Ahoy There Matey! FFFF gets a Visit From an FPOA Alum!

This is really too fun to pass up.
The other day we received an unsolicited visit from some guy named Art Wiechmann who claims to be a 57 year old retired sergeant in the FPD.

That certainly squares with this gentleman.
Mr. Wiechmann insisted on informing us what great guys Mssrs. Ramos and Cicinelli are. From his vantage point on board the S.S. Douchebag, Ramos and Cicinelli look like some sort of stand up guys. But Art’s judgment may not be that great, either.

Art, you got a call. Disney wants its Pirates of Carribean animatrons back.
Tell me this is some sort of joke. Please.
It’s not a joke. These retirees live like this, on your dime… I have seen them in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Hawaii.
Cities like Fullerton are tax farms for retirees. 10 years ago, San Clemente was bringing in less than what it was paying out for retirement, so what did the city of San Clemente do?
I remember they made up the difference by:
1, ticketing every homeowner within the city limits that had 3 or more treads on their walkways without a railing
2, if the homeowner didn’t comply within 30 days the fine was doubled
3, if they didn’t comply within 60 days, it tripled
How many hand railing guys do you know? and:
How long would it take, that hand railing guy, to fit you into his back ordered schedule and actually get out there to do the job for you? 1 maybe 2 months?
I heard about this by word of mouth.
There were houses that sat for 40+ years without a railing, and then all of a sudden, every resident had to put railings in for minimum 3 little steps in their front yards.
Was that for safety? Or just for revenue.
Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
That’s all I got for this one.
Tax farming should be outlawed.
Art looks pretty good for his age. Maybe all of that piratin’ is good for skin tone.
You the citizen work 30 or 40+ years paying taxes in the private sector your whole life. You look forward to building or expanding your dream home so you you can spend time with grandchildren.
After retiring, you findout that your yearly taxes out weigh your retirement income, and the permits for building your dream home are becoming a nightmare.
Then you find out your taxes to build that dream home go to younger people than you.
The people who check your permits took a handful of code enforcement coarses at the college, just got a job at the city and are also younger than you ,and are telling you what needs to be done without any prior experience.
Younger people that only work for 20 years and they get to retire on their dream boat.
It appears to be like a servitude society.
One group of people are working, so that the other group of people don’t have to.
Guess I wasn’t first. Fu@* me if I can’t take a joke.
SHOW ME YOUR FRIEND,S and i can tell who you are.Just another drity x cop for fullerton OUG.
This will be an interesting seminar.
Ladies and Gentlemen, “Police Squad!” starring Dog the bounty hunter and giant douchehound, retired FPD -Art Wiechmann.
No wonder he loves the killercops Uniball and triple chinned Ramos-the nut dont fall far from the tree
#2 caption “my ass itches”
shut up already-what is wrong with this group of freakazoids?
I actually like some of his pirate pics. Well, mainly one.
Ho ho ho, I know what you mean there. In my day.,.
Is that Captain Ron?
You people are awful, running off and trolling anyone who doesn’t want to participate in the echochamber circle-jerk known as FFFF. Art deserved better.
Yar thee cabin boy cannot stand a bit of the old monickerjacking.
Douche is all you are
He deserves to be
Tasered in the skull and heart
Bludgeoned repeatedly in the face approximately 8 times
Have his throat KNEE DROPPED
You are the most disgusting pig you ever knew and if u stay the same you sho ;)uld put your service revolver to good use
Actually, I think Art posted on FFFF and gave his website address. So they didn’t go trolling for him, he came and made a special invitation.
So do you. Fuck off and find it.
Beginning to think my imposter is an admin or at least someone intimately involved with the website.
Fight paranoia with paranoia?
Beginning to think my imposter is an admin or at least someone intimately involved with the website.
Or not
wonder how old that picture is? i bet its 10 or 20 years old
Show the pics he took of the half naked girl young enough to be his daughter…. or grandaughter. She is sitting on his scow with her top off…..
Is that Miss Fuhllerton? Ah’ love it when the Miss Fuhllertons show up! Hey Don, getcha self over here quicklike!
Is this the guy from Fullerton that owns the rights to the song from the Tokens, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”.
Wasn’t he in that movie Captian Ron?
As you can see…… THAT is all of the over paid PENSION hard at work.
Nice to see all my tax money going to such a good cause, boobs and women! Its AMAZING WHAT fifty cents, a case of cheap beer, a boat, and another sleazy cop can get. I am surprised that DEADEYE, DOH-NUT QUEEN AND SELLERS ARE NOT ON THE BOAT.
Exquse me…. doh-nut queen is still in holding (waiting foe someone to make him a bitch).
