When Sherri Met Bankhead; Close Encounters of The Jurassic Kind

Say what you like about Don Bankhead, but you have admit the old coot is a treasure trove of Recall campaign material. Here is King Bankhead objecting to having his image and words captured for posterity by Sherri, a Recall campaign stalwart. I guess if I were as dim as the King, I wouldn’t want anybody recording what I said, either.
Two great lines.
First: “I’m a private person when I’m not working or on duty.” On duty?! He still thinks he’s a cop, which explains where his first misplaced loyalties are. Of course his “duty” is to represent all of Fullerton, even the victims of criminal behavior by the police, not just the public safety unions who support his political campaigns.
Then: I still have public…private rights to live by.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? Bankhead’s sudden shyness never stopped this oaf from approving City spy cameras set up to take our pictures without asking our consent. More nonsense from Mr. Scrambled Eggs for Brains.
And finally, why is Bankhead parked in a handicapped spot? We know all about his fake “disability” scam, but really, his sense of entitlement, even fraudulently come by, is remarkable.
Mr. Scrambled Eggs for Brains!
HaHa. Priceless.
Mr. Entitlement: “And you’re supposed to ask me if you can take my picture.”
Us: “Your in public view sir, suck it up!”
unbelievable-Politicians never cease to amaze me. Especially California ones.
This petrified fossil shouldnt be driving a car on public streets-period-he’s obviously
“not right” in the membrane.
Keep on him Sherbear
here are clifornia gov rules for parking as disabled -http://dmv.ca.gov/pubs/brochures/fast_facts/ffvr07.htm
nothing in there about being demonic or a former policia and Im pretty sure goats arent allowed to get a placard
sorry- that link didnt get on coorectly-its
Who qualifies for a Disabled Person (DP) Parking Placard or DP License Plates?
You may qualify for a DPplacard or DPplates if you have impaired mobility due to having lost use of one or more lower extremities, or both hands, or have a diagnosed disease that substantially impairs or interferes with mobility, or one who is severely disabled to be unable to move without the aid of an assistive devise. You may also qualify if you have specific, documented visual problems, including lower-vision or partial-sightedness.
You ffffers are a bunch of retards! get a f’n life!!! If you notice it’s the same 10-15 ffffers posting!!! You idiots are just waisting all your time!!!
“waisting” ?
Yes I’ve lost pounds of ugly fat just posting here. It’s like magic!
Don’t forget those,that read, and don’t say anything. And that’s OK. BTW, the word “retard” is very offending. I will consider the source…
yeah but you troll in here…..lookin to validate your lameness huh?
WOW! Can’t get a break. from you….and I am not lame.
What I HAVE noticed is that you, (Reality Is Hamilton, Ffff tards and others) are ONE and the SAME person, and you are posting on the taxpayer dime 24/7. Your PR “work” is NOT working out very well for you. In fact, you are only doing further harm to the reputation of L.E. management.
Reality Is works for the Pomona Police Department, obviously craves attention and has way too much time on his hands.
Ignore and he will go away.
Reality Is Hamilton will very likely never go away, no matter what. He has been here 24/7, ever since Kelly Thomas was murdered. Go back through the threads and read them for yourself. All of his blogging/PR spinning is done courtesy of the taxpayers dime.
I am the same person. Never anyone else. 🙂
And the reality is…
All the attention you’re getting right now is feeding your ego, and I’m sure it feels good. That’s the way sociopath are. I have one in my family.
Reality Is Hamilton is Mckinley’s puppet!
Reality Is Hamilton, Ffff tards and others are [McKinley’s puppets].
what an idiot.
Sherrie is 100% correct in that an individual has no control over who takes their picture in a public place. Can you imagine if you had to ask everyone that was present a baseball game or school event if you may take their picture?
Once you leave your home your open game to anyone and everone that want’s to take your picture.
Just to give some context to this, Don attempted to have Sherri removed from Ralph’s toward the beginning of the campaign by throwing his self-perceived weight around with store management. Sherri has personally experienced Don attempting to play big-government heavyweight and directly interfere with her right to exercise political free speech. Sherri did not video Don for fun. She has no small amount of motivation to expose his bullying style. Sherri is among our most articulate and polite signature gatherers and avoids confrontation well and immediately when confronted by the occasional shopper who attempts to get nasty with her. This was ONLY interesting because of Don’s misunderstanding of freedoms and civil rights directly resulting from his entitled and elitist perspective. Whether he knows she has the right to video him and lied, or whether he misunderstands her rights, the result is the same. Don’s actions work toward limiting freedoms of Fullerton residents. A lot of people like Don. Personally, he may very well be a nice guy. However, as an elected official, Don picks and chooses whom he serves based upon whim and favor, not a commitment to freedom for the entire community. His failed attempt to grant favor to a few of his friends by interfering with the rights of EV Free Church to expand their own facilities within pre-existing zoning restrictions comes to mind.
It has been an education working with dozens of signature gatherers over these weeks. The stunning lack of fact or political philosophy which governs the decisions of those few who actively oppose the recall is disappointing. As somebody who counts on the general bias toward personal freedoms, low taxes and minimal government interference by registered Republicans, the number of old-line Fullerton Republicans (and every other voter who fails to realize that it is these guys who have sold Fullerton out) who blindly refuse to evaluate the actual historical governance of Bankhead and Jones is more than a little distressing.
Yes the apathy towards local politics is concerning, most people don’t pay attention; they just go about their daily business and assume government is looking out for their best interests. The last few years have been interesting as it has opened a lot of peoples eyes, and the last 6 months especially here in Fullerton.
Good stuff SherBear!
