A Congruency of Interest; Defender of Killers Defends Jones, Bankhead and McKinley
Just in case you thought the Fullerton Recall was just some sort of power play by a mythical “downtown developer” against fine, honorable men who refuse to be bought and sold like cheap swamp land, consider this inconvenient fact: last fall an organization called PORAC poured thousands of dollars into the anti-recall campaign to save the useless, dessicated hides of Jones, Bankhead and McKinley.
So what is PORAC? It stands for Police Officers Research Association California and it appears to be heavily into lobbying for ever greater benefits for cops – regardless of the fiscal impact on the people whom the cops have sworn to serve and protect. It is also a massive fund cops pay into to pay the for the legal defense of bad cops caught doing bad things.
Both of these PORAC goals intersect in Fullerton.
PORAC is paying to defend the suspended-without-pay cops Manny Ramos and Jay Cicinelli, who have been charged with murder and manslaughter, respectively, in the beating death of the homeless man; Kelly Thomas was bludgeoned to death by FPD cops last July.

But get this: PORAC also contributed to defend the Tuckered Out Triumvirate of Jones, Bankhead, and McKinley. The Fullerton cop union chunked $19,000 into the anti-recall water hazard, too. So what does that tell you, other than organized police labor sees its main chance in the continuation of Fullerton FPD’s Culture of Corruption, a culture where any sort of malfeasance will be swept under the rug, even the death of a harmless man; a culture where there is no accountability, no responsibility, and no apparent discipline.
The same people who are defending the killers of Kelly Thomas are also defending Jones, McKinley and Bankhead. And the Three Dead Batteries are proud of their support.
The choices in the Recall election couldn’t be clearer.
Nice one Tony, have some coke and a smile.
Looks like you all have finally sunk to the bottom of the cesspool with each other. Which is right where you belong.
Truth hurts huh troll?
Yeah if was the truth, but it’s all made up lies. Yeah and the hits just keep on coming. Give it all you got cause the truth will set them free. Ask Ron Thomas. Now he is back paddling and cries in front of the TV. He is probably saying…Damn I should of taken the $900.00.
JD AKA Fang-make sure to get back in the coffin before daylight.
Hey John Doe of the police union:
Why would Ron thomas take the $900.00, dummy? First, the offer was $900,000 and according to the three dead batteries it was never offered, just a rumor. So you are repeating a lie. This tells me you must be a Fullerton PD member.
Second, my sources tell me that the total award will be approximately 20 times greater than your 900k figure when comparing it to similar cases in LA County. So get ready, your time in Fullerton may be terminated. You will be a member of another merged or bargained out police organization where you may be assigned to county areas outside Santa Ana, for example. A nice commute. Less pay, less benefits. Hmmmm maybe thats why the police officers union is supporting ($$$) the three old coots!
“Money is the”Mothers Milk of politics” – Jesse Unrah – former speaker of the California Assembly and chief sponsor of the Unrah Open Meetings Act.
Forgot one zero..wow, You have a source that gives you wrong information. Ask Ron what his attorney told him about his buddy Tony Rack when they both saw the video. I have friends in the right places also.
Saw the Gannaco first installment report on T.V. and could not believe the sort of people that stood at the podium to address the council. Members of Kelly’s Mob who are obviously from the trailer trash and uneducated sector of society. This is not what real hardworking people of Fullerton look like by no means. The results were not to their favor so they were rude and offensive to the council. Ron Thomas looked pitiful with his new hairstyle and crocodile tears. His new sympathtic persona is a desperate act of a father who abandoned his son to eat from trash cans and steal to survive on the street. Word around town is that Ron was kicked out of the sheriff academy (look it up), and is as much a martial arts master as Barney Fife. This unethical man turns his political aliments in a flash. No longer aligns himself with Tony Bushala because Tony used Kelly’s case to fire up his recall campaign. Ron was publicly buddy-buddy with Raukakus at the time of the indictment announcement. Then was critical of the D.A. for not releasing the video. Now is in agreement with Raukakus to not release the tape, this after he and his ex-wife viewed the tape. I think Ron did not see what he hoped to see. I think Ron wants to hide the tape just as long as he can. Your “Kleenex” strategy is despicable as you cannot produce real tears, or any tears as a broken father who can’t hardly hold it together, you are a bad actor Ron and a liar. Right, you didn’t recognize your crazy eyed hairy son. You lied. And have always lied and will continue to lie until you get what you really want, money. To see the public brawl you and your ex will have over that settlement will be a shame. Then we’ll never see again. Yes, after you settle, you’ll be gone. Or maybe you can talk Tony Bushala to convert some of his buildings into homeless shelters, that you can contribute money to operate. Right. The officers will be exonerated because they were only trying to arrest a violent criminal who tried to flee. Officer Ramos is a killer because he used the F word? Come on now, you cannot put a man in prison for life, for using the F word. And as for putting on gloves, who would not, before putting your hands on a filthy, flee infested, shirtless nut. A dangerous man who was a reflection of the way he was raised. The truth will prevail when the officers are cleared and you and the unethical lynch mob can part ways. You, to spend your dollars , the mob, back to the bars, jails and low life, they crept out of. Ron Thomas, you’re a loser.
Officer Ramos is a killer because he and 5 of his buddies beat a man to his death. Cicinelli is a killer because he used THE HANDLE OF A TASER to bash Kelly Thomas’ face in causing irreversible brain damage. The other four are killers as well but the D.A. can only do so much at once I suppose. You can try all you want to bash the victim and his family with your lies and your short, poorly structured grammar. Ron Thomas is not a liar; the only liar is you.
Wolfe is a killer also. His day is coming that’s for sure..
