When The Goin’ Gets Tough, The Tough Go A Croos’n
Poor Doc HeeHaw. There’s been so much riled-up lynch-type mob fussin’ a goin’ on that there jes’ ain’t enough grits and Jack Daniels to wash down the bitter bile thass stuck in the ol’ man’s gizzard. This mornin’ we had us some infermation that Fullerton’s Southern fried Mayor was a steppin’ down. Land O’ Goshen!
From KFI’s Steve Gregory, from Ron Thomas who jes’ had a meetin’ with the mayor.
Later on the City’s spokesgal sed it jes t’weren’t so. Should’a figgered that out r’seffs. Heehaw ain’t never done nuthin’ graceful-like.
So is he a comin’ or a goin’?
Our sources tell us that Dr. Jones is soon a headin’ outta town – to San Fransisko so’s he kin git ona croos ship that’ll haul his carcass away from all the feudin’ n’ a fightin’ so’s he kin take a gander at them glassiers and eskimoskeeters.
He can take a long dip in the cement pond and not worry anymore about city business
haha 92835 -I guess ellie mae was threatening death to grannie everytime she said that too haha
the ceeee-ment pond
92835, if you didn’t realize… cement pond = swimming pool
Beverly Hillbillies there 928stupidO…. You must be Ellie May and Jethros luv child…. My dead ancestors would have put you in a set of concrete shoes and dropped you in the great lakes to sleep with the fishes….
I smell a nother “medical” leave comin on.
@LIF– There ain’t no “medical leave” for council members.
LOL what a doubebag!
I think Ron said this to Steve in confidence and he just ran with it.
Mayor HeeHaw only has a year left on his term anyway.
If he’s waiting for a graceful exit, then I guess he isn’t leaving.
he doesnt want “the Kelly Thomas issue” as his legacy- too late, it will be
There is no reason for him to resign if he only has a year on his term plus hes old (there is no future ventures waiting in the wings) and considering his previous statements I seriously doubt hes going to “do the right thing” and resign.
I’d say the Kelly Thomas venture is a big thing that needs to be dealt with by someone competent, and as far as future ventures-well, no one knows what is behind the horizon, things can happen in an instant and there should be someone who’s doesnt have “one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel”, who is ready if that should happen-yes?
A lot can happen in the next 16 months. Jones needs to go; and he should take the other two with him.
The mayor and most of the council has lost the public trust.
What could be more graceful than to ra-sign ASAP Doctah?
Does this mean cranky , sleepy, old Bankhead will be running the meetings??? God help us!!
Well, if you think Tony Bushala, i.e. slum lord, etc is taking any type of office in his lifetime, youre all crazy
I’ll take anyone over the Three Blind Mice.
This is America… if you live in a slum…. move. Well it is sorta America, homeless mentally handicapped guys getting beaten to death was probably not what the founding fathers wanted the guvment to do.
@This is America… if you live in a slum…. move.
No everyone can afford to pay for moving expenses and down payment/security. On top of that most places require you make twice of whatever is being charged for rent. (ie If rent is $1000 you have to make $2000).
god forbid you can’t afford a place to live, living out on the street where cops beat you death is no fun.
Note to idiot Anon…. if you go looking for a place to live and it is a slum… do not incure expenses moving there. If you have to live in a slum, educate yourself with the tax dollars I pay and get a better job or just a job. You must be one of the 45% who drop out of our FREE education system in this state.
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting.
There was a time, when Tony Serra, along with a couple of his Hastings buddies (including s certain bird, known for for thier math skills!) would roll on this cruise, known as a redirection because it was THE CHEAPEST vacation possible.
Ol Doc Hee Haw, never tight with our money seems like a tightwad with his own!
Can someone please ask Tom Daly to please stop harassing Ana Hutchison and the young hispanic girls. He should quit too!
That boy’s head is so tiny compared to his body?
great job guys!
