Fringie® Fanfare! And the Winners Are…
Well Friends, here they are. The 2011 Fringie® winners. I hope you appreciate all the tears, blood and sweat that went into this production. You probably don’t, and that makes it easier for us to wreak havoc on your synapses and bend your reality this away and that. In life you deserve what you get. And Fullerton deserves it’s Fringie® winners.

In the category of Dumbest Thing Said By a Politician the winner was a foregone conclusion. When you’re dealing with nincompoops like Don Bankhead and Doc Heehaw Jones, the competition is fierce. But nobody, and I mean nobody could match the ignorance, stupidity, and sheer insensitivity of the genuine and heartfelt remarks made by Pat McKinley at the Soroptomist She Bear gathering. See, to McKinley if you are the wrong kind of woman getting sexually attacked in the back of a cop car “ain’t a dangerous thing.” Just call Chief.

In the category of Creepiest Political Stooge the award goes to a tiny shrunken head named Bill Gillespie. Unlike the rest of the anti-recall stooges (who have or will profit from the current Sclerotic Regime), Gillespie appears to be a stoogin’ just for the sake of stoogery. And that takes a very special kind of personality, indeed.

The Scariest Ghost of Fullerton Past was a landslide vote for former Fullerton councilman A.B. “Buck” Catlin, who was recalled in1994 for imposing a completely unnecessary utility tax on Fullerton and who thus earned the undying love of liberals and RINOs alike, who actually named a street after him. This specter emerged in 2011 to defend the indefensible – including Don Bankhead who was recalled right alongside him almost twenty years ago.
In the ever-popular category of Best Image, the Fringie® goes to the pair of charm-boys Ramos and Cicinelli, who created what is arguably the scariest pair of mug shots in Orange County history. These two goons in uniform are poster boys for a police force that is out of control and that answers to nobody – yet. Believe it or not, there are people in Fullerton who can look at these faces and not feel betrayal and disgust. Three of them are on the City Council – for now.

A lot of bad votes were taken in Fullerton in 2011, and the Selection Committee burned the midnight oil choosing the winner of the Worst Vote 2011. And by winner, I mean we all lose. Buying four times as many raincoats as you need at $90 bucks a pop? Embarrassing. Hiring a con man to deliver a pep talk to your overpaid, pampered educrats? Shameful. But when it come down to all ’round crooked dealings, the vote to jump bag man Dick Ackerman’s client from eighth place to the front of the Redevelopment multi-million dollar, low income housing bonanza line, earns first place. For Ackerman, Fullerton is just a plantation to be worked, and worked hard; and his overseers, Jones, Bankhead, and McKinley are there to make sure their anti-recall team leader gets his share of the tribute levied on the rest of us.
The Best Video of 2011? Once again the Committee was presented with several deserving nominees. In the end, however, there was consensus: the utterly comical portrait of a cop goon with important things on his mind carried the day. Yes, friends, you know what I’m talking about: Fullerton cop union boss Barry Coffman, with visions of donuts and pizza dancing through his hollow skull as he hands out tickets for “excessive horning!”
And the piece de resistance, the Failed Face of Fullerton 2011. How else can one sum up the arrogance, prevarication, sense of self-entitlement, and all ’round porcine attitude that has come to characterize Fullerton leaders and their masters in the police department. Come up with a better image. I challenge you.
The Fringies® wouldn’t be complete without the Annual Special Fringies® awarded to those who have earned distinction. One way or another.
First we award a Special Fringie® to Kelly’s Army – that ragtag assortment of lefties, libertarians and people of conscience and who banded together to show the entrenched sea anemones and their clown fish that in this country sovereignty inheres in the people, not in their politicians, and certainly not in their uniformed praetorian goon squad. Americans of good will came together – without permits, without government approval, without budgets and police power to do the right thing. A “lynch-type mob?” No, Heehaw, Americans exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Got it?
Another Special Fringie® goes to those witnesses who were willing to come forward with what they knew about the Kelly Thomas murder. God bless them, and especially God bless that OCTA bus driver who made sure the immediate eye-witness testimony without coercion or threat was recorded for posterity.
We award a Special Fringie® to Marisa Gerber of the OC Weekly, who alone among those paid to do reporting in Orange County actually did a detailed investigation of the Fullerton Police Department’s Culture of Corruption. Well done, Marisa.

For all round cowardice and pusillanimity we recognize Fullerton’s establishment liberals who have sold their souls for mortgages, Volvos, tenure, timeshares in Taos, and whatever else they hold dear. When the chips were down they were weighed in the balance and found wanting. Hell, they weren’t there at all. A guy named Baxter dealt with them far better than we ever could.