I agree with your statement; Wolfe is definitely a killer as well, however, I was trying to address Political Theatre’s comments as directly as possible. I really hope we all get to see the day that Wolfe and the rest of the killers get theirs. [No that was not a threat nor an intention to incite violence. I hope they get charged and convicted and sent to prison.]
CT, I was just letting the trolls know Wolfe is also one in the same as Ramon & Cicinelli.
I have noticed a lot of extra “trollage” lately….
Erin, That anonymous comment about “trollage” was from me. I forgot to re-enter my info because I hadn’t realized it was no longer there.
Took a quick look the web site that mentioned the NOPD cops involved in the Danzinger Bridge killings. The NOPD cops drew prison sentences; I’m thinking Ramos and Cicinelli will get to spend some time in the booty house. Both deserve the death penalty; maybe justice will be delivered in the showers or exercise yard. Isolation/PC is not a great experience for inmates from what I’ve been told. Ex cops are not high on the prison heirachy either. I wonder if Ramos/Cicinelli ever read any of these posts….
Or can they read?
NOTHING of what you said is a fact. In the real world we deal in facts. Thomas is a pathetic figure who is using the death of his son to cash in. He was never in law
enforcement and when anyone in law enforcement did call him to rein in his son he would say that he (son) was their problem not his.
Evidence to back up the assertions, please.
And yet his son is dead as a doornail, beat to death by out of control bloats of the Fullerton PD. And that is an intransigent (sorry for the big word) fact.
political theatre, thanks for giving insight into the minds of Jones, Mckinley and bankhead and their task forces
Political Theatre aka PT=Pathetic Troll- May you live the rest of your life in the way you describe people.
“trollage” Funny.
Wow, you are a angry, sick person. I feel sort of bad for you. Seek some counceling. A lot of built up anger, release it.
Good Comment!! All True and you got the MOB going. Give us some more of your great insight.
They are scrambling like ants.
Oh you wish we were scrambling like ants.. Hahahaha, run little boy, out run the machine gun..
Political theater–
“Saw the Gannaco first installment report on T.V. and could not believe the sort of people that stood at the podium to address the council. Members of Kelly’s Mob who are obviously from the trailer trash and uneducated sector of society. This is not what real hardworking people of Fullerton look like by no means. The results were not to their favor so they were rude and offensive to the council”…
We are not Kelly’s mob. What you saw on TV was the actual heart and soul of what remains of the conscience of the city of Fullerton’s leadership laid bare and detached from the parasite. The affluence, the indifference, the bankrupt morals, the phony religion, the cowardice, and the superficial friendship phenomenon of the so called leaders in this community all have resulted in the persistent turnout of a handful of individuals who truly care about the fact that a man was brutally murdered by the officers on duty that night.The vast number of armchair warriors sympathetic to the truth of what happened that evening will become evidently clear on election day. The brave men and women that spoke were just that-brave. It is the inside not the outside that carries forth relevance in the eternal. We shall see what it will take to change Fullerton’s leaders’ priorities from money worship, waxing their cars, or the restaurants and the bottles that hold them in bondage to a seared conscience. When “LOGIC IS AN ENEMY AND TRUTH IS A MENACE” a “TOTAL RECALL” is the only solution. Mr. Theatre you couldn’t be further from the truth.
PT, I read your comment again and I still think it is great. You hit the nail right on the head. I didint see no slam comments, cause its all true.
It would be much more accurate to say that PT is POUNDING SAND and getting nowhere FAST. When someone resorts to ad hominem attacks such as this one, it means that they have no valid arguments to offer.
$900.00? LMBO.. You are a pathetic little troll. I believe a bitch slap is in order.
It isnt rocket science…these tools have been stealing, and we know it,…let me give you a bit of advice, unsolicited of course- but if you paint a barn black, its still a barn. As for Ron taking the 900 thou- that is pocket change compared to the damages that any judge with a lick of scruples…will take Sissynelly, ANd his olive oil wife- get all their monies, then move on to Ramos, get their cash..then on the big players……O its gonna be good, the truth doesnt alwasy set you free…ask Sissynelli how free is he?JOhn your crack me up.
Fat Wabby wife? He is gonna have a good laugh when he sees that. If he had a wife.
He used to have a wife and children. Maybe if she was smart…she left him by now.
I mean fat wabby baby momma…..
It tells me the inmates are running the asylum.
So Fullertonians pay the wages of the “Police” who are sworn to protect them so that they indeed can go to work and labor daily without the burden of arresting and carrying out the “protection” of the “Police force”
Then they are targeted by the same system they are supporting with their hard earned labor.
Ladies and Gentlemen, at which point did you/we accept this concept of slave labor?
Correct I said it, forcing us to work to pay for the very people who then beat and accost those that are paying their wages…..that is in fact a slave labor force.
Time to remove the force and replace it with Righteousness.
(By the way I didn’t even get into the notion that the “Police Force” encouraged our sad state to remove the ability of it’s citizenry to arm itself. Trust them they know what is better….It’s like the plantation owner telling the slaves not to worry about where they will live, the Police will provide the housing.)
What are you up to now 200k? That could buy a lot of blow.
The line has been drawn in the sand: Us versus them.
The public will speak with their votes during the next election. For all the special interests (developers, etc.) and cop loving political action committees, better find the finest orthodontists in the county. You are going to get your teeth kicked in.
There will soon be a new sheriff in town (City Council) and guess what? He is not going to your best buddy.
That’s for sure their your politicians Tony you bought them fair and square.
Pete: It’s “they’re” not their. Retard.
