Cop Union President Barry Coffman Identified
UPDATE: Please note Coffman’s admission: “This year, my first citation”. So he obviously took on this assignment to harass citizens out of the sheer joy of it. And there you have it. Your tax dollars at work.
The other day we shared a video here of the Fullerton Police Department’s PR disastrous anti-honking ticket strategy. Of course it was justifiably greeted with a hail of scorn and outrage and was ridiculed across Southern California as blatant harassment of peaceful protesters. Egad, another FPD humiliation. Another day another embarrassment!
Oh, well, I guess when you don’t have a sense of shame it’s impossible to be shamed.
What went unmentioned in the video was the identity of the well-fed cop who handed out the ticket to the protester who had the temerity to honk for justice for Kelly Thomas. Well, I know who this churlish individual is.
No surprise! That’s Fullerton Police Officer Association President, Barry Coffman – the head union goon who got The Three Blind Mice McKinley, Bankhead, and Jones elected in the first place, and then watched in satisfaction as these three clowns handed over Fullerton to his union comrades.
Barry says he is smirking because he gets so much job satisfaction. But Barry won’t be smirking for long. Whatever the DA does there will be Federal and civil lawsuits coming FPD’s way, and likely punitive damages against the McKinley Six. And that’s not going to be hushed up as usual. And he’s got an anti-recall campaign to finance with three elderly orangutans who have finally been exposed as utterly incompetent.

Smirk on that, Barry.
There’s no way that lardo could even get over the obstacle course. Seriously, FPD needs to implement some physical fitness requirements. Maybe if these cops weren’t so out of shape they wouldn’t be so angry and violent.
There is more truth to that than you might realize. As cops they are not supposed to run away from danger. And when the fight or flight rush comes on, FAT cops who aren’t well trained and CAPABLE lash out with violence. They are fearful that they will be killed because they have not prepared their mind AND body for their job.
Can FAT cops claim that workplace stress made them eat too many donuts and now they must medically retire?
Sounds like a variation of the “twinkie” defense
Nice analogy, Peaches. Well done.
BTW, that was another murder that changed things due to community outrage. I remember that.
I doubt there will be a donut defense when Kelly’s killers have their day in court.
I remember joking with my friends about fat cops 30 years ago. The joke was you never run from a fat cop because they’ll shoot you in the back instead of chasing you, because they can’t.
It’s not funny now.
When this is all over, I hope Fullerton raises a solid gold tribute to Kelly Thomas the size of the Statue of Liberty. That poor little street dude has ripped the lid from a cespool of corruption like nobody else in a long time.
The internet is the doom of unbridled police brutality. Many of Kelly’s YouTube videos have links to other police brutality videos from coast to coast.
The word is out; the cat is out of the bag. And we’re connected now.
the protester could have run from this fat load-he never would have been caught if he ran up some stairs
Why is that guy so ugly?
Goodrich and Coffman are sorry specimens for FPD. Usually when you are that fat and out of shape it means you have a lack of self control and you are lazy. Especially when its YOUR JOB to be in “game shape” as a public safety officer.
Wipe that smirk off your face fat boy, you are a disgrace to the uniform…
Just thinking that Captain Hughes reminds me of Reno 911’s Lt. Dangle, minus the shorts! Hughes, is as inept as Dangle is. bwwwwaahhh!
They love to be chubby wabbys.
Chubby chasers.
I think that we should start disclossing the addresses of these pigs, These pigs are nothing but a bunch of cowards protected by a badge.
Bad cops may bankrupt the union before they bankrupt the city. Gleam from that what little joy we can while Kelly’s blood is on the hands of every citizen who does not stand up for the defenseless.
Spo do we as fullerton tax payers get some money back…..look at this cop…clearly suffering from down syndrom, we hire 1 eye jacks, why not the special…..f you barry I see you struggle to get across the police dept parking lot, whilst breaking a sweat the only time you move a bit faster is; when they say there are donuts inside …yeah barry we see by your third chin you like donuts… harrassing you guys is like shootin fish in a barrel….fun but not challenging.FIRE FAT FUCK COPS……come to think of it we can make a game of it….the first fat cop to reach the keys on the ground can actually almost keep his job….why is it either you guys are fat as hell or on steriods….what the hell?
