Jerbal’s Back in the News!
After we outed him as one of the biggest hypocrites in the history of OC repuglicanism (and that’s saying a lot), it looks like my old punching bag Matthew J. Cunningham is in the news again.
According to the New Santa Ana blog, Supervisor Bill Campbell looks to be hiring Cunningham’s wife as chief of staff in a new make-work project for which the RINO 3rd District Supervisor is becoming notorious.
Campbell is mercifully (for the taxpayers) termed out at the end of next year and so a rat is apparently leaving the sinking ship. Mrs. Cunningham must need a job, and what better way to misdirect a six-figure income to one of your loyal co-parishioners than give them the job running your office? Mrs. Jerbal, like her husband has close ties to the lobbyist/political handlerΒ John Lewis, so they’ve got that going for them, too.
The fact that Mrs. Cunningham ran the Latino outreach for the bigoted and unconstitutional Proposition 8 campaign seems not to be an issue for Campbell who is known as rabidly Catholic: he is the guy who also appointed the pedophile-priest protector Monseignor John Urell to some dopey County commission. Β Oh yeah, this was the same guy who Cunningham created a support group for after he bugged out of his sex-abuse case deposition and fled to Canada.
Nice folks.
wow i never got a last post before……………….yeah yeah yahhhhhhhhhhh
Uh, Tony, I wouldn’t be mentioning your opinion of Prop 8 here. You don’t want to alienate the 59.74% of Fullerton voters who voted YES on Prop 8. The last thing you want is to alienate recall supporters.
Just some friendly advice. You can delete my comment if you want.
I thought Prop 8 was a slap in the face to individual civil rights myself? I’m glad that Tony didn’t support that because it shows that he doesn’t vote a particular way just because all the other sheep are.
You’re missing the point fullerton lover. This isn’t about Prop 8 and what it stands for. What matters is the majority of Fullerton voters voted YES on it and Tony’s position is in the minority. How is he going to win over recall supporters by insulting them about the way they voted on a topic that has nothing to do with Fullerton?
It was still a bigoted and unconstitutional propostion even though the majority voted for it…sort of like McKinley, Bankhead, and Jones are bigoted and unlawful. I see similarities between the two issues, and I honestly believe that Tony Bushala is not trying to appease anyone’s sensibilities, or apologize if they don’t agree with his position on an issue because that’s what sheep do and not individuals who exercise personal freedoms.
That’s the strength of the recall movement: even people who disagree on a whole range of other issues like gay marriage can agree that there is a lack of leadership and a disastrous fiscal policy at city hall.
I have to wholeheartedly agree with Vernon here and thanks Vernon for posting your opinion and as also stated, the will of the voters of California.
I cringed when I read the post.
I am and have been a stanch supporter for justice in the Kelly Thomas incident but when you are talking about things like prop 8, I, and as said, the voters of California have to part ways.
Happy Sunday to all.
This site has focused a lot on Kelly Thomas, and rightly so. But there are a lot of other issues we need to keep covering – like the way the County politicos hand out jobs and contracts to their flunkies as reward for services rendered.
admin, I get your point; you are more than entitled to it and your vote as well.
I don’t agree with “anyone” on everything, even my spouse of over 3 decades has to be wrong sometimes π
I agree wholeheartedly on Chris Thompson’s view of limited government and I see the State as a whole headed in the exact opposite direction.
Every day here I read things like the LA times article today stating a idea to raise taxes…in a economy like this? WHO thinks this will draw business to this state and create jobs?
California is running people away at break neck speed IMHO.,0,2206114.story
Oh, I have no doubt they will put that up on their lame website. Bully Bushala Supports Queer Marriage, says Larry Bennett. Who cares? Prop 8 was an insidious way to whip up some ant-gay sentiment by depriving people of equal protection under the law – right for citizens to get a government issued license.
I’ll stick with the 41%.
Prop 8 has nothing to do with equal protection under the law. Its more like redifining what is a natural part of human experience to support a perversion. Who picks up the tax dollers to support this law. We all have too. unconstitutional.To give a tax break to co-habitents living together.The real goal for same sex marriage seems to be just to force society to give their blessing for thier choice of lifestyle.
Churches whose congregants hug poisonous snakes and drink their own urine as part of the service get the same tax free status as Catholics, Methodists, and Baptists. Marriage was conceived as a way of controlling property, not morals. So you just need to get off your high horse and let God decide who deserves to be loved.
Wow, there’s a urine-drinking snake-hugging church out there I can join? Now you’re talking! Praise Jesus!
No, praise Satan. You’d fit right in.
I ain’t getting offa that horse. I’m married to him! Now where’s that urine at?
Wring it out of your underwear.
Please explain what you mean by “tax break.”
And what on earth makes marriage a “natural” part of anything?
Tax legislation since 2001 has substantially reduced marriage penalties and increased marriage bonuses, by raising the standard deduction for couples to twice that for single filers and by setting the income ranges of the 10 and 15 percent tax brackets for couples to twice the corresponding ranges for individuals.
As far as the other question one need not look beyond the nature of animals to understand what is natural cohabitaion behavior.
Homosexuality is seen in every species, therefore homosexuality is completely normal. Case closed.