They love to catch all the typos. They have nothing better to do. But when they make them they hurry up and correct it. Like anyone gave a shit.
john doe, what a fucking hypocrite. Smelly ass pig!!!
When you make a mistake once or twice, or hit the wrong keys because you’re typing too fast, it’s a “typo.” If you constantly make the same errors over and over again, it means you slept through all your English classes.
Pete- tony bought whom? Like Bankhead bought the water dept and everybody in it? LIke Mc kinley bought out by the police unions…O that is rich…you dont like it when we play by your tactics…….boo hoo where are the supporters, of the three? Aside from the lady in the buick that had the moxy to tell me to FUCK off, and flip me off..then careen around the corner scratching her curb finders….really where are thier supporters aside from you who is apparently under 80- and can use a computer..its amazing they can steal for years but cant master the computer..I digress….where are they? ( is it only you two?).are you talking about the man that stands up in city council and begs for pat to suck him off right in front of everyone…so tony bought who again?so people they have exactly 3 supporters……how sad, doesnt that say something/ like I dont know..your wrong.
“Mythical Downtown Developer.” That’s rich. If you can’t see that this is nothing more than a settling of scores, you are dumber than I thought. The whole recall is based on the old adage of never letting a good tragedy go to waste. Tony wants to be a kingmaker; Fullerton’s woes are just window dressing to generate hits on this website.
Yeah, don’t forget 15 years of an illegal tax – a $27,000,000 rip off. I know you can’t count that high but just imagine a huge pile of money.
You are soooo right, Same old tune. Couldn’t have said it better. Bingo!!!
BeReal, obviously you can not think for yourself. Hurry, the band wagon is taking off.
Oh yeah, Erin, and your thoughts are so deep….NOT! I’m leaving now and taking my wagon with me. No loss to this blog since I don’t entertain the sad saps and ridiculous babble that spews out. You can really tell who doesn’t have a life these days with as much time as they spend on this BS. OMG, guess I better get a life, too! See ya!
O be real…get ready to write a check..see ya at the ATM…for all your buddies crime Inc, is about to be shut down..
“never let a good tragedy go to waste” Fullerton’s municipal government and police force has been corrupted for decades by the evil three, jones, Bankhead and McKinley. and it is this fact that is the tragedy. a once good town has been ruined by the greed and vanity of its civic leaders who only have led themselves and their hanger-ons to the public trough paid for by the good people of Fullerton. Jones,Bankhead and McKinley did not let the fall of a good town into deceit, brutality ,greed occur without them monetarily benefitting from it.
The murder of Kelly Thomas by Fullerton police officers was the inevitable result of our town’ tragedy
How is it going for the current king makers so far?
Here’s the prez of PORAC all you coplickers-stand at attention and do your goosestep like good nazi’s and skinheads
What an angry, hateful person you are. Everything about you is ugly. May God have mercy on your rotten soul, you vile slob.
Right back at ya, nazi
merijoe-angry? hateful?ugly?rotten soul…..sir if you are commenting about this lady, you couldnt be any further from reality,and Im worried for you.
Its all about Tony. Geeze who is this Tony guy and why is he so special? Why are you all so jealous of him?.
Must be the inter-demensional wormhole he keeps in the basement or the solid gold toilet
Don’t forget the Harem of women! (Ok, I’m gonna search the archives for that video now, it makes me laugh every time.)
Truthseeker- here it is….
Tony and the blithering rich boobs( they stole this money this isnt honest money) have one thing in common, MONEY and lots of it, Tony refuses to play rotary, or back deal games, and he pretty much does what he wants with his money- but he chooses to give it away and uses it on politics..so big deal…well the other side with the money- dont get it…they figure tony should be just like them, he is not and that smacks them in the face..O yeah the bankhead make donations, like 150 bux to their buddy, while making 80 thou from a pension…he is giver right? So Tony has the money they invited him in, and he said..you guys suck, and he has been critized, lied about the list is endless, the probelm is they dont get him, YOu know at coffee clutches, they say…he is rich why doesnt he just shut up and live like we do stealing and making more money that I can spend in a lifetime..Tony aint that animal and it drives them insane,,,I say 3 fold- so go big tony and thank youfor sponsoring me 19,001 dollars, we have to do a video of you ripping up the iou’s from us…it will make them crazy…Truthseeker- they hate him because he will never be one of them.and he gives us litle people the use of his monies for that purpose,something that has NEVER ever occured to them…to help out your neighbor…o but they say it in church….when convienent…JUst my 2 cents!
Those 2 cents are solid gold.Thank you.
Pleas see recent re-post. And enjoy.
PORAC writes laws that keep cops like Rincon, Ramos and Cicinelli on the streets preying on victims who can’t afford million dollar lawyers.
Pure, unadulterated evil.
No PORAC proects police officers from MOBS like you.
Ooh, the more the hate and various names increase must surely be signs that the desperation and fears are mounting. Too funny… Get yer ya-ya’s out now, it’s ok. In a few months, the free passes in this city will expire and that will be that.
You’re about 3,000 miles off and 30 years behind the time.
Tony your days of using the Thomas case is coming to an end – don’t know why that band of tweekers called the Kelly Army has not seen right though you yet I’ll never understand
So, the 3 blind mice are resigning and the two murderers are pleading guilty?
What’s coming to an end is the misrule of the decrepit cretins Blankwad, HeeHaw, and Chief McDisaster.
All the cops’ paychecks and all the cops’ men, couldn’t put the three cracked eggs together again.
Just realized I forgot to re-enter my info here after clearing out my cache … that was my anonymous post about the desperation increasing with the anti-recall supporters here.
Stephen A. Diamond, Ph. D.
