Fringies® Are Funtastic. The Failed Face of Fullerton 2011
This is a new category for the Fringies® and will be awarded to that douchenozzle who best represents what’s really wrong with Fullerton, jumping the tracks-wise. The Nominating Committee had all sorts of trouble winnowing out the finalists, but in the end the selections were made. It wasn’t painless, no. But it was hard work that had to be done.

1. Andrew Goodrich. The swinish face of Fullerton to the media. The liar, coverup artist, and police union boss who inexplicably is still employed by the City to hand out misinformation and punish the few journalist who dare write the truth. Proof positive that the cops run the City Council, not the other way around.

2. Ex Police Chief Pat McKinley, now councilman-by-93 votes, who developed his world-view under Daryl Gates; who thinks it’s pretty much okay for cops to grope certain kinds of women, and who explained to a national audience that Kelly Thomas’ facial injuries were not life threatening.

3. Dick Ackerman. The carpetbagging slime-sack from Irvine who has millions of reasons to protect the Three Dithering Diplosaurs on the Fullerton City Council, and not one of them decent. No, basic decency has nothing to do with this political fixer, lobbyist and bagman. The sooner he is chased out of our city once and for all, the better.

4. Doc “HeeHaw” Dick Jones, the loudmouthed lout and bully who famously characterized law-abiding protesters as a “lynch-type mob” and who claimed to have seen far worse injuries than Kelly Thomas’ that were survivable. To a world-wide audience shocked at the police killing of a harmless homeless guy, Jones represented entrenched, sclerotic, ignorant authority. Those who have watched Jones in action for 15 long years saw nothing new.
Well, there are the depressing choices. And now for a flea bath and rinse.
Goodrich. It’s gotta be Goodrich.
I vote for Sgt. Goodrich. He gets paid $125,000 kper year + benefits + pension to lie in order to deflect criticism (temporarily) from the FPD. The three dinosaurs do not get paid nearly as much as councilmembers although a couple of them are shaking down the municipal pension system for double Sgt. Goodrich’s pay!
But Goodrich has the only job where you lie, get caught and still get paid an inflated salary (other than Wall Street CEO’s!)
Tuco, good points. I think you may have a front runner here.
Hey, the picture of Bankhead asleep on the dais represents the Failed Face of Fullerton, no?
JFD, when did you acquire such extraordinary wisdom?
My vote goes to McKinley (as always) because he is one of the main architects, now conductor, of a epic cover-up.
AN epic cover-up.
I hate when I do that.
OK, this Fringie thing is getting redundant, however, I believe all the Fringie awards should go to Pat McKinley due to his constant blubbering, failing, making up his own words ie. ‘bloused’, acting like ‘hot-shit’ chief of police still, hiring FPD recruits apparently by going down to Men’s Central Jail in LA and recruiting the convicts on their way out.
Pat McKinley=KIng Fringie
Redundant yes, but without reminders of all the plunders, people will forget, and move on to something else in their insular world. We need to drive it home!
Yes, I meant plunder, although there a lot of blunders as well.
That’s what the city has done to its residents.
Jan h you been smokin the green leafy stuff again?!!!
Make sure you clock in, you spy you!
Redundant? That’s not our fault. it’s been that kind of year.
In any case you needn’t worry about it. Them’s all the categories. If I can round up a quorum for the Selection Committee winners will be announced in a day or two. And by winners I mean losers.
However, as always we will be handing out Special Fringies® to those who have excelled themselves – one way or another.
….and we have a four way tie!
Heavens to Murgatroyd! That picture of Goodrich is 20 years old. That or he has aged 20 years since the picture was snapped.
“Douchenozzle” being the magic word, I have to go with Pat McPension- a seriously bad-ass douchenozzle of Uranus proportions.
How does a guy like that have any friends and who are they?
I would vote for Michael Sellers if that was an option, but out of these turds-Im going to go with Mckinley – for all the things he turned his back on, for the Shebear seminar comments
whether or not Sellers is to blame-McKinley knew what his “buddy” was ignoring but chose to sit there and not say or do anything-this make him as culpable and guilty as anyone.
as Einstein said,
“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
Don’t look at the bottom people. Goodrich is a meaningless, albeit astounding symptom. McKinley is a rank amateur, Bankhead is a puppet and Jones is a placeholder. Give this award to those who are the true architects of our dysfunctional city hall. The three Recallees could not have secured their seats without the support and protection of the likes of Dick Ackerman. Ackerman is an insider’s insider whose mission is to both make money and prevent the elections of those who would interfere with his ability to make a living. Of course this includes electing three guys who have never had an original political thought in their lives. Ackerman represents the very worst of what Orange County Republican Party politics has become… DPOC II.
The most amusing irony is that Ackerman IS exactly what the No-Recall supporters are claiming Tony Bushala is. The Fullerton Recall is the most noble battle in Fullerton political history. Small government values vs. self-serving cronyism.
Ackerman wins.
So, from now on the cop lovers and all their friends will be called, “Ackerman’s puppets who are McKinleys’ puppets”.
