an average Joe, just wanted to get something to drink, just needs a friend, just needs his mama, was out of his element, was sorry, was so loveable… getting the point yet?
Everytime the police try to enforce the law and someone gets hurt this is the mantra, over and over and over again.
Don’t kill innocent people for no reason and you won’t have a problem.
I second that Anon II.
I Knew I had seen Mikey before!
Like mother like Son:
But his wife is kinda hot! Tattoos or not!
Since we now know she reads this: Jan Flory, you amount to nothing more than a whiny gasbag. You certain lost what little dignity (if any) that you had left when you stood in front of Council, the residents of Fullerton, guests and the media. Or did your hate blind you to all the mics positioned on the podium?
Do you have any idea how petty, ridiculous, childish and unprofessional you sounded? As a fellow Democrat, woman and Fullerton resident, I’m thoroughly disgusted and ashamed of you.
You bitched about your picture from Facebook of a family affair being used here. You silly cow, you were all wearing campaign shirts which make you fair game. As a candidate, you’re open and fair game, anyway.
To hold Travis accountable for what goes on here on this blog is assinine. You, yourself, even acknowledged him as its web host. Everyone knows Tony owns this blog and there is no censorship (constant disruption, etc are different). Furthermore, Travis has been attacked on this blog far more often than you have been. Yet all of those comments remain.
Finally, for you to publicly, personally attack Travis and bring his mother into it crossed so many lines. I expect and demand a public apology from you for this. You just kissed any possibility of being elected goodbye.
And for the blonde bimbo who ran (and lost) in the June electing: Bitch, please. STFU and sit down until you have something more intelligent to say.
To both of you: This is a blog. Get it? People comment both for and against things/people. Perhaps that no one comes to the defense of either of you is something to give some thought to. If you can’t handle what’s written here, don’t read it. Afterall, it’s just pixels on a screen if nothing else.
“This is s blog.” Stop whimpering. FFFF became a vehicle for taking over the city government; it had to expect to become a target. It’s “open and fair game.” I tried to warn you!
“Bitch, please?” I don’t think you’re a registered Democrat.
You kiss your Mother with that filthy mouth Greg?
I’m quoting her comment, specifically:
Bitch, please?” I don’t think you’re a registered Democrat.
this one is going to bite you in your well fed ass.
See comment right above. I was quoting her comment.
By all means, come after me for quoting something to condemn it. I’d love to talk more about the level of discourse and civility here! Hey, by the way, someone here called Flory a cheap prostitute today, if you’d like to respond to something actually worth condemning. (But ya don’t, do ya?)
The blog didn’t become a target. Travis did. Flory used it as her own vehicle to attack Travis publicly.
As far as me not being a registered Democrat, you’ve apparently missed my comments over the past year year supporting local and national Democrats, just not you.
How does that saying go? Better to let people think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I know you’ve seen this comment on a more recent thread. I only copied it here to give Flory the opportunity of seeing it, in the matter of fairness. Kindly address all future comments to me on the more recent one if you expect a reply.
FL, he was mocking my use of “bitch please”, I don’t think he was using it toward me. Thank you for having my back.
I should reiterate what I’ve always stated here. Although I’m a Dem, and a registered one at that, I’m a moderate, not a lib. I vote for what and who is right, first and party, second.
Thanks for being a better reader of my comment responding to yours than some of your peers here.
I hold Democrats to a higher standard than I do other FFFFwads. That includes not saying “Bitch, please” to one’s political opponents. I’m glad that you often support Democrats. That doesn’t excuse your calling Flory a bitch.
Actually I didn’t see this elsewhere, but you’re welcome not to reply. No offense taken.
If YOU were a better reader of comments you would notice sherbear didn’t call Flory a bitch, she called the blond bimbo a bitch.
She called Flory a whiny gasbag and a silly cow.
I didn’t say that she called Flory a bitch. Go back and read it again. Next time you want to criticize someone’s reading comprehension, get a second opinion.
She didn’t apologize to me personally when I revealed I was Travis’ mom. Don’t expect a public apology.
bitch please, you’re way to old to be running your mouth like that. ignorant fool
ok I will get you a case of hot dogs, and a dozen pizza’s oh and a 5 gallon bucket of very berry smoothie
and a case of TP!
Fine. You lost the bet. You can deliver to my campaign office.
You have a campaign office? Where, in your one bedroom apartment?
its really in the corner of his 90 year old mothers room.
My mother’s been dead for 14 years. Thanks for bringing it up.
It’s next to the Police Department. It’s within the Democratic Campaign HQ.
Apartment is three-bedroom. Small house-sized + 2-car garage. Shameful, huh?
So that’s two false statements in eleven words for you. You sure chose the right pseudonym!
how do you suppose I lost the bet? you have deli mustard on you shirt and and a very berry sundae in your hand. You very large man.
Because, as if you care, neither of those things are true. I am pretty fat, though, so it’s OK to lie about me anonymously.
Still: pay up.
oh by the way what are you campaign for? Biggest gainer, largest ass, most creepiest goatee sporting molester look because you got my vote on all of those.
I am “campaign for” State Senate, 29th District, which includes Fullerton, against “traditional Republican” and servant of those wanting government subsidies Bob Huff.
What did some guy with a goatee do to you, poor child? I feel bad for you. Consider talking to a good therapist.