Hostility, hatred, and violence are the greatest evils we have to contend with today. Evil is now–ever has been, and ever will be–an existential reality, an inescapable fact with which we mortals must reckon. In virtually every culture there has existed some word for evil, a universal, linguistic acknowledgment of the archetypal presence of “something that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity…; the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrongdoing.”[1] Yet another of Webster’s traditional definitions links the English word evil with all that is “angry… wrathful,… [and] malignant.”[2] The term evil has always been closely associated with anger, rage, and, of course, violence. But today we seem uncomfortable with this antiquated concept. Our discomfort resides largely in the religious and theological implications of evil, based on values, ethics,…
…But, if finally we accept the necessity of discerning between evil and good, who then shall be the crowning connoisseur of good and evil? The individual? The community? The court? The State? The priest, rabbi, or psychotherapist? How can we make constructive, humane use of such categories? To whom shall they apply? And for what purpose?…
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.
The CIA goes in.
They place animal informants throughout the forest.
They question all plant and mineral witnesses.
After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist.
The FBI goes in.
After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies.
The rabbit had it coming.
The LAPD goes in.
They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear.
The bear is yelling: “Okay! Okay! I’m a rabbit! I’m a rabbit!”
Tony, what are you and Travis and Chris afraid of? We should be able to say anything we want on this blog without your censorship and removal of what you don’t like to read. If you are a good candidate for city council then go for it. If not you can also be removed next time around. That’s the way it works, right?
Marijoe, just keep on with your vile filth. It shows your true personna. No, really, go ahead, nobody cares.
PORAC keep up the good work.
Censorship? You are imaging that nobody deletes posts here, even your half-witted GED rants.
PORAC and good work? Good for union thugs and killers. Bad for everybody else. Good to see who’s supporting the Three Dumbos.
FPD goes in next and beats a bear into a pulp so you cannot distinguish it from a rabbit then complains that Fullerton people do not support the FPD. Fullerton people do not understand the FPD. Then FPD goes to the forest council and begs them to withhold all information until their broken bones are healed. The council has three octogenarian bears who sniff their snooty noses at the critters in the forest and go along with the FPD because they received nice political contributions.
“If you can’t eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women, and then vote against them, you have no business being up here!” Former Speaker Jesse Unrah, California State Assembly!
our tax dollars working hard for us, against our best interests and the best interests for the community of Fullerton.
what truly offends Jones, Bankhead and bedroom city commando, retired Fullerton police chief Pat McKinley is these three may no longer steal our money, molest and beat on us, sometimes until we die from these beatings and expect voter apathy to continue allowing the wizened media, Fullerton Observer to applaud and laud their efforts to the few persons who are persuaded by this fish wrap to elect and re-elect these three evil men.
The real threat to the political existence of Jones, Bankhead and McKinley is not the loss of monetary contributions from PORAC and other like sources that always have politcal strings attached to their contributions , but voter apathy shaken off by their moral outrage at the sight of Kelly Thomas’ broken face and body and his murderers patrolling our streets the next day again in Fullerton police officer uniforms in our downtown turned into drunk/vomit corners by our money stolen from us and laundered as redevelopment money, by Mckinely’s blithe comment that good women attend mcKinley’s seminars and buy his book and then there are bad women who deserve to be molested in the back of squad car by Fullerton police officers, by the evil three’s outsourcing their morals and ethics to task forces to cover-up the murder of a disabled man by their city’s police force, by using our tax dollars to buy lies from lawyer Gennaco and stamp it with our town’s official seal of approval.
what really frightens and angers the evil three, Jones, Bankhead and McKinley is morality, ethics, human decency stirring the good people of fullerton into a collective voice that shouts to the evil three get out of our town and take your filthy cronies and hanger-ons with you.
thanks to Travis Kiger, Tony Bushala and Chris Thompson for giving the good people of fullerton that collective voice known as Friends for Fullerton Future . The three good men, Kiger, Bushala and Thompson, will make Fullerton’s future a better place to live ,work and play
“The real threat to the political existence of Jones, Bankhead and McKinley is not the loss of monetary contributions from PORAC and other like sources that always have politcal strings attached to their contributions , but voter apathy shaken off by their moral outrage at the sight of Kelly Thomas’ broken face and body and his murderers patrolling our streets the next day again in Fullerton police officer uniforms in our downtown turned into drunk/vomit corners by our money stolen from us and laundered as redevelopment money, by Mckinely’s blithe comment that good women attend mcKinley’s seminars and buy his book and then there are bad women who deserve to be molested in the back of squad car by Fullerton police officers, by the evil three’s outsourcing their morals and ethics to task forces to cover-up the murder of a disabled man by their city’s police force, by using our tax dollars to buy lies from lawyer Gennaco and stamp it with our town’s official seal of approval.”
I had to take a breath during that sentence, but it says a lot, especially, “voter apathy shaken off by their moral outrage at the sight of Kelly Thomas’ broken face and body and his murderers patrolling our streets the next day again in Fullerton.
Because that’s what it is: voter apathy and moral outrage!
Thanks, Jane
Good to see who supports The Three Burned Out Bulbs. The same collection of creeps defending Ramos and Cicinelli.
I find it fascinating that PORAC sees the symbolism of supporting the sclerotic regime. After all for them this is not just about the murder of Kelly Thomas.
Unlike Lou Fonsi, PORAC can sniff out a Culture of Corruption, and must adore the way Fullerton’s has, and continues to fly under the radar. The defenders must be protected – at all cost. This is big for them. Really big.
And it has NOTHING to do with law and order or that hollow oath they all swore.
Let’s not forget about Wolfe who swung first blow of his baton on Kelly.