They weren’t aloud to go out and play when they were kids. Its all they know.
Whoever runs to replace the recalled councilmembers must pledge to, at the very least, outlaw the ability of police unions to engage in political activity. The idea any government worker can organize, using taxpayer’s money, and “negotiate” with the politicians they elect, should scare anyone who believes in democracy. But especially people who wear badges and carry guns should be carefully regulated to ensure their political neutrality.
The seductive message of unions relies on two corrupting premises, (1) that employees should resent their employers and “wealthy people,” and, (2) that economic growth is optimized when you take money away from whoever has it, and give it to whoever doesn’t have as much. History has already proven these are morally and intellectually bankrupt notions. Unions have a place in China, perhaps, but not in the USA where workers have abundant rights guaranteed by law.
Police officers should not be allowed to form unions who use taxpayer’s money to put themselves above the law. And these unions certainly should not be allowed to engage in politics. This should be the defining underlying issue in the upcoming recall elections.
I don’t agree with your 2nd paragraph and I don’t think a general attack on unions overall or on policies which attempt to lessen income inequality is helpful in this context.
Can we not use this as an opportunity to bash all unions and their supporters?
I agree with your first and last paragraphs completely so we certainly have enough common ground.
FFFF has never attacked unions, per se, but has an established history of criticizing the monopolistic and self-serving agendas of the public employee unions.
In the case of Fullerton it is abundantly clear that the FPOA has a stranglehold on the people of Fullerton. Some pea-brains no doubt find comfort in this fact. But many of the natives are finally getting restless.
Good to hear Rudy. We’ll need all the votes we can get. Anybody who supports FPOA at this point just isn’t paying attention, regardless of political orientation.
Looks like the unions have become capitalists.
JT – we can certainly find common ground. My personal belief is most unions are redundant in the U.S. and do more harm than good. I think countries like China, on the other hand, have workers who need unions, and I would encourage our union leadership here in the U.S. to move their operations offshore to places like China.
But in terms of what unions are the most problematic in the United States, I would have to focus on public sector unions, because unlike private sector unions, they negotiate with the bosses they elect. And also, unlike private sector unions, they negotiate with the government, which is a monopolistic entity who – when union demands become unreasonable – can simply raise taxes. Businesses can tell unions that if they ask for too much, they will go bankrupt, and this forces the unions to be more reasonable.
These fundamental differences between public sector unions and private sector unions make the public sector unions far more dangerous to our democracy and our economy, in my opinion, than the private sector unions. And in terms of which public sector unions require reform the most, I think the police and firefighter unions are definitely the most problematic, because these people are supposed to protect us, and are granted extraordinary powers. The idea that people with guns and badges owe more allegiance to their union than to their elected leaders, or that they are allowed to heavily influence if not control who their elected leaders are, should concern anyone who cares about democracy and freedom.
I would encourage you to move with them.
I care about Democracy and freedom. There are many of people that do. History repeats itself over and over again. The root of the problem must lie with the mother and the upbringing of these monsters.
We can all tell this one has a face only a mother could love.
Just when we think the problems are gone and everything is back to normal again, we find out the bitch is back in heat again.
Anyone here, remember Brad Gates?
They have similar qualities in appearance.
Its amazing to have lived long enough to see one retire, then see look alikes start to fill in.
I couldn’t disagree more. Union power IS the cancer. If California didn’t demand that cities engage in collective bargaining, I believe it is very possible that Kelly Thomas would be alive today. Are you really using the phrase income inequality with respect to the Fullerton PD? Really? Just amazing. You do realize that the world is round don’t you?
No Chris. I was using the phrase income inequality to refer to the generalized anti-union statements in the post I was responding to.
If you tie the Kelly Thomas murder to a generalized anti-union movement you will lose supporters. The arguments specifically against the police unions on the other hand are extremely sound and will resonate across the political spectrum.
What i am saying is clearly that we should focus on this particular union, or generally on police unions. An attack on all public employee unions, or worse, all unions in general is going to be so counterproductive that it might hinder the recall.