We can’t say nothin’! Doncha know that? Unless it’s a area a’ expertise, then ya’ kin say watcha want ta’ the reporters. I wanna quit anyway, but not if ya’all want me ta’. Now where’s mah seersucker jacket, Ah got me some shrimp ta’ eat.
Hey all, I wrote something about last night’s meeting. Take a look and give comments if you want. http://www.examiner.com/community-in-los-angeles/a-first-hand-view-of-chaos-fullerton
Not bad. But you’re missing one part. Fullerton’s citizens believe that their Police Department has been acting similarly to an organized crime family. We’re not sure that “reforms” are going to be good enough at this point. Even “clean house” assumes that it is just a few bad apples. What if its not just a few bad apples? What if it comes from the top? What if Fullerton’s Police Force has been coached and trained to use excessive force at will, and then to lie about it? What if nobody is coming forward to break the code of silence? What if the investigations are actually just going to reinforced the coverup?
That is the subtext I think you need to include when you talk about what is happening right now.
The lightbulb’s churning, Jiminy. Thanks.
This was a really good post, Kim. There were a couple of salient points that were missing (or that I didn’t catch): the city agreeing to hire an outside firm to investigate the police department’s policies and procedures, and the traction this story has received from KFI’s John and Ken Show. (There are also more than four colleges in Fullerton: There’s Hope University and Western State University of Law, and maybe a couple more religious schools).
As far as some enormous cover-up from the top down as the previous poster said, I don’t know how many of Fullerton’s residents really believe that. There have been egregious misuses of power and terrible conduct that have surfaced in the past few months, and there will always be people who believe the thin blue line to be a huge blue monster, but police brutality and misuse of authority is something not endemic to Fullerton. That doesn’t make it right, but to use this horrible string of events to make it seem that Fullerton’s police force is some kind of Nazi SS seems like paranoid thinking.
Two other things seem to be at work in this story. The first is that the paradigm is shifting for the powers that be. With the ubiquitousness of cell phones with their video capabilities, along with the blogosphere, the powers that be can no longer act so easily with unrestrained arrogance. Backroom deals might still occur all the time, but those two technological tools are going to make it more difficult to cover up misdeeds.
Secondly, the furor over this and the condemnation of the police department, city council, city manager et al, while absolutely deserved, seems to me to also be a reflection of one worrisome aspect of America’s body politic: we are all angry. Republicans are angry at Democrats, Democrats are angry at Repubicans, conversatives vs. liberals, liberals vs. conservatives, the tea partiers versus everyone. The list goes on and on. And just read some of the acid-tipped comments from some of the most vocal–if disturbed–ranters on this page, who are using this blog as a forum to spread their own hateful, disgustingly idiotic poison.
The same is happening with the kelly thomas protests. Several organizations, and people with their own agendas, are using it: the Oathkeepers have basically ran the last two protests–informally, but they show up with bullhorns and are a small, but organized element. Others are using it to push their anti-union agendas. Answer LA, a far-left organization, is holding a rally and march this Saturday. They all have a right to protest, obviously, and the most important thing here is to get justice for Kelly Thomas and hold the police department under a critically unyielding lens in hopes of real reform happening, but I think it’s clear that some forces see this as an opportunity to get their messages out as well, and we all need to be aware of that. In other words: SIGN NOTHING AT THESE PROTESTS unless you’re absolutely, 100 percent certain that you understand what you’re signing, and who’s behind it.
#Mr. Boo wrote: “…the most important thing here is to get justice for Kelly Thomas and hold the police department under a critically unyielding lens in hopes of real reform happening, but I think it’s clear that some forces see this as an opportunity to get their messages out as well…”
You mean like the partisan bloggers right here on FFF who consistently engage in name calling directed at all of us of the republican persuasion?