Wow, this post really struck a nerve with the cops.
I wonder why. They can’t call it a lie because it’s perfectly true!
Why stop with the defense of killer cops and the three dead batteries? Maybe PORAC can get John Barnett hired as our permanent city attorney, and then the cops can kill whomever the want!
This is a very interesting thread of responses. I enjoyed the article very much. The responses are hilarious. I find the PR line” Fullerton is not for sale” or the city council is not for sale, to be your run of the mill, garden variety political hack line designed to instill fear in the conservative voters in Fullerton that their safe little ” Pleasantville” is somehow in danger of disappearing if the recall goes forward. When the opposite is true. If we can get a breath of fresh air in to the City Council, new views, new leadership, then we an be certain that something different may be achieved. Not the same old story as has been the case for decades. When did city council become a lifelong pursuit? Are we SO in need of geriatric leadership? How about young blood in there for a change? Something representative of the actual Fullerton that exists today. I for one appreciate the energy Tony Bushala has expended on behalf of the rest of us. His wit is acidic, but his target is true and he speaks from the heart. I have met him once, and enjoyed talking with him very much. I have also met the city council members who tony refers to as the dead batteries. A more insincere bunch I have not before met. These guys are like talking to a robot.fake fake fake. So, take these attacks on the chin Tony, and keep on coming. you got ‘me scared and on the ropes, and I support you. We need to get out the vote and recall these three. Best, Concerned
Sorry for my corrected typos..
I just stepped in troll shi* when I entered into this blog just now!
This post certainly does mean a great deal and speaks for itself.
You can easily tell how meaningful it is by reading ALL the little troll cracks.
This obvious truth really makes them angry which is evident in the amount of troll comments from Pete, Political Theater, John Doe, etc complete with their 2-digit IQ falsehoods, misspells and support for PORAC (Police Officers Rally Against Citizens).
Thank you very much.
Man your not kidding on the trolls. Twice now a specific topic, and cops go wild on comments.
Just shows they never thought anything they did would be challenged in the manner it has been.
Yes PORAC will take extreme measures as far as throwing money towards politicians who will bow to their wishes in future contract deals.
They will go after those who don’t.
I read some of Genacco’s findings. The one where he states FPD did not intend to mislead the public on Kelly was funny as hell.
He must have asked Sergeant G that all important question, then used his answer to put in his report. Tuff questions for tuff times RIGHT Mr.Gennaco?
I did not see where Gennaco explained any of the serious time lapses in reporting. DID I miss something? I apologize if I did.
No attempt to mislead, no attempt to correct either. When I read that I knew where the report was headed.
If a correction to the first press release on Kelly had followed shortly after, then I would agree with Gennaco, that didn’t happen, so where Gennaco got his evidence of NO INTENT to mislead is, I can only imagine.
Must be the because I “said so”. YEA that carry’s a lot of weight.
The first phase of this report is clearly a waste of tax dollars, simple stuff that FPD brass could have figured out on their own.
Maybe Mr.Gennaco will explain away the OBVIOUS retaliatory animus displayed by FPD towards, Bushala, Chris, and the motorists in the first stages of this scandal and recall effort.
Retaliatory actions and corruption go hand in hand.
What is more laughable is the trolls come out of the woodwork thinking the first phase of the Gennaco report vindicates them. OKAY!!!
A private lawyer’s report means nothing to the judicial system. But if FPD members think it does, I suggest they all carry of complete copy of the report around with them and waive it whenever they think it will help set aside some of the more obvious issues.
Maybe the next time a certain cop gets on the witness stand, and his/her integrity is challenged, they can waive the Genneco report around, and their problems will simply go away.
It’s obvious some of the cop trolls experience in dealing with scandals is very limited.
Now if their two pals are found not guilty, the FBI says FPD is the real deal, then they can celebrate when they have overcome ALL the hurdles before them.
Some of the comments about liable,defamation, law suits to be filed are funny also.
I suggest those who believe that, go look up what an ANTI-SLAPP motion is all about.
ACU..I cant believe you are on the side of the mob. You must be a very disgruntle ex-cop (that’s what you claim). who probably never got promoted, made fun out, hated and all the stuff that goes with a cop with a chip on his shoulder.
Things didnt go their way with Gennaco, so you bad mouth him and dont believe him. He doesnt give a rats ass if he makes you look bad or honest. You are a sour puss who has no life but continue to bad mouth organizaitons that put food on your table.
john doe-STFU!
I wish. I hate it when trolls attack. Is it really just one or two people? It “feels” like that might be the case. I just feels so annoyed at having to read the same ( and I mean SAME) posts over and over again since FFFF started blogging on the Kelly Thomas murder. The SAME posts for 8 months. Sigh.
The power of two people thats pretty good. I just like to see you guys scramble around for more lies that dont make sense.
Seriously, you have no power, just really stupid repetitive comments and delusions of grandeur. Please feel free to get over yourself.
Ok clone freak!!
That was for Erin.
Again john doe-STFU!
What are you talking about? Gennaco’s report confirmed exactly what I had read on this blog: Goodrich F’d up the broken bones report and then failed to distribute a correction in a timely manner, which Gennaco even said was self-serving. The only difference was that Gennaco claimed that Goodrich didn’t deceive the public “on purpose,” which is a statement that Gennaco couldn’t possibly prove anyway.
Ok with the broken bones. You guys hold on to that one cause their is nothing else to hold on to. Why dont you guys talk about facts instead of made up stuff. Maybe cause you dont have the facts. Why dont you ask Ron Thomas he saw the video. Maybe you can buy him a box of kleenex to wipe those tears that are not there. He didnt even recognize his own son in his booking picture of 3 years ago. Pretty sad and pathetic.