We need a big tent movement. We’re all united against corruption and police brutality. If we get sidetracked into more generalized anti-union rhetoric this could just fall apart.
i agree but not sure that its a general union issue… i being a union made man… agree the police union is soooo currupt… however its not right to tie all unions to this… ive been a huge kelly supporter from the begging… as a matter a fact my local (local 364 pipefitters) lets me post kelly thomas flyers at the hall every week…
Each and every prospective politician here in Fullerton seeks these groups endorsement for their political agenda. The politicians are personally “interviewed” by each representative from the public employee unions, such as teachers, civil servants, fireman, and of course the police. This is of course is all done under the pretense of learning how that particular politician is going to make Fullerton a better place, however in reality it’s a quid pro quo two-step tango that they do together and in essence say if your group endorses me, I’ll scratch your back and five you all the concessions and protections your looking for in return.
The end result is that the rest of the residents of Fullerton are now getting fleas, and are sick and tired of getting fleeced by these parasites.
I agree with JT. Please don’t badmouth all unions, their members or their activities.
Also, it is intellectually dishonest to say they “use taxpayer money” to engage in politics. Public workers — teachers, firefighters, police officers — are paid by public tax dollars, so ALL of their money is taxpayer money if you look at it that way (do you think it’s wrong they pay their rent or mortgage with “taxpayer money,” for example?).
It’s called their salary (just like private sector workers earn from their jobs), so they can use it however they like. I’m guessing you have no problem with corporations pouring millions (or billions) of their “hard earned” money into campaigns and issues, so let’s not be hypocritical.
Just talked to JT. Great guy. We’re 35% off on the union stuff, but very glad to have him on the blog and fighting for this recall! Nice to meet you Jt.
Likewise Chris!
Fyi, I don’t post as ‘Reality Check’ anymore so RC here is someone else.
Enjoy your 15 minutes of shame, ya big dumb-dumb. I’m sure your fellow corrupt officers are proud to be represented by you. I feel extremely sorry for any FPD that don’t share the views of the FPD6, Goodrich, Coffman, & the rest of these keystone cops. Its time to move on. I want to laugh, but none of this shit is funny. Its embarrassing.
Mr Coffman supports Sidhu :
The Fullerton Police Officers also had a PAC :
Is this his personal email : (google that, not sure might be…)
And just so you know, Harry “Hairball” Sidhu is listed on Tony Rawcacas, the Orange County District Attorney’s, Facebook page as a friend and/or politicall ally.
As good a reason to vote against Mr Sidhu every time as any. He looks to be bought and paid for.
Three elderly orangutans? Priceless!
Looks like Al Swearengen crossed with a Cinnabon.
Now THAT”S funny!
Well, there you have it.
Keep naming names. Put names to the faces of the FPD. They have anonymously held us hostage long enough.
Let them know we want honesty, decency, and integrity.
Perfect example of a fat kid in high-school who got teased who was fed up with it and chose the power path of becoming a police officer. What a joke. I bet his cop car leans hard. Haha. He couldnt Chase down anyone much less find his own weewee.
He loves to low ride and lean like a cholo..
Please do not neglect to mention our MUTE “conservative” congressman Ed Royce as the mainstay promoter king-maker behind the candidacy-elections of McKinley, Jones and Bankhead. A total phony from start to finish.
Give the guy some credit. It can’t be easy articulating with a mouth full of doughnut.
Still, a citation for “horning?” Well, there’s you GED for you.
Yum. Donuts. GEDs. Farting. Horning. This place rules.
Welcome back Reality Is.
I miss Reality Is. I miss Reality.
Damn! He’s got more Chins than a Chinese phonebook. That Fat Ass makes Cartman look anorexic.
He’s not fat!!! He’s big boned.
Baba Booey! Baba Booey!
Barry Coffman on CNN a few months ago
I’d like to get these behemoths out of their squad cars and onto one of my bike trails.
Y’all are confusion’ well-fed with overfed. That boy’s gonna have all sorts a’ physical problems later in life.
Ah know ’cause ah’m a doctah!