Justice for Kelly Thomas and police reform are serious issues that should unite us all, they are why I’m here, and yet I find myself consistently disappointed by the constant references here to “repuglicans.” It’s so lame because then I find myself looking for similar, balancing references to “demorats” or some other such nonsense and I can’t help but think, “whata buncha bullshit,” this, of all things, should transcend partisan politics. The fact that even FFF can’t seem to bring itself to do that is very discouraging. Maybe we really are doomed.
I hope you’re right Boo. I hope I’m just paranoid, and the coverups of the Thomas case, the Mam case, the stories the speakers told Tues
about being beaten by FPD, etc are just unconnected events and there is no culture of collusion and cover-up for brutality which defines our police force. But given Hamilton and Goodrich’s statements about the Mam case yesterday, I don’t see many facts to support the “few bad apples” view.
Im an independent but I think its really disgusting when Tony Bushala and his buddies try to turn this into a left vs. right issue. First of all republican and democratic “leaders” have not spoken in support or against what has happened in fullerton, which is a good thing.
Police brutality can affect all of us regardless of party affiliation.
I can’t believe that I forgot Hope International! Not like it isn’t across the street from CSUF! I’ll fix that now. And thanks for your feedback. Seriously. I’m keeping this all in mind for future posts.
repuglicans = demoRats.
Its time for a video cut of the mayor saying the city is safe and we don’t need to care about this followed by I’m a caring man and we need to find oh what happened. Followed by lynching type of mob. Its too much comedy all in one spot.
Was anybody watching the City Council last night?
At about 10:30 at night the 3 stooges voted to built a low income housing development in the SoCo entertainment area… This is a very bad idea because you shouldn’t force people to live in the epicenter of bars and nightlife…There where far better proposals for other projects last night in more quiet locations, but they went against Fullerton City Staff’s recommendation and voted it in anyway…
The REASON is because their buddy DICK ACKERMAN had been retained as lobbyist for the developer that is making a lot of money to build it…
It was a political gift from one DICK to another DICK…Fullerton is such a one horse rotary club town…The three stooges must go!
I saw that too. Mind-blowing also that they tried to just approve a huge project without even getting any public comments until Silva said “uh, don’t we need to get public comments before we vote?” AFTER they had voted.
Fullerton – Its like a delicious cocktail of blundering incompetence and venal corruption.
Go to You Tube. These people sound like Tony and his followers LOL. No reason, only bus fare, 5 times, police abuse, blah blah. Just like Fullerton and Kelly. Imagine if the idiots didn’t get the gun on video? It would be no gun, unarmed innocent man like Kelly! LOL
Search this: San Francisco Police Shoot Black Male 5 Times After Chasing Him Down For Not Paying Bus Fare
You sound kinda illiterate LOL. After typing so many juvenile rejoinders I guess you kind of lose track of what you’re saying and start going off on unintelligable tangents of text slang LOL.
And thanks for sharing your favorite snuff film with us 🙂
Go to You Tube.
Search this: education
Dont forget to mention this individual was wanted in questioning for a multiple homicide and has already been convicted of sexual assault of a minor.
This old fart knocker is gonna have a stroke.
To all those not born in california, would you please go home and keep your own side of the world clean instead of coming here and sucking off of the californians, including everyone from the south , north east, midwest, etc’. You couldn’t make it where you came from so go back and fix that. We know your running from something, so don’t come to us. Wipe your own a@@.
trashy blog
go to fullerton stories or the register
HAHAHAHAHA! The Register?!?!? That’s hilarious. This could only have come from one of the hacks that writes for that fish wrap. Anonymous, of course. Is this David Whiting? C’mon, pal. Own it.
Tom Daly for Mayor
errrr…..it is what it is people. its all in the tapes and the coverups………along with everyone who was involved keeping mouths shut. yes,we need to remain dilugent and involved in this coverup
regime change . ; /
To the original poster (Jan Flory’s dog, i think): are you the person who posts on here regularly in Mayor Hee-Haw’s voice? If so, you ought to self-publish a book in which you recount our dear mayor’s inner thoughts. I would buy it in a heartbeat.