Once again lamebrain, you made another contraDICKtory statement.
If tears aren’t there, why the need for a box of Kleenex?
Grow up Son…
What is your point JD? Because you never seem to have one. I guess you just feel threatened.
john doe, you call ACU a “sour puss,” and I call ACU ETHICAL. I believe that YOU are the one who has a mouth full of sour grapes!! You just can’t stand it when someone tells the TRUTH!!
john doe, it’s ALL about the money for YOU, isn’t it? And, of course, YOU will always just go along to get along, so that you don’t get made fun of, so that you will get promoted and so that you will be loved. Isn’t that just soooo sweet??? What a namby pamby, little FOLLOWER you are!!! You’d probably help kill the Jews all over again, if you were given the chance. Fortunately, NOT everyone is as chicken shit as YOU are. SOME people, like ACU, will actually stand up for the truth.
UNASHAMEDLY ETHICAL people, such as ACU, (unlike YOUR miserable, self excusing, arrogant, pathetic, unethical self), WILL NOT be bought off with money or “food on the table.” ACU calls it like he sees it.
Wise up, john doe. Your type is DANGEROUS, because you have NO MORALS. It seems that john doe will defend organizations who put “food on his table.” ETHICAL people would rather STARVE than work for a corrupt organization of known abusers and murderers.
Verily Verily
Wow did I strike a truth nerve..Keep it coming. Dont forget to take your high blood pressure medicine.
RI, if you’d stop eating so many donuts and exercise a little bit, you wouldn’t need so much blood pressure medication. And, if you had one ethical bone in your body you’d stop telling so many LIES. But, we all know that none of those things will ever happen.
Now I don’t believe this idiot is RI…
RI at least left some real (don’t get excited yet) theories or for us to chew on quite often, as does AnitCorruptionUnit concerning police policies and various law enforcement procedures, which I have apprciated. He would also throw in smirkey one-liners with the smiley face which can be somewhat disturbing.
This John Doe, however comes across like a ‘snot-nosed’ kid that’s tired of all of us talking shit about his daddy.
I think RI is teaching a class now called “Blogging on the Taxpayer’s Dime.” RI and his stooges all sound, and smell, the same.
political theatre is not stupid, he or she is well-educated shown by his or her statements supported with proof. the major flaw in political theatre’s persuasive blog is his or her proof is false. As the recall goes forward and other good persons like Kiger run for election to our town’s city council, others like political theatre will wrap up their persuasive anti-recall in lies
My thoughts precisely.
Especially “No attempt to mislead, no attempt to correct either.”
When I spoke at the council meeting last week I alluded to this point.
Bruce was nodding his head when I mentioned how ‘limited’ the review was and the fact that all these so-called miscommunications were made was enough evidence to show deliberate cover up due to FPD’s guilt, knowing what really happened and falsifying true facts.
I am hoping Gennaco in his infinate wisdom will also explain the many months of teeth pulling one needed to do to get FPD to show just a TOUCH of transperancy.
I hope Gennaco will explain the other issues involving FPD’s obvious mistakes and cover up or the appearance of cover ups, BEFORE Kelly’s murder.
This comment from some of those in power who say those cops were fired seems to be the problem also.
WHEN were they fired, immediately upon completion of the internal investigation, or when the public got wind and started yelling foul?
There is a differance.
If Gennaco continues to simply say, “I find no intent”, or there was no cover up and says nothing else, YOU can surely call BS.
Did Gennaco mention or say anything about the cops sitting around and watching the video before they prepared their reports?
His compelling commentary on FPD using old mugshots for a press release was well worth the $150k the city spent.
I am asking some of these questions because my audio feed to the council meeting sucked, big time.
BTW I believe Bruce Whitaker expressed concerns about the grey area of the timeline of events.
It was obvious HE was going to be the only one asking point blank questions. He’s the only one willing to ask “who’s your daddy” to the PD. The others trust the PD and maybe one other is afraid of FPD.
As questionable as Gennaco’s report was, Ron Thomas was more satisfied than not probably because it is at least a start to clear Kelly’s negative press given by FPD’s spokescrack.
No its because Ron knows that Gennaco has nothing and the DA has nothing.
If Gennaco say there’s no intent, it’s because he’s not truly independent, which I believe is obvious to most people.
That, of course reminds of how LA CO Library system did it’s own internal audit, and found no wrongdoing despite the fact that hundreds of new videos and CDs were missing on a regular basis. To be truly independent means having FRESH, objective eyes, and be paid by an independent entity. We, the watching public, can see that that there were intentional serious omissions in the report.
We will see March 28 what’s what, you ding-a-ling.
Wow this got the union thugs with badges all riled up. They hate it when they get caught. It is ok for the thieves in blue to beat a drum about private citizens who donate to a cause but when a union thug group does it you better not question them. Me thinks they doth protest to much.
Mahatma Gandhi described social movements as a progression of events something like this:
First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win.
Judging from the comments here lately, I think we’re getting to the “fight you” part. Go FFFF!
We’re WINNING! (Charlie Sheen)
Your comments are reaching, without fact or circumstances to support them. Assumptions and conjecture on your part across the board.
“ACU..I cant believe you are on the side of the mob”.
Thank you for proving the Us vs Them mentality is alive and well.
You should try and break down your position a little better than you do.
Even if you want to attack the messenger you have to do better than that.
I don’t think you’d appreciate it if I called you a “suckass” because you may or may not hold rank within your department.
90% of your postings are one lines, simply throwing darts in every direction, hoping something sticks.
If you think your commentary is garning support for LE and will help the 3 Amigos defeat the recall, continue on.