Lest we forget others who did nothing when they ought to have, let us award a Special Fringie® to our do-nothing DA Tony Rackaukas. Yes Rackauckas brought charges against the killers Ramos and Cicinelli. He also let the latter off with a puny bail; he let the other four cops at the Kelly Thomas murder scene off the hook completely; he has done nothing about the fact that their superiors coached fraudulent reports about the murder that ignored key facts; he knows and apparently doesn’t care that cops at the murder scene were witnessed confiscating cameras and film; moreover, he ignored the evident perjury by Kenneth Hampton and Frank Nguyen in the bogus Veth Mam prosecution; and he ignored the findings of his own investigator that Albert Rincon had sexually attacked a dozen women in false custody. What a guy.

And to the “main steam media,” particularly those employees of the Orange County Register who until this day continue to refer to the Kelly Thomas bludgeoning death as a scuffle, a confrontation, a fight, an altercation, or some other similar unadulterated bullshit, we award you a Special Fringie® with Poison Oak Clusters and the fervent hope for a decidedly low circle in Hell when the time comes.

Finally, a Very Special Fringie® to Fullerton Stories, an on-line (mis)information source that has remained remarkably incurious about the string of criminal and unethical behavior by Fullerton’s cops over the past several years. This operation hit rock bottom when it posted an interview with alleged itinerant jewelry peddler Richard Fritschie (above) who not only claimed to be a witness to the Kelly Thomas murder, but who took it upon himself to defend what even the DA confirms was a crime perpetrated by members of the FPD. How the rat Fritschie hooked up with Fullerton Stories in the first place certainly makes one think of the ever helpful FPD media contact Andrew Goodrich, and I’ll just leave it at that. I wonder what Fritschie’s reward was. A pack of smokes?
Well, Friends, these are the Third Annual Fringies®. It’s been a helluva year for you humans in Fullerton, and I thought I had it rough when my mistress was whacking me with that broomstick everyday. Still, 2012 promises to be better in so many ways.
And don’t forget Friends, the immortal words of Cassius in Julius Caesar: “the fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings.”
Well done JFD! That was and still is very entertaining. Although there is nothing funny about any of this, it is truly amazing that this many shinanigans had gone on in Fullerton and many of these Fringie happenings occured within a two or three month period.
Your comments on DA Rackaucas were spot on. I too can’t understand how a person (who gives a shit if he’s a cop) gets out on $25K bail for Involuntary Manslaughter. That normally warrants a bail amount of over $200K. Not to mention all the other ommissions of punishment you commented on.
So, you’re a cop. What do you make?
Have you ever had someone come up to you and say this:
Oh you’re a cop? That’s cool. I wanted to do that when I was a kid. What do you make?
Written by some talented cop somewhere, here is an answer that I thought I would share.
I make it possible to keep back the chaos every day.
I make 5 minutes seem like a lifetime when I am fighting a suspect while waiting for back up.
I make going to work for your family’s safety a duty that I will die for.
I make myself work holidays, nights, during hurricanes, riots, terrorist attacks and other disasters…… a standard day while you complain about your 9-5 in your air conditioned office.
I make the fact that I may not get to eat, or get a break or cannot use the restroom when I need to, part of my job.
I make running towards the gunfire and bad guys, so that you remain safe, an automatic reaction.
I make getting shot at, stabbed, spit on, punched and kicked at work, an expected part of my day.
I make working for people, who most often dislike me, swear at me, and complain about everything I do or do not do.
I make working 12 hour shifts until 6 AM, my day at the office, so you and your family can sleep safely, a way of life.
Today I might make the ultimate sacrifice to save your life.
I make a difference, WHAT DO YOU MAKE?
During this Christmas season, I give thanks to all my fellow law enforcement officers regardless of their rank, title, department, or agency for the job you do, or have done in these ever increasingly difficult times.
what do I make as a health professional who also saves lives but with a total different attitude?
A paycheck that deducts taxes to pay for “public safety”
you know, the occupation that you CHOSE to take up.
And one other thing, my taxes do not come with a special note on them saying, “badges grant extra rights”
Oh brother.
You make 3@50 while the rest of us will work ’til we’re 70.
Your brutality and killings go unreported and undetected because weak politicians caved in to your disgusting “Bill of Rights” rights that the common folk who pay your exorbitant salaries don’t have.
You rack up huge amounts of overtime and will retire with a six-figure pension.
It’s almost impossible to fire you, no matter how badly you screw up. You can be a sex pervert like Albert Rincon, a perjurer like Kenton Hampton, a thug like Joe Wolfe and you are above the very law you swore to uphold.