I was so excited yesterday when I heard the news that Doc Hee Haw was steppin’ out. Then, before i finished cheering I hear he’s not resigning because there’s still alot of work to be done. I agree. There is alot of work to be done, and his leaving office would be the perfect way to start.
You seem intent on deliberately mischaracterizing us. We attack “repuglicans” – hypocritical Republicans who are just involved in government to pull and persuade its string to their own benefit and that of their friends and cronies.
Please make an effort to undestand the distinction.
Initially I thought this blog had a right-wing bias. After reading through it carefully I changed my mind. This blog has a pro-citizen bias. Ending corruption and police brutality and intimidation by LE are goals which transcend ideological division. Anybody who doesn’t support those goals is corrupt themselves, or in favor of totalitarian government.
this has never been about activism or right wingedness on my part-this crosses partylines – its about whats right and whats wrong nothing else.
You go, girl.
Right wingedness. May I borrow that? Bravo, you.
of course SD, go ahead – “stop resisting, stop resisting” (my line dejour)
Sorry, I’m not mischaracterizing anybody, and that’s just a really weak rationalization. If you think republicans have a monopoly on being involved in government simply to “pull and persuade its string to their own benefit and that of their friends and cronies,” then you are truly a head in the sand partisan fool.
Try googling “american dream commitment fannie mae” and “Franklin Raines bonus” for example.
With a little research you’ll find out how in 2000 Clinton and his cronies used Fannie Mae to enrich themselves, committing $2 trillion to expand lending and homeownership among those who could not otherwise afford to buy a house or condo. This was on top of the $1 trillion they had already committed to such loans in the late 90s. For perspective, it should be noted that in 2000 the entire US home mortgage “book”… all US home mortgages combined… was estimated to total $5.5 trillion.
They pumped $3 trillion into a $5.5 trillion market, with the goal of making loans to people who didn’t have down payments, sufficient income, etc. As my loan broker recently noted to me, “Fannie didn’t just alter the market, those trillions pumped into bad paper BECAME the market.” Now you know the real reason why the real esate market, and our economy, collapsed in 2007.
Further, Clinton crony Raines (Bill’s former Director of the OMB) pocketed $115 million in bonuses for supposedly reaching the American Dream Committment lending goals, but was later made to return some $25 million when it was found he’d cooked Fannie Mae’s books to get his money. Several other Clinton cronies working for Fannie Mae, such as Jaime Gorlick, also had to return millions of dollars in bonuses as well.
So tell me now, is this really what you want Kelly Thomas’ legacy to become, just another excuse for more ‘us versus them’ partisan bickering and blame gaming? Or do you want his murder to shine a much needed light on police brutality and the need for reform? If it’s the latte,r FFF should separate its politics from its reporting and advocacy, and welcome everyone to the table. Even those with whom you disagree politically. Again, the name calling is juvenile and does nothing to advance the cause of justice for Kelly.
Oh Admin, here, I’ll make it easy for you, in the hope that you might take a minute to educate yourself…
This is a document, long scrubbed from the Fannie Mae website but still available in the Internet Archive. It is a press release from Fannie Mae touting the $1 trillion “affordable housing goal” already met and the $2 trillion now being committed to make loans with a “a special emphasis on increasing homeownership among minorities, young families, women-headed families, new immigrants, and others whose homeownership rates lag the general population. He said the efforts also will target Americans who have not fully benefited from the economic expansion of the past ten years…”
Sounds like a great business model, doesn’t it? Let’s pump $3 trillion into a $5.5 trillion mortgage market by making loans mostly to people who couldn’t save for a down payment during the good times, or “economic expansion” as they put it, of the late 90s.
Email me for more info if you’re interested, you have my addy.