What the gee willikers are you talking about?
Animals eat each other in the wild to survive.
Is THAT normal?
I need another analogy because if we are going to compare EVERYTHING a human being does in the light of animal behavior to determine what is normal and/or moral then we have some serious gaps to close and some people to let out of prison.
God made animals behave the way they do, so if you have a problem with “normal” behavior I suggest you take it up with your Creator. I won’t be expecting to hear back from you.
Obviously my logic was wasted on you…I was saying that you cannot just broadly say that ANYTHING animals do or (do not do) should somehow be the standard for the way we behave or govern society.
Further, though I know some people do perform various ceremonies, I do not believe we need to “legally” marry our animals.
Here’s a example of behavior that is acceptable (normal) for animals and not for humans;
Jeffrey Dahmer eating his species= not acceptable mountain lion eating his species = acceptable
Any questions?
Ah, I see. You like it that married people get tax relief from the marriage penalty. How about giving everyone tax relief?
P.S. It is not in “the nature of animals” to get married. In fact most animals don’t even practice monogamous sex.
Marriage and procreation have nothing to do with each other than for the former to acknowledge property distribution necessitated by the latter.
Thank you…. Remember that there are 2 major churches in this city that LIKED Prop. 8.
Blue hairs voted against prop 8, overwhelmingly. So the demographics is well known. And why bring up old stuff anyway?
You gonna need those little ol ladies votes against the 3 dinosaurs anyway. After all they look so handsome at those city council meetings.
This blog is blog is not a campaign. Its about the ugly truth, no matter who disagrees.
cut the sexism, Tuco, you talk like McKinley with his definition of good women and immoral women(using McKinley’s criteria, an immoral woman is one who is sexually molested by fullerton police officers)and your criteria for women is no better. who are these “little ol ladies” who believe the 3 dinosaurs are handsome and exert so much influence they personally will thwart the recall. Aging women may be just as outraged at the abuse these 3 dinosaurs have inflicted on our city
Obviously, people supporting the recall do so for various reasons. The fact that 4F encourages personal and individual liberties makes me Happy, and it’s only Sunday.
Prop. 8 wasn’t about gay marriage. It was designed by hacks like Johnson Lewis to help McCain win in CA. As we all know that was an epic fail.
Gays aren’t a threat to marriage. Serial divorcers, like Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani do more to undermine marriage than gays ever will.
None of this has anything to do with the Fullerton recall. How ridiculous.
How about serial cheaters like John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy and Teddy Kennedy? (Get my drift?) Political party has nothing to do with lack of morals. Both parties lack morals.
For those of you unfamiliar with Matt Cunningham’s client the OC Children and Families Commission, the source of much of the documented shenanigans about him here on FF, please feel free to check out my facebook page’s NOTES section, where you will be able to see the 25+ negative articles that document the dysfunctional First 5 Commission.
…..and the saga continues. I’m starting to believe the entire state of California needs to be flushed of ALL the politicians and start over with fresh ideas not old ones..
Be careful what you ask for.
Its called Term Limits. Its a type of flushing Erin. Problem is they switch jobs over and over and people continue to vote for them whether they did a fine job or a terrible one.
Absolutely correct!! Actually, the unions are in control of the state, not the politicians. Unless a miracle happens and this thing gets turned around, I don’t want to be living here in 5 years!
What’s the latest on the Kelly Thomas case? I’ve been travelling and a little out of touch with current events, but I understand that the cyclops and el pollo loco are free on bail pending trial and are wandering around out there in somebody’s neighborhood.
Are they still on the Fullerton payroll? Do you know where they are?
Thanks in advance for the update.
Pre-Trial for both suspects is on Dec. 16th, and their pay has been suspended. Whereabouts unknown to only the probation department that installed the GPS’s.
The Pension Board voted 5-3 to keep Cicinelli’s LAPD pay. That’s one for the books.
Jane. 5-3 to not reopen the case. They didn’t even want to look into it.
Same thing. He keeps it.
Still being paid pending their Skelly hearings and decisions.
Campbell got that guy a $200 job with the lame First 5 Commission. He billed the taxpayers for having lunch with Greenhut, reading the newspaper, and listen to the radio.
Campbell and Cunningham represent the worst of OCs plantation politics.
Well maybe in a economy like this we should just raise taxes, yes I’m sure that will draw business to this welfare state.,0,2206114.story
They are due back in court in early December and their pay has been cut off.
found this fact about Monseignor Urell in Los Angeles Times 19th October 2006
” Msgr. John Urell, a former influential Orange County Roman Catholic diocesan official inextricably linked to the cover-ups during the 1980s and 1990s surrounding sexually predatory priests. For the last couple of years, Urell has been operating under the radar screen as a member of the Orange County Human Relations Commission”
I would not be surprised if Rusty Kennedy, executive director of the Orange County Human Relations Commission, has on his work desk two silver picture frames, one photo shows Rusty’s arm around Monseignor Urell who covered up sexual abuse by fellow priests for decades, and the other photo Rusty’s arm around ex-Fullerton police chief and current Fullerton city council member, Pat McKinley’s shoulder who attempted to cover-up the murder of a homeless, disabled by the police officers he personally hired to serve on his force when he was police chief.
what we, the good people of fullerton, would not see in these photos is the protection of the civil rights of our most vulnerable members of society, our children and the disabled
homeless, disabled man
I certainly don’t want to be here in 5 years, unless things dramatically turn around!