You work three days a week mostly sitting on your fat ass in a patrol car or writing up illiterate, self-serving reports.
You don’t run toward danger. Your job is ever-increasingly aimed at reducing any real risk to yourself, despite all the PR from fat slobs like Andrew Goodrich. 7-11 clerks have much more dangerous jobs than you do and contribute more to society.
The last Fullerton cop who died for anything was over 20 years ago and it happened in Downey.
Chaos? Are you fucking serious? Look at the chaos in Fullerton created by our own police department. I feel safer walking down Valencia with hundreds in my wallet than walking into police headquarters.
During this Christmas season I give thanks to all the Fullerton citizens regardless of their rank, title, neighborhood or political affiliation who have finally realized that our city has been turned over to a bunch of self-serving, hypocritical goons.
Yes these are increasingly difficult times. We can’t afford your self-righteous, over paid, over entitled union goons anymore.
I only wish that I could have expressed my response to that self-righteous BS quite as succintly as you did. Well done mate!
THAT was brilliantly described Fullerton Harpoon!!!
Perfect description of the life of an LEO, with a grandiose sense of entitlement.
Way to put Reality Check badge boy in his place.
“Your job is ever-increasingly aimed at reducing any real risk to yourself”
hit the nail on the head.
Well said Fullerton Harpoon.. BRAVO!!
Swing and a miss ffff-tard. And I’ll bet you cut and pasted that from some dumb cop magazine.
He literally did. Just google it and you’ll see the same thing posted on various social networks and forums all over the net.
Apparently it was released for self serving boot lickers and pompous officers who are incapable of forming original thoughts (which is typically the case) so they spam this crap all of the net.
By the way, gotta love those self serving pricks who thank military people for their service people but get all angry and even curse them if they don’t respond.
Reality Check,
Some of your number do the following while on duty as law enforcement officers:
Physically assault people without cause.
Arrest people on false charges.
File official reports that contain falsehoods.
Beat people to death.
Violate policies overseeing Digital Audio Recorders and tasers.
Conspire to tailor reports to rationalize their misdeeds and crimes.
Harass people without cause.
Sexually assault people.
Deliberately lie to the news media and public.
I must ask you, if members of your profession deserve our gratitude for a dangerous and stressful job, as you imply, are they not also obliged to speak out against their fellow officers who commit the acts listed above? Have you ever ONCE heard of a cop doing that in this town?
“I’m sorry” or “I was wrong” does not exist in Police vocabulary.
It’s called “officer needs help” and “stop resisting”.
Or, “Go home or be arrested”
boohoo, you poor tortured underpaid soul. Go sell your schtick somewhere else.
I know WHAT YOU MAKE!!!… sick.
Why didn’t you make the ultimate sacrifice to save Kellys’ life? Did you decide he didn’t deserve it? I take it you were one of those that stood and watched and covered the asses of your corrupt union thug compadres? Just as I thought.
I’ll just leave this here:
But who else could make a Fireman, Teacher, or Paramedic look BAD.
RC, your LE RAGWUS propaganda doesn’t work on informed citizens.
The idea that a Rockstar guzzling sociopath is working a 12 hour shift while carrying all sorts of murder weapons is in and of itself foolish and just plain stupid. It is no wonder so many crimes take place inside your cabal. For now you still have inside lackies like T-Rack to protect your crimes, but that will soon be coming to an end. 😉
Very good votes. Excellent votes. I may not agree with everything written throughout the year on this blog, but I want to thank Tony and Travis for their hard work this year. I want to thank them for the discussion. Without it, a mentally ill man’s death would have been glossed over. Also, thank you both for showing Fullerton that government is for the people and not the other way around.
Hi puppet!
Thank you JFD, and all, this was a hard choice, so little time, so many boneheads to choose from
I also like the video choice, one of my favorite parts in it, is the talking Andrew Goodrich and his cartoon uniform that shows the straining button in attempt to close over his girth
do we send them and everybody in fullerton, a “mailer”?
Thank you for giving props to Kellys Army and Baxter…
I know we are making things change.
Proverbs 21:22: the wise conquer the city of the strong and level the fortress in which they trust.
Where’s Sellers?
I think he’s hiding behind Goodrich, completely out of sight.
That would be like Jupiter hiding behind Saturn. They’ve both big gassy planets.
Hahahahahahaha. I’m ROFLMFAO.
This years Fringie’s were so much fun to read. I laughed, I cried, I learned. I feel many here don’t deserve such great writing & thinking skills that you have JFD.
If I ever meet you, I want to feed you the best treats money can buy. And I hope there’s beer in heaven, cause if there is I’d buy you as much beer as you can drink to wash down those tasty treats. In fact I think I’m going to name my 1st born child after you.