Look, you’re knocking down a straw man. I vote D more than R but I completely agree with you about D corruption, as do I’m sure all the bloggers on here. Corrupt Democrats are exactly as bad as corrupt Republicans – no argument on that at all.
Let’s keep this non-partisan. This is about the failure of our local police force and government – Rs and Ds both. On that we all agree, right?
Personally, I’m thrilled to find that there are so many Republicans concerned about police brutality and in favor of widespread reform. That knowledge does more to reconcile me with Republicans than I ever thought imaginable. I hope you can Dems in the same light – some of us just want justice, just like you.
Like you yourself said, let’s keep the focus on Kelly’s murder and what exactly we are going to do about it. Let’s work together and not get sidetracked.
No, it’s not a strawman to observe and comment on the partisan tone and namecalling on FFF pointed at those with whom the bloggers disagree politically. Others before me have objected to the term “repuglican,” it is not an issue I created to swat down, on the contrary, it would appear to be an issue for many that visit this site and don’t self-identify with the prevailing group-think politics. Yes, I agree that it’s wonderful republicans, democrats, libertarians and independents have come together to support FFF’s goals, and yes, that is my point that we should be working together and not get sidetracked. Unfortunately the FFF bloggers don’t seem to share our view, and they continue to try to justify their unwelcoming and divisive namecalling. Personally, I think it cheapens Kelly’s memory and adds the ugly taint of a larger agenda.
LOL, excellent article on Mayor Hee Haw, made me laugh and celebrate. Thanks for that! Keep the heat on their feat!
Fullerton and Orange County have bigger problems than they lead us to believe. There is a fine line between a cop and a criminal. These cops and Sherriffs are ruthless animals who were obviously picked on and abused by other children and now take their anger out on innocent citizens, lying to their teeths, and then coverup for many years. How can they sleep at nights?
Fullerton citizens knew what were going on, hiding behind a comfort doors, and got exactly what they voted for.
@Fullerton citizens knew what were going on
I sure as hell didnt.
Yeah, me neither. Not that I voted for the 3 blind mice, but I had no idea about the clear record of brutality by the FPD. It’s a shame it took a murder and a blog to open my eyes.
nobody knew shit. where do you get everyone knew? right, everyone knew and voted for their asses anyway, hoping they would cover a murder-everyone knew?
you vote these people in hoping they will do their jobs because thats what they claim they’re going to do. hindsight is 20/20 -everyone knows that even Uniball
came accross this article of more prior PD Corruption:
Years ago the Observer printed a series of
articles inspired by Fullerton police officers
who contacted the paper anonymously
in early 2005. They were fed up with
the corrupt actions of a fellow officer and
with what they saw as lax discipline dolled
out to him by department management.
They felt the officer, John Cross (and his
partner Gregg Nowling) were giving the
dept. a bad name and creating a situation
where other bad cops would feel they
could also get away with anything.
The most serious complaint against
Officer Cross involved the beating of a
handcuffed young black man in the elevator
of the police station. Stopped for playing
his car radio too loud, the young man
was arrested after giving a false name to
police. The beating was caught on tape
and witnessed. Cross was demoted, but
not dismissed.
Other complaints over the years included:
an insurance kick-back scheme involving
the Police Association, which cost the
city money (Cross was president at the
time); repeated failure to turn on his DAR
(digital audio recording) device as
required by law. The device records what
happens during an incident with the public.
It prevents corruption, as well as protecting
both officers and the public in
contested cases; failing to follow up on a
case of a potential suicide; and other incidents
of conduct unbecoming an officer.
The final straw came when he failed to
contact dispatch when an intoxicated offduty
sheriff was brandishing a weapon
near a local business. Although no shooting
incident occurred the outcome could
have been very different. Because it was
not reported to dispatch the incident was
never fully investigated, allowing a crime
by law enforcement to go unpunished.
Police Chief Pat McKinley (now
retired) fired Cross in August of 2007.