Excellent points. Except that Ackerman’s going to lose. And that will be history. He’s too old to start cultivating a whole new collection of puppets.
I dunno. Once the Recall signatures are verified Ackerman is going to have to start thinking about hedging his bets with some new stooges in the replacement election.
Dick isn’t honest but he isn’t too dumb. He needs a Plan B to protect St. Anton Partners millions.
BTW JFD, your remark of Goodrich, “swinish face of Fullerton”, is thee perfect description for that mugshot of him.
Is it just me or does anyone else feel like backhanding him when you see that photo?
It’s not just you.
We;; Yeah I wanna backhand him every time i see him!
O and how he would love to backhand me!!!
McKinky all the way!
McKinky! LOL!
I just heard that Goodrich won Supervisor of the Year last week at the Fullerton Police Department Xmas dinner. If that true?
FPD Xmas dinner? I’ll bet that was a real somber event.
Somber only if your conscience is intact which is still questionable for the majority of those in attendance. The silence from the supposed “good officers” and the eccumenical leaders of our community is defeaning. Even more appaling as the silence was broken just a few days ago was the attorney bragging IN YOUR FACE about how the charges will be dropped. Yet we still hear about the similar but less fatal beating at Dodger Stadium 9 months ago with a far better outcome for the victim. The LAPD stopped the earth’s rotation in order to lock someone up for that horrific crime WHICH HAD NO VIDEO CAPUTURE AND FEW WITNESSES and yet about 30 miles to the south and several months later the FPD, while engaged in far worse on film in plainview of many stopped the moon’s rotation thinking nobody would notice, to effect a massive cover-up of a brutal murder. Unbenounced to those in attendance to the FPD event at the summit house, what they were celebrating was not the birth of Christ at their party but in reality the saturnalia celebration with a side of ashtoreth, a touch of baal, a dash of the grove and a sprinkle of molech. May God have mercy on those involved in this heinous incident and subsequent white wash and cover up. There is NO FORGIVENESS WITHOUT REPENTANCE AND DENIAL AND LIES DO NOT CONSTITUTE REPENTANCE. Like I have said before -it is never too late to do the right thing. THE WORLD IS WAITING AND WATCHING.
I wonder if Ramos and Cicinelli, or Wolfe and Hampton showed up.
That reminds me of the time when mayor Dick Jones sexually harassed a female cop at the FPOA Christmas party.
No wonder officer Rincon got away with it for so long.
Forgot about that. Grabbed some lady cops ass?
Well, Hell that isn’t a good thing, but it ain’t a dangerous thing. Besides, she had no credibility.
I still wonder how HeeHaw managed to cover that up. Oh, right, the cop contract was being negotiated. I wonder what he and Blankhead gave away to keeps the cops silent.
NO, I heard they rounded up a few transients and strung ’em up like PINATAS then had secret santa.
I am still upset that QuickSilver and Whitakker are both on the city council and do not regularly take the 3 blind mice and the city manager to task for problems at FPD. All votes have to be public. How did they vote for the City Manager raise or the FPD request for better benefits? Exactly what have the “other” two been doing? Tuco wants to know and so should you!
FTT… FTT… FTT… FTT… FTT… *snore* FTT… Penal Code 186.22… FTT… even more FTT… blah blah blah blah
Who was the hat lady with the heart condition?
she is doing the lords work. fo sho
toker town dawg, what the fuck
a bunch a little pussy white and rich brown fucks running around playin al capone or what?
what no F.x13′ vario? (for all you gringos 13 at the end of any city for example P.x13 la puente tresse’)
no real cholo’s and chola’s up in f town?
The various 0″FTT” myspace pages hasnt been updated since 2008. Seems like they’re chasing a defunct gang.
I’ll bet Cynthia smells nice.
McKinley just got slammed for hiring Cyclops.
FPD is kicking the homeless …interesting.
Anti-Recall lady up now!
She called the recall “divisive”, “ill will”, “does harm to the soul of the city”, “emotional mischief” and each signature costs the city $3.40.
Recalls are an American right- part of CA political system since 1911. It provides a mechanism for the public to attempt to remove elected public officials from office before the end of their term of office
… and recalls are not “reserved” for malfeasance or any other reason- see CA constititution Article 2, Sections 13;14;
Neither the California Constitution nor the Elections Code says under what circumstances recall is justified.
Instead, the CA Constitution says, in connection with recalls of state officers, “sufficiency of reason is not reviewable.”
Typical scare tactics for the weak minded and feeble. When all else fails, misdirect and lie. It’s the norm in the industry.
Note to political hacks: If you ever want to be taken seriously don’t use the word “divisive”. It makes you look like a lying weenie grasping at straws.
the anti-recall lady is totally biased. She (Molly Mcclanahan) was recalled from the Fullerton city council in 1994.
Nice …real nice.
OH, you go, Christine “Im not done yet” yes
and she didn’t get a “warning 1!”.
Holy smokes! That last chick was smokin hot! Who was that.
Ha ha hahahah.
Has anyone talked to Christine and got the name of the officer that assaulted her?