NO you don’t get money back, it’s called the Thomas Family Fund and we are all contributing.
You have lowered your standards AGAIN to insulting people who were not even there.
Are you FING kidding me???
The fact that someone mentioned protesting at someone’s home makes me sick….. Can you say LYNCH MOB Mentality.
Break the law and vehicle code violations? one expects to see am police officer. Your premise is the PD is harassing you. SERIOUSLY…..
Please get the F out of OC, the majority in DTF and neighboring cities are not on your side. So you 50 protesters and the homeless leave. find another place to rent and run amuck.
LYNCH MOB Mentality. That’s right….
are you looking at my bum? FING bum looker!
“Can you say LYNCH MOB Mentality.”
Lemme try: “The mentality that allows 6 roid raging cops to beat a homeless man to death.” Yeah, I can say LYNCH MOB Mentality. Apparently you only apply that phrase to people who disagree with you, not in the way it is actually meant per the English language.
“Your premise is the PD is harassing you”
Is it common for cops to cite horn honkers at other protests or parades? Why are they doing it in this case? What is different here? Could it be WHO is being protested?
“Please get the F out of OC”
“So you 50 protesters and the homeless leave.”
Someone doesn’t like America and freedom. Communist China might be a more suitable environment for you.
“the majority in DTF and neighboring cities are not on your side”
Hmmm…I haven’t seen the counter protests. Where are they? As usual, your statement doesn’t appear to be based on fact.
Dear Save the Fullerton Cops (Pensions)
Whats the matter, you worried someone has found YOUR address? sure seems like a nerve was struck.
“So you 50 protesters and the homeless leave”
50 of “us” and one or two of you posting under the same IP(correct admin??) Who’s F-ing kidding who?
“Majority of DTF and neighboring cities are not on your side?”
and how exactly would you know this? Care to provide proof of this? You are behaving desperately, do you think this tactic will make people give up? Go sell that to someone else…maybe that neighboring city you were talking about.
I have yet to see a rope tied into a noose anywhere near the demonstrations. Do you know the defination of lynch mob? The only lynching so far, metaphorically speaking, is by you and the FPD, officer.
i wrote to Judicial Watch and requested that they monitor Kelly’s case.
Seriously, it would a much better use of your time to go back to elementary school and learn how to write in English than subject us to your hateful, misguided posts.
You have no support here. By the way if there were only 50 supporters, I doubt this story would be constantly in major newspapers, on local TV stations, and also in the national news.
Hey Barry, you are a disgusting and evil human being. Did you have that arrogant smirk on your face when you heard about your fellow thugs beating Kelly Thomas to death? I bet you did… I bet you chuckled right along with your fellow thugs in blue. You know Barry, when the Nazi Reserve Police Battalions were giving a helping hand in exterminating the Jews, I’m sure their excuse was: “I’m just doing my job”.
Rttavi said: You know Barry, when the Nazi Reserve Police Battalions were giving a helping hand in exterminating the Jews, I’m sure their excuse was: “I’m just doing my job”.
Great Point! This Barry Boy seems to fit right within the ranks of the NRPBs.
I’m still smirking. I can take a mean dump too.
Yeah he can..I’ve been there…peewww!
*would BE a much better use…
(… and you don’t think sending multiple squad cars out to write honking citations is harassment or a misuse of the police force? Your delusional, then.)
Sorry, I can’t seem to write today… “You’re” delusional, not “your” (I think I need to go back to school now!)
Nah, your GED should be enough to get by in life.
Where can I get a GED? Sounds popular on thei forum.
Who gives a rats ass!!
Meant that for save us from the fpd cops..You guys are typing to fast.
But don’t forget – they always need more tax money! Look forward to increasingly predatory behavior from the cops (and state in general enforcing ) as pension costs eat up larger and larger portions of the state budget. Look forward to an increasingly contentious relationship between the cops and citizens as a result.
Even if they taxed everyone into mud huts there would never be enough money. The union goons in Sacramento know this will all collapse, but they will steal everything they can in the meantime. They’d steal the color out of the paint on the walls if they could.