Besides, his lard ass would sink the boat.
I remember in history class our professor walked us thru the fall of Rome when, I think it was the Visigoths out of Germany, Rome was finally sacked and completely over thrown.
Our professor walked through the part were the surrounding farming communities looked at the Visigoths as a god send, because they were impoverished by the enormous tax load they had to bear to keep Rome’s high standard of living.
Retirement should be defined by 2 factors:
Hard work, and a masters degree.
Ignorance is always tyranical.
“Contempt prior to investigation will always leave a person in everlasting ignorance.”
arrgh, what a dousche bag.. arrgh
Why don’t we show up and buy all the seats out. We can ask questions about safety procedures at bus stations in Fullerton. The seminar is open to the public. We can ask him about the the kelly Thomas movement. I can’t wait to get an autograph copy of the reputable member of the law enforcement community.
Featured speakers the DA and Chief Sellers is what I hear. Cameo guest appearance none other then McKinley. Group packages include box lunches. Book early.
and my first quest to McChicken Nugget would be “how do I protect myself from a FPD officer?”
Does he say how to protect yourself from Officers Rincon and Christopher Wren and J Does 1-100, to prevent being assaulted, raped and driven around town with their breast on display to anyone looking in the window of the car, while handcuffed in the back seat of their patrol car?
I went to Fullerton Union High School with Art Wiechmann and his twin-brother Allan. Art went on to college and got a degree, and has been a successful lecturer in the Criminal Justice program at Cal State Fullerton. At CSUF, he has taught many future policemen how to stay out of the kind of trouble in which the “Fullerton Six” have gotten embroiled. In that respect, he is similar to Kelly’s father, but perhaps not as prominent as an instructor.
But I don’t think he is 57. I think he could not be older than 55.
I would recommend to “Admin” that you try to maintain contact with him. I have always known him to be an honest guy who tried to do the right thing. I think that he could be a source of an enormous amount of information, and I think that he might have some creative ideas about how to get more information for everyone who wants justice in this case.
I know that, in the middle 1990s, Art sometimes “felt the lash” of his supervisors in the FPD. I think that he would really understand the plight of a “beat cop” who is under pressure by superiors to become a “cop who beats”. I hope you will consider keeping the dialogue open with him.
The photos of the surfer-dude are NOT of Art Wiechmann. I may have missed some of the joke… is it some kind of joking reference to the “Bay Watch” TV program??
Maybe our Bret Michaels wanna-be looks different when he doesnt have a blonde wig tied to his head.
When he showed up it was to blast Bankhead I think for calling Cicinelli and Ramos “rogue cops.” it would be interesting to hear from any ex FDP people ready to share their opinions about what went wrong in that dept and under who’s watch.
Class of 1973. Both in the band.
Graduated one year ahead of me, two before Snow. I viewed thier senior pics and do not have a recollection. But Snow’s inference might be well taken. Are we looking for cops who obviously were sprouting horns before they entered the police academy? Or are we viewing the average recruit who might at some point become involved in a wrongful death?
I hear the inmate,s are haveing a fun time cooking for lard-ass ? if you know what i mean.~~~~~*
I am going. I hope one of topics, is how to protect yourself against Ricon…
Damn. Go. I’d love it if during the Q & A if someone would ask him about Rincon. And I’ll be happy to post any video resulting from said encounter.
See kids you too can retire at 50 with enough money to buy an expensive yacht and go off and play pirate. All you have to do is go to Puh-lice school and the taxpayer will take care of the rest. Your millions will be waiting for you. Oh boy.
Ramos will get bail this week. The union will get it from the city council. Ramos and Cinenelli will be the greeters at the event.
This is also a fundraiser for the Ramos and Cinnelli defense fund. I hear th DA will make an appearance to jumpstart his new political career. Come early seating is limited.
Is there going to be a city council meeting this week?
Next scheduled meeting is October 4, 2011 – unless of course they circle the wagons and cancel it… Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month unless cancelled or a special meeting is called. Agenda should be posted on the city website by Friday, September 30, 2011 at the latest.
There is a contact number on the advertisement. I plan on calling and asking (nicely) why the Soroptimists would expose women and girls to this dirt bag cop.
Thank you.
Maybe you can suggest somebody else, who is not so slimey and scarey lookin.
Is it allowed to record the city council meetings with a cellphone?
Yes, or camcorder. They also put up video of each meeting on the city’s website.
Men, guard your wives. Art is looking for a casual encounter aboard his 40′ sailboat this coming weekend. Couples and single women only!!!
What a sick, slimy, son of a bitch!
Whooooa, how did you find that?
I was tipped off by an FPD insider.
