On The Air With Friends Cameron Jackson & Steven Greenhut

If you have the time, listen to OC radio commentator Cameron Jackson interview Steven Greenhut.  In the interview Greenhut credits former Fullerton city councilman and current OC Supervisor Shawn Nelson for inspiring him to write the book “Plunder”.

[wpaudio url=”http://www.kuci.org/podcastfiles/622/Steven%20Greenhut%20interview%20March%204%202011.mp3″ text=”Cameron Jackson and Steven Greenhut on KUCI”]

12 Replies to “On The Air With Friends Cameron Jackson & Steven Greenhut”

    1. When was the last time Shawn Nelson handled a criminal case? I’ll give you a dollar if you can find a single one in the past year. Check your facts.

      And what’s the shame in that, anyway? In this country, citizens have what we call “rights”. Sometimes those rights are trampled by half-wit police and overzealous prosecutors. A competent criminal defense attorney is the only thing standing between the innocent and the police state.

  1. Greenhut is one of those myopic individuals trying to convince others that public employees are living fat while everyone else struggles.

    Like all demagogues he’s looking at the little minnows in the pond while the real plundering whales are swimming by.

    There’s a great joke going around the internet:

    A CEO, a tea party member, and a union worker are all sitting at a table when a plate with a dozen cookies arrives. Before anyone else can make a move, the CEO reaches out to rake in eleven of the cookies. When the other two look at him in surprise, the CEO locks eyes with the tea party member. “You better watch him,” the executive says with a nod toward the union worker. “He wants a piece of your cookie.”

    It’s funny for the same reason most good jokes are funny. There’s a strong element of truth. The top 400 control almost as much wealth as the next 150 million Americans.

  2. Ah redistributionist 4SD Observer.

    Greenhut never supported a corporate bailout in his life.

    What a CEO makes is between him and his shareholders, not you, comrade.

    Oh, I forgot. Loser.

  3. oh 4SDObserver, you should share your thoughts on what you do know like how to make the perfect arugula salad and let those who know how to make money increase your profits on your stock portfolio and pension plan

  4. Fullerton Rudy :
    Ah redistributionist 4SD Observer.
    Greenhut never supported a corporate bailout in his life.
    What a CEO makes is between him and his shareholders, not you, comrade.
    Oh, I forgot. Loser.

    Really? You believe all that to be true? When is Greenhut going to commit the same amount of bandwidth and commentary to the bailouts that paid Execs millions of dollars as he is to the city file clerk making $30K – $40K per year?

    As far as what a CEO makes being between them and the shareholders, you are clearly clueless as to how executive compensation is determined in the corporate culture. Here’s a hint. The shareholders never vote on the package. CEO’s take an ever larger share of corporate income when they’re doing well, a larger share when they’re doing poorly, a larger share when they’re staying, and a larger share when they’re leaving.

    Do you know why? Because the Board of Directors determines and approves the compensation. And who comprises the makeup of that group? Typically it’s other CEO’s.

    I have to say, the naivete in loserville is pretty funny to observe.

    1. The shareholders vote on the Board. Clueless you are.

      If they don’t like it they can sell their shares. I can’t sell my shares in the government, unfortunately since they have a monopoly and can arrest me if I don’t pay up. Typical liberal red herring. Look over there! Big CEO scam; here Mr. Fireman have another $100,000 retirement plus phony disability.

      BTW, how do you know what bandwidth Greenhut spends on anything? Unless of course you spend an inordinate amount of time following him around.

      The lefties really need to find somebody better at diversionary tactics than you.

  5. B.A. Barracus :
    The shareholders vote on the Board. Clueless you are.
    If they don’t like it they can sell their shares. I can’t sell my shares in the government, unfortunately since they have a monopoly and can arrest me if I don’t pay up. Typical liberal red herring. Look over there! Big CEO scam; here Mr. Fireman have another $100,000 retirement plus phony disability.
    BTW, how do you know what bandwidth Greenhut spends on anything? Unless of course you spend an inordinate amount of time following him around.
    The lefties really need to find somebody better at diversionary tactics than you.

    Actually in many cases the shareholders don’t. You’re not all that bright when it comes to corporate governance, are you?

  6. And now B A, thanks to public employee political action committees, in all cases public employees can fire their bosses.

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