If it’s good enough for most of Fullerton’s “finest,” then why not?? 🙂
Haha that was my point. 🙂
Time for a citizens arrest
excessive neck fat
We’ll probably need a couple pairs of handcuffs. I doubt a normal pair would fit around his fat wrists. I guess we’ll have to go straight to the zip tie.
He’s living of the fadda da land . You should be able to fit in your cuffs if your going to use them. Is Hop Scotch the only obstacle he’s required to negotiate succsesfully to hand out tickets. FPD needs to get their FATS STRAIGHT about the honkers (ugh! FACTS!). HE must sweat straberry jelly. Everytime i say HOLD THE MAYO, i know who’s holing it now. He catches the suspects by thowing that BOOMERRANG, which he uses to put his belt on. The Color Purple ” I LUZ HARPO! GOD KNOWS I DOO”.
“Everytime i say HOLD THE MAYO, i know who’s holing it now.”
strawBARRY filled & COFFieMAN
just so you all know this guy to is a very very fat piece of shit I’ve seen him do things that he wouldn’t like anybody to know about. and when she gets angry h is ocean a fat fuck a very violently
Care to share anything specific?
Like many of you I live under this man’s jurisdiction. I want to know as much info about each one of these guys as possible. Name, face, allegations of abuse, excessive force, etc. We need a database.
He violently tips back a big beer?
that last line was supposed to be. his ocean of fat acts very violently
This is disgusting and not funny. I don’t know what kind of tests are given to the cops but so many of them are fat/over weight. I have seen many cops seating in their cars with the seats were all the way back but still their bellies were almost touch the steering wheels or some I feel sorry the motorcycles that they were riding on. They look like they should be on one of those fat reality shows.
WOW…just when I thought this couldn’t get any worse or any more suspicious. The cop who wrote a ticket to someone for honking in support of protesters coincidentally ends up being the president of the police union?
I mean, seriously? A movie producer couldn’t even make up stuff like this.
You know what – I’ll bet there hadn’t been any “complaints” from anyone about honking. I’ll bet there was a union meeting and a few of them decided on their own that there were going to start writing tickets to people who honk in support of the protesters.
And of course, nevermind that is against Federal law now, since a Federal judge ruled that honking at a protest is a protected form of free speech.
Personally, I’m looking forward to the inevitable Dateline.
Holding your horn down for 2 full blocks like that video will end up not being protected in court. Guarantee it. Expression of speech is protected. Read it. Honking to express your message. Holding down your horn for an extended period for a block or more, will be upheld in court and will be dropped in federal court. Watch and see.
I love how it took four of you illiterate SOBs idiots to issue a single “horning” ticket. Do you as asswipes do anything when you’re not in a pack?
No. Always packs.
Just wait til it goes from tickets to tear gas and rubber bullets. Can’t wait.
We love our company.
Judge: Mr. Officer were you not just filmed writing down this gentleman’s license plate less than one block from the intersection that he was pulled over at? Yes. Where did you make this observation from? Officer’s answer: We had a spotter on the 2nd floor of the police station 500 feet away from the street. Judge: His view from that vantage point then would have been obstructed periphally to less than 100 feet looking East, and you told me you observed him for two blocks? Judge: With all of that traffic at that intersection, how can you prove which particular vehicle had blown their horn and for how long? Do you have a degree in auto horn acoustics that allows you to know what a Ford Ranger sounds like as opposed to a Chevy Tahoe? Courts dismissed.
Thank you your honor. Court overtime slip submitted. $$
Now back to the Slide Bar.
Tell everyone honk for miles at a time. Video it. Bring it in and play it for the judge and say protected speech. He will laugh in your face.
“I’ll bet there was a union meeting and a few of them decided on their own that there were going to start writing tickets to people who honk in support of the protesters.”
Obvious. More overtime. Yummy. $$
Thats right I have nothing to hide. Check my fking IP address. I have been posting under the same name from day 1 too. You are all a bunch of Schizophrenics idiots
They probably all make more than you and will all have a nice pension. LMAO
I love my job.