That is the context of the Ralph’s incident. What I want is the context of this video.
Did they just bump into each other at the store?
Was she taking recall signatures?
Was he posting an anti-recall sign?
…Unless this is the video of the ralphs incident.
Thank you, Chris. It has truly been an educational experience for me as well. While I strongly disagree with those who oppose the Recall, at least they take a stand. After three months of gathering signatures, I still shake my head when I encounter the ones who actually say the don’t care either way and let the chips fall either way, or they’re not involved in politics and don’t want to know, or they don’t vote.
Thanks, vw, we share some thoughts. It was nice meeting you at the council meeting, btw.
Anon, I explained the context earlier. Scroll down if you haven’t seen my post.
Happy Birthday SherBear! ! !
I found this! Thank you, Tony! I first saw this when vw quoted it below. Do you remember when I told you several months back that this is a great age we’re at? Still able to do the things we enjoy and old enough not to care if someone doesn’t approve! Life’s way more fun this way!
Don’t feel too bad about non voters and folks who could care less about local issues. Its worse in the inner city areas! You wonder how places like Bell can exist with a city manager making $850,000 while running a string of thoroughbred race horses at Emerald Downs in Seattle-Tacoma, WA?
Well in places like Lynwood, with lots of turmoil on both the city council and school board, only 1,600 of 24,500 registered voters bothered to vote. They vote for the biggest signs and the name recognition even though a number of DA investigations, etc. have occurred and DA says only the statue of limitations prevents them from indicting the (incumbent crooks).!
I’m not sure what it takes to dump a bunch of do nothing, pocket lining old line politicians, but one thing that will is bankruptcy. Fullerton is not in good financial shape and neither was Lynwood, but they still re-elected the ones who made a $25,000,000 surplus disappear into a deficit in 2 years.
How come the DMV can take the keys away from people as senile as Don Bankhead, but we let him run a whole damn city into the ground?
Bankhead is not senile. He is in denial. He is a part of a few generations who lived high on the hog at the expense of our children. They simply hope that the reality of an $8 million dollar de facto budget deficit in Fullerton is only temporary. They simply hope that a $124 million dollar unfunded pension liability will go away. They pretend that there would have been no business development in Fullerton but for their brilliant expansion re-stuccodevelopment. In the case of Larry Bennett, he attributes all of it to those higher up the line, as though Bankhead and Jones would not have been a part of that dysfunction had they been able to get there. As though they did not vote for pension increases, astronomical raises and the expansion of corporate welfare to their buddies which robbed the very foundation of our general fund. They are forgiven because “every city was doing it.”
I find it funny (and not in a haha way) that they do take credit, as well are given credit, for allllll the development and business they’ve brought to Fullerton yet they villify and crucify Tony for the same thing. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Well to be honest SherBear, they deserve credit for much of the BAD development which has come to Fullerton. As opposed to the good development which has virtually all been profitable and effective in recent years when undertaken by private investors. When it’s not your money on the line (i.e. taxpayer money), you develop based upon some convoluted set of modern planning principles designed to expand and secure the employment of city Redevelopment staff and not based upon market forces which demand that a return on private investment justify the risk. A “Redeveloper” does not ask himself whether the project is excellent. He asks himself whether he can manipulate government enough to ensure profitability regardless of a project’s marketability. In the case of Fullerton, Bankhead and Jones have ensured that the answer to that question was a resounding YES…to the tune of $10 million dollars a year of our money straight into the pockets of those corporate welfare recipients…leaving our sewers and streets crumbling and skyrocketing our debt in the name of maintaining Cadillac police and fire departments. The irony is that this is what Tony is being accused of and he has done NONE of it. And boy, he sure could have. Bankhead and Jones have sold their souls at fairly modest prices in order to feed their source of self-esteem.
Exactly, Chris! It’s amazing when given the chance to explain things to the ones who are willing to listen and ask me about Tony with a genuine quest to get learn. After I finish explaining and then point out the obvious rumor mongering and scare tactics i.e. coded violation investigated without mentioning ones found, I’m able to get people to sign who were on the fence or had no intention of signing. This also includes a few of their friends who feel they’re good friends but lousy politicians.
Sounds like you think all the folks at Jonestown made a good decision Reality Is.
RI, am I missing something? Are you saying lower wages mean it’s acceptable to screw off and not to do the job you’re there to do nor have any accountability when lackluster performance or outright screw-ups or wrongdoings are discovered?
Nope just that Fullertons wages are lower than surrounding agencies and lower than the mean throughout California. So you can blame council for approving the contracts the last 20 years, but their approvals were the same as the other council approvals statewide. It’s not as if Fullerton is high paid or highly compensated, as Chris insinuated.
Would you kindly copy the part where Chris insinuates this?
He’s done it many times.
Latest was here;
crumbling and skyrocketing our debt in the name of maintaining Cadillac police and fire departments. The irony is that this is what Tony is being accused of and……
Usually he says it outright, but this time he says the Cadillac of police and fire.
Stipulating your assertions about Fullerton salaries for the sake of argument, you buying into the premise that salaries and benefits should be based upon a mean which evolved through forced collective bargaining is the problem. That is one of many foolish ideals which has lead to the nation being trillions in debt, the state in billions and the city in millions. Leaders would have said that out loud long ago. You support sheep. I’m looking to remove the sheep and support leaders to replace them.
I agree with Chris that the unions and their collective bargaining is wrong but the underlying issue is the hyprocrisy of it all.
The hyprocisy of the whole “protect and SERVE” premise.
The job of a police officer is to serve.