Yes, I agree but where to go….that is the question for us and it is going to be a one way and hopefully final move!
Scottsdale Arizona!! I like the Arizona laws too. π
Thanks Reality Is, yes, that is where I lived,
I have nothing hide. π
Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. Great place!
I’ll check it out, thanks.
The biggest issue for me heading north is the cold weather since I lived in Colorado for a while and really got tired of the winters. I’m a wimp, I admit it π
I don’t know….'Alene.html
For White Supremacy..
What are you talking about Erin?
Coeur dβ Alene, Idaho is an area famous for its white supremacists. LE love to live in Idaho.
Of course Erin beat me to it.
Hey let’s give a shout out to rural southern Oregon. They have some nice white supremacists too.
Mark Fuhrman of the OJ Trial infamy retired to Sandpoint, Idaho. Just up Hwy 95 from Coeur d’ Alene.
but its home to anal lease kennedy aka margoo
Sedona or Prescott, Arizona
Actually lived in Arizona too and at the risk of starting to sound like the three bears, it was too hot for me during the summer.
Prescott is too windy for me peronally.
I LOVE Sedona though and rented a place there one summer, the beauty is surreal. It isn’t really as big of a city as I would like but it has been a thought. I like to be at least near a pretty big city.
I really like the Big park (near the Hilton and golf course) and coffeepot areas but I have not found a house I like there yet…still thinking.
Couer D’ Alene in the Summer, Sedona in the Winter.
There are people who live in both places during the different seasons. They buy big motor homes and switch locations. I know people who do this and they love it!
Getting back to Fullerton, what is the budget for gavels?
What kind are used?
Royal, Supreme, chairman, director?
why are you asking, is there a gavel gaffe?
Throw some more logs on the fire!!
Yes trulia has some interesting homes in the( Black rock?) area, on the golf course,,,,. tempting!
Well, the gavel is used so much that I would suspect they must be replaced frequently! HA!
Thank God Bill Campbell will be going away soon, or at least hopping to some other equally bullshit position doing something else. When he’s not handing out goodies to his cronies.. Wait sorry, he’s never done anything but that. Recently he spearheaded approval of project for the Catholic church in 100% single family residential North Tustin, to the objection of just about everybody in the area who wasn’t going to make a buck off of it. It was so egregious that County staff literally had to invent a new zoning designation for it. Naturally, it will be sued into oblivion but it’s another classic Fuck You Bill moment. Oh, and Shawn Nelson was the only supe who voted against it, so there you go.
Nice recap.
Just saw this story on the JFKT page, shocking.–CELEBRATING.html
The two officers involved in pepper spraying seated demonstrators are now on administrative leave. They worked for the UC Davis campus police.
In Fullerton, they would have tased them then bloused their eyes, and made crushed grapefruit. THen they would ask if they were homeless!!
So if anyone believes The 5 Fullerton PD officers did nothing wrong, you live on the wrong planet! According to Doc Jones a little pepper spray is probably ok. He saw worse in viet nam. (A shameless plug for his war service)!
I enjoyed last night’s episode of Hoarders, featuring one of Fullerton’s own confused minds and cat hoarder. It’s almost a guarantee that this whacky broad was part of the, now defunt, Kelly’s Army. I’ll be scanning the videos of past town meetings – it’s a near cerainty she’s one of the few (very), the proud(of god knows what) army of (almost) one.
Lol I bet you are right (no offense to the army n clan).
Laugh it up Reality Is. Yes, keep oinking and laughing- you sick little sadistic PIG!!. You seem to think that mental illness is SO FUNNY and that it is a justifiable reason to make fun of, inflict horrific abuse upon and murder citizens!! Or, that mental illness somehow denies people their right to voice their opinions against violence and murder. Yup, keep up your really terrific, paid public relations work oinkers. You are showing all the world exactly how compassionate you ARE NOT. You DO NOT deserve to wear a badge, or serve the public in any way, shape or form. You are every bit as evil as medical workers who think it is funny to laugh at, rape or abuse, or murder unconscious or vulnerable patients.
You are more likely to Taser and bludgeon a mentally ill person to death, laugh at them, or ignore them, than you are to help them. I know that. So, just keep laughing. HA HA, you’re SO FUNNY!! Your PR work is SO EFFECTIVE at making me realize what sadistic animals (pigs) you are!!
WTF LOL you are a freak JFA. You wish I thought that way just like you wish all the other whacked thoughts you say. Sorry, but that’s not me and that’s not the other pigs. Mental illness is tough. I’ve said it’s tough, I’ve also said it’s very dangerous to everyone, unlike your thought that they are harmless little people that couldn’t hurt a fly. Open your eyes JFA. You are leading a dangerous, tunnel vision life.
No, you are the one who is laughing at mental illness. Read your own words. Sicko. And, I have never said they are harmless; however, there ARE ways to deal with mental illness other than murder and abuse.