Thank’s for the head’s up Vernon Dozier. We definitely need more citizens like yourself in Fullerton that will look out for each other.
ewwwwwww. I can hear the 1970’s porno music in the background.
Yes, this D-Bag geezer is a mighty finr character witness for murderers
check out his facebbook profile more bozo pictures https://www.facebook.com/#!/piratetude?sk=photos
Whoa wait a minute. He is a retired member of our respectable police force. We are subsidizing Captain Nemo’s onboard activities. CHIPS AHOY.
He may have contracted his boat to sail Ramos to Mexico next week afer he is released on personal recognizance.
All aboard The S.S. Chlamydia!!
Don’t hide it
Federal court in Boston ruled that video recording cops and politicians is a protected right. Several corrupt cops were caught on video disciplining two black teens for riding their bikes on Boston Common, the racists then arrested a lawyer who with the camera. The atty was with the commie ACLU.
Somebody in the blog said this is not Art, retired FPD. He works at Cal State Fullerton. I don’t think they would stand for this. Code of Conduct.
He does not show up in the Cal State Fullerton faculty/staff directory; his FB page notes he was affiliated with CSUF until 2008. His website is/was http://pirateboatcharters.com
As to his age – he retired in 2004 after 29 years (gets a 100K+ PERS pension per a May 2009 FFFF article), which means he started at FPD in 1975. Usually have to be at least 21 to be employed as a cop; that means a birthdate in 1954. 2011-1954 = 57 and a retirement age of 50.
I saw this flyer on the Fullerton Police Depts community bulletin board. Oh, Chief Sellers is having a yard sale next week.
FYI Cal State Alumni has booked the Fun Boat for the Columbus Day weekend.
Anyone willing to break the Fullerton PD code of silence, also known as Omerta by Sicilians, should be welcomed to this blog.
“In that respect, he is similar to Kelly’s father, but perhaps not as prominent as an instructor.”
Ron Thomas is a prominent instructor of what? And where?
…By the way, he looks so much younger in that clip which was filmed 2 months ago. I can tell this whole ordeal is taking its toll. 🙁
God dog
Thank you.
I was just curious, since I had heard a rumor he had been washed out of the Sheriff’s academy a long time ago.
According to my friend who works for the Mayor’s Office In Los Angeles. Ron did teach “use of force.” This is why T-Rack is going after them. This case is what all law enforcement people are talking about. This case will be like the Rodney King case. Too bad it’s going to take about 2 years before we know the outcome.
So, the only reason they’re being prosecuted is because the victims Dad is a retired use of force LEO?
If so, justice is even blinder than I thought.
Tell me that’s not true, please.
while I was on craigs list I saw these little ditty’s
My name is Jenny Amanda, i saw your profile today at (www.outdoorsclub.org) and become interested to
know more about you with all pleasure, please i want you to send m.a.i.l
to my e-m.a.i.l address (amandalovex1@yahoo.com) so i can give you my
picture and also tell you more about me,
Have a nice day and God bless you,
I wish you the best
thanks yours
Jenny Amanda
Jenny What you doing Columbus day weekend? Would you be available for a quick spirited cruise to Mexico. I have a client who needs a going away party. He’s a hot blooded latino. It’s a one way cruise for him. Contact me. Price no object.
Rating Fullerton PD officers, check out Ramos
Thayer & Tong. Wren. More dirty laundry on the line for sure.
Please share any info you have on Thayer. Important.
Tony when did you get out of Jail?
Thank you for that but the decicion of a U.S. District judge in Boston (1st Circuit) I believe is not enforceable in the 9th Circuit in which we west coasters reside.
Again, FEDUP and I want to get a group of people together to discuss this case, and our civil rights in general. If anyone is interested, we will usually be sitting on the City Hall lawn during the protest. Just a gathering of decent, like-minded people getting to know one another.
Anyone interested, please let us know.
If you three could help FEDUP and I get some people together, then it would triple our efforts.
Be careful, 91. Reality Is might arrest you for trespassing on police property. 😀
LOL. Sounds like a good class to offer. Combine it with the police side as well discussing policies and scenarios. Couldn’t think of anything better for this group.
REALITY IS..is free to do as he pleases, as long as he stays within the law. Heck, he called me a liar a long time ago, and has never apologized, so I do not think I will be hearing from him anytime soon.
Hey hey hey now! He’s NEVER wrong. He’s never posted anything that isn’t pure face. He’s never had to correct himself and/or apologize because he’s perfect. I’m so glad he’s so open minded and middle-of-the-road. It’s truly great to have good cops like him to offset the non-open-minded ones.
pure face = pure fact. Two earlie too spel rite.
I liked pure face better.