When they are retiring at 50 while the rest of us sheep cannot get full SS benefits until 67 (if we live that long) we have a fundamentally flawed system.
I had a picture pop into my head years back about the government Tsunami coming.
Picture this;
A guy is running on a treadmill and a fire is behind him.
A bucket is placed under his neck catching his sweat.
There is a long line formed from the treadmill to the fire and they are relaying the bucket to put the fire out.
The guys passing the bucket are saying they are working as hard as they can.
The fire is growing out of control.
There is not enough (sweat) water so the man on the treadmill is told to run faster.
Anyone want to speculate how this ends?
High or low, McKinley hired a bunch of degenerates. No disputing that!
Actually Fullerton is one of the cities in financial difficulty in Orange County due to high police and fire costs as a % of budget as shown by the MPA department at Brandman University a part of Chapman University. So although the actual pay may be slightly below average, the overall costs due to other costs in Police and Fire raise the total to a very dangerous level. Fullerton was actually cited in the report. On the other hand cities like Cypress were cited as spending below average on Fire and police and had more money available for “other” city services like street repair, etc.
Tuco, you are about to see that cost go even higher as the taxpayers of Fullerton shell out huge settlements to pay for the activities of all those misfits, thieves, goons, perjurers, pickpockets, sex offenders and killers McKinley hired.
RI, your words tell the same lying story told throughout the thieving RAGWUS world.
The truth is that every trough-feeder is overpaid, under-worked, over-benefited, and over-pensioned.
Your unions, with its RAGWUS machine, has bought and paid for almost every politician to “legally” fund your now ridiculous pay, bnenfits, perks and pensions.
Every PS worker in Fullerton is over compensated! 😉
That’s fine.
Just funny how I went from low paid and underpaid 3-5 years ago to now being over paid and high paid. 🙂
Someone said they saw reality smoking from a crackpipe .
Nope to dope and ughh to drugs. 🙂
Sherri, can you give some context for this? Was Bankhead going to a meeting and you were going to video him? Did you randomly find him? I’m curious. Without context, I personally see no point in this other than seeing that he’s a naive old guy/former cop.
Oh hell, Reality Is will probably be talking about being on duty when he’s Bankhead’s age too….
Excellent perspective above Chris.
Particularly “Don’s actions work toward limiting freedoms of Fullerton residents.”
Based on my recent observations at city council meetings and such, it appears that most of the elderly are the ones that feel his existence in council has been justified. Herego, the old-line Fullerton Repubs you mention.
I didn’t see a disabled placard in the window shot – does he have a disabled licence plate?
yes, you are right Peaches-I think you still need a Placard whether or no uou have a license-but not sure
@Chris: Thank you for not only your kind words but for your excellent perspective as always.
@Anonymous: Sure, I’d be glad to. I was collecting signatures and Bankhead was there and had given someone an anti-recall yard sign which prompted me to take his picture. I politely (seriously, politely with a smile even) said hello and as I lifted my phone to take a picture, the first thing he said was it better not be published. I switched to video mode because I wanted to record anything further said. My instincts told me I’d want to capture this. Must have been that She Bear instinct in me that McKinley talks about.
I had intended to explain the context once this was posted…er published as Bankhead kept saying. But the context really isn’t the issue. These guys continue to blatantly disregard our rights. The incident at Ralphs’ when an employee told my friend, L, and me that Bankhead attempted to have three employees break the law on his behalf and remove us; McKinley telling me about “those” women and that sexual assault while handcuffed in the back of a squad car was only inappropriate touching and not a dangerous thing; now being told taking a picture in public required asking asking permission and told it better not be published…I can’t predict these things.
On a side note, I have someone, B, here from England for a few months. I don’t think he really understood the depths of why we’re doing the Recall although he supported me 100%. He’s been at my Recall table with me on occasion and hears the things people say against the three. He also hears the ignorance of the anti-recallers who can only say what good friends they are, what fine men they are and how they go to church yet NONE can answer when I ask them to tell me one thing they’ve done to keep them in on the council. He witnessed a 20 or 30 minute sparring match I had at my table with Larry Bennett where I blew holes in every argument Bennett made, including getting Bennett to admit Norby’s article about Tony’s transportation center deal was accurate thus proving what he just said about it being BS (this was actually fun for me which is why I refer to it as a sparring match). B attended the last council meeting when I organized the reading of the OC Weekly article. He read along and was appalled and disgusted. He wrote this last night: “When I was at the Council meeting I was struck by how smug the evil trio looked. I wondered if they really thought that the recall wouldn’t get the required signatures. The mailer to rescind signatures suggests the at last they may be worried.” I have to agree, they finally get that they’re sinking and sinking fast.
Thanks Sherri. I was just curious. Excellent!
You’re welcome! 😀
I was struck at tuesday’s meeting at the commenter who was obviouly anti-recall, at the podium wxpressed that the majority of fullerton citizens are not for the recall-no detail was offered by him.
…if your talking about the guy at the 1:25 mark of the council meeting last week, his name is Larry Bennett and he doesn’t even reside in Fullerton…. he lives in Placentia ?
You should also know Merijoe that this same guy was the Camapign Treasurer for Pat McKinley and for Dick Jones City Council elections. As a favor to Larry Bennett, Pat McKinley recently annointed Larry the position as the Fullerton Planning Commissioner, even though Larry’s background is as a Financial Advisor?
Sounds to me like Larry’s appointment as the Fullerton Planning Commissioner, was based on who he knew, rather than getting the most qualified person to fill the position.