No I’m not. Keep trying. You will convince yourself of other things also Tony. You can’t say what I am when I’m not. Kisses and Hugs. xoxo π
Keep laughing and smiling to yourself! Your second grade denial of your own statement is just pathetic.
I’ll make it easy for you. Yes sir, you are right, you are always right, you know all. There. π
Nice of you to admit when you are wrong!
I enjoy watching the antics of the inmates on Lockup, the MSNBC tv show that profiles prisons throughout the country.
I especially enjoy the thought of watching how Cicinelli, Ramos, and the other squealling piglets snared by the FBI will be dealing with their ‘domestic issues’ …
Cool show. Amazing world the prisons are.
Matt Cunningham outed sex-abuse victims.
WHITE spermacist is a joke they dont know joe
what does lol mean?
let me go ask my 8 year old daughter!!
some where around 10,000 doc hee haw sure loves to bang that thing
they havent been paid since oct 18 dumbo the sucurity pig
Oh ok master Chief. π
I have to imagine the desktop is getting pretty beat up as well. Someday soon there may actually be a rather large hole there! HA!
Sometimes when it comes to people with closed minds, it’s just easy to shake your head “yep, you are right”. It ends the discussion and they walk away like they succeeded.
You are the only one who is laughing at the mentally ill around here. (If you need a refresher read your comment that I pasted below.) I don’t have a closed mind, but you do have a very small, sociopathic, uncompassionate mind.
#71 by Hoarder on November 20, 2011
I enjoyed last nightβs episode of Hoarders, featuring one of Fullertonβs own confused minds and cat hoarder. Itβs almost a guarantee that this whacky broad was part of the, now defunt, Kellyβs Army. Iβll be scanning the videos of past town meetings β itβs a near cerainty sheβs one of the few (very), the proud(of god knows what) army of (almost) one.
#72 by Reality Is on November 20, 2011
Lol I bet you are right (no offense to the army n clan).
Yes sir. I know. I know how you and FFF operate. You take something and add things to it, and then flip it to make it something exactly how you want it. Standard MO of the activists in the world and standard MO for FFFF and you.
You should add your opinion before you try to express my opinion. You should say that you feel Hoarders are seriously mentally ill. You should say that they are so mentally ill they shouldn’t be shown on TV. You should say you are going to sue Hoarders TV show and production crew for this reason and you are going to spend your life getting rid of shows like that that you feel exploit and laugh at mentally ill people. Then you should say because of this, Reality Is is laughing at mentally ill people in this case and he shouldn’t be.
Instead, you choose the standard method here. Take a few words stated, add to them, flip them, and make them your own.
You are blind to the reality of this world. Open your eyes, and you might see what you will actually be able to accomplish, and you might actually open your mind to the views of others as well. At your age, it could be too late though.
Wrong is wrong. Laughing at the mentally ill is wrong. You should know better. And, your PR job on this blog is an epic FAILURE. Stop trying to excuse your pathetic behavior.
Tell that to all the viewers then. I laugh at that show. Yes, I do. I’ve seen it in person too. It’s a crazy thing.
PR job? Hmmmm. You really are lost I guess.
I am proud of my behavior and everything I have done in life.
Keep grasping. Your grasping is make your arm sore. Your arm has been sore for years though. π
I had an aunt who was a “pack rat”. There were real reasons for her behavior, which I don’t need to go into. Her situation required compassion, not jeering.
There are life situations that are so severe that even the strongest of us can wilt.
You laugh at them and that shows that you indeed have no soul.
And maybe that’s why America is so fucked up. We laugh at TV shows that shouldn’t be on TV. Problem solved.
“And maybe thatβs why America is so fucked up. We laugh at TV shows that shouldnβt be on TV. Problem solved.”
Laughing at those people exasperates the problem. I’ve watched it couple of times and it’s excruciating because I know those people are suffering. And from what you’ve said so far, you don’t care.
I help people like that everyday. So judge yourself, not others. Maybe that’s your problem, you concentrate on other people too much and not yourself enough?
I just cut down the whole front of a house to get to a hoarder last week. Should I have just let them sit inside and die? Did all 22 firemen oohhh and ahhhhh and WTF and the police too? Yep that’s reality. We are all human. We have emotions, we laugh, we giggle, we snicker, we cry, we oooohhhh, we ahhhhhhh, we high five, we do everything that you or any other human does. That will never change.
“I help people like that everyday. So judge yourself, not others. Maybe thatβs your problem, you concentrate on other people too much and not yourself enough?”
Another assumption on your part.
“I just cut down the whole front of a house to get to a hoarder last week. Should I have just let them sit inside and die?”
Let’s see. So, you are saying that I implied that they should be left alone? That is not how we dealt with my aunt. Safety was a key issue, but to do without some compassion is the attitude I hate about LE.
I think you have lost your humanity, if you ever had it. I worked with the public for over 30 years, so I really understand how it can get under your skin. There were times when I really would need to take some time off to recover from dealing with so many people’s problems. Sometimes people are extremely offensive and dangerous, but I do not condone spraying, tasing or beating them.
Under roo’s.