Oh God Stud. You sound like Tony and Chris now. We are all wrong. Even you. Even MeriJoe. Even 91. Some on this blog feel they are always right, and they know everything. Sad.
“Oh God Stud”
Yeah, I get that a lot 🙂
I’m always within the law. I’m wondering if we interpret the law different sometimes though.
You only told a half lie. Do you think we were in the same academy class?
M. U. R.,
Did you want to join our group in discussions and the such?
Reality is- a shmuck He talked shit about Kelly and Ron constantly, was nothing but an arrogant, abusive prick and now he’s trying to bamboozle other commenters by pretending he’s a “factual” encyclopedia-pay no mind to this obvious schill for FPD/council
Whatever Hoe. I’m entitled to my opinion, as are you. I still have all my same opinions on my 3 aspects of this case. You refuse to look at anything but your way. You are probably single and divorced for that same reason. Look in the mirror sometime.
“Reality is…Kelly resisted, and got his ass kicked to death.”
Fixed it for ya dude.
It’s not me. It’s that imposter. He sure has fun on my name.
Oh? You didn’t say this? Because I, among several others on the board, remember you saying something to that effect about Kelly Thomas when you first got here.
Well. You will hear that over and over at trial and see a video of him resisting. So it’s not that far from the truth I guess.
By law, he had a right to defend himself against excessive, illegal force/brutality…remember the DA saying that? No…he didn’t just make that up either. I think I understand where you’re coming from. Keep hanging on! Your world is getting rocked…nobody likes when that happens.
OH really? Ok.
He’s about 35. He did a disability. Years of booze drugs and confiscating drugs from the many shakedowns in Fullerton. Why do you think these hotties hang out with him. Drugs and booze. He still dons his blues and haunts the streets of Fullerton at night extorting the homeless.
Yes, and public meeting covered under the Brown Act may be taped.
Government Code section 54953.5(a) provides:
(a) Any person attending an open and public meeting of a legislative body of a local agency shall have the right to record the proceedings with an audio or video tape recorder or a still or motion picture camera in the absence of a reasonable finding by the legislative body of the local agency that the recording cannot continue without noise, illumination, or obstruction of view that constitutes, or would constitute, a persistent disruption of the proceedings.
“and public meeting” [sic] — should be “any public meeting”
9c1copcar-sure. I’ll see you guys at the next protest.
Art Wiechmann is a stunt double for Barry Gibb.
Shiver me timbers!
Shiver me chlamydia!
I will look for you next Sat.
FFFF already outed Art is a member of the “100,000 Pension Club” a while back. Of course he’ll say anything to preserve the status quo!
Couldn’t read the OC Register copy. What’s a Stragety?
Love it!
LOL you got issues. You make me laugh though.
your all just pissed because Art is banging your wives when your too busy posting on fff
Joe Sipcowicz wrote: “But Art’s judgment may not be that great, either.”
Nice crib!
Like I also pointed out a week ago, Art can’t be all bad, many years ago he developed a program to protect Fullerton’s undocumented day laborer’s from getting their wages ripped off by unscrupulous employers. But I suppose we don’t get too worked up around here about issues involving the downtrodden unless there is hay to be made.
Given that none of you really know the details of an individual’s finances, the inhabitants of loserville do realize this individual could have potentially gained income from sources other than his occupation. Do you?
He could have invested well. He could have cashed out equity in a hard asset like a house or two. He could have married well, he could have inherited.
Believing that one’s sole source of income is one’s paycheck is naive thinking for the unsophisticated.
Hey look who’s back to champion the wife-swappin’ Pirate O’ Dana Point Harbor.
Say Loserville, any comment on your heroes in the FPD? You’ve been awfully quiet these past two months.
What’s that you say? Murderers, thieves, perjurers, pick-pockets, sex perverts need love, too?
BTW, if you keep talking about Art The Pirate’s “hard assets” you’re going get yourself all hot and bothered.
You don’t even know the half of it. Art is a real piece of work with many skeletons in his closet. Joe, how can I contact you directly?
Email the blog at info@fullertonsfuture.org.
Captain Ron likes boys too… If you’re not sure what JO buddy means, look it up.
Naked time anyone? – m4m – 40 (San Clemente)
Date: 2011-09-07, 9:38AM PDT
I’m an attractive single guy in my 40’s, well hung, shaved, cut. I’m fit and lean and looking for the same in a guy who just wants to hang out naked together in the back yard by the pool. JO buddy would be fun too. I’m straight but like to be naked around other people, guys, girls, bi, gay, straight, it’s all good. I’ve attached a recent pic, and need the same in your reply. Please put “pool time” in your heading so I know it’s not spam. Thanks.
* Location: San Clemente
* it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2586551742