Another blatant example that the Good Old Boy network is still alive and well in Fullerton until we get them all recalled.
oh, THAT was Larry Bennett-isnt he the guy who offered to pay your water bill if you could find an illegal fee on it? Oh, this guy is another nomination of mine for a Fringie mention
Larry does live in Fullerton. His business is in Placentia. He could not be on the Fullerton Planning Commission if he did not live in Fullerton. He lives in Raymond Hills.
Then tell me Chris, what does Larry Bennett, whose business is as a Financial Advisor in Placentia, have to offer as qualifications to be the Fullerton Planning Commissioner,…other than being Pat McKinley and Dick Jones Campaign treasurers and the head of the Anti-Recall effort?
sorry about the typos
merijoe, its called psyops , the anti recall twerps are trying to psych you into believing no one wants a recall….
ffff tard really needs to learn how to spell!
He cant help it. Please don’t make fun of his disability.
merijoe, that’s because there were no details he could offer. The only thing they have are smoke and mirrors, proven by their inability to address why we want them recalled. They can’t and won’t because they have no defense. I hear it all the time at the Recall table. They lie, take things out of context and turn them into (cough) facts and build a mountain of supposed evidence against the Recall. Then they use this to either bolster their cause or scare the unknown into believing what big, bad Tony Bushala is going to do to our fine city. Either way, with this, the attention is taken off the mess they’ve made of downtown, the horrible roads, the lousy water we have and the illegal tax on it, and every other thing wrong that rests on their shoulders.
{btw, I speak fluent Typonese and read it well, too. I think many do!)
I truly support any effort of transparency in government. Truly, I do. However, I’ve got to say that not everyone is even aware of the efforts to oust the 3-even those who live close by. Hell, not everyone close by even knows who Kelly Thomas is! I’ve had 2 instances lately where people have looked at me as if to say, “huh??” when I mention the name Kelly Thomas and also of a signature gathering effort for a recall.
1. I ran into a couple recently that I used to work with. They live in South OC and even subscribe to the Register. After the hugs, they asked how things were up in my direction. I seriously thought that they were wondering what happened in the Kelly Thomas case (how are you would have sufficed, but oh well…), so I told them that things had calmed down in the Kelly Thomas case, and I kid you not, they looked at me funny before saying, “Kelly who?” I thought they were kidding, but no.
2. I was at an event in Fullerton yesterday and sat next to a former school board member in Santa Ana who helped end bilingual ed in that city. She also mentioned that it seemed as if things toned down here due to Kelly Thomas (at least she knew…) and then I mentioned something about the signature gathering campaign for the recall, and she said, “Really? Now what do those 3 have to do with a man being killed?”
I say these things not because I want to be harsh or damper any efforts. I say these things because I feel that it should be known that while efforts are good to get the word out, not everyone close by knows first of all who Kelly Thomas was and people don’t see how the 3 have anything to do with the death of a homeless man.
I don’t say these things to be nasty. I say them because I feel more work is going to need to be done to get the word out.
I’ve said the same many times. People here refuse to believe it. It’s the honest to God truth when people say they barely know about the Kelly case and that this recall is just the motivation of an angry local long time business guy named Tony. Reality. 🙂
Reality Is, I bet when you’re Bankhead’s age that you’ll be talking about being on duty and off duty too. LOL.
And no one knows who Tony is. Trust me. “Tony who?”
Very true. I screwed that up. They just know that it’s being done for your everyday political dramas. 🙂
Reality is going to hit you like a stack of petitions.
Hope so. Need fresh. 🙂
RI-No one cares what you’ve said “many times”
I talk to plenty of people in South OC, Georgia, Virginia etc. who DO know about the Kelly Thomas murder by cops and do comment about their sorrow about it and know about the recall and are glad about it and are glad Tony offered to finance it-and not only DONT think hes out for any selfish motives but speak kindly of his generousity for doing that.
So rock on people in Fullerton.
Of course you do MeriJoe. That doesn’t surprise me. Why you talk to anyone else but those kind of people?
“Those kind of people?” You mean those who watch the news? 🙂
No. Her acquaintances. U would be surprised how many people don’t watch the news. 🙂
RI-yeah, what do you mean by “those kind of people”?
He meant the ones who have a heart and soul. The callous types like Reality Is consider “those kind of people” , as foreign or alien to them and cannot relate at a conscious level to “those kind of people” because they are unconscious that they are devoid of a heart and a soul and attempt to compensate their shortcomings by dazzling others with their intellect instead.
So mean 🙁
I’m an aacquaintance of Me rijoes, answer I am offended at your jackass post . If anyone is “one of those people”, you are. Ass hat!
You gotta admit she has a few screws loose. All good though. Reality is of course people she is acquainted with know about the Kelly case. Obvious. 🙂
RI-Good or bad, at least I have some screws and arent missing any like you.
RI- Its hard to stick for you to stick to the topic of the post, huh little boy?
Douchebag! Everyon knows that Fullerton has cops who are murderers. And I don’t mean they killed someone by some tragic accident. I mean the kind of cowards who would harass, beat, torture and maim an innocent, helpless, harmless and homeless man.
It is now common knowledge stupid. We have all seen the picture. We will never forget, and neither can you. That is why you fill this blog with your braying.
No one has forgotten. The stain of Kelly’s blood is on FPD. It will not wash away.
So many bad words. Not very peaceful for such a peace preacher. 🙂
@Reality Is Hamilton aka Ffff tards, etc., etc.,
Bad, horrific deeds are most accurately described by using their proper names- “bad words” as you prefer to call them.
Murder, harass, beat, torture, maim…yes, those all sound like very good words indeed to describe EXACTLY what happened to Kelly Thomas.