#72 by Hoarder on November 20, 2011
I enjoyed last nightβs episode of Hoarders, featuring one of Fullertonβs own confused minds and cat hoarder. Itβs almost a guarantee that this whacky broad was part of the, now defunt, Kellyβs Army. Iβll be scanning the videos of past town meetings β itβs a near cerainty sheβs one of the few (very), the proud(of god knows what) army of (almost) one.
#73 by Reality Is on November 20, 2011
Lol I bet you are right (no offense to the army n clan).
You are proud of everything you have done in life?? WOW! You really are a sociopath. You don’t even realize that it is inappropriate to make fun of the mentally ill on this blog. You are SICK.
LOL you are whacked!!! Yes I’m proud. Yes I’m a socio lover. Yes mentally ill have issues. I’m very very healthy. π
Reality Is healthy only in his own mind. That is called a “lack of insight into your own illness.”
Oh thank you for your diagnosis. You are an amazing individual. You are a Doctor (OTT), a close your eyes diagnoser of mental illness, a slumlord, a politician, and a know it all. I wanna be like you someday. You ever think about putting on classes on how to be like you? π
Uh, you are completely delusional and hallucinating. But, don’t bother calling a pig for help. They’ll just Taser you and crush your chest and bludgeon you to death. So sorry about that.
I trust the police. Good people. Just have to avoid and be ready for that .0001% of cops in the world that need to be fired. Odds in your life, you would get that .0001% so yea if I was you, I would avoid the pigs for sure.
“so yea if I was you, I would avoid the pigs for sure.”
Yes, I can see your GED or supposed college education has served you well. (Sarcasm intended)
Did they teach you about using the subjunctive in your grammar class?
“If I WERE you” is the correct form.
You are not gaining any support with your arguments because they are essentially baseless.
20 years since my last schooling. I’ve lost a little. You win.
Let’s have a forum. Me and you will go through a series of tests by a panel of psychs.
I will put my life on the line that they diagnose you with some serious mental issues, and they diagnose me with one. π
You just need to admit, which I think you would, that if things in this world aren’t done exactly how you want them to be done, you will never be happy. As long as you admit that, that’s one less mental disorder we need a formal diagnosis on for you.
Since when is it a mental disorder to expect those whom we pay to “serve and protect us” to actually do their jobs with compassion and concern for the citizens they serve- rather than brutally abusing and murdering them? I expect much more of our public servants, and paid shills such as yourself, than laughing at the mentally ill and abusing them.
Nice try buddy. You have to remember I know your tactics and deal with people like you all the time. You keep changing words around, and trying to make it appear like I say or do things how you say them. That’s an old tactic used by people like you.
The people that protect and serve do a great job, and they do it with compassion and concern.
Go ahead. Take the number of calls versus the calls that need to be investigated and tell me the %% of calls that even have the small possibility of lack of concern or compassion. I’ll wager anything you want it’s far less than 1%.
Same thing with use of force. Or use of taser. Less than 1% with issues, far less.
So stop trying to lie and make things up. Use facts at least. Don’t use your smoked our dreams of how you see things, and how you think things are done. That has no merit. People don’t listen to your BS. Use facts, use cases, use research. Your whacked out statements that no one cares, or people laugh, or no one does the job right, have no merit and go in one ear and out the other. That’s probably why you lead such an angry life, because no one listens to your far off dreams of reality.
Actions speak much louder than all of your obfuscation. YOU are the one who was laughing at the mentally ill. Your buddies are the ones who murdered Kelly Thomas. And, there are plenty of other murders besides Kelly Thomas. It’s not as though Kelly’s murder is an isolated incident. Even one murder is too many, so stop trying to justify yourself.
I agree. My actions speak much louder than your words. Thanks for clarifying that.
Keep trying. Your efforts at grasping for air are wearing you out.
Yes sir. Murders will happen everyday, until you are cremated and thrown into the ocean. Murders will happen forever and ever. No matter what you say and do, murders will happen forever.
I justify nothing. I stand behind people’s actions that deserve to be stood behind. Justice will always prevail, even if you don’t feel it’s the proper justice.
Anosognosia /Γ¦ΛnΙsΙgΛnΙΚsΙͺΙ/ is a condition in which a person who suffers disability seems unaware of the existence of his or her disability.
LOL I admitted a disorder already!
“Iβm very very healthy. :)”
RI: “Justice will always prevail, even if you donβt feel itβs the proper justice. ”
I believe you think you brand of justice is proper.
Norm Stamper is the retired Seattle Police Chief.
Stamper is the author of a book entitled Breaking Rank: A Top Cop’s ExposΓ© of the Dark Side of American Policing.[5]
“the paramilitary bureaucracy that is American policing”, stating no change will happen “unless, even as we cull βbad applesβ from our police forces, we recognize that the barrel itself is rotten”
I believe you think YOUR brand of justice is proper.
Once someone is convinced of their infallability it’s impossible to discuss anything outside the realm of that person’s set of morals and beliefs.
I remember the arguments surrounding the Jim Jones massacre and the Dan White twinkie defense when he murdered Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk. Both individuals were absolutely convinced of the correctness of, even the responsibility to commit, their crimes.