I see a spineless cockroach !! ewww
“Churlish?” Jan Flory’s Dog, where in heaven’s name did you learn to write? Which obedience school did you attend? You have an absolutely marvelous command of the Queen’s English!
(I beg your pardon but I must depart, time for walkies!!)
I am far less concerned about Coffman’s weight than I am about the power he holds over the local Government.
I promise you in the days when the Thomas case was heating up (seems like so long ago!), and the Three blind mice weren’t taking calls, they were taking Coffman’s and his instructions.
A good example of how the machine works, look at neighboring Brea, where Detective Shawn Neel, The BPOA president, shot and killed an unarmed man in front of his house. The circumstances were VERY different than in the Kelly Thomas case, but the investigation was earily similar, referred to the DA, Where “Stan The Man” was involved, the DA stalled the case for a year, The Chief, Neel’s long Time friend retired with a full pension, and then the exoneration announced.
The pressure from the BPOA and it’s brethren in neighboring cities was present and rlentless in this case, as I imagine it is with Kelly Thomas.
To be sure, the POA’s of California will go to incredible lengths to protect thier members because thats the base of thier power, NO muncipality wants to have a pissed off police force.
POA’s will never go anywhere. No one can or will be able to get rid of police unions. Loved the post about trying to get rid of police unions, but allow unions of other employees. That just shows the intellect of this group. Keep trying.
How about the intellect of your Beloved Leader – Officer “Horning.”
Horning and farting makes me horny.
I agree now that my name is back. LOL
You can’t know the players without a program. Write or print out this information. These are the police union representatives behind the scenes and outside of the Fullerton Police Officer’s Association working diligently to fight off criminal prosecutions, and termination cases of these officers. PORAC has millions, and has a large PAC fund. (Political Action Committee) making donations and endorsing candidates for office throughout all of California, including district attorney’s.
PORAC, Peace Officer’s Research Association of California. Headquarters in Sacramento, CA. PORAC is the state wide police union that all smaller police unions belong to. Approx. 80,000 members. Below are the names and contact information of PORAC administrator’s in Sacramento, and locally that have direct involvement in the Fullerton PD case.
President Ron Cottingham, Lieutenant, San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, and also president of the San Diego County Deputy Sheriff’s Association.
Office: 800-937-6722 Fax: 916-928-3760
Legal Defense Fund Chairman, Attorney Edward Fishman
Orange County Region III Legal Defense Fund Board Member Roger Stephenson. President of the Escondido Police Officer’s Association.
Phone: 310-505-1238
PORAC Orange County Chapter Director Kreg Muller. President, Huntington Beach Police Officer’s Association.
Phone: 714-842-8851 Fax: 714-847-0064
PORAC Legal Defense Fund Board of Trustees Member William Abernathie. San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. SEBA Sheriff’s Union.
Phone: 909-885-6074
FYI on William Abernathie: A Google search reveals he was criminally prosecuted for statutory rape of an underage girl, but apparently in San Bernardino County, you can’t rape the willing, even when they are underage, and you can become a police/sheriff union leader later on.
This is the information I have given out the whole time, without specifics. Legal Defense Fund is who will be paying the millions for the defense, if it comes to that. PORAC represents all peace officers in California. They are involved in all union activities, as well as big time involvement in PAC.
@ Reality is. PORAC does not represent all peace officer’s in California as you have said. LAPD’s union; LAPPL are not member’s of PORAC, L.A. County Sheriff’s Union, ALADS, are not member’s of PORAC. CHP, are not member’s of PORAC, and the list goes on. Please do not pass on erroneous information in an attempt to remain relevant. It is disrespectful to the Thomas family.
Ooooops. Very true. Forgot about the big ones. Now that you say that, I wonder how their legal defense works.
Do You Know?
I’ve been thinking of going through this whole site and putting together all of the information you have posted, which is fascinating.
I’m wondering, if you are an insider, or know someone who is who would like to be a whistleblower, do you have any advice on what the community can do to set up some kind of protection/support for FPD whistleblowers?
If someone wants to whistle, now is the time they would and they would find all the protection they need. I think the only whistlers you might get are disgruntled, fired, former employees that might want to spill some dirt.