Changing the words won’t change the fact that the cops murdered Kelly Thomas. Maybe those “bad words” don’t sound very peaceful to you; however, they are very accurate.
The last time I checked, -harassing, beating, torturing, and maiming someone to death is not very “peaceful” either. You seem to have a problem with citizens calling murder what it is-murder.
You would do yourself a big favor if you stopped making light of murder. Only sociopaths and psychopaths think the murder of Kelly Thomas is funny.
I haven’t used any of those words and he was not murdered.
Keep it up. You aren’t making any progress. I still know what I said and say lover boy.
You are SO confused. You really should try reading my posts first, -BEFORE you try to answer them with your meaningless, boilerplate, non sequiturs.
#68 by Disgusted on December 11, 2011
Douchebag! Everyon knows that Fullerton has cops who are murderers. And I don’t mean they killed someone by some tragic accident. I mean the kind of cowards who would harass, beat, torture and maim an innocent, helpless, harmless and homeless man.
It is now common knowledge stupid. We have all seen the picture. We will never forget, and neither can you. That is why you fill this blog with your braying.
No one has forgotten. The stain of Kelly’s blood is on FPD. It will not wash away.
#69 by Reality Is on December 11, 2011
So many bad words. Not very peaceful for such a peace preacher.
Love you too!
No, not everyone is aware of this case. You’d be shocked how many people don’t know about this case. Even a friend of mine who lives in another state who has a teenage son with schizophrenia didn’t know.
I support this. Believe me, I do. With the family issues I have, I support this. It disgusts me to see written down that somehow the family could have made Kelly take his meds, that they could have made Kelly get help, and on and on. These people obviously don’t know what Reality Is when dealing with a family member with a mental illness. I do. It’s sad that we can’t say here, take your Abilify, etc., and then they do it. Not that simple folks!
What I’m trying to say is the recall will be a fight because of these different factions. Those who don’t know, those who don’t care and those who care but say oh well.
You may not want to hear this, but I feel that this is a serious issue.
Sigh…. Oh well….
Well said. 🙂
Thank uuuuuuu. Have a good birthday? 🙂
“What I’m trying to say is the recall will be a fight because of these different factions. Those who don’t know, those who don’t care and those who care but say oh well. ”
This is true and many of us are aware of this. I encounter the last two regularly, not so much the ones who don’t know. But every time I come across someone who didn’t know, doesn’t care or cares but says “oh well” and I get them to sign the petition, I’m more driven and hopeful.
Getting the Recall on the ballot is phase I and will not be difficult. Phase II will be getting the Recall passed. I’m not going anywhere and neither are others. No one said this would be easy. As serious as it is, it should take work. But it’s not impossible. Not making light but I’d be remiss if I didn’t add, the three and their anti-recall campaign are helping us as well.
People are unfamiliar with the Kelly Thomas case because many only read the OCR for their news. Since it changed to facebook comments, almost all the Kelly Thomas articles or related only stay on the online front page for just a couple of hours and then pushed along off the main page.
Also, almost all other news media has already been running the story for a day or two. It’s very obvious they don’t want to be involved.
I was surprised that a story about mental illness and their families that mentions Kelly as a catalyst for people wanting change and more help for these people has been on the front page all day…….
Here’s the link to the story that mentions Kelly…..
^THIS! Wow so many birthdays…yesterday was Erin and today Sherri and Jorge.
…I think I’ll throw out a Happy Birthday All so I don’t miss anyone.
Mine was yesterday too 🙂 (blush) 🙂
Well there ya go; Happy Birthday to you too RI. 😀
No it wasn’t……. 🙂
Happy Birthday!…….
No one gives a fatratsass about the day you were spawned from your troll mother’s vajj .
Me too, the 3rd.
Three cheers to all the Sagittarius people!
Oh heck yeah!!
W/E…I’m off to EV Free so the kids can play in the snow. I’ll see you guys in a couple hours. :beer:
…your post is sort of an oxymoron? You claim that people around here know all about Tony Bushala and that no one around here knows anything about Kelly Thomas? I live and work here in Fullerton and I find the complete opposite to be true…except for the voters who know Bankhead or Jones wives through the Rotary Club, church group, and/or the Elks lodge. Those are the ones that are still drinking the councilman’s Kool-Aid and blindly follow these guys wherever they lead them.
They remind me of blind sheep following a shepard with Alzheimer’s disease.
He admitted that he was wrong-that not everyone knows about Tony.
“Why you talk to anyone else but those kind of people” makes absolutely no sense. It’s o.k. if you talk nonsense and call it reality, however when you make no sense you lose me.
Man chris sure is spending a lot of time on the blog today, is bootleggers closed???
Yes he was Merijoe, and my experience with Larry Bennett is that you’ll never find a bigger horse’s ass if you emptied every stable in Fullerton.
When I saw the recall people setting up tables at the train station community event and how urgent they were about what they were doing, I had to remind myself once again why there was a recall for the city council members who didn’t actually do anything that sparked the recal effort. I was reminded of a line in “An american Christmas carol” I recently watched where the ghost said” evil isn’t just what you do,.. it’s what you don’t do.” I think that’s what frustrates me the most is what was not done;what was not recognized that needed to be.Has anything changed. Only what had too.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flPOm0kbXwM&feature=related 3m 11sec
Tebow for Mayor! Tebow for President! 🙂
whos in the mood for jokes?
Briilliant SOF-exactly-There are sins of comission and omission
Matin Luthur King said:
1-“Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.”
2-“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
3-“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.”
Thank you, that’s very sweet of you! Erin’s is actually today. We recently discovered we share the same day.