May God Bless Jan Florys Dog!
any feedback on the new acting chief of FPD? capt. dan hughes? he is another corrupt official? another guy who thinks he can walk on water?
Fullerton appoints new acting police chief
For most courageous use of the English language in a blog post, ‘pusillanimity’. How ironic is that?
Hughes named acting Fullerton police chief
Capt. Dan Hughes, commander of the Fullerton Police Department’s patrol division, has been appointed acting police chief by City Manager Joe Felz.
The appointment will become effective Jan. 3.
He will replace Kevin Hamilton, who will resume his duties as captain in charge of the department’s detective division. He will also assist Hughes in the transition to the acting chief’s duties.
Felz explained the decision to appoint Hughes was prompted by Hamilton’s plans to retire soon, after 34 years with the Police Department. Hamilton, named acting chief in August, originally planned to retire this past summer, but put those plans on hold when Chief Michael Sellers was placed on extended medical leave by his doctor.
“Capt. Hamilton has done an outstanding job in assuming the acting police chief position at a very difficult time for the department and the city,” Felz said. “His efforts have been very much appreciated not only by the City Council and myself, but by the community as a whole.”
Hughes, a 28-year veteran of the police department, is a “hometown boy,” having been born and raised in Fullerton. He joined the Fullerton Police as a cadet in 1983, and became an officer in 1985. He was promoted to sergeant in 1996, lieutenant in 2006, and to patrol division captain in 2010.
Hughes holds an associate of science degree in criminal justice from Fullerton College, and both a bachelor of science degree in occupational studies and a master of science degree in emergency services administration from California State University, Long Beach.
Hughes is also a graduate of the Supervisory Leadership Institute and the International Association of Chiefs of Police leadership course “Leadership in Police Organizations.” In April, Hughes is scheduled to graduate Command College, which is an 18-month leadership and futures-oriented course designed for management in law enforcement
Hughes serves on the board of directors of the Fullerton Boy’s and Girl’s Club, and is a member of the Fullerton Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Fullerton Steering Committee, as well as the Fullerton Downtown Business Association and the Fullerton Downtown Working Group.
Hughes said he is looking forward to his new role, adding he takes great pride in the department. “I firmly believe the men and women of the Fullerton Police Department are some of the best law enforcement officers in Southern California,” he added.
Hughes said his initial steps as acting chief will be to continue “working on improving community trust and confidence in their Police Department.” One idea to this end that he wishes to explore is the possible formation of a community advisory committee to the chief of police.
He added he will also be working closely with his staff on completion of a review and update of department policies, procedures, and practices “to ensure our officers are making the proper ethical decisions and performing effectively, and that our supervisors are engaging more with our officers and the community in the field.”
Hughes and his wife, Kimberly, reside in Yorba Linda. They have three children – Christina, Austin and Grant. He is a member of the Yorba Linda Friends Church and is active in youth sports.
Dan Hughes is a good honest and intelligent person that was raised here in Fullerton, and a guy that I personally respect and admire for being a good father and a good listener.
Hat’s off to Joe Felz for his selection of Dan Hughes as Fullerton’s next Chief of Police.
Other than being a good listener, hand shaker, smiler and nodder. Has he said or done anything substantial to honestly earn our trust?
…I ask because I still remember that video of him standing with the officers picking off people for honking and none of us got word of it beforehand.
He was the one who tore up all of those chicken-sh*& honking tickets; every one.
How do you know that he personally tore up those tickets? It’s a serious question.
…and if I am to believe that he was so passionate about it how come he stood there and let his officers ticket people to begin with?
Capt. Hughes also believes the “phony mug shot of Kelly Thomas” is in fact real.
Noses are different.
It may be time on this blog for an open and for those who need to be, anonymous discussion of Capt. Hughes.
Like most of you whom have met him, he struck me as personable, professional, and friendly. But I hardly know him well.
There have also been a few very negative comments posted over the last few months about Hughes – not the ones by people who are just inherently suspicious, which is understandable – but comments alleging that Hughes has participated in some of the excessive force we’ve seen so many examples of discussed here.
I’d like to know if that it true, and I hope that the people who have indicated some knowledge of dubious incidents in Hughes’ past will shed some light on this. Basically, I think collectively our opinion of Hughes is quite favorable, but if there are skeletons in his closet that people know about, I’d like to hear about them.
Loved the Fringies awards, , especially the ‘special awards’………
Thank you for everything you do for all of us. For keeping our cities safe. You well never please everybody, but you will please most of us. Thank you again!!