Not knowing how many screen names you have used since you have been here, YOU came out of the woodwork after the Gennaco report was released.
Feel you have enough ammo in your pistol now to fight the good fight, because Mr.Gennaco has said what he has.
I suggest you wait a little longer before you beat your drum and talk some of the smack you have talked.
I’d be surprised to find out that you wear stripes and handle your business this way. Pretty pathetic actually.
But if you got a couple years on and have battled Rambo himself in the big City of Fullerton OKAY!!
I never have thought open battle with the public was a good idea. Especially when I wasn’t holding all the cards.
If you think Gennaco is giving you the “full house” in this game, OKAY!!
Best wishes and good luck!!
I dont have to write three page letters like all of you who have so much built in hate. I just tell it like it is. Writing more doesnt make you look more intelligent, but more desperate.
Like that Apostle Paul guy, huh?
You can’t write 3 pages of anything, you are limited.
@John Doe, I really do believe if 3 council people replace the 3 Amigos, FPD will NOT get many things they believe they are deserving of as a result of what has happened.
FPD will NO LONGER have the majority vote they have held on the council for so many years. YOUR friends will have to do alot of “asskissing” to win the love that you once had.
Continue attacking the public at will, YOU better hope your little castle doesn’t come crumbling down.
YOU might find yourself being disgruntled and looking for another department. Cause your saleries,beenies, pensions will be under serious review.
THINK pal, it’s the sign of the times.
You might just be wearing green and tan, YA never know.
Keep believing that. You dont even live in Fullerton and can not vote. I do live here and have lots of friends here who do vote. So we will see who has more power us or you.
ACU “You might find yourself being disgruntled and looking for another department.”
I went to a birthday party for a retired higher up type attended by many other retired PD members from the Long Beach area. They agreed to one thing, no one will be hired out of Fullerton PD into another department until this is long blown over – several years. So the looking for another department will involve moving 500 + miles away. (hmmm maybe a good idea if you are truly an honest cop!)
#69 by john doe on February 28, 2012
No its because Ron knows that Gennaco has nothing and the DA has nothing.
And that is why Ron Thomas seems somewhat satisfied w/the Gennaco report?
You need to get re-edumacated John Doe. You are a clueless moron who spews non-sense as a comeback to everyone here that calls bullcrap on the bullcrap.
The thought that you may be a police officer is pretty disgusting in of itself…In fact I am now convinced you are the immature child, possibly dingy wife of a police officer because your daddy wouldn’t talk like that.
Wrong Guy, one think that we can be certain of, one or more FPD members spend countless hours on this blog spewing their own propaganda.
A propaganda that is going to bite them in the butt.
This is what happens when kindgoms and castles are built, with walls that they don’t think can be penetrated.
I am here as much as you are. So stop calling the kettle black. Who knows, maybe I am a retired cop, a bored cop patrolling the streets, a dispatcher or maybe even the watch commander. Thats the fun in this blog. We can be anyone.
Whoever you are, you are wasting taxpayer money. That alone makes you a despicable, IMMORAL SLIME, to say the least.
You are a sick puppy.
Yeah, say it your a bored retired cop probably, have been divorced, drink alone,live alone… wear brand new clothes to a city council meeting with a big fat price tag still hanging,were our pistols at citycouncils meetings and rub them like they were your unit, while day dreaming about killing someone-or ,taunt young women with children, because of their poilitcal views,some retired cops go on to write books about womens safety while his private reserve henchmen are molesting them in a back of a squad car….- just remember John – we too can be anyone.( I could be the girl at Taco bell that just pooped in your taco, or your house keepers sister from fullerton that licked all your spoons your ex wives college pal who reconnected on facebook and realize we both hate you) we too watch you hide behind your badged buddies, while they rape pillage and burn, yeah I get it,but why do you think you defend them….the bad ones i mean, how can you defend a bad cop..currently on the force, or retired- how can you expect me as a citizen to ever stand up for any cop if they stand beside ( knowingly) a rapist,theif liar, because he has a badge..I just wondering what type of anyone you are? Isnt your silence consent?
Ya know what john doe, if your “friends in the right places” are telling things, maybe, just maybe, those friends are the voices. Those voices tell you what you want to hear don’t they? Better hit the medicine cabinet for your anti-psychotic meds.
No john dil-doe, you struck out. Thanks for playing, please drive through.
john “dil”-doe————–Bwahawaaahawaaaha
Stick and stones..ha, take two pills today. You really need it.
take two pills today. You really need it.
You must be talking as a third party.
WOW, then go seek employment at the White House and be Obama’s speech writer pal.
With your detailed commentary, he no doubt will win the next election.
I am not desperate for anything. The FBI is not looking at me.
I have a feeling that our john doe is one of the Does 1-10 listed on the criminal and civil complaints…just saying… that’s why he is so concerned about what everyone thinks
The FBI is not looking at me either..
You’re kidding yourself. You’d better start looking over your shoulder.
Why should I be looking over my own shoulder. I might looking over yours…
Have fun! (ignore the obvious at your own peril)
I only come around to play with trolls like yourself, it’s a hobby for me.
The facts about a lot of this may or may not ever be proven to anyone’s satisfaction.
The freakin “perception” alone might cause more grief for FPD than anything else.
If you are a watch commander, or a seasoned cop, I am sure you have heard the term “perception” used by others in various positions within LE.
Like the analogy, “the staff has a perception of your preformance” and it is not a good one.
I’d say your doing an outstanding job of giving a not so good perception of FPD.
“I’d say your doing an outstanding job of giving a not so good perception of FPD.”