I love what heavy accent lady did with her hair.
thats all it is these days, HAT lady, CRAZY SOUTH OF BORDER LADY, KELLYS ARMY HAS DWINDLED GASP MAYBE DIED. I would love to see that passion that once existed!!!
Cute but hat lady had nothing to do with Kelly’s Army and “South of the border lady” (as you so wonderfully called her) always complained about officers doing nothing about her domestic violence case, like “hat lady” she never was really involved in the protests of KT’s murder so you’re 0-2 but I digress, times have changed havent they?
I remember not too long ago when you cop kissers hinted that it was Ron’s fault that Kelly’s head got bashed in and that the officers involved were “heroes” and outstanding members of the community who should be lauded for doing such an outstanding job.
Today even the higher ups at Fullerton PD admit there is a problem with their department and the cops involved are on trial so you cop kissers and bootlickers are left to go back into hiding with your tails tucked between your legs. *whimpers*
Smile 🙂
Nice seeing you all.
How did I do?
It must be very hard to keep your peeps in line. Always remember that your peeps are a reflection on you. The crap flows to the top.
Were you the guy in the red, sucking up to McKinley?
who cares
helment boy
I have to say I am very pleased with how Mayor Quirk-Silva conducted this meeting. She was very respectful and didn’t cut anyone off and most of the speakers did the same.
It went very well.
The meeting did go very well.
Much of that had to do with acting Chief Hamilton explaining all the additional training procedures the department has been going through since the Gennaco and FBI investigations, etc.
That set the tone.
Love that word “Acting”. Chief Hamilton can not be a real Chief until Sellers is truly gone. Sucks for Hamilton. What 12 mos. for Sellers, to be on leave before anyone can take his position?
It’s A Toss up 1 or 2!
Goodrich and his Lie’s
McKinley one Sick Fuck!
Happy To Say I get uinder Both of their Skin!
They dont Scare me! I will be All up in their Kool-aid as Long as I have to be!
Honey, no one’s listening. The story is done.
Goodrich is no one in the scheme of things. McKinley was a cop. He’s used to being yelled at.
Move on….
And when you yell as much as you do, no one listens after awhile. It goes in one ear and out the other.
I appreciate that you want change. I really do. I want it too. You need to know their game though and how to play it in order to bring change. I’m sorry to say that you don’t know it.
“Sorry but when you break a cop’s arm all bets are off”
“No one cares about some violent homeless schizophrenic.”
“Let the Fullerton PD complete their investigation”
“Don’t rush to judgement”
“How do you know? Were you there?”
“Lets not try this in the court of public opinion”
“They’re innocent until proven guilty”
and now… ” no one’s listening. The story is done.”
Wrong then and Wrong now.
Acting Chief Hamilton is retiring. Hughes will be taking over in January.
Next meeting is January 17th.
Captain Dan Hughes will be the next acting Chief of Police. Captain Hamilton is retiring in January.
Are you kidding? I asked Hughes at the saterday protest if he thought that the mug shot of Kelly Thomas was real. He sas… Oh Yea…Do I believe that he believes that… Oh yea… but not really. I think a police oversight committie with fullerton citizens should nominate candidates for the next chief. I like what Ron T. said tonight about tearing down the city to rebuild it. I believe for real reform in the department it must be dismantled first.
Hughes is a bald two faced thug like McKinley. He was there overseeing officers when they were pulling over people for honking.
The whole thing could have been his idea.
No, it wasn’t Hughes’ idea. He’s not an ideas guy, which might be a good thing. Something that assanine must have been concocted by some real shithead-4-brains. I’m thinking Andy Good-4-nothing and Barry Coughdonut.
That sucks…I like Hughes but I have to wonder how well (or how long) Hamilton’s implementations will be enforced if he does retire. I especially applaud the DAR rules. Long overdue!
dar rule is bull shit, that should not even be a rule but a given!!! fucking pigs and their corrupt ways……………fuck the one law for them and on for us is BOLLUCKS
I agree and just what exactly is going to happen if an officer turns off his or her dar?
They’re not going to suspend or fire him/her, thats for sure. There is no incentive for any abusive cop to follow the old rules which has been repackaged as “new” for public consumption.
*when* he retires…
Is it just me or seeing these cast of characters mugs is getting me sick to my stomach. Knowning what we now know of them just boils the blood. I would yell at anyone of them for just stepping on my lawn! Ha! Was unable to make the meeting last night, did that do nothing, hear nothing and say nothing worthless city manager get the cost of living adjustment/raise? And does the city account for this X-mas present for this guy? Dont tell me, the vote was 3-2. Please give us some good news on the re-call so we can get some people in there that can at least be civil to each other and start doing some governing. What is happening now and been happening is just beyond pathetic. Hamilton should retire sooner than later and the citizen oversight committee for the new cheif is a great idea. Retraining, what a load of shit! Talk about dragging your feet. If you have to train these knuckleheads on why you should not murder, molest and steal you got a long way to go baby, a long way. Trust is gone completely. Preety much no turning back with these baffoons
The vote for Felz was a disappointing 4-1.
Ron T is full of dog shit…who does he think he is Mr. Fullerton????