Yes, , Thank you for all you do….and no, I don’t dislike you, I RESPECT you…I only dislike and have no respect for the bad apples among you. That’s why it’s so important to me to get the bad ones out as soon as possible. I’d like to keep it an honorable profession, as I’m sure you would….
And thank you for all the unsung REAL hero’s like
Those who work and give to homeless, abused women and children, animal shelters.
Writers and others who keep a community in the know about situations that would be covered up
Plain old everyday people who care and use their talents, compassion and gifts to serve and fight for their fellow humans, without pay or expectations.
thank God for these people, if not for them then you get into sleepless night, unsafe streets and chaos territory
and why arent the “good apples” saying anything about the “bad apples” to this day?
YOU make us normal folk sick!
My comment #37 was for this “Thank you for everything you do for all of us. For keeping our cities safe. You well never please everybody, but you will please most of us. Thank you again!!”
Reality Check,
Your job is not even in the top ten worst jobs in America, Garbage collectors are even ahead of Law Enforcement. Until all of this happened in Fullerton, and the Kelly Thomas beating/murder, I always supported Law Enforcement, encouraged my children and others to also, but now I have certainly changed my opinion. When did it happen that the laws do not apply to you? When did it happen that the Laws of the Land that you are suppose to be enforcing, do not apply to you? You are no different than any other citizen, if anything I would think that you would strive to follow the laws of this nation, to be ann example, rather than think that you are excempt because you wear a badge. Until one or some of you break ranks and show that there is some honor left in the FPD, you will forever work in the shadows of Ramos, Cicinelli, Hampton, Wolfe, Blatney, and Craig.
so did joe felz get his raise? where’s the news? hard to care about these friggin friggies.
Re: # 2, by reality check: Author of;
It’s All About My Paycheck;
So, You’re a cop. What Do You Make?
Have you ever had someone come up to you and say this:
Oh you’re a cop? That’s cool. I wanted to do that when I was a kid. What do you make?
Written by some talented cop somewhere, (who writes here under the name of ‘reality check’ and who begs to be parodied below) ‘reality check’ gives us the anwers to the questions that he does not understand, and that he never thought I would share.
I make an entire corrections system corrupt by creating chaos every day: for Job security.
I make 5 minutes seem like a lifetime when I am beating a suspect while waiting for back up.
I make going to work for your family’s ‘safety’ a duty that you will die for.
I make myself work holidays, nights, during hurricanes, riots, terrorist attacks and other disasters…… a standard day while opportunistically raping robbing and rolling arrestees, and you complain about your 9-5 in your air conditioned office! My off shore account deposits anti-in more money each day than you will make in your entire lifetime. When you go to your storage unit, you can smeel the greebacks as you walk past mine.
I make the fact that I may not get to eat, or get a break or cannot use the restroom when I need to, part of my job description; to cover for the fact that I go where I want and do what I want while Dispatch looks the other way. That way my buds and I can convene on bag ladies and street walkers for ‘put out or go to jail’ parties, AKA gang bangs. And when we are not doing that, we can get together in bar parking lots at closing time to roll drunks, of we are not busy at the strip malls, demanding our kick backs from the ‘gang member cooperatives’ and racketeers who we post there. 80 grand per year isn’t enough for me, I need to steal your kid, during parking lot break-ins because your kid cashes out at 40 grand in body parts.
I make running towards the gunfire and bad guys so that you remain safe, and stupidly in the dark, an automatic reaction: that way I can chase down a dime bag, I mean chase down a bad guy, and bury my meth induced mistakes, either literally or in the corrections system. I’m not worried, when a passer-by calls in that she saw me snorting out of a bindle in my squad car, I just make sure that dispatch got her name, so that I can pick her up on false charges and burry her alive in the system.
I make getting shot at, stabbed, spit on, punched and kicked at work, an expected part of my day, by provoking ‘resisting arrest’ (a charge, which lead to a stripe and MORE MONEY for ME, which is the only reason why I am here you moron.
I make working for people, who most often dislike me, swear at me, and complain about everything I do or do not do, a joke. Considering that it is derision earned, I think it’s pretty funny that they are paying me.
I make working 12 hour shifts until 6 AM, my day at the office -so you and your family can sleep safely, while my buds conduct home invasion robberies- a way of life.
Today I might make the ultimate sacrifice to save your life. Or I might rape and kill your wife or kids, heck, I might shoot you as a right of passage, after all I am the gang in blue: you owe me.
I make a difference, I make the Constitution into bird cage liner, WHAT DO YOU MAKE? Whatever it is you can bet that I will get some of it off of you.