I somehow missed Tony’s Happy Birthday to me and I still can’t find it so I’m glad it was quoted! Thank you Tony!!! It’s been and continues to be a great birthday!
(found it!)
Happy, Happy Birthday Sherri, Erin and Jorge!! Today is also my son’s 29th birthday! It was a great day today for our family, and I hope everyone had wonderful celebrations with friends and family!
Thank you! And a very Happy Birthday to your son! And yes, family and friends helped make it a really great birthday!!
I wasn’t going to touch on the hanicapped parking after learning that Bankhead is handicapped. I wasn’t aware of this nor am I aware of the reason(s). I do not desire to know, either.
I am curious if his wife is also deserving of the use of a handicapped spot for permanent or long-term reasons. If not, both Bankhead and his wife abused what these handicap parking spaces are designed for. He stayed in the car while his wife went into the Post Office alone. He may be legally allowed to park there but it doesn’t make it right just so an able-bodied passenger doesn’t have to walk a few extra feet.
The handicap placard/plates are for the disabled, not their passengers. If this is what happened, it’s no less shameful than me using someone’s car with one of these placards and taking a handicapped spot or someone using it “just to run in for a few minutes”. All three take the spot from someone who not only truly needs it but is entitled to it.
He gamed the system, just like cops everywhere. After he quit he discovered that we was disabled.
Sellers soon to follow
Bankhead twenty three years later = Sellers.
Happy Birthday Erin, SherBear, RI and anyone else i may have missed.
On my way to EV Free to watch a performance. Friend in the choir. May see VW.
Thank you!! Ditto the Happy Birthdays to everyone else having birthdays, too!
Really sherbear, that’s what you ffffers are worried about handicapped parking!! Give me a break, you ffffers are just a bunch if whining morons who complain about anything and everything. Really???
Well, Ffff tard, you don’t seem to have any problem with six cops murdering an innocent, unarmed citizen; so tell me, why on earth would YOU think that abusing a handicapped parking permit was wrong? Of course, you wouldn’t. The only thing that you worry about is whether or not Starbucks is open.
There you go putting words in my mouth again. Haven’t you learned yet that I know your tricks and it doesn’t work with me?
Oh, Reality Is Probably Hamiliton, are you also posting as Ffff tard? I thought so. Thanks.
By the way, your comments have been quite unintelligible lately; perhaps you should lay off the “Starbucks” for awhile.
Nope. Just me. Always me. No one else. 🙂
Overdosing on starbucks is always possible. 🙂
Uh huh..right. Sorry, you blew your cover. Reality Is Ffff tard and Probably Hamilton.
Nope. I would admit it. I never lie. 🙂
You already did admit it. Read above.
Cops ALWAYS lie.
Ok.,McKinley, whatever you say.
Reality Is Ffff tard and Probably Hamilton, [who is McKinley’s puppet].
Sorry, I can’t help myself.
Missed ya, but that doesn’t surprise me. Place was a madhouse lol.
Bacon truck FTW!! 😀
Anyone go to Eagle Hills tonight to see the lights? I like to call that development Ton O’ Sh*t at this time of year due to how they overblow the lights. Those people who decorate their garage and give tours of their house are also nuts.
BAM! Nailed it.
This poor dumb bastard thinks you need his permission to video record him in public?
Hahahahaha! And this buffoon got elected got re-elected how many times?
Fullerton, you have a lot to atone for!
McKinley must have recruited his cops straight out of L.A. County Men’s Central; on their way out of jail.
Liar 🙂
That sounds nothing like me at all. U sniffing glue? 🙂
Reality Is Probably Hamilton, you have a very short memory tonight. Here is a little refresher for you:
#95 by Justice for ALL on December 11, 2011
Well, Ffff tard, you don’t seem to have any problem with six cops murdering an innocent, unarmed citizen; so tell me, why on earth would YOU think that abusing a handicapped parking permit was wrong? Of course, you wouldn’t. The only thing that you worry about is whether or not Starbucks is open.
#96 by Reality Is on December 11, 2011
There you go putting words in my mouth again. Haven’t you learned yet that I know your tricks and it doesn’t work with me?
Gotcha. I see why you said that now. I thought you were calling me a TARD and the Starbucks got me thinking you were talking to me. Makes sense now. I’m not TARD. Forgot someone was posting under that name.
Your lame excuse doesn’t work. I was responding to Ffff tard and you responded back to me again only because Ffff tard is one of the personas that you like to use. You’ve been caught.
Wrong again TARD. Keep trying. 🙂
@ Reality Is Probably Hamiliton, why else would you respond to my comment about handicapped parking permits and tell me that I was putting words in your mouth? You aren’t fooling anyone, but you ARE looking VERY foolish, Mr. Ffff tard.
I could care less about handi placards. I just saw all those symbols above your post when I hit your response on the email. Saw Starbucks and responded. The symbols were from shebear. Ok yes I’m Hamilton. That better? LOL I don’t post as a TARD though. Just me. 🙂
That doesn’t make any sense at all. You want everyone to believe that you just looked at the symbols above my post, thought you were commenting on SherBear’s post, and then you just inserted some boilerplate response without reading my comment first? Sure. Fat chance. Now that is some serious spinning.
10-4 on Hamilton. Thanks Hamilton.
Ask Tony or Chris. My ISP has been pinged a few times by FFFF. It lets me know. 🙂 he will tell you that ffffTard and me aren’t and weren’t the same person.
Copy Hamilton. 🙂
Maybe so, but not this time, Reality Is Hamilton and Ffff tard. You already admitted that you wrote the comment.