Wrong about those whistleblowers.
Wrong as in there ARE whistleblowers out there, or wrong as in they DON’T have the protection they need?
The user named “Hello” is the same user named “Reality Is.” (and several other screen names).
“Save The Fullerton Cops” is the same user as “jaynbound.”
I’m sure most of you already figured that, but I just thought I’d put that out there.
That’s cause I tried using Reality Is and they blocked it.
It’s working now. Whew.
Not to mention that people keep stealing my name and writing vulgar things about cock and penis.
What I noticed is when the guy getting the ticket talked about Kelly Thomas, the cop said that he had no idea what he was talking about or words to that effect. How is it possible that the head of the union wouldn’t know about Kelly Thomas? So there’s another lie! He’d have been smarter to say something like yes, I know, but I’m not here for that, or something similar. At least he wouldn’t be a liar.
Of course. He’s a dyed in the wool liar. Looks like they all are.
LMAO, I am not jaynbound, I am also not a man.
People are allowed to have differant opinions.
I’ll admit. I’m Save the Fullerton Cops.
Why the need for multiple names? Because your side is so weak?
I was kidding but I have used a couple names lately because my name gets blocked by admin here and there or just doesn’t work. Other times people hijack my name and post all kinds of great stuff. Weak? I’m not on a side.
You’ve never been blocked. Sometimes you spew so much garbage that we have to fish it out of the spam bin.
Oh yea forgot when I was blocked. I confess I did use one name before when I got blocked. 🙂
You are as morally bankrupt as her, but your writing skills far exceed 1st/2nd grade level, so unless you were diabolical enough to “dumb down” your English that far, you couldn’t possibly be her.
No offense, but the one who “hijacked” your name and posted vulgar sexual comments was far more interesting and entertaining. Oh well…..
LOL I know. They will be back to hijack my name again.
Fullerton Police Officer Association President, Barry Coffman is a POS.
Coffman is the reason the FPD is corrupt.
Look for that phat POS to go on disability within 6 months.
Fat boy has the creepy mustache…. and come on, dying every hair on your body black is not going to help you with the ladies. Unless he needs to wear a lapel camera too.
he looks like Jackie Gleason
Mexican John Candy
Finally a true statement.
nice article in the OCR about the recall..
I’m sickened by the cop sympathizers on this blog.
Do you cop wives love money so much that you’re willing to sell your soul to the devil to keep up that fat pension or that good salary from your pig husbands?
Hey Fullerton of 6 spouses. How does that feel to be married to a man who murders homeless man?
While Kelly’s dad is grieving over the loss of his son, you’re on this blog defending these psychos. That press conference with Ron Thomas and the attorney is heartbreaking. You can see the pain in Ron’s eyes.
People who are like you that are sucking off the government tit should be ashamed of yourself. You cop supporters are the lowest form of life. You are shit eaters. Single cell amoebas. You eat and shit out of the same orifice.
Thousands of Californians are broke and weary. They have exhausted their unemployment benefits and have lost their homes. Many are now living in their cars and their vans. And to add insult to injury one of their own is beaten to death because he’s a mentally ill homeless man who doesn’t fit the OC MO of looking good. Our jobs have been shipped overseas to exploit brown and yellow people so we can have cheap made throw away electronics and clothes.
The day of the rope is fast approaching.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! LOL!! That was frickin hot Annie.
Do you really think the cops or their wives give a shit what you think of their salaries or pensions? If they read this they will prolly whip their tit out for you to suck on.
I’m sure the wives also feel the death was justified. Don’t ya think?
Working for the government equals sucking off the tit of government. Good analogy. I will look at my paycheck differently now. Milky.
Tighten the rope baby. Enjoy the ride.
Very well said Annie. I hope those monsters in blue understand that there are more of us than there are of them…and evil will not win. Death To Tyranny.
God Is watching, and you WILL ALL rot in HELL !
Reality – you’re one sick person. You’re one of the single cell ameobas I have met.
I don’t give a shit if the cop’s wives care what I think. Since the so-called lowly taxpayers pay their salary and pensions, then the taxpayer is all I care about.