During this Christmas season, I give thanks to all of my fellow law enforcement officers regardless of their rank, title, department, or agency for the job you do, or have done in these ever increasingly difficult times. I thank you because I know that you are stupid, and that you will go along with me in my endeavor to wear The Emperor’s New Clothes, which is why those PD ‘white hats’ are covered in crap. Lets keep our blinders on and pretend that the Constitution is the only thing covered in crap by us around here. I also asked Jesus to bless the priest who taught me how to be the child molester who I am. And thanks guys for helping me to afford my ‘child sex tour’ vacations in Indonesia, by buying the biggest blocks sold by travel agencies, right here in Orange County. And a special thankyou to the Santa Ana cop who sent me that wonderful u-tube of a python eating a live girlscout, in the Westminster High gym , a highschool park, where we gang rape bag ladies, like Shannon, before Andy Hall and the rest of us tossed her into Chino on a (planted) pipe charge, with, ‘we’ll get away with it because crazies don’t get a defence; you are homeless, right: put out AND go to jail, har, har, har, get it? It’s funy because it’s AND go to jail, you thought we said, ‘put out or go to jail.;”
DISCLAIMER (This is a parody, the officer ‘Reality Check,’ who authored the ‘original’ submission of BS, upon which this parody is based, (attached below) is probably a not a child molester, but does it matter; he has not identified himself (in keeping with the culture of ‘confabulation and child molesting,’ of which he is such a proud member). Sure, cops are only human and ‘it’s just a job.’ But so is plumbing, except that your plumber is less likely to kill you for sport. Notice that ‘reality check’ is toting the party line, by subtly intimating that cops are heroes, and not the bunch of child molesting murdering rapists who he works with every day and who love nothing more than to get to the top of their hierarchy by victimizing you: nor does he mention that they are predominantly a cowardly pack of barely educated slackers who could not get into a real gang, and who barely got out of high school. Perhaps Officer Iman Idiot does not know that the cat is out of the bag, as he sucks up to Lt. Letsee Moore Fawning, whose career is that of throwing as many people back over the ‘thin blue line’ where they can be picked off, criminalized and incarcerated, by his buds who keep those on the “safe” side in the dark about public assets being tapped, pillaged, plundered and extorted, by he and his buds-in-blue. Thanks officers, for making these times so difficult.
ORIGINAL FOLLOWS: AUTHORED BY ‘REALITY CHECK;’ aka (PAY MY CHECK) “So, you’re a cop. What do you make? Have you ever had someone come up to you and say this: Oh you’re a cop? That’s cool. I wanted to do that when I was a kid. What do you make? Written by some talented cop somewhere, here is an answer that I thought I would share. WHAT DO I MAKE?? I make it possible to keep back the chaos every day. I make 5 minutes seem like a lifetime when I am fighting a suspect while waiting for back up. I make going to work for your family’s safety a duty that I will die for. I make myself work holidays, nights, during hurricanes, riots, terrorist attacks and other disasters…… a standard day while you complain about your 9-5 in your air conditioned office. I make the fact that I may not get to eat, or get a break or cannot use the restroom when I need to, part of my job. I make running towards the gunfire and bad guys, so that you remain safe, an automatic reaction. I make getting shot at, stabbed, spit on, punched and kicked at work, an expected part of my day. I make working for people, who most often dislike me, swear at me, and complain about everything I do or do not do. I make working 12 hour shifts until 6 AM, my day at the office, so you and your family can sleep safely, a way of life. Today I might make the ultimate sacrifice to save your life. I make a difference, WHAT DO YOU MAKE? During this Christmas season, I give thanks to all my fellow law enforcement officers regardless of their rank, title, department, or agency for the job you do, or have done in these ever increasingly difficult times.”
nice post JFD, as always!
Beep, beep… beep, beep… yeah!
Beep, beep… beep, beep… yeah!.
So glad to hear that Captain Hughes was named the future Interim Police Chief at last nights Council Meeting. Yeah! He deserves it!
So, like one day I was talking to Captain Hughes and he was like making eye contact, nodding and stuff. It made me feel like he was like a person I want as chief and I know he will like make a difference and stuff.
I’m really happy for my city.
Dan Hughes DID in fact tear up every ticket that was presented to him afterwords, because he had specifically promised the protesters that only warnings would be handed out to motorists. When he was presented evidence to the contrary, Dan Hughes immediately voided the tickets, which avoided a potential disturbance of the peaceful protest for justice for Kelly Thomas.
So, I take it if you didnt present your ticket directly to him, you were out of luck. Good hustle on his part.
B.S! …He did no such thing. They started ticketing people without warning and he out there openly spotting people from the station that day.
I’m tired of people making idiotic remarks like “WE’RE TAXPAYERS, OUR TAXES PAY YOUR SALARY GRR GRR RAWR RAWR”.