As many of you know, Ron Thomas has made some sort of arrangement with someone or ones. That arrangement was to quietly recede from the weekly demonstrations that brought the subject of Kelly Thomas into the public’s face regularly.
I wonder why the mishandling of the Thomas case by the FPD and City of Fullerton bureaucrats and elected officials is not a repeating theme for the recall. Why is not Mr. Thomas aiding and abetting the recall? Has his lawyer decided more settlement would be forthcoming if he stays out of the situation at this time?
Personally, I find it disconcerting since many of these elderly folks need to know what happens in Fullerton that is acquiesced by the City Council, including sexual assault, grave bodily harm, and a pile of bars and misuse of city redevelopment funds.
I cannot speak for Ron Thomas or anyone else.
The Recall was never solely about the Kelly Thomas incident. The way the three idiots mishandled it afterward was the final straw but not the only straw. This is what I tell people at my Recall table before I start into other reasons for the Recall.
People sign for various reasons, I highlight several of them.
McKinley’s puppet Hamilton
Police to Undergo Transient Sensitivity Training
Mark Stouffer
December 08, 2011 12:03
The Fullerton Police Department has begun the process of providing officers with homeless and mentally ill crisis intervention training.
“Sensitivity Training” means nothing if the officer has no incentive or reason to follow it. They’re just going to laugh it off and the company doing the training is going to make a shi… load of money.
Fact. Very true.
It may be too late for sensitivity training for many on the FPD. It was an interesting find this morning.
You really can’t teach sensitivity or empathy for that matter, until after a few years of intensive therapy.
Even then it’s doubtful.
But at least the FPD is trying, right?
The devils will steal my spirit with that little black box!
LOL! Now I know what’s wrong with him; his spirit was stolen long ago.
So true.
Hey JFA,
If it’s Hamilton maybe you should ask him again why he ditched his beautiful blond fiance right before he was due to get married?
Maybe she came to her senses at the last moment and ditched him?? Smart woman. Maybe she’ll tell us about it some day. I wouldn’t count on Reality Is Hamilton to tell the truth about it, nor about much of anything else. Reality Is Hamilton is a weasel.
I’m doing a good job as Chief though right? Nice and quiet? Peaceful? 🙂
@Reality Is Hamilton (AKA Ffff tards and others),
If blogging 24/7, exhibiting daily on a public forum your lack of education, lack of professionalism and your lack of morals,- expressing daily your arrogant disdain for the public that you have sworn to serve and protect,- constantly spewing FPOA union propaganda, spinning your lies, and inciting more anger, revulsion and distrust for the FPD 24/7 is what you consider to be “doing a good job” by a Chief of Police, -then yes, I’d say you’re doing a “good job”.
“Nice and quiet? Peaceful?” Ha! Don’t you know that it’s always quiet just before a storm?
Wow, look who got his patties all twisted up.
Outraged that you’ve been mistaken for someone else?
Nope. I’ve been told I’m 10 different people on here. It’s fun. 🙂
@Reality Is Hamilton (AKA Ffff tards and others),
I am very honored, and flattered, to be mistaken for my relatively new friend, Xer (since July 5, 2011); I wish I possessed Xer’s vast range of knowledge. Xer and I do have some things in common; however, we are in no way the same person. Therefore, unfortunately, even though I would like to,- I can’t take the credit for Xer’s severe, although well deserved, pummeling of you.
And, unlike you, Reality Is Hamilton aka Ffff tards, etc., etc., I have NEVER posted under any name other than my own. Except for a few times when my five year old granddaughter pushed some keys on my keyboard (unnoticed by me), and it switched over to some fairly uninteresting and long arrangements of random letters and numbers. Oh, and once, or twice, by default, I accidentally posted as anonymous; however, in all instances I very quickly corrected the mistakes and immediately claimed ownership of my comments.
As for the rest of your comments, I can assure you -that you are a true legend only in your own mind.
Then we can agree we have each posted under at least two names in our lives. My being blocked hasn’t happened since then, so we are all good. Nice to meet you JFA, I’m Reality Is.
I think we are all legends in our own minds and we all think we can run the world better than anyone else. 🙂
“I think we are all legends in our own minds and we all think we can run the world better than anyone else. :)”
O.k. McKinley’s puppet.
McKinley who? 🙂
My minor name changes (very temporary mistakes- totalling just a few posts) were IMMEDIATELY admitted to and corrected, -unlike your 10 plus alter egos spanning the past five months.
Anyone who has been reading this blog for any length of time, KNOWS that you have intentionally posted using various personas for nefarious purposes.
Don’t even try to compare yourself with me.
You stated, “…and we all think we can run the world better than anyone else.” Your statement is very telling. I, personally, don’t believe that is true. You, apparently, do.
The problem with that, is that you are a Chief of Police, and a very arrogant one at that. You seem to believe that you know best, that you are not accountable to the citizens, that you can do as you please and that no one can do anything about it. Therein lies the crux of your self deception.
Keep trying. Keep trying. You are working hard at being me and saying things for me. It’s not working. Seek help maybe? Meds? 5150?
You really do need help sir. Serious.
Reality Is :
Keep trying. Keep trying. You are working hard at being me and saying things for me. It’s not working. Seek help maybe? Meds? 5150?
You really do need help sir. Serious.
@ Reality Is Hamilton, aka Ffff tard, etc.,
It’s too bad that you haven’t transported anyone to the hospital on a 5150 Welfare and Institutions Code for a psychiatric evaluation in over 15 years. If you actually did that, then perhaps you wouldn’t be quite so completely useless, in my opinion.