If they condone the murder of Kelly they’re as equally as sick and demented as their husbands.
You must be a bloated parasitical government sponge. Most of you morons couldn’t work or compete in the private sector if your life depended on it. The public despises you people. One day the money will run out and idiots like you will be laid off from your job. Don’t think it can happen smartass?
Oh and if they pull out the titty to suck on, I’d be afraid the implants would rupture.
LOL. No I won’t be laid off, my retirement won’t change, titties are good, and you are straight kookoo! 🙂
Even fake ones..
Ok You got me goin now! The tears in the eyes of Dad Thomas was for the money he has not gotten hold of yet. He can’t wait to get the green. He is so phoney. Using fake ipictures of KT’s medical records hoping to gain more sympathy.
What a joke all of you are at the protest. Using the facilities of the Police Dept. while protesting against them and then trashing the place.
I was ashamed of everyone of you who thinks it’s okay to deface the walls and clog the plumbing and all of the childish pranks you engage in, thinking you are hurting the officers.
Do you think your actions will help KT now?
Why don’t you do something constructive like go look up the homeless. Carry used backpacks in your car with socks, mittens, caps, toothbrushes, hand sanitizer and any other thing a homeless person may need. You don’t have to give them money, but a warm sweatshirt would be nice.
Put your money where your mouth is!!!!
Helping the homeless, which I agree with you is a noble thing to do, and demanding an end to the corruption and brutality of the FPD are not mutually exclusive goals.
I would like to hear more about the interior and plumbing defacement inside the PD. The plumbing issues, are you sure that’s vandalism? Couldn’t it be more of an issue of officer Coffman’s dietary habits?
Is Barry clogging up the commode again? Or was that Andy?
“I was ashamed of everyone of you who thinks it’s okay to deface the walls and clog the plumbing and all of the childish pranks you engage in, thinking you are hurting the officers.”
Dammit I kept trying to keep all those guys I hired from drawing dirty poems and cartoons in the FPD restrooms but I see they are still doing it. Oh, well back to my vest!
your 5 little pro spawns must be so proud of their evil parent(s)- so proud of how you trash a man you dont know whose son was just murdered by one of yours-you arent too bright are you? and God’s going to get you-you evil, soul-less demon
And FYI – I am not Save The Fullerton Cops!
Actually, I must admit that Jaybird’s writing is light years ahead of SAVE’s. If they came from the same IP, I’m guessing that he’s the dutiful “Daddy” she goes on about and she (SAVE the…) is the idiot daughter. Just a hunch.
Wife? Sex slave?
and no one cares
“… using fake pictures”
Please cite evidence of this. Do you think any sane attorney would present photos or digital rendering of injuries that were not documented when he knows this will most likely end up in court and could be ripped apart? I don’t (but then again, I have an IQ over 50, I think/hope).
“I was ashamed for everyone… deface…. pranks.”
Again, do you have evidence of this? Please cite it. If this truly happened, I am 99.9999% sure the Spokeshole Goodrich would have run straight to the OC Register, and they would have printed it verbatim. Please show us your evidence of protester misbehavior (and by the way, if it even exists, how do these pranks compare to bludgeoning an unarmed man to death?? Are you “ashamed” about that as well?)
“And FYI – I am not Save The Fullerton Cops!”
Seriously? There are TWO idiots as morally bankrupt and soico-pathic as the “two” of you? I’m flabbergasted! You “two” should travel together then — you have much in common.
Jaynbond, Kelly Thomas’ Certificate of Death was signed by a Dr. Christopher Washington, CA License number A112304. His address is 333 City Blvd Suite 705 in the city of Orange. His phone number is 714-506-6547.
Maybe you should give Dr. Washington a call and let him know of your concern that his name, signature and license number is being used on these ‘fake pictures.’
Or maybe not.
Fullerton Police Officer Association President, Barry Coffman cannot even correctly ticket someone for horn honking.
He cannot handle the complexities of managing a busy police department.
He needs to be replaced with an officer that reflects the professionalism and capabilities of the FPD.
I could replay this all day-thanks 3 sheets
‘Cept John Candy was a pretty cool guy.