I guess it has never occurred to them that police officers are also taxpayers.
I guess it has never occurred to them that security guards also put their lives on the line for minimum wage for people will never remember them let alone talk to them.
You have the gall to speak of security GUARDS?
Also major tax beneficiaries. That’s not an insignificant difference.
Perhaps you’re right but where does he get off injecting rinky-dinks into the matter?
Do you know how utterly lax the standards are to be a security guard? Any dimwitted moron. an do the job provided they are not a felon.
“Any dimwitted moron. an do the job provided they are not a felon.”
Add a couple months at Pat McPension’s Police Academy and you’ve got a gun-totin’, badge wearing’ Hero.
they are more Tax takers then payers- their salaries come directly from my tax dollars, mine doesnt
Also the post re: Cpt Hughes being the next interim chief.
From what I’d read when Hamilton was first elevated to that post, it was only supposed to have been temporary as Hamilton had been about to retire.
Ron Thomas Slams New Fullerton Police Chief
“Personally I do not support this move,” said Ron Thomas on Wednesday.
“After my son’s death when the protest began, ‘Dan’ was indeed very helpful to myself and Kelly’s Army. Him and I still talk nicely to each other,” wrote Ron Thomas in a statement.
“However, Capt. Hughes was and is the captain directly over the Patrol Division. These are the same officers that all of the brutality, rape, theft, misconduct, and now murder charges/lawsuits are against,” he wrote.
Calling the department “rogue,” Ron Thomas argued that the FPD “operates without fear of consequence.”
“What I see for Fullerton’s future, is a very good possibility of ‘business as usual’ with the same old fox guarding the hen house,” he wrote.
Glad Ron is telling it like it is. I’m shocked some people here are enamored with “Capt Dan” just because he stands around and nods his head.
In case people forgot, he had his officers issuing people tickets for honking near the station then when there was a public backlash, he weaseled out and dismissed the tickets AND yet some people still think he’s a hero!
“Well… he did tear up the tickets!” …get out of here! Geez!
…If “listening” and “nodding” is all it takes to please the masses, god help us. Glad Ron isnt falling for all of the razzle dazzle and other b.s.
“…If “listening” and “nodding” is all it takes to please the masses, god help us. ”
No kidding Anon, the people on this blog that support Hughes, Silva or Whitaker are out of their blooming minds. Don’t you get it people? None of them can be trusted? they are ALL self-interested corrupt people “in bed” with each other. Buy a clue, if you need the money I’ll loan it to you.
I’ve heard good things from people about Capt. Hughes, , it seems to me that he tries to be fair……but, more importantly, , he LISTENS to people….
Sam circus, different clown.
Re Huges, I do not trust him at all, never did, never will.
Ive said this before and I will say it again, the devil doesnt come knocking on your door in a red suit tail and horns or you wouldnt let him in.
I’ve heard stories about Huges too and what he did to people and they were not good stories either.
Hughs was on the balcony standing right next to the copper who was calling in back up to get a honker-then later had them torn up, yeah this is another Goodrich.
Homeless people want to be homeless and abused women stay in bad situations. God said I will help you if you help yourself.
God didn’t say that unless you claim to have had a personal interview with Him.
Perspective is pretty hard for anyone in a tough situation, that’s why we all rely on friends, family and the professionals to help get us through. To uncloud our vision, so we can see the way to start helping ourselves…….
And God is there through it all, , not just when we start to help ourself…….
You really know how to contribute to an intellectual discussion.
Not every homeless person wants to be homeless-oh compassionate, classy one
and not all abused women stay in bad situations, Oh great and knowing budda
I stand by my comment,
and let me add this, your great hero in blue, Gestapo Hampton didnt want to get his uniform all bloody with Kelly’s blood so he moved away, instead of doing something to stop the beating, he physically moved away so he would’nt get his costume soiled-doesnt sound like Kelly was getting any help from the Nazi regime, but I can guarantee if it was a normal person who had some compassion that was in the middle of this, CiCi would have been knocked away from Kelly -blood or not.
Actually, it was the Catholic Church who said that, “God helps those who help themselves’ is not in the Bible.
Ron Thomas Responds to New Police Chief Announcement
Ron Thomas makes a very compelling case for why he feels as he does about Captain Hughes serving as interim police chief. Frankly, if ever in crisis, I’d prefer Ron Thomas in my corner.
Someone I work with told me that there was a heavy police presence near Harbor Blvd. and the train bridge this morning.
Anyone aware of this?
Maybe, it was the accident where the pedestrians were hit and pushed into oncoming traffic this morning……….