That same theme is recurring with the brutal attacks on peaceful protesters. Years ago the police would lift the bodies of the protesters and carry them away. Now they seem to enjoy inflicting pain on the kids.
It’s just as impossible for some people to see how heinous their actions are, as it was for Jim Jones to recognize he was a cold-blooded monster preying on the trust of his victims.
Could be. But you also feel your brand of justice is proper. So which is right?
My brand of justice is not what I’m currently seeing.
We need a lot more humanity when policing. The paramilitary style is not working, and people are fighting back.
Do you support how UC Davis Police Lt. John Pike handle the students, who were peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights?
handled the students
It’s because you only see big incidents. If you saw every incident across the State everyday, you would see it.
Let’s see what you think, knowing you have no LE experience, training, or tactics. Let’s say you work for a college school police department. You have 1000 students protesting in the quad. You have 20 cops.
You give the official order to disperse, unlawful assembly, and they are chained together refusing to leave or allow themselves to be arrested.
What do you do?
That is $64,000 question UC Davis, Oakland and everyone else is now asking.
“What do you do?”
Not what Pike did, that’s for sure. Those students were posing no threat even though they were blocking the way. Those tactics were devised for all the “what ifs”.
If what he did was right and within policy, then why are he and the UC Chief of Police now on “indefinite administrative leave”?
Also, why has the UC Chancellor Linda PB Katehi apologized to the students and press in an assembly?
“Itβs because you only see big incidents.”
That’s an assumption on your part. I don’t just see the “big” incidents. I read a lot of news or varying kinds, and like to be educated at least a little about all sides of an issue before I give an opinion.
Do you?
The excuse now is that the police felt threatened and surrounded, and were worried that they did not have an exit route. Naturally, with their ‘training’ and ‘tactics’ the appropriate response to escape this apparent pincer movement is to spray the kids who are sitting on the ground, not moving, rather than carve an exit out of the encirclement.
Would you like to clarify that last statement? I’m not sure you realize what you just admitted to…
By the way, your grammar is really atrocious today; do you have your grandson filling in for you today?
Not sure which one. there are so many already. Yea, my wife and my friend are filling in for me today. Oh and my son.
We all figured as much; however, it could just be your GED that is still haunting you.
Here’s the statement where you put your “life on the line” that they will diagnose you with a serious mental issue.
Quote by RI: “Letβs have a forum. Me and you will go through a series of tests by a panel of psychs.
I will put my life on the line that they diagnose you with some serious mental issues, and they diagnose me with one.”
Copy. You just confirmed everything that I said. Yes, you are nuts. π
You are the one who said, “I will put my life on the line that they diagnose you with some serious mental issues, and they diagnose me with one.β
Yep. Still do. You will have numerous and I will have one.
“and I will have one.”
If you know it’s only one, what is it?
The GED word!! Love that word.
Another example of the activist lie and deceit tactic used so often.
Care to wager on my GED versus actuality?
Didn’t think so lover boy. π
If you are so educated, then your education went to waste. You obviously don’t remember any of it.
Entirely possible. So what?
Education was wasted on you.
As they say, they are just pieces of paper.
Actually, there are some basic things, such as proper grammar, that an educated person would never “forget.” It is my opinion that you NEVER learned these things to begin with.
And, more importantly, even with all your years of public “service,” you NEVER truly learned compassion. If you had, you would NEVER laugh at sick people that you “serve and protect.” If you were even nearly as educated as you say you are,- you certainly would not want to portray yourself as a clueless, unfeeling, insensitive, unethical public servant on this blog, by laughing at the mentally ill. Your blogging is not helping your cause, whatever that cause might be.
Can you imagine any ethical doctors or nurses writing on a blog about their dead, or sick, patients and laughing at them? Hardly.
If I ever see you I’ll show you my Master’s Degree. We can’t argue about that. It’s fact. You may not feel I have the best grammar, but I do pretty good for myself with what I have.
Yes, I have compassion. I don’t think you have compassion, you don’t think I have compassion. We will just have to agree to disagree.
I laugh at the TV all the time. If you don’t like that, well you probably don’t like half the population, which is probably a fact in itself. Right? Thanks.
I am what I am. What you see here is what you will see when you walk up to me on the street on duty or off duty. I don’t hold much back in either place.
I’m not trying to help my cause. I don’t need to help my cause. I’m here because I want to be, and I enjoy debates and discussions with people way way out there like you. I enjoyed more of the middle ground, but there are only a few left here and they are far off to the side. It’s still enjoyable.
Again JFA, you aren’t going to convince me or anything else to admit to saying something I didn’t say. YOu wouldn’t even do that. So keep trying, you sure try hard by the way, to put words in people’s mouths. Like I said it’s a very common tactic used by activist groups around the world. They use a very small fact or portion of an incident, and then lie about the rest. You are a professional at that without a doubt and therefore, you are a hardcore activist. You admit that though right? π
I don’t laugh a the mentally ill. You do.
Reality Is stated: “If I ever see you Iβll show you my Masterβs Degree. We canβt argue about that. Itβs fact. You may not feel I have the best grammar, but I do pretty good for myself with what I have.”