You hit the nail exactly on the head. By their comments on this blog, FPD has been shining a VERY bright and illuminating light on their own incompetence, arrogance, un-repentance and unwillingness to change, since Day 1. I am beginning to think that there truly is NO HOPE for the FPD. They are showing each day that they are evil and rotten to the CORE.
For the FPD, this is all about maintaining the status quo. It is definitely NOT about serving and protecting the public. They are NOT concerned about anyone, or anything, except for themselves, their jobs, their benefits, their “rights” and their money. They couldn’t care any less than they already do about you and me, or about the poor unfortunates in this world.
Yes I can tell that by the name John Doe. You are correct I don’t live in Fullerton, but if I didn’t I’d be attending the council meeting every Tuesday like many.
Then you and some of your pals could slap me around for dare questioning the regime.
A least a traffic ticket or two, maybe a bogus arrest?
or they may just start swinging at your face and once their done they’ll say you attacked them with ‘super-human’ strength.
Yeah so you can get in line with the rest of the smelly low lifes. Maybe after spunky or Erin. Two outstanding citizens.
Hey john doe, don’t think for one second that I don’t know who you are. Wait till I walk up to you. You are going to shit your pants! Then we’ll all know who the “smelly low life” is. Just wait..
By reading your comments that you post on this blog, everyone is constantly reminded that the FPD has truly hired the VERY LEAST professional people that it could possibly find. I wonder how much your mother had to pay McKinley to hire you?? .
Jeesus John- is it hard to type from the bottom of that scotch bottle….gimme a break…really gimme a break!
Some people have seen the power of FPD, it doesn’t make much sense either, a point you seem to be clueless about.
You haven’t picked up the sense to de-escalate at this time.
Glad you don’t have a taser in hand, you be running down the battery in no time.
The City and FPD, are a proverbial “Snowball” rolling down the mountain growing and growing into all kinds of “Stupid.”
Absolutely Moronic even!
The fact that these trolls (possibly FPD personnel) comment on here demonstrates the TRUE CREDIBILITY of this blog.
The amusing thing is that they may think their comments could change our minds…Oh, it is to laugh!!! Hahahahahaahahahah (ROF)
The troll traffic jam here today is evidence that they are aware that their days are numbered. They come here and lash out with no factual testimony but rather sling mud at this blog for doing that job while they hope and pray we do not succeed. I love it! 😀
I love the comments from the FPD trolls. Its very easy to see them for what they are. Scared. I would be too, in the same situation. Its not just the Kelly beating and death, its the stealing, lying, cheating, overblown salaries for fibbing, lack of a police chief at a crucial time, sexual perversion in the back seat of a car, death in a cell with the arresting officer smashing his recorder in view of other FPD members, theft, etc.
Good police forces clean out the crap from their ranks as these things happen, not let them fester until the sh** hits the fan! So yes, FPD members, you have excellent cause to be very worried!
Here’s another screensaver for your computer to go with the posters on the wall of your bedroom you trolls-Give a big Sieg Heil to the VP of Porac…
We hope you’d just stop with your rhetoric…seems reality is not in either corner. Go cower in the corner as the citezens of Fullerton take our town back, and hope to God you aren’t a casualty of the fight.
Top Commenter · Liberty, Missouri
“I was a cop, for 6 years. Officer of the year twice. And based what I have read, I have not respect for the F. P.D. or how they have handled the murder. There absolutely is a cover up within the FPD. I would actually say the same thing to you. Try being a cop for a few years and you will see what happens / goes on. I often am curious as to who is worse. Cops or citizens. I think that it goes both ways. You can not always blame the police but you can not always assume that they are right.”
A female police officer sent to jail for ten years for police brutality has spoken out about what she claims is her unjust conviction, and what it means to have missed her son’s childhood.
Former police officer Stephanie Mohr was convicted of deprivation of civil rights in 2001, according to the Daily Mail, after an incident in which she set her police dog on a homeless man in Washington D.C. who was a suspect in a burglary. The end result of that encounter was a torn muscle in the man’s leg.
Good report. That’s way the safest thing to do as a cop is stay in the car and cash your pay checks. Let the community get a taste of anarchy. Its not work the risk. Now watch the crime rate rise.
The greatest threat of anarchy comes from the unaccountable GED jackoffs with badges and guns
In and at Political Service.
P.S. Cop goon: the crime rate in Fullerton has gone up in each of the last five years.
Now eat your donut and take your nap.
“The breed has a distinct personality marked by direct and fearless, but not hostile, expression, self-confidence and a certain aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships. The dog must be approachable, quietly standing its ground and showing confidence and willingness to meet overtures without itself making them. It is poised, but when the occasion demands, eager and alert; both fit and willing to serve in its capacity as companion, watchdog, blind leader, herding dog, or guardian, whichever the circumstances may demand. The dog must not be timid, shrinking behind its master or handler; it should not be nervous, looking about or upward with anxious expression or showing nervous reactions, such as tucking of tail, to strange sounds or sights. Lack of confidence under any surroundings is not typical of good character”
The safest thing for a cop to do is stay in a car and cash a check…….are you for real? Get a taste of anarchy..have you not been downtown thursday throu Sunday? Crime rate rise.?..its the highest its been since the 70 ..and if you include what the fat head int he city are doing, we have 1000% increase of crime, by the way if the PD would control themselves, those sob’s would bring the crime rate down 15%..with just that alone, so Bill please go , while the getting good…and tell Carol Bankhead , I said hello& I want my money back.
She let that Dog loose a bunch of times.
I think I see the gist of your problem John Doe. None of these “organizations” ever put food on your table.
What you and other police officers seem to forget is that we the taxpayers are the ones who put food in all of your families mouthes.