I remember that you told me that yourself. You said that the last person that you had transported on a 5150 WIC was a 90 plus year old lady who had fallen in her home and had been lying there for a few days. You also very crudely, and unprofessionally, reported that the lady had sh** and pi**** all over herself. You are such a professional and a gentleman. It’s no wonder that I love you so much.
(extreme sarc intended)
“I don’t blog 24/7, I’m more educated than you, I always exhibit professionalism and have the highest of morals, I say over and over how much I love the community and the citizens and love talking to them, and the community continually relays back how happy they are with the PD and how we are moving forward.”
I just regurgitated.
Your hubris is going to catch up with you.
…I almost sprayed the computer screen with my coffee when I read Fedupwithmorons post.
…at least your being paid. I just found out that less than two weeks ago, our City Council corralled the department heads together to take money immediately away from their budgets this quarter, The Hunt branch of the library, which serves the west side of Fullerton and is filled with children on the only two days of the week that they are currently open, had to give up $30,000 out of this quarters budget, and was told to prepare for more cuts soon.
The reason that the department heads were given for the sudden drastic cuts, was that the city is preparing to pay out victims of the Fullerton Police department’s shennanigans over the years and the money cuts has to be evenly distributed amongst all city departments….except those involving public safety.
This translatesto me that the residents of Fullerton…especially our children, are going paying for the sins of those that they employ in the Police department for a very long time.
Libraries always get hit first. Government entities don’t see the real value.
I know, I am a trained librarian who will never work in the public sector again.
And yes, they need to pay out the victims, but most importantly, they need to keep those monthly pension checks coming in.
Nothing wrong with a little healthy cynicism.
It’s too bad that you haven’t taken anyone in to the hospital on a 5150 for a psychiatric evaluation in over 15 years. If you actually did that, then perhaps you wouldn’t be quite so completely useless, in my opinion.
I remember that you told me that yourself. You said that the last person that you had transported on a 5150 WIC was a 90 plus year old lady who had fallen in her home and had been lying there for a few days. You also very crudely, and unprofessionally, reported that the lady had sh** and pi**** all over herself. You are such a professional and a gentleman. It’s no wonder that I love you so much.
(extreme sarc intended)
…hard to have much sympathy for you when you shoot the messenger when they challenge you with intelligent discourse.
That’s not intelligent discourse. It’s relentless lies and deception to attempt to defame another person. He has said zero truths except where in September I admitted using another name one time due to being blocked. That’s the reality of his hallucinations. 🙂
@Reality Is Hamilton, aka Ffff tards, etc., etc.,
Your own words have littered the pages of this blog for the past five months. And, now, you think that you can perhaps fool some people, or recant, simply by stating that it wasn’t you?
YOU, and you alone, have “defamed” and descredited yourself -by your own words.
How can anyone defame a moniker?
I keep thinking about the scene in the movie “Powder”, where a hunter, after shooting a doe, watches and tells his friends that animals don’t feel any pain; they just just twitch nervously until they expire. Powder takes this man’s hand and puts it on the dying doe, and the animal’s pain is transferred to him. After that he can never hunt again.
Sometimes it takes a miracle for people to open their eyes. But, as RI says, I’m just dreaming.
Wrong again JFA. Keep trying. You sure put a lot of effort into lies and made up things. Ever think about moving to facts?
@Reality Is Hamilton aka Ffff tards, etc., etc.,
Don’t even try to deny that you said these things,- unless you want me to start digging out your old your posts and re-posting them.
Frankly, I’m beginning to believe that you are a sociopathic, pathological liar. FYI-that is NOT a very good thing for a police chief to be, if you hope to have any type of credibility.
You REALLY should just do yourself a HUGE favor and stop blogging while you are behind.
Your boilerplate non sequiturs are pathetic.
Fortunately, I’m not a police chief with a rapidly diminishing reputation to defend.
@ Reality Is Hamilton, aka Ffff tards, etc., etc.,
Helpful tip for the day. (You may thank me later.) That would be: “Neither am I.”
You already previously admitted that you ARE Hamilton, so we’ll just leave it at that. Otherwise, if you constantly try to excuse every statement that you make by saying, “Oh, I was just joking.” then there really is no point in anyone ever talking to you about anything.
Oh really? Which homeless people have you slept with? I’d like names please so we/I can go and ask them ourselves.
Hopefully, you don’t actually expect anyone to just take your word for it.
@ Reality Is Chief Hamilton aka Ffff tards, etc., etc.,
Well, all of a sudden, it does seem to be getting much quieter on this blog since you have now removed several of your comments. What’s the matter? Are you suddenly having remorse and afraid of getting caught in your own lies? Are you suddenly worried about your reputation? (Isn’t it a bit late for that?) Oh well, -it was bound to catch up with you sooner or later.
You’ll probably also want to go back through all of your comments for the past 5 months and delete most of them as well.
@ Reality Is Chief Hamilton aka Ffff tards, etc., etc.,
Well, all of a sudden, it does seem to be getting much quieter on this blog since you have now removed several of your comments. What’s the matter? Are you suddenly having remorse and afraid of getting caught in your own lies? Are you suddenly worried about your reputation? (Isn’t it a bit late for that?) Oh well, -it was bound to catch up with you sooner or later.
You’ll probably also want to go back through all of your comments for the past 5 months and delete most of them as well.
Funny thing is I didn’t even know you could delete comments. It’s wild what a big conspiracy you think the world is.
Again, another chance for you to step up and stand behind your words.
$10,000 to escrow, you win if I’ve ever deleted one comment, ever!
Show it, you win!!
Read through the comments for yourself and you will see that some of your previous comments are missing.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all. I never go back and look at my past comments.