Not only do I “feel” you don’t have the best grammar, I KNOW you don’t have the best grammar. And, sorry- no, you don’t do very “good” for yourself for having a “Master’s Degree.”
By the way, the sheepskin really doesn’t mean very much at all if you can’t present yourself WELL (not “good”) in a public forum. Anyone can purchase a diploma.
True that. We finally agree.
Some of the smartest people I know have high school degrees. They are brilliant.
I agree. Just paper. However, that paper is very valuable.
I thank you for making me realize again how well I’ve done in life for being so dumb. π
Reality Is stated, “I thank you for making me realize again how well Iβve done in life for being so dumb.”
VERY GOOD R.I.! You used “well,” instead of “good” in your sentence. Maybe old dogs like you can learn new tricks. Now, let’s see if you can also learn to NOT laugh at the mentally ill, or the sick, or the elderly people, etc. whom you “serve and protect” and instead, treat them with respect. That would definitely be a step in the right direction for you.
We should have our own chat room. Debating with you is like the old saying “my dick is bigger than your dick” argument. I educate myself with debates, you just refuse to acknowledge the fact that your views may need some adjusting.
OH, would you like me to “adjust my view” to agree with you that it’s ok to make fun of the mentally ill? Or, would you like me to “adjust my view” to believe that the abuse and murder of unarmed, mentally ill people is just fine and dandy?
LOL you are nuts. Just stay right how you are. You are more fun just how you are. π
Personally, I don’t find a discussion concerning the mocking, abuse and murder of mentally ill citizens to be a topic where “fun” is an appropriate adjective. I don’t see anything “fun” about it at all. Neither does Kelly Thomas.
and that is your right. Stand strong!
Keep eating your donuts and blogging at “Starbucks” all day long. Don’t bother actually helping anyone; I know that would go against everything you ever learned at the academy.
Keep dreaming baby. I’ve helped more people in one day than you have in your whole life.
Eating donuts and blogging all night and day?
Help? Now that is funny!
Maybe start by organizing a boycott of Hoarders?
All night and day? Nice try. We take shifts, you know that. You have said that many times. My shift is now. Hers is next. His is after that. We get paid a nickel a post.
Unfortunately, you get paid MUCH more than that, and all on the public dime. Pathetic.
I forgot. You know everything.
i bet mc’mick gives you a nickel and shining lill star for all your super lame postings huh?
the truth is out
I thought it was Dave Ellis that was paying me a nickel a post?
Yes though. I love Starbucks. I have spent $3,500 there this year already. It’s a great addiction. π
Are there still protests at Fullerton PD? This blog is dead now. I wanted to go down and have a beer at the slide bar and walk around the protestors but I hear there is no one there anymore. Is there?
piggie you all over this blog!!!you post more then anyone……..well you sure gotta lot of time being a mall cop right
Oink!!! Yea sucks now that there is only 3 people left posting on here LOL
oh little piglett you ain big enough for a oink more like a squeal
I’ll help you out a little so that mc’ mick will give you even more lill stars.
“Oink!!! Yea sucks now that there ARE only 3 people left posting on here. LOL”
Blogging is obviously his full time job.
The malls don’t get busy until after Turkey Day. Mall security guard jobs are tough.
yes you would know
Hey they give mall security guess tasers, pepper spray, and batons. π
Why don’t you step away from the donuts and go and find out for yourself, if you care so much.
Will do. See ya Saturday.
Here’s the thing, matt was told last summer to shut the Fuck Up.
He was advised, that he could continue to pull in upward of $100K pulling scams like OCCFC and this (whis pays about $85K to Laura) and his “word smithing.
the trouble was he was fucking up by the blogging, so when Chip got caught up in a scandal he hid under the covers.
Still the same old Matt “JUBAL” Cunningham thievery, we just don’t have to read his assine quotes except for on the supposed Liberal OC. Where he is a regular under a fake name.
Good to know. Thanks.
So no threat and peaceful protestors. We have seen that over and over lately. Now it’s time for them to leave. Such as Occupy and this incident. They are told 100 times and they refuse. Now what?
Respectfully, “news” are big incidents FYI.
Yes, I am educated on both sides daily. I’m in upper police management so I use force, I see force, and I render decisions on force. I teach force, I teach policies, and I deal with the public, the suspects that had force applied, the families, etc on a daily basis.
THat’s what I enjoyed about this blog. But now there are only a few people left on this blog and they seem to be that far far way way left mind that refuses to be educated on why things are done, policies, laws, procedures, etc.
“Respectfully, βnewsβ are big incidents FYI.”
I guess you are speaking about police incidents. Other than that, “news” does not necessarily equal “big” .
I’m not sure what you mean.
True. When men use the word big they are usually lying. π
You call bullshit. What do the police do at this point? 20 cops in the whole PD and 1000 students. Refusal to disperse, and refusal to be arrested. Go ahead. What do you do?
If the police feel encircled they should find the nearest exit. IF they are frustrated by the students behavior, well guess what, some people get a paycheck flipping burgers, some people get a paycheck being a mall, sorry, campus cop. So they can eat shit.
Ok. Your options aren’t realistic. They have to take action. The students have to leave. yes, eating shit is your option. But give me the option. The students have to leave or be arrested. How do you proceed as the officer in charge?
