The Budget Balancing Act: Shawn Nelson Looks Out For Fullerton

At the budget workshop of March 9, 2010, each department presented its recommendation to the City Council to balance expenditures with ever shrinking revenues and was asked to come back at the next budget workshop with recommendations to balance the budget.

Back to work on March 23, 2010, a total of $5.5 million was still needed to balance the Fullerton city 2010-11 General Fund budget.

One of staff’s recommendations was to close City Hall every Friday. It never seems to amaze me, when government has to come up with solutions we the public always end up on the short end of the stick and staff gets a four day work week.

Then listen to another solution. Pay people you’re going to lay off anyway and count it a savings!

Well, it’s good to know we have at least one councilman who can see through the double talk and gobbledygook nonsense. Watch this clip and you will know exactly what I mean.

13 Replies to “The Budget Balancing Act: Shawn Nelson Looks Out For Fullerton”

  1. Was that a joke? Staff trying to give themselves a little bonus on their way out the door?!?! COME ON!!! For god sake, stop the flippin madness!

    And it takes the one guy who doesn’t get paid to point this out??? Shame on staff and the architects who concocted the plan.

  2. a vote for shawn nelson is a vote for honesty in government, a vote for shawn nelson fights the war on government obesity known as bloat,

  3. Does it not seem that this has been Fullertons’ fate over the years? One good councilmember who consistantly fights the good fight and makes the right votes, with most of the rest of the council willing to look the other way when the “bloat” walks in front of them?
    Can we elect more than one councilmember who thinks and votes like Shawn Nelson this next election as Shawn moves to be our next Supervisor?

  4. I think we will see a mixed bag this November. There will be one solid candidate for certain and another who might run with some nudging.

    Watch for the Lewis lackeys… There is at least one expected to run.

  5. Would this be the same meeting he left for more than an hour to go the fundraiser at Tony’s house, or the meeting afterwards? He probably missed half the department presentations on what to cut. Looking out for Fullerton? Shawn Nelson only looks out for himself.

    1. Zorro,

      Check the tape. The guy left after he was told they would not go item by item and cut. He tried to get the discussion focussed on agreeing to cuts but no go. Basically, the staff wanted to show the slide show that was already in the printed materials.

      Wasnt the whole point to hammer out the cuts? Once that was off the table the meeting was window dressing. A report can be sent by email. None of the council needed to sit there and re-review the staff report.

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