A special thank you to Jan Flory for teaching your dog to possess such a gifted vocabulary, and to know how to put it to good use to entertain and inform us all about what’s REALLY going on in Fullerton.
I’d like to nominate JFD as Canine of the Year for overcoming an abusive upbringing, and yet still be able to find kindness and compassion for others, instead of growing up to be the bully that your owner sought to raise.
Yes, , good doggie….very good doggie!
Arf. Arf.
AGREED…JFD’s gotta get Canine of the Year!
You deserve it even though I have a couple of lovely dogs at home. They still dig into the trash whenever I leave the house without them, so they will NOT get my vote.
I recall that inside informant on KFI stated that the Cicinelli guy is really Big and other officers fear him and don’t like his heavy-handed tactics. I saw him at the pre-trial, stood next to him, asked him how good it felt bludgeoning a defenseless drifter to death, got no answer of course, but what I noticed is that he isn’t much over 5’11’ and looked a lot slimmer than in these recent mug shots. They must fear that distorted upper region of his face, with the fu’d up eye. Just a pussssssy to me. I also think that suck-ass in the red long-sleeved shirt at last nights council meeting is related to him.
No wonder they fear him, , he’s a space cadet with a full belt of weapons that’s known to go off on frenzied attacks…….
And I think he doesn’t get his eye to look better on purpose… scare the hell out of people when he walks up to them……
WG-yeah, you should have asked him why he doesnt wear a patch over that eye hole-like #2 from Austin Powers does
I happened to be there shooting video when you encountered him at the pretrial.
I imagine he’s not eating his usal dozen of donuts and most likely is not able to get free fried shrimp anymore-
did you really ask him that? haha
The other officers feared him? so they let him to tase and slam a guy’s head into the cement over and over until and while he was unconcious?
Who lets that happen and is able to stay quiet about it?
I cant imagine anyone normal with a sense of right and wrong who wouldnt try to intervene, scared of him or not.
The reason that Charities and ‘Homeless Support’ groups train their people in large livestock restraint, is so that they (Catholic Worker interns for example, and MHA outreach workers) can stop fights without hurting people. I myself use my traning to rustle cattle. Tee Hee. (I have a sheep ranch, really.)
It would be pretty frightening to see this guy coming at you, particularly at night, brandishing one of his department issued weapons.
I’d pepper spray him when he got close enough to me, then deliver a swift kick to the groin area, at which point he would double over. At that moment I would disarm him, take his taser, shoot him in the neck and hold the trigger. Of course, I would let him live.
Something must be wrong with me. I’m not a violent person and look what I just wrote.
God forgive me, please.
How did you get away with shooting video? I got reprimanded by some photo police lady (non-uniformed) after she caught me taking a snap shot of Tony DA and Ron Thomas. I told her I only took 3 photos, so get over it.
Haha you ffffers are just a bunch of bumbling idiots! You are so easily distracted and so easy to take off topic! Just read all the above comments 90% were about my post!!! Hahaha keep up the good work you morons! Oh and happy holidays! I know what Santa is bringing me…….. No RECALL 🙂 merry f’n christmas you drunk, pot smoking incest loving morons!!!
@You are so easily distracted and so easy to take off topic!
This is an internet forum not a senate hearing. Everything and anything is discussed here regardless of the “topic” and its that way for a large portion of any social network, forum and blog.
Get over yourself.
incest loving?
Noooo, , he’s got you on the list to be run over by a reindeer this year!
Calling people ‘morons’ is misconduct Officer ‘WhoGivesashit’ Reality Check. I’d love to file an Internal Affairs Complaint against you for your constant abuse of authority on this site, 25 years of which amazingly has not gotten you fired, even though it has and does undermined the public confidence. You may call people by their names or Sir or Ma’am. You may not call them perjoratives, and you really should turn in your badge, considering the damage that you do to any remnant of integrity you brothers in blue have in spite of you.
Was Dan Hughes the same individual that allowed the Fullerton 6 to view the video and rewrite there reports until they were all saying the same thing? Wouldn’t this be tampering with evidence? Falsifing a police report? Isn’t he one of McKinnley’s good ol’ boys? I don’t know but something smells fishie in Fullerton.
Someone should walk up to the sainted capt with a camera and ask him directly since he’s so readily available.
I’m guessing he’ll just stand there with that award winning smile on his face while his partner tells you to move along.
I hate your site and all your attacks on three men of Great Honor and Integrity and Decency. You should all be ashamed. These Three Men have made Fullerton what it is today!
What planet do you live on? Tell you what, , you can have our share of them…..
Interesting, a quick look at Manny “no neck” Ramos at the december pre pre trial