Apparently I methodically pepper spray the kids who aren’t obstructing my exit since I am, you know, so threatened.
Well. If that’s what you do, then that’s your answer. Now that you made that choice, it will be analyzed and determined if any policy or law was violated. You will be disciplined if appropriate. Your case if confidential and no one will know the discipline rendered. You just went through the process.
I see. Email and blogs can’t send the wrong message most of the time. It does often here. I’m very human, probably more so than you in terms of humanity, kindness, etc.
You said where we differ and where LE differs with people like you. People will always be killed, tasered, baton’d, pepper sprayed, and arrested until the day we die. That is never going away. I think you know that, you just don’t like that.
“People will always be killed, tasered, batonβd, pepper sprayed, and arrested until the day we die.”
Be that as it may, I abhor violence and don’t want anything to do with it. Isn’t there enough of that in this world without LE adding to it? I understand that there has to be some us of force under certain conditions, but not across the board. If LE can’t distinguish between nonviolent and non violent people, then we (society) needs to take a closer look at the militaristic philosophy of our policing methods.
Keep trying buddy. Keep trying. It’s not working. Close your eyes and say it. Did you see me laugh now? LOL
What’s not working? The truth?
You are just proving my points about you making things up, running with visions you see in your mind that aren’t true, and wanting everyone that you have hate and disdain for to look bad in your eyes no matter what. It’s said but even if someone that you hate does well, you would never ever admit it.
You are the one who laughs at the mentally ill…so why not just admit it again?
π π π
Smiling, laughing…what’s the difference? none.
JFA. Funny story yesterday. Driving home from golf and I see a car and it has a wrap on it and it say http://WWW.HOARDERS.COM!!
No lie. I thought of you. That’s ok right? I smiled too.
Your link didn’t work. You can smile when you think of me- anytime.
Just don’t smile/laugh when you think of the seriously mentally ill. And, don’t smile when you think of the beating, torture, abuse and murder of the mentally ill. And, don’t smile/laugh/make fun of those who are starving, freezing, cold, wet, tired, helpless, frightened, mentally ill, elderly, overweight, deformed, handicapped, have birth defects, unfortunate/poor, etc. That’s never ok. (I could make the list longer if you need more help.)
A professional (like you say you are?) should know far better than to make fun of, laugh at, and in your case “smiley face” at the mentally ill. You, at the very least, need to try to maintain your “professional” credibility by not mocking them- even if you won’t help them in any other way, such as transporting the severely mentally ill to the hospital (on a 5150 Welfare and Instituitons Code) for a psychiatric evaluation and treatment.
If you cops can learn to sympathize, and empathize with the mentally ill, and all others, then perhaps that will be the first step towards not beating them to death in the future.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. These smileys are for YOU. π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
I must have spelled it wrong.
I smiled just cause you take the show so personally. You really should boycott and start a protest over the show. It’s popular.
True. I’m sure there are many shows and many things people smile and laugh at that they shouldn’t. I guess it’s their right. We can always hope for a perfect world but the reality is…..
π π π π
Always have. Always will. Even someone as powerful as you can’t convince me otherwise. π
Jane. Your main answer about admin leave, etc. Politicians and leaders learn from incidents everyday. The norm right now is to just put everyone on leave while they investigate right away. Why not? It makes everyone happy involved. You can say those big words “admin leave”, now the people involved are happy, the cops are happy, and everyone is happy. It’s just like an officer involved death. The norm will become sending a letter from the PD to the Feds the day it happens inviting them to come look at the case. Perfect right? Cause that’s what the community and the family will want right? They will demand it so why not beat em to the punch? Write the letter, put the world on admin leave, and then what? Everyone is happy waiting for the investigation to play out. Problem is that they all get paid for months while the investigation is being done, but you can’t win em all I guess.
So you think it’s all lip service? We’ll see about that.
No. I think this way makes you much happier. The investigation process stays the same.
I think you hit the nail on the head. The problem is that everyone is “happy” in this scenario except for the chumps who has to pay while everyone plays. When I was in the military, justice was swift and fair. You were usually docked pay by the Commander if you messed up, which served as a reminder not to repeat that transgression.
π π
Update on a newrby Children and Families Commission
LA TIMES: First 5 LA ex-chief to get sizable severance despite having quit, Nov 25, 2011,0,7958497.story
A $250K severance that’s not even an option in her contract. Oh that’s right, use lack of contract compliance to get rid of her – – but then ignore the contract yourselves “for the sake of the children” – – now who exactly is going to run this agency differently?
Hah! No one. Connect the dots California – this is a dysfunctionally structured agency whose time has passed.
NAMI does protest those shows that make fun of the mentally ill. However, I don’t know about that particular show. I’ll have to check on it. However, what anyone else does should not justify your own behavior. No excuses.
Oh, sorry, almost forgot.
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R.I. Might I suggest that you don’t just “hope” for a perfect world…DO YOUR PART and SET A GOOD EXAMPLE as a “professional.” That’s the very least you should do.
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
“powerful” as little old me? Well, folks, I’m puffing out my chest with false pride right about now!!!
However, it IS true that “the pen is mightier than the sword.”
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