Cross immediately contested but the arbitrator
held up the termination. His final
appeal was heard in a closed City Council
session and comes before the open session
for a final decision on Aug. 4th.
Aug 4th of 2011?
Video tape the Cops!!!
check this out….
“A police officer who was disciplined for his role in the beating of a Massachusetts man (many broken bones in his face and permanent partial blindness) is looking to bring criminal wiretapping charges against the woman who caught much of the incident on video. The officer received a 45-day suspension for the beating. He does not appear to deny anything that happened in the video, but he apparently thinks it shouldn’t have been filmed.””
Irrelevant to the story but I wanted to post on here somehow… why do I get the feeling like this isn’t far from happening in Fullerton next?
Tony, Thank you for all your hard work. Fullerton will be a better place and there will be justice because of you.
Keep turning the screws on these shameless idiots.
Yes thanks Tony, it will be nice for the press to expose you, Travis, Art, etc…
@EyeNeverSayNo, I completely agree with you. I, too, have been very aware of the obvious partisanship and offensive rhetoric that is found on FFFF. I also agree that it is very divisive and distracting and I appreciate you calling them out on it. Hopefully, FFFF will recognize that the name calling does not help our common causes.
Thanks, but let me be clear, I just think it’s really foolish to alienate a large percentage of those who come here to support justice for Kelly Thomas and to back the calls for police reform throughout OC and beyond. It also gives those so inclined something to hand their hat on in dismissing this site as just a partisan rabble with a lynch mob mentality.
Funny thing is, I’m sure Tony and I both know plenty of developers, democrat and republican, who work both sides of the aisles… probably some of the same folks… and he knows damn well how this works and how politicians from both parties too often get “involved in government simply to pull and persuade its string to their own benefit and that of their friends and cronies.” For him to try to pin this sort of thing on republicans alone is more than a little disingenuous.
a good start to reign in armed, drugged-up, unionized, overtime-abusing, self-satisfied, self-bloated, dirty cop terrorists with “police powers” is to put a camera / audio taping on every single taxpayer-paid so-called police (gov’t) employees. EVERY single one. then let’s see how they behave. police impunity, police contempt against innocent, unarmed defenseless u.s. citizens is COMPLETELY out-of-control. Period. Aug. 18 – 2011 THURS.
The mayor is a red herring and will not go anywhere.
They are video and audiotapped, Dummy.
@outraged, It’s ok, don’t be too hard on fight back, after all, he gets an AAA+++ for getting the description of the FPD officicers so perfectly spot on! Oh, and FYI, your narcissism is showing again. Don’t you have a therapist that you can talk to about that?
Both equal a two party system that fails the tax paying citizen
Agreed. Same shit, different toilet.
Well it looks like Hizzoner the Mayor, the Chief, and the DA are doing some intense butt covering. I live 3000 miles away from Fullerton, in a small town, and a remarkably large amount of people here know of the savage murder of Kelly Thomas, a 135lb man, by a team of 6 rabid, testosterone poisoned, rageaholics. The Mayor does not seem to like people exercising their rights to picket and protest, too bad, go live in Iran if you want to live in a police state, and take the Chief and the DA with you. There were 80 witnesses and the video is on the internet, case closed. If I lived in Fullerton I would organize a long boycott of city businesses until a recall was called on the Mayor and certain members of the city council, and the DA and Chief were fired. Keep covering up people and maybe all of you will be called into court. Lastly, welcome to the 21st century, the internet is really democracy in action making it almost impossible to cover up this disgraceful and horrendous crime. Thank God that We the People of America don’t live in Fullerton, and have the rights not to be oppressed by our public servants, and to voice our opinions. Justice will be done, if not in this life than in the next. God bless the USA.
I support Fulleton Police, The chief, the mayor and the city council, I live in fullerton all of you that don’t including media whore Thomas and Rag head bushla get a life Kelly thomas was not a saint if he was you would have not kicked him out in to the streets asshole.