Poor Dick. Not Enough Lollipops To Go Around

For our incompetent spendthrifts on the Fullerton City Council, spending millions of dollars on grossly overpriced “affordable” housing is just like handing out candy to kids.

And even better when those “deserving” kids are your pals, cronies, and political bag men!

Mayor Dick is sho’  ’nuff pleased at the proposals all the  Redevelopment parasites have brought forth (as he would say), gathering like hungry vultures around a roadkill remnant.

Naturally, one of the recipients of Mr. Big Shot’s free-and-easy largess with our money is none other than Dick Ackerman, who apart from inveterate influence peddling and carpetbagging, is also heading up the anti-recall effort on behalf of the Three Blind Dinosaurs.

And of course Jones is as untruthful as ever, claiming that someone else (SCAG!) is making him do something he really, really wanted to do anyway.

43 Replies to “Poor Dick. Not Enough Lollipops To Go Around”

  1. “Dick is as untruthful as ever”
    Oh, you mean the SOB lied? No kiddin!

    This council is rife with has been’s and never was’s. (Except the two on the ends. They’re ok.)

  2. Ed Royce could easily lose Fullerton. After all Ed’s to blame for the 3 blind dinosaurs that we Fullerton tax payers are now subsidizing.

    All Gary Miller needs to do now is to mine gold from this blog.

  3. The public comment was almost not even allowed to happen and took place AFTER a vote. For too long no one has been watching our leaders. Such a shame that it took a brutal murder to wake people up. If we are not careful they will go back to sleep. Their attempts to marginalize the OPPOSITION will be doomed as the they are on the wrong side of things and they know it. I don’t find it peculair at all that one council member in particular CAN NEVER LOOK AT THE SPEAKERS. My daddy warned me about people like that.

  4. Nice job guys…lets get rid of the perfectly good building over there- lets get rid of the boys n girls club, and spend people spend- we are in the midst of a recession people-we need to spend. Lets build bars and parking structures…wooohooo…lame sauce.

  5. Talk about the fix being in. Those drones couldn’t give Ackerman nine mil’ fast enough. The hell with the public hearing.

  6. Wha, that thar pubic hearin’ was nuthin’ but a big ole sham anywhitzit ya slice’tit.

    We dun awreddy figger’t on who wasa gunna git them greenback so wewaz jes’ a-savin’ everbodda’s time. Thass a-fishin.

    ‘Sides that good ole boy Dick Ackermin, wha he dun supported us ever step ‘o the way, ‘n he’s a-runnin’ the anti-recall campain fer usuns.

  7. Show that clip in the recall campaign. People will just love to hear their mayor talking about handing out millions of dollars in giveaways like it was candy to greedy kids.

    Shameful, detached, worthless. That’s your tumescent trio.

  8. Giving preferential treatment to their political buddy Ackerman’s developer when awarding public money for a housing project. Reason enough to recall Bankhead, Jones and McKinley, but the fact that Ackerman is now helping them to fight the recall is even more reason for outrage. We can’t afford to have corrupt incompetent fools on our council any longer.

  9. Having a public hearing after the vote negates the Unrah open hearing law and legally negates the action taken by the council. The fact that the other two council members said nothing about this situation tells me that although they might support FFFF in the Kelly Thomas case, they really do not support FFFF on issues of recall and redevelopment. When are they going to speak up and just ask the city attorney “Is this legal?”
    If you do not ask,, you do not get!

    1. I believe it was Quirk-Silva who pointed out that they hadn’t had the requisite public hearing, and they had to then re-vote after the hearing, but watch the whole tape to be sure.

    2. Good point.

      I was watching that on TV when it happened. Seemed to me that Whitaker voted against the redevelopment projects, right? Quirk-Silva pointed out that they needed public comments before they voted, but she seemed to see this (as I did) as just more incomptence from Jones.

      1. Whitaker always votes against redevelopment projects, which is why the RINOs and the big spending Democrats hate him.

    1. They were deferring to the mayor, but when he did absolutely nothing they had to step up. I’d like to have seen them do it a little earlier too, but they’ve held fast since then. I wouldn’t vote to recall Quirk-Sila or Whitaker.

  10. Hey, here’s an idea. let’s pin this recall on Ed Royce whose supported these fools since day one.

  11. Radioactive Glow in the Dark Jebus! This clown and his buddies are making Fullerton look like an imbecilic, in-bred copy of Jefferson Davis County.


  12. Dear Fullerton Residents,
    Please send each and every one of your friends and family members that are eligible to vote in the city of Fullerton over to the Stater Brothers Market on Euclid and Chapman Avenue between 4pm-7pm each evening so that they can sign the petition that we’re circulating to recall these three City Councilman immediately.

  13. @fullerton lover: please make the recall petitions available this Saturday in front of the police department. I know the head count is low at the moment, but it would be good to have that there.

    As far as Ed Royce is concerned: Why are you holding him accountable for what the council is supposed to handle; it’s at the local level that this needs to change and for what it’s worth Ed id good for us in congress, maybe the best we have.

    Stay focused on fixing the problem an not on blaming others please.

    1. Why not hold Royce accountable. He supported these nincompoops over and over again. They are there because of Royce.

      It’s not too late for Royce to pull the plug on his retreads. But he’d better get to stepping.

    2. Ed is good for us??!!


      Royce is a self-serving little zit who put these cretins into office to protect his own worthless ass. It’s worked for him for 20 years, but his selfishness has finally caught up with him.

      I hope Miller pounds him with his connection to Fullerton’s Culture of Corruption.

    3. I’ll make sure that there are recall petitions available to sign on Saturday morning in front of the PD.

  14. Saw an apt description of “Dick” – the “illegitmate [I cleaned it up] offspring of Boss Hogg and Colonel Sanders”…

  15. A few days past I saw a post that stated that McKinley was being investigated for bribery by the FBI.
    Can anyone shed any light on this statement or is it just BS?

  16. Fred Alcazar :
    Ed is good for us??!!
    Royce is a self-serving little zit who put these cretins into office to protect his own worthless ass. It’s worked for him for 20 years, but his selfishness has finally caught up with him.
    I hope Miller pounds him with his connection to Fullerton’s Culture of Corruption.

    Well if you can back that up I will gladly eat my words.

    1. Well, if you haven’t been paying attention:

      Royce supported Jones in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008…

      He was the moving force behind the creation of McPension in 2010.

      Ditto Bankhead.

      He has done this because these (old) idiot repuglicans offered no threat to him politically and because he was terrified of a popular Democrat.

      This cowardice has helped saddle us with these dismal stooges year after year.

      Hell, he supported Julie Sa and Leland Wilson!!!

  17. The Fullerton Harpoon :
    Why not hold Royce accountable. He supported these nincompoops over and over again. They are there because of Royce.
    It’s not too late for Royce to pull the plug on his retreads. But he’d better get to stepping.

    If that is the case you are right, I am simply trying to keep it local. I still think Ed is looking out for our best intrests but like I just said I’ll gladly eat those words if you can offer up proof.

  18. The Fullerton Harpoon :
    What Fred said.

    So in essence you are saying that because Ed Royce supported them before all this stuff went down that he is as responsible for it? Right, got it.
    There are two things going on here, and only one of them is at our local level…just sayin’.

    1. No. Royce supported the rude, belligerent RINO HeeHaw for 15 years. Newsflash: this guy’s demeanor and incompetence are nothing new. Do a search in our pages if you want an eye-opener.

      As to mcKinley, Royce was well-aware that he was foisting yet another career public employee with a $215,000 per year pension on the public. We’ve all seen how that has worked out.

      Ditto Bankhead.

      So long as nothing went too badly wrong Royce could keep contributing to the Fullerton’s misrule. But from an actuarial standpoint something was bound to go wrong, really wrong: so wrong it couldn’t be hushed up by all the unions and idiot apologists and the lackadaisical Lou Ponsis and Babs Giasone.

      So here we are. Royce isn’t getting a pass from me. He’s into this up to his eyeballs.

    2. I only wish the Royce problem wasn’t local. Forget his pathetic neocon, police state pea-brain Congressional record. Little Ed has been meddling in Fullerton politics from the beginning. His fingerprints are all over the lousy political careers of Bankhead and Jones, and most of all McKinley.

      Jones admitted in 2008 that Royce made him run for re-election (yes Jones is a fool but that’s what he said).

  19. Ed ROyce has been in Congress long enough to have senior type positions on committees where he can use his power to help California and his district. The truth is, he has done very little other than work to keep elected! He is no statesman. He is not even a good legislator.
    Yet I voted for him because the alternatives were extremely weak lightweights since the Democratic party conceded the election months before it occurred by providing no money. So we got Ed and his cronies like Blankhead.

  20. Whoa, it’s really scary to think of ol’ Doc Hee-Haw throwing around money like that, money that isn’t even his! Must make